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Filaria Sanguinis Hominis.Another peculiarity of this worm-one which remains as yet entirely unexplained - is the fact that they are visible in the blood only at night, disappearing entirely during the day. In the case above referred to, this fact was abundantly established by observa tions made night and day during a period of three months. The blood was examined with a microscope every three hours day and night, and it was found that while no worms could be discovered from 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 or 6 in the afternoon, yet at this hour they began to appear, and by midnight were very abundant. Toward morning they decreased again in number, and by 8 or 9 o 'clock had entirely disappeared. These worms in the blood are in an immature, embryonic condition, like the trichinæ in the muscles. The fully developed worms are between two and three inches in length, as large around as fine thread ; these appear to live in the water of shallow pools and streams. The individual whose blood contains these worms may for a considerable time present no symptoms of disease ; sooner or later, however, the urine becomes milky in appearance, and the patient often has considerable difficulty in passing water. In many cases there ultimately occur numerous abscesses in various parts of the body, and the condition known as pyæmia, or blood poisoning, which usually results fatally, is induced. The existence of this parasite was discovered but a few years ago, and as yet but few opportunities have been offered for study ing it and its effects upon the human body ; as yet no means have been found for destroying the parasite within the body, The only cases of this disease which have been observed in Europe or America occurred in individuals who had recently arrived from tropical climates and who had contracted the disease in these climates. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.