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Wasting Palsy - Progressive Muscular Atrophy.The atrophy usually begins in one of the upper extremities, more frequently in the right than in the left; in numerous cases some of the muscles of the hand are the first to be affected, especially those constituting the ball of the thumb. In other instances the wasting begins in the shoulder or in the arm. The affection gradually extends to other muscles, being first manifested in the corresponding muscles of the opposite arm. Sometimes those muscles by which breathing is affected become involved, and death results simply from Inability to breathe. The appearance of the affected parts is very characteristic ; thus, one entire arm may seem shriveled, while the rest of the body is well developed ; or the arm below the elbow is shrunken and emaciated, while above the elbow it is of the usual size. The wasting of the muscles is accompanied with corresponding weakness ; and there may be some pain, though this is usually not severe. In some instances, twitchings or quiverings of the muscles are observed ; these movements take place quite independently of the will. The progress of the disease is slow, though in most cases sure. After lasting for years the patient dies, perhaps from some other disease, or sometimes from the wasting of certain muscles which are necessary to life. In the most favorable cases the wasting stops after a certain number of muscles have become affected. Thus, it may cease after the ball of the thumb in one hand has completely disappeared. Yet such a favorable termination cannot be expected ; the disease usually continues until death results. It has been known to last for twenty-three years. This is essentially a disease of the spinal cord ; as to its cause we are as yet quite ignorant. Males are more frequently afflicted with it than females, and it has been known to occur in several members of the same family. Treatment.-The best results have been obtained from the use of electricity, which must be applied regularly and persistently for months. In addition, strychnine may be given in the following prescription : Sulphate of quinine, - - Thirty grains. Extract of nux vomica, Extract of belladonna, - - Each five grains. Mix, and make twenty pills. Take one before meals. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.