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Ulcerated Sore Throat.The first of these is merely a severe form of " sore throat," or pharyngitis, already described. If the inflammation be very severe, ulcers are formed on the tonsils and at the back of the mouth. These raw spots usually heal, under the treatment recommended for sore throat; if they remain ulcerated, they must be touched either with a pointed stick of lunar caustic, or with the following solution : Lunar caustic, - Forty grains. Water, ----- One ounce. A camel's hair brush should be dipped in this liquid, and applied to the raw spots once a day. Ulcerated sore throat is often caused by syphilis. Ulcers appear in the throat, on the tonsils, on the gums and on the inner surfaces of the lips. A description of this affection, and directions for treatment will be found in the chapter devoted to the subject of syphilis. A third form of ulcerated sore throat results from tuberculosis or consumption. In some cases the affection of the throat occurs a considerable time before the lungs are visibly affected. The nature of these ulcers can be recognized only by an experienced physician. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.