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Medicinal Rashes.Bromide of potassium, - One ounce. Fowler's solution, - One and a half drachms. Syrup of orange peel, - Two ounces. Water, - Two ounces. Mix, and take a teaspoonful four times a day. If the rash which is produced by the bromide of potassium be not treated, it is apt to result in the production of large blisters containing matter-the condition known as ecthyma. This results in part from the itching of the skin and the consequent scratching by the patient. The iodide of potassium is also a frequent cause of a skin eruption. It is important to bear this in mind, because the failure to remember it, and to recognize the nature of the rash, sometimes leads to serious errors of diagnosis, for the iodide of potassium is taken for months at a time in the treatment of syphilis ; now this; disease causes, among other things, several eruptions on the skin, and it has sometimes happened that a patient has persisted for a long time in the use of iodide of potassium to remove a rash which he supposed was due to syphilis, but which was really the effect of the remedy itself. The rash produced by the iodide of potassium is very similar to that caused by the bromide, and resembles, therefore, the com mon acne. Arsenic causes certain derangements of the skin, when brought in contact with the person repeatedly and persistently ; thus many of the workmen employed in the manufacture of dyes and of articles in which these dyes are freely used, such as wall paper, are apt to suffer from severe inflammation and ulceration of the skin. It may also induce a hardening of the skin, when taken to excess as a medicine. Copaiba also causes a rash on the skin when taken to excess, as it often is in the treatment of gonorrhea. This rash causes a reddish eruption composed at first of pimples simply, which maybe followed by blisters of considerable size and by swelling of the skin, such as occurs in nettle-rash. Tar and the various substances which are made from it also cause an eruption on the skin. Arnica often induces eczema of the skin when applied to bruises, sprains, swellings and the like. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.