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Milk-leg.This disease may occur at any time during the first month after delivery, but begins with especial frequency between the tenth and sixteenth days. There is often a premonitory stage, comprising a feeling of weight in the pelvis, and often a pain in the groin or hip. About this time, or previously, there usually occurs a severe chill, followed by fever, after which the swelling begins in the groin and progresses down the leg. Within a few days the entire limb is white and swollen, and feels, as patients often say, as if it were a wooden leg. Although this is a painful and troublesome affection, it is, fortunately, rarely fatal. In the course of three or four weeks the limb has usually resumed its original size, and subsequently regains entirely its proper functions. Treatment.-While the limb is swelling, good can often be accomplished by wrapping the leg in flannels wet with hot water, upon which a little turpentine may be sprinkled. The leg should be kept elevated. After the swelling becomes less painful, absorption of the fluid and the return of the limb to its natural size can be promoted by frictions, with stimulating liniments. These are especially desirable in those cases in which convalesence is slow, the leg seeming more or less paralyzed though the swelling has quite disappeared. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.