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Keloid.The tumor begins with a circumscribed discoloration of the skin, which is surrounded by a red ring. In a short time an itching sensation or even positive pain is occasioned by pressure; it sometimes happens that the patient's attention is first called to the growth by a painful feeling resulting from the pressure of the clothing. Keloid grows slowly ; in the course of time the central part becomes sunken, while here and there narrow streaks may be elevated. It appears most frequently on the breast, the neck, and the back, though it may be found on any part of the surface. The growth is rarely observed before puberty. It is said to occur in tropical countries and among the negroes. As to the nature of the growth, nothing definite is known. In some cases it appears to be merely the beginning of a cancerous formation, while at other times the keloid seems perfectly harmless, and may even result in a spontaneous cure. Treatment.-The cases which have thus far been observed have shown themselves very obstinate against treatment. In most instances the attempt has been made to remove the growth either by the knife or by the use of corrosive substances. If the growth occasions no pain, it is better to avoid irritating it by such treatment and simply to protect it by a bandage, so that it will not be irritated by the clothing. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.