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Eczema of the Vulva.Eczema is caused by the application of irritating substances to the skin ; hence it occurs with especial frequency in the cases in which an irritating discharge is permitted to come in contact with the skin, and may indeed result from simple lack of cleanliness, even though there be no noticeable discharge from the vagina. Symptoms.- Eczema usually begins by an intense itching of the skin, which is red and hot; in a few hours there appear a number of minute watery blisters which soon burst and leave a raw, moist surface. In many cases the first crop of blisters is followed within a day or two by a second, and this by succeeding ones ; the effect is a considerable watery discharge and the accumulation of crusts or scabs over the raw surface. Treatment.- In every case the possible cause must be sought; it will usually be found in a discharge from the vagina. In this case the treatment of the eczema must, of course, include the cessation of this discharge. Eczema of the vulva is a somewhat frequent complication during the latter months of pregnancy ; in this case it seems to result from the imperfect circulation, and cannot be successfully treated until the womb has expelled its contents and thus permitted the blood to return from the vulva without obstruction. After removing, so far as possible, the cause, the eczema itself may be treated by the application of the lotion containing laudanum and sugar of lead mentioned above. If there be at the same time eczema upon other parts of the skin, it may be necessary to employ medicine internally as well. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.