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Redness - Erythema.Several varieties of erythema are occasionally found in which a certain amount of swelling also occurs. The form which is called erythema multiforme appears as spots and pimples from the size of a dime to that of a quarter; these cause some itching and a burning pain. The spots are almost invariably located on the back of the hands and of the feet, or on the forearm and on the leg. They last from two or three days to two weeks, and then disappear spontaneously. The different forms of erythema occur almost exclusively in individuals of rheumatic tendencies. Such persons are apt to suffer at short intervals from repeated attacks of the rash in various parts of the body. The disease occurs with especial frequency late in the spring and early in the fall, and is more apt to affect individuals who have not yet attained the twenty-fifth year, than those in more advanced life. While erythema exhibits this marked preference for rheumatic individuals, it may be brought on in others by errors of diet and by exposure to cold ; it occurs, also, wherever the skin is irritated by acrid discharges. It seems to occur, also, with considerable frequency in dibilitated individuals, and in those who suffer from the green sickness and from dyspepsia. Treatment.-In most cases the inconvenience caused by erythema is so trifling that the individual prefers to endure the disease rather than be troubled with treatment. Yet in every case the patient should take such measures, by attention to his general health, as will prevent the recurrence of this annoying affection. If debilitated he should take a tonic, consisting of quinine and iron, according to the following formula : Reduced iron, - Twenty grains. Sulphate of quinine, - Thirty grains. Extract of nux vomica, - - Four grains. Mix and make twenty pills ; take one morning and night. If the patient be inclined to rheumatism, he should adopt the treatment which is recommended in the discussion of that disease. Locally it is rarely necessary to make any applications ; yet, if the pain and sensation of burning be severe, one of the following lotions may be applied : Laudanum, - Half an ounce. Lead-water ----- Four ounces. Mix and apply by means of soft cloths, which may be bound upon, the affected part. If this fail to give relief, the following mixture may be used: Boracic acid, - - - - Four drachms. Alcohol, ----- Eight ounces. This lotion may be applied in the same way as was directed for the preceding. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.