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Flexions.Symptoms.-A certain degree of displacement, either backward or forward, may last for years without directing the attention of the individual to these organs. Yet, sooner or later, some or all of the following symptoms are usually manifested : Pain in back and loins ; irritability of bladder and rectum ; derangements of menstruation ; leucorrhcea ; inability for physical exertion. In many cases the patient is actually bedridden and may remain so for years. Some of these cases can be rapidly restored to health by simply returning the womb to its proper position ; yet, in the majority of cases, the long-continued interference with health results in a series of complications which make successful treatment extremely difficult. Among these complications are dysmenorrhcea, sterility, inflammation of the uterus and of adjoining structures, tendency to abortion. Treatment. - The same measures which have been recommended as promoting the restoration of a prolapsed womb are useful in overcoming the different flexions and versions of the uterus. These latter, too, must be treated by the physician with pessaries ; but he must be the judge of the sort to be employed and the mode of application. It will generally be advisable in these cases of flexions and versions for the woman to remain in bed for three or four days after the first insertion of the instrument. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.