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Whooping-cough.Treatment.-The paroxysms can usually be shortened by the use of emetics, which not only provoke vomiting but also loosen the phlegm. For this purpose, we may give a full dose of ipecac or squills. Aside from this measure, but little treatment seems beneficial. In fact the mild cases do best without medicine, if care be taken to avoid exposure to the cold and to wrap the body well in flannel underclothing. To cut short the disease, a great many remedies have been administered ; the fact that these remedies are so numerous, indicates that no one of them can be relied upon for all cases. Good results have been reported from the use of belladonna. The following mixture will be found of service : Extract of belladonna, - One grain. Mucilage of gum arabic, - Two ounces. Give twenty or thirty drops of this every three hours. We may also use to advantage the following prescription : Fluid extract of hyoscyamus, - - Half a drachm. Orange flower water, - Four ounces. Mix and give a tablespoonful every three hours. This dose is suited to a child of 12 years, and must be correspondingly reduced for a younger child. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.