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Sweat Rash - Miliaria.This rash consists merely in a stoppage of the sweat glands. These are minute bodies situated in the substance of the skin and opening upon the surface by a very fine spiral tube or duct. Under ordinary circumstances the secretion of the gland - the perspiration - escapes upon the surface so soon as it is formed ; but in certain conditions of the skin these tubes become stopped up, and the perspiration collects in the little ducts so as to distend them and form the minute blisters above described. This condition occurs usually after the patient has been perspiring profusely, and is therefore most frequently observed in the late spring or early summer months ; yet it may occur at any time during the year, in winter as well as in summer. In most cases the blisters do not increase in size beyond that of a pin's head ; sometimes, however, they run together so as to make vesicles an eighth or a quarter of an inch in diameter. After a time the outer skin dries and peels off. For this reason the condition is often mistaken for eczema ; but it can always be distin guished by the fact that there is no watery discharge, or " weeping,'' such as is always found in eczema. Treatment.-This condition usually occurs in debilitated individuals, and the treatment must, therefore, be directed to the improvement of the general health. In some cases the patient is decidedly gouty or rheumatic, and should have the treatment specified in the chapters on these diseases respectively. Generally speaking, it will be beneficial to administer some remedy which will increase the secretion of urine, such as the following: Acetate of potash, - - Three drachms. Sweet spirits of niter, - - Two ounces. Water, - - -. '- Two ounces. Mix, and take a teaspoonful every four hours. If the patient be very weak he should have a tonic remedy, such as the following prescription : Tincture of the chloride of iron, - - Six drachms. Compound tincture of gentian, - - To make four ounces. Mix, and take a teaspoonful in water before meals. The skin should be soothed by the application of vaseline, and advantage may be derived from the use of an alkaline bath, such as is made by the addition of six ounces of the bicarbonate of sodium to the water. Afterwards it may be advisable to use an astringent ointment, such as the diachylon salve. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.