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The Relation Between Lactation and the Sexual Functions.Another most important reason for such abstinence is the fact that a failure to observe it often interferes seriously with the involution of the uterus, which is not always completed within two months after confinement. If the period of nursing be not unduly prolonged, if the child be weaned between the tenth and twelfth month, menstruation is usually deferred so long as lactation con tinues. Yet exceptions to this rule do occur; either because of undue* sexual excitement, or for some undetermined reason, menstruation occasionally begins five or six months after delivery. In such cases the woman is often urged to discontinue nursing for the sake of her child. In regard to this we would simply say that the appearance of the menstrual discharge does not necessarily demand the discontinuance of lactation; the decision must rest entirely upon the health of the child. If this be evidently impaired from the time when menstruation began, it is always advisable that the infant be weaned, otherwise not. It is observed that in the majority of cases, when menstruation begins so late as the fifth or sixth month, lactation may be prolonged without interference during the usual period. Quite otherwise is it, however, if conception occur while the mother is still nursing. For in this case her energies, unequal to the increased demand made by the attempt to perform both functions, will be devoted to the child in the womb to such an extent as to interfere seriously with her nursing. This does not necessarily imply that the milk will be dried up, since the contrary is often observed, but the effect upon the child is always evident. The milk plainly suffers such a change in quality as to render it injurious to the infant, and in every case the child should be weaned just so soon as the fact of conception is apparent. In some cases, indeed, it has been observed that a previously healthy child, thriving upon the milk of a healthy mother, becomes suddenly and unaccountably ill. Obstinate derangements of digestion, resisting all remedies, either in the shape of drugs or in attention to the mother's diet, transform the previously rosy babe into a deathly caricature of its former self. The mystery has been only explained a few months later by the evident pregnancy of the mother. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.