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Headache.There is undoubtedly a certain predisposition among many individuals to the occurrence of headache; since the same exposure to cold which will induce severe headache in one individual has no such effect upon another. This predisposition to headache probably arises from certain peculiarities in the performance of the bodily functions. In some cases the pain in the head seems to be of neuralgic character. There are, therefore, almost as many causes for headache as there are diseased conditions of the body ; it is impossible to refer to them all in detail, and we shall be content with describing two conditions accompanied with headache, which are especially common, and therefore especially important. These are sick headache and nervous headache. By sick headache is understood that frequent form of pain in the head accompanied with nausea. In many cases this sick headache can be traced directly to a derangement of the digestive organs, and is then usually one of the symptoms of biliousness. There is usually impairment of the appetite, an uneasy feeling in the region of the stomach, a bitter taste in the mouth ; the tongue becomes coated and the breath may be offensive. There is pain in front of the head especially, and a general indisposition for exertion. In other cases sick headache appears to be a form of neuralgia; it occurs without perceptible cause, and seems to run in families ; it is frequently the case that some member of the family will be afflicted with some nervous disorder, such as epilepsy or hysteria, while other members suffer particularly from sick headache. Various mental derangements, such as melancholy and insanity, seem also to occur with especial frequency in individuals who have been subject to sick headache. In many persons, especially females, this form of headache recurs at regular intervals, sometimes associated with the menstrual periods, though at times quite independent of them. The constitutional disturbance which accompanies the headache indicates that the nervous system generally is at fault, for the depression and languor which are present during the attack are far more pronounced than those which accompany an attack of neuralgia in other parts of the body, no matter how severe. After a variable duration, the attack passes off usually with free vomiting or purging. After recovery the patient often feels much brighter and in better spirits than before, as if the system had been relieved of a burden. In some cases the attack occurs, as has been said, without any perceptible cause. At other times it is the direct result of excessive emotion, bodily fatigue, exhaustion, the consumption of indigestible food, exposure to cold and overheating. Treatment*-Until the cause and seat of the difficulty can be accurately located, attempts at treatment must be necessarily somewhat experimental in character. There are numerous remedies which have been used to relieve this affection, and it is quite certain that many individuals can be completely cured of the difficulty. Yet it is impossible to say in advance just what plan of treatment will be adapted to a particular case. We shall, therefore, mention several plans, which may be tried in succession. In many instances, particularly those associated with biliousness, a mercurial laxative will secure relief. For this purpose, take- Calomel, - 5 grains. Bicarbonate of sodium, - - 10 grains. Where there is no evident disturbance of digestion to account for the difficulty, and where the individual is " nervous," the following prescription may be given : Extract of guarana, 40 grains. Extract of cannabis indica, 30 grains. Citrate of caffeine, - - - 60 grains. Mix, and make forty pills; take one pill, and repeat the dose after two hours, if not relieved. In many cases, thirty or forty grains of the bromide of potassium, taken in half a glass of water, will secure relief. In other cases, three grains of the monobromated camphory in the shape of a pill, will be efficient. One to two teaspoonfuls of the fluid extract of guarana have occasionally relieved sick headache after other measures had failed. One or two grains of the citrate of caffeine may be placed upon the tongue dry and swallowed. This has proven efficient in many cases where the ordinary remedies had been used without success. In obstinate cases relief can often be secured by the hypodermic injection of the following: Sulphate of morphia, - One-twelfth of a grain. Sulphate of atropia, - One one-hundredth of a grain. Distilled water, - - - Ten drops. This can be administered only by an experienced hand ; indeed these remedies are too powerful to be entrusted to any other. Nervous headache is the term used to designate essentially the same condition as sick headache, except that the nausea and vomiting are lacking. It does not seem to be associated with biliousness, but is almost always the result of exhaustion, physical or mental. It is especially apt to occur in females who are subject to diseases of the womb. Whenever it is possible to trace this headache to a definite cause, measures should, of course, be taken to remove this cause. Aside from such measures the treatment will be the use of one or more of the remedies already mentioned in connection with sick headache. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends. Submit this to: