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Thread Worms.These worms usually indicate their presence by itching around the fundament, sometimes accompanied by pain. The patient often feels a great inclination to strain at stool, and may experience the same sensation upon passing water. In females the worms some times escape from the rectum into the vagina, and occasion itching and unpleasant sensations in this organ also. At times the worms leave the body, especially at night, and may be found on the bedclothes or on the skin of the buttocks. It is believed, and, doubtless correctly, that the irritation caused by these worms may occasion unnatural excitement of the sexual organs, and perhaps lead to unnatural habits of gratification ; at any rate, leucorrhcea may be caused by the presence of these parasites in the vagina. If there be any doubt as to the presence of these worms in the intestine, the question can be decided by inspection of the stools, as well as of the skin of the fundament. They can usually be dis covered without difficulty. Treatment.-The worms can usually be destroyed and ex pelled from the bowels by simple injections of salt water, while the irritation of the parts may be soothed by applying vaseline, or by the injection or an ounce or two of sweet oil. If the injection into the rectum fail to accomplish the purpose, one of the prescrip tions already mentioned for round worm may be employed, or a teaspoonful or two of turpentine may be given in a cup of milk an hour after breakfast. In any case an occasional laxative, such as castor oil or the citrate of magnesia, may be given every second or third day. In most cases it will be found necessary to persevere in the use of injections or medicines, or both, for one or two weeks, in order to expel all the worms, otherwise even though several days elapse without any of the worms appearing, there may nevertheless still be some remaining in the bowel, in which case they will subse quently reappear in numbers as great as before. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.