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Uterine colicInfants are especially susceptible to colicky attacks, particular)y during the first year of life. These attacks occur sometimes from the condition of the mother?s milk, which may be deranged by im proper diet on her part, or by excessive mental emotion. In many other cases the colic of infants is due to the almost universal habit of giving thorn artificial food too early ; it may also result from im proper clothing, whereby the child is not sufficiently protected. An infant afflicted with colic is very restless, screams constantly and draws the lower extremities violently upward toward the abdo men ; there is often vomiting, and the abdomen is usually hard and distended. Treatment.?Infants can be usually protected from colic if they can be properly fed and clothed, and escape from the innum erable household remedies which nurses are so fond of administer ing upon the slightest provocation. During an attack hot cloths may be applied, and an injection of a wine-glassful of water and a teasponful of castor oil should be given at once by the rectum ; if this do not provoke an evacuation of the bowels the following mixture may be injected : Gin, ------ One teaspoonful. Tincture of asafcetida, - - Ten drops. Castor oil, - One teaspoonful. Warm water, - Four ounces. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.