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Piebald Skin - Leucoderma.This appearance of the skin is all the more remarkable when it occurs, as it often does, in negroes ; in these cases light or even perfectly white spots of different sizes are found on the body, and often on the face. The disease occurs among whites chiefly during or after residence in a torrid climate. It can generally be relieved in the course of time by the use of tonics and electricity to the spine. If there be patches of unnaturally dark skin, these can sometimes be removed by the daily application of the following : Corrosive sublimate, - Two grains. Water, ------ One ounce. This may be rubbed over the spot by means of a soft cloth or piece of flannel ; the application should not last more than two or three minutes nor be made more than once per day. In fact, it is necessary to be extremely cautious in the use of this powerful remedy on the skin, as well as elsewhere. Allied to this condition is that which is called, technically, albinismus. This consists in an absence of the natural coloring matter over the entire body ; an individual thus affected is called an albino, a term derived from the Latin word albtis, which means white. Such individuals have a milk-white skin, silvery hair and pink eyes; the same condition is observed in white rabbits. The curious fact about this is that a member of the negro race is sometimes a perfect albino - a " white negro "-while his brothers and sisters may be as dark as the average African. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.