As Recommended by 19th and 20th century Doctors! Courtesy of |
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Dislocations of the Thumb.Signs. - The deformity is easily recognized ; the end of the bone to which the thumb is joined projects either in front or behind, while the upper end of the thumb proper makes a corresponding prominence in the opposite direction. Treatment. - The dislocation can be reduced by simply pulling upon the thumb while an assistant holds the hand. It is usually necessary to apply a bandage around the thumb in order to secure sufficient purchase. This can be best secured by an instrument devised by Dr. Levis. It consists simply of a thin strip of wood ten or twelve inches long and about an inch wide. Six or eight holes are cut through one end of this near the edges ; the other end is shaped so that a shoulder projects on either side. Two pieces of tape about three feet long are then passed through two pairs of holes in the strip of wood, leaving loops through which the finger or thumb can be passed. The displaced thumb is then inserted under these loops, and then laid upon the piece of wood, where it is firmly held by drawing the tapes tightly over it, and winding their ends around the projecting shoulder. By this contrivance the operator secures a much firmer hold upon the thumb than he could otherwise obtain. Another method consists in manipulating the joints so as to put the displaced thumb in the position it occupied at the moment of dislocation. " Trial should be made of the excellent method of Prof. Crosby, of New Hampshire, originated by him in 1826, and since recommended by Gerdy, of Paris. It simply consists in pushing the phalanx back until it stands perpendicularly on the metacarpal bone, when by strong pressure against its base from behind forward, and by flexion it is readily carried now into its natural position. "-Gross. This method consists, therefore, simply in raising the thumb to a right angle with the hand, and pushing its base - that is, the part which joins onto the hand - forward so that it shall slip into position. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.