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MOTHER'S AFFECTION.Scarcely a day passes that we do not hear of the loveliness of woman, the affection of a sister, or the devotedness of a wife ; and it is the remembrance of such things that cheers and comforts the dreariest hours of life, yet a mother's love far exceeds them in strength, in disinterestedness, and in purity. The child of her bosom may have forsaken and left her, he may have disregarded all her instructions and warnings, he may have become an outcast from society and none may care for or notice him, yet his mother changeth not, nor is her love weakened, and for him her prayers still ascend. Sickness may weary other friends, misfortunes drive away familiar acquaintances, and poverty leave none to lean upon, yet they affect not a mother's love, but only call into exercise in a still greater degree her tenderness and affection. The mother has duties to perform which are weighty and responsible ; the lisping infant must be taught how to live, the thoughtless child must be instructed in wisdom's ways, the tempted youth must be advised and warned, the dangers and difficulties of life must be pointed out and lessons of virtue must be impressed on the mind. Her words, acts, faults, frailties and temper are all noticed by those who surround her, and impressions made in the nursery exert a more powerful influence in forming the character of youth than do any late instructions. If passions are unrestrained, if truth is not adhered to, if consistency is not seen, if there be want of affection, or a murmuring at the dispensations of Providence, the youthful mind will receive the impression and subsequent life will develop it. But if all is purity, sincerity, truth, contentment and love, then will the result be a blessing, and many will rejoice in the example and influence of the pious mother. There is something in sickness that breaks down the pride of manhood, that softens the heart and brings it back to the feelings of infancy. Who that has languished even in advanced life in sickness and despondency, that has pined on a weary bed in the neglect and loneliness of a foreign land, but has thought of the mother that looked on his childhood, that smoothed his pillow and administered to his helplessness ? Oh ! there is an enduring tenderness in the love of a mother to a son, that transcends all other affections of the heart. It is neither to be chilled by selfishness, nor daunted by danger, nor weakened by worthlessness, nor stifled by ingratitude. She will sacrifice every comfort to his convenience; she will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment; she will glory in his fame and exult in his prosperity. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.