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Sterility in the Male.Sterility on the part of the male is just as certain, though not so frequent a condition, as barrenness of the female. The affection may result from any one of several causes, and these causes are of such common occurrence that about one case in six in which marriages are unfruitful is found to be due to the fault of the husband. It would be out of our province to enumerate all the causes which may result in sterility in the man, and just as foreign to our purpose to mention the treatment which is necessary for the relief of this condition. Sometimes it is quite possible to cure the affection, though recovery is not so frequent in these cases as in those in which there is simply inability to perform the act. The causes which result in actual sterility are in most cases beyond the reach of medicines or of surgical operations. A few causes may be mentioned here ; these are cases in which the active ingredients of the male fluid - the spermatozoa - are absent from this fluid temporarily. This condition occurs, frequently in those who have been addicted to excessive sexual indulgence for years. In such cases the sexual power is apparently not impaired, though the capacity for propagation is lost. In many of these cases of confirmed debauchees this condition is followed in a short time by actual impotence - that is, inability to perform the sexual act. In other cases the absence of spermatozoa is a merely temporary one which may be due to excesses of short duration ; the cause is nervous exhaustion, which may occur in a perfectly continent individual who has never been addicted to excessive sexual indulgence. In such cases the sexual capacity returns when the condition upon which it depends is removed by rest and treatment. It has been already mentioned that certain diseases of different organs in the body are apt to cause sexual incapacity. Various diseases of the nervous system are especially often accompanied with this symptom ; and diseases of the kidney are also apt to be followed by loss of sexual power. One of the most frequent of these general diseases which has this depressing effect upon the formation of spermatozoa, is consumption. The interference with sexual power seems to occur before the disease has made serious inroad upon the patient's health. The use of certain stimulants in excess is also followed by this loss of sexual capacity ; among the agents which are now so commonly abused are morphine and chloral. In every case in which doubt exists whether the fluid actually contains the elements necessary to propagation, the matter can be solved at once by submitting this fluid to microscopic examination. This is in fact the only way to ascertain whether the barrenness of a marriage is to be charged to the husband or to the wife. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.