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Poisoning from Cosmetics.The most frequent poison in these articles is lead. Hair-dyes sometimes contain other poisonous substances as well. While articles can be obtained from the market free from these injurious substances, yet there is some difficulty in assuring one's self of their purity, since all claim to be free from injurious effects. Those who insist upon being certain of the harmlessness of their toilet, articles can use the following mixtures, which can be put up at any drug store. A white powder for the face can be made as follows : Wheat starch, - 220 parts. Oxide of zinc, - - - - 30 parts. Oil of rose, - Four drops. A red powder can be made as follows : Carmine, - One part. Carbonate of magnesium, - - Four parts. It has been stated in discussing hair-dyes that an imitation of the Persian method can be employed without danger of injury. Instead of this the following hair-dye, proposed by Hagar, will be found useful and harmless : Ten parts of the subnitrate of bismuth are heated in a glass vessel with 150 parts of glycerine ; caustic potash solution is then gradually added while the mixture is stirred ; after a time the liquid becomes perfectly clear. A solution of citric acid is then added so as to make the liquid about neutral in reaction - that is, so that it will not change the color of either red or blue litmus paper. Add orange flower water until the liquid measures 300 parts. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.