HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Abode, etiologic influence, 76
Abortive zoster, 349
Abrasions, 66
Absorption by skin, 49
Acanthia lectularia, 1186
Acantholysis bullosa, 389
Acanthoma adenoides cysticum, 652, 654
Acanthosis nigricans, 521
treatment, 524 Acare des follicules, 1197 Acarodermatitis urticarioides, 1183 Acarus, 37
folliculorum, 1034, 1197
scabiei, 1190 Achorion gallinæ, 1101
gypseum, 1100, 1101
Quinckeanum, 1101
Schönleinii, 1098 Achroma, acquired, 610
congenital, 608 Achromia unguium, 959 Acne, 1036
agminata, 1055, 1057
albida, 1028
artificialis, 1041
atrophica, 1040
bacillus, 1043
bromid, 1041
bromin, 1041
cachecticorum, 1040
clinical varieties, 1038
course, 1042
diagnosis, 1046
disseminata, 1036
erythematosa, 1060
etiology, 1042
hypertrophica, 1040
indurata, 1039
iodid, 1041
iodin, 1041
keloid, 643
keratosa, 1042
lupoid, 1054
mentagra, 1014
necrotica, 1054
necrotisans ’ et exulcerans serpiginosa nasi, 1055
of back, treatment, 1053
of trunk, treatment, 1053
papulosa, 1039
pathology, 1044
picea, 1041
picealis, 1041
prognosis, 1046
punctata, 1032, 1039
pustulosa, 1039
Acne rodens, 1054
rosacea, 1060 diagnosis, 1064 etiology, 1062 pathology, 1063 prognosis, 1064 symptoms, 1060 treatment, 1064
scrofulosorum, 1040
sebacea, 1021
simplex, 1036
symptoms, 1036
syphilitica, 796
tar, 1041
telangiectodes, 1055
treatment, 1047
local or external, 1049 vaccine, 1048
urticata, 211, 1041, 1054
varioliformis, 1054 treatment, 1059
vulgaris, 1036 Acné, 1036
á cicatrices deprimée, 1054
cheloidienne, 643
decalvante, 1010
miliare, 1028
rosacée, 1060
rosée, 1060
sebacée, 1021 cornée, 541, 546 fluente, 1022
varioliforme, 645 Acneiform syphiloderm, 796 Acnitis, 1054, 1057 Acrochordon, 696
Acrodermatite suppurative continué, 393 Acrodermatites continués, 393, 394 Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, 622
perstans, 393, 394 Acrodynia, 178 Acrodynie, 178 Acromegaly, 596 Actinomyces, 1158 Actinomycose, 1155 Actinomycosis, 1155
of skin, 1155
treatment, 1159 Actinotherapy, 130 Acute circumscribed edema, 181 Adamson’s method of x-ray treatment of
ringworm of scalp, 1142, 1143 Addison’s keloid, 582 Adenoma of sebaceous glands, 656
of sweat-glands, 652, 659
sébacés, 656
Adenoma sebaceum, 656
sudoriparum, 659 Adenopathy, syphilitic, 770, 815 Adeps lanæ, 119 Adipose tissue, 25 Adiposis dolorosa, 701 Age, etiologic influence, 77 Agminate folliculitis, 1112 Ainhum, 626 Air, liquid, 124 Akne, 1036 Aktinomykose, 1155 Albinism, 608 Albinisme, 608 Albinismus, 608
complete, 608
partial, 608
semi, 609 Albinos, 608 Alcohol, etiologic influence, 81, 82
in treatment of skin diseases, 107 Aleppo boil, 845 Algidité progressive, 589 Alibert’s keloid, 636 Alligator skin, 562 Alopecia, 987
adnata, 987
areata, 995 diagnosis, 1005 etiology, 999 pathology, 1002 prognosis, 1006 symptoms, 995 treatment, 1006 true, 1003
bacillary, 1004
circumscripta, 995
seu orbicularis, 998, 1003
coccogenous, 1004
congenita, 987
furfuracea, 991
hyphogenous, 1004
localis seu neuritica, 1003
parasitica, 1003
pityroides, 989, 991
premature, 989 idiopathic, 990 symptomatic, 991
senilis, 989
syphilitic, 775
treatment, 992
trichophytic, 1004
universalis, 997, 1003 Alopecie, 987 Alopécie, 987
cicatricielle innominee, 1010 Alteratives, general, 109
special, no Amboyna button, 850 Anal region, eczema of, 327 Analgesic paralysis with whitlow, 631 Analgesics, 113
Anaphylaxis, etiologic influence, 80 Anaplasma liberum, 382 Anatomic tubercle, 712 Anatomy of skin, 17 Anemias, 143
Anesthesia, 951 Anesthetic leprosy, 922 Anetodermia, 622 Angiectases, 681 Angio-elephantiasis, 682 Angiokeratom, 575 Angiokeratoma, 575
treatment, 578 Angioma, 680
cavernosum, 681, 682
cavernous, 681
fissural, 684
infective, 690
pigmentosum atrophicum, 889
plexiforme, 681
serpiginosum, 690
simplex hyperplasticum, 681 seu glomeruliforme, 681
varicosum, 683 Angiome, 680
cystique, 663 Angiomyoma, 703 Angioneurotic edema, 191 Angiosarcoma, 900 Anidrose, 1074 Anidrosis, 1074 Animal extracts, no
parasites, diseases due to, 1173
scabies, 1190 Ankylostoma duodenalis, 1201 Ankylostomiasis, 1201 Annular lichen planus, 213
syphilid, 777
syphiloderm, 777 Annulus migrans, 1209 Anthrax, 412, 418
benigna, 412
maligna, 418
simplex, 412 Antilithemic remedies, 109 Antipruritics, 113, 122 Antiseptics, gastrointestinal, 108 Ants, 1187
Anus, pruritus of, 943 Aperients, 108
Aphthous sores, 794 Aplasia pilorum intermittens, 978
moniliformis, 978 Aplasie moniliforme des cheveux et des
poils, 978 Appendages, diseases of, 952 Area Celsi, 995 Argyria, 511 Army itch, 1190 Arrectores pilorum, 30 Arsenical cancer, 458, 879
epithelioma, 879
keratosis, 457, 458 Arthritic purpura, 494 Arthropathia psoriatica, 239, 243 Arznei-exantheme, 451 Aspergillus lepidophyton, 1146
Tokelau, 1146 Asperitudo epidermidis, 1028 Asphyxia, local, 432 Asphyxie locale des extrémités, 432 Asteatodes, 1028
Asteatose, 1028 Astéatose, 1028 Asteatosis, 1028 Atherom, 1030 Atheroma, 1030 Athérome, 1030 Athyroidie, 601 Atrophia cutis linearis, 619 senilis, 617 universalis, 622, 623
maculosa cutis, 622 et striata, 619
pilorum propria, 973
senilis, 617
unguium, 957 treatment; 961 Atrophic lines and spots, 619
scars, 634 Atrophies, 608 Atrophoderma neuriticum, 616
pigmentosum, 889
senile, 617
striatum et maculatum, 619 Atrophy, linear, 619
of hair, 973 pigment, 983
of nails, 957
of skin, diffuse idiopathic, 622 general idiopathic, 622 progressive idiopathic, 622
senile, 617
unilateral, of face, 585 Autographism, 180
Autointoxication, etiologic influence, 80 Axillary region, chronic itching lichenoid
eruption, 222
Bacillary alopecia, 1004 Bacillus, acne, 1043
gangosæ, 858 Back, acne of, treatment, 1053 Bacterium decalvans, 1003 Baelz’s disease, 1215 Bakers’ eczema, 281
itch, 281 Bald ringworm, 1117
tinea tonsurans, 1117 Baldness, 987 Balggeschwulst, 1030 Barbadoes leg, 592 Barbers’ itch, 1119 Barley itch, 1183 Barn-itch, 1124 Bartfinne, 1014 Bath pruritus, 945 Bath-house impetigo, 401 Bathing drawers nævus, 515 Bathing-trunk nævus, 515 Baths, 115
Bat‘swing disease, 755 Beaded hair, 978 Beard, ringworm of, 1119 Bearded region, 302 eczema of, 302 ringworm of, 1119 treatment, 1143
Bed-bug, 1186
Bed-hairs, 40
Bed-sores, 437
Beerschwamm, 850
Bees, 1187
Beigel’s disease, 973, 974
Benign cystic epithelioma, 652, 877
Bettwanze, 1186
Beule von Aleppo, 845
Bier’s hyperemic treatment, 134
Bird-mite, 1187
Birth-mark, 680, 682
Biskra button, 845
Black tongue, 1212
Black-dot ringworm, 1117
Blackhead, 1032
Bläschen, 62
Bläschenflechte, 343
Blasen, 63
Blasenausschlag, 371
Blastomyces, 1165
Blastomycetic dermatitis, 1162
Blastomycose cutanée, 1162
Blastomycosis, 1162
treatment, 1167 Blättern, 480 Blebs, 63
Bleeding stigmata, 1080 Blind boil, 409 Blisters, 63
blood, 689
fever, 343, 373
little, 62 Blood-blister, 689 Blood-vessels, 25 Bloody sweat, 1080 Blue stains, 514 Blutfleckenkrankheit, 492 Blutschwär, 408 Body-lousiness, 1177 Boil, 408
Aleppo, 845
blind, 409
Delhi, 845
Oriental, 845 Borken, 69 Bot-fly, 1198
Botryomycose humaine, 692 Botryomycosis hominis, 692 Bouba, 850 Bouton d’Alep, 845 Bowditch Island ringworm, 1144 Brandschwär, 412 Brault’s method of treating tattoo-marks,
513 Breasts, eczema of, 326 Breigeschwulst, 1030 Bridou, 1217 Broad condyloma, 792 Bromid acne, 1041 Bromidrose, 1075 Bromidrosis, 1069, 1075
treatment, 1076 Bromin acne, 1041
eruptions, 459, 460 Bromoderma, 460 Browntail moth, 1181
Brown-tail moth dermatitis, 1181 Buckwar, 1144 Bucnemia tropica, 592 Buds, farcy, 417 Bug, bed, 1186
harvest, 1195 Bulb, hair, 38, 43 Bulb-corpuscles, 29 Bulbs, end, 29 Bullæ, 63 Bulles, 63 Bullous syphiloderm, 802, 815
urticaria, 181, 182 Burmese ringworm, 1144 Burn, Röntgen-ray, 444
x-ray, 444 Burrow, 1188
Cachectic gangrene, multiple, 427 Cachexia strumipriva, 603
syphilitic, 771 Cachexie pachydermique, 601 Calamin liniment, 118 Calamin-and-zinc-oxid lotion, 118 Calamin-zinc-oxid liniment, 118 Calculi, cutaneous, 1029 Callositas, 526 Callosity, 526
wart-containing, 547 Callus, 526
Calmette’s test in tuberculosis cutis, 740 Calvities, 987 Cancer. See Carcinoma. Cancroid, 870
ulcer, 872 Cancroide, 870 Canitie annellée, 984 Canities, 983
præmatura, 983
senilis, 983
treatment, 987 Caraate, 1153 Caraté, 1153 Carboncle, 412 Carbon-dioxid snow, 124 Carbuncle, 412, 418 Carbunculus, 412
treatment, 414 Carbunkel, 412 Carcinoma, arsenical, 458, 879
chimney-sweep’s, 880
cutis, 864
en cuirasse, 865
epithelial, 870
lenticular, 864
melanotic, 865
nodular, 865
pigmented, 865
skin, 870
spider, 688
tuberose, 865
tuberosum, 865 Carrion’s disease, 859 Cascadöe, 1144 Caterpillars, 1187 Cauliflower excrescence, 550
Causalgia, 940 Caustics, 123 Cautery, Paquelin, 126 Cavernous angioma, 681
lymphangioma, 663 Cayenne pepper grains, 690 Cell-nests, 880 Cells, lepra, 931, 932
Merkel’s touch, 27, 29
molluscum, 650
nævus, 518
of Langerhans, 22
plasma, 735
prickle, 22
wandering, 32
xanthoma, 672, 677 Cellulitis, phlegmonous, 414 Cellulome épithéelial éruptif kystique, 652 Ceratum simplex, 119 Chafing, 147 Chalazion, 1030 Chalazodermia, 604 Chalazodermie, 604 Chaleur du foie, 504 Chancre, 769
extragenital, 769
non-venereal, 769
redux, 811 Chapping, 68, 274 Chaps, 68, 274 Charbon, 418 Cheilitis exfoliativa, 334
glandularis, 1214 apostematosa, 1214 Cheiropodalgia, 178 Cheiropompholyx, 360 Cheloid, 636 Chéloide, 636
Chemical irritants, etiologic influence, 83 Chicken-louse, 1187 Chicken-pox, 476 Chigger, 1195 Chignon disease, 980
fungus, 980 Chigoe, 1195 Chilblains, 144, 436 Chimney-sweep‘s cancer, 880 Chinese ringworm, 1144 Chique, 1195 Chitin, 21 Chloasma, 504, 1147
cachecticorum, 506
caloricum, 505
diagnosis, 509
etiology, 508
gravidarum, 508
idiopathic, 505
idiopathicum, 505
pathology, 508
prognosis, 510
symptomatic, 506
symptomaticum, 506
symptoms, 504
toxicum, 505
traumaticum, 505
treatment, 510
uterinum, 507
Chloasme, 504 Chlorosis, tropical, 1201 Chromatophores, 32 Chromidrose, 1077 Chromidrosis, 1077
pseudo-, 1077, 1080
red, 1077, 1080
treatment, 1079 Chromophytosis, 1147 Chyluria, 596 Cicatrice, 634 Cicatrices, 72
false, 619 Cicatricial keloid, 637 Cicatrix, 634 Cimex lectularius, 1186 Circinate eruption of tongue, 1209
syphilid, 777
syphiloderm, 777, 784
tubercular syphiloderm, 804 Circumpilar collarette, 1116, 1129 Circumscribed lipoma, 700
scleroderma, 582 Claret stain, 682 Classification, 136-142 Clastothrix, 974 Clavus, 524 Claw, leper, 924 Claw-nails, 953
Cleavage, lines of, Langer’s, 17 Cleft tongue, 1209 Clefts, 67
Climate, etiologic influence, 75 Clothing, etiologic influence, 82 Clou, 408
de Biskra, 845 Coccogenous alopecia, 1004 Coil-ducts, cysts of, 1084 Coil-glands, 33 Cold cream, 119
ëtiologic influence, 83
exposure to, dermatitis from, 436
freckles, 503
sweat, 30, 52 Colloid degeneration of skin, 678
milium, 678 Colloide degeneration, 678 Colloidome miliare, 678 Color of hair, 39 Colored sweat, 1077 Columnæ adiposæ, 25 Comedo, 1032
double, 1032
extractors, 127
multiple, 1032, 1034
treatment, 1035 Comedon, 1032 Comédon, 1032 Compound papillae, 23 Condyloma acuminata, 550
acuminatum, 550
broad, 792
flat, 792
pointed, 550 Confluent variola, 483 Congenital achroma, 608
freckles, 503
Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma,
563 leukasmus, 608 leukoderma, 608 leukopathia, 608 syphilis, 813 Constitutional disease, etiologic influence,
treatment, 106 Constringents, vasomotor, 113 Contagion, etiologic influence, 84 Copra itch, 1192 Cor, 524 Corium, 22 Corn, 524
suppurating, 524 Corne cutanée, 558
de la peau, 558 Cornu cutaneum, 558 treatment, 560
humanum, 558 Corona veneris, 784 Corps ronds, 544 Corpuscles, bulb, 29
Krause’s, 27, 29
molluscum, 648, 650
nerve, Krause’s genital, 29
of Meissner, 27, 28
of Vater, 27
Pacinian, 27
tactile, 27, 28
touch, 28
Wagner’s, 27, 28 Coster’s paint, 1137 Couperose, 1060 Cow-pox, 486 Crab-lice, 1179 Crabs, 1179 Crackled eczema, 274 Cracks, 67
Crateriform ulcer, 875 Craw-craw, 1201 Creeping eruption, 1199 Cretinism, sporadic, 603 Cretinoid edema, 601 Croûtes, 69 Crusta lactea, 269 Crustæ, 69
lamellosæ, 69 Crusted ringworm, 1093 Crusts, 69
milk, 269
scaly, 69 Crusty scales, 69 Culex anxifer, 1187
pipiens, 1187 Cuniculus, 1188 Curetting, 126
Currents, high-frequency, 134 Cutaneous calculi, 1029
diphtheria, 429
horn, 558 paratuberculoses, 228 psorospermosis, 866
reaction test for syphilis, 825 Cute, 1153 Cuticle, 19
Cuticular,. 19 Cutis, 22
anserina, 31, 228
hyperelastica, 606
laxa, 604
pendula, 604
vera, 22
verticis gyrata, 605 Cyanidrosis, 1077
Cystadénomes épithélieux bénins, 652 Cystic epithelioma, multiple benign, 652,
lymphangioma, 663 Cysticercus cellulosæ, 1197 Cystoplasma oviforme, 381 Cysts, multiple dermoid, 1031
of coil-ducts, 1084
sebaceous, 1030
Dactylitis syphilitica, 814, 815 Dactylolysis spontanea, 626 Dandruff, 1023 Darier’s disease, 541 Dartoic myoma, 703 Das Fettsklerem, 589
Sklerem der Neugeborenen, 589
Sklerödem, 591 Dead layer, 20 Deciduous skin, 151 Defluvium capillorum, 775, 991 Degeneration, colloid, of skin, 678
colloide, 678 Dégénéréscence colloide du derme, 678 Delhi boil, 845
sore, 845 Demodex folliculorum, 37, 1034, 1197 Dentition, etiologic influence, 77 Der Aussatz, 914
flache Hautkrebs, 872 Dercum’s disease, 701 Derma, 22 Dermalgia, 940 Dermalgie, 940 Dermamyiasis linearis migrans œstrosa.
1200 Dermanysse des oiseaux, 1187 Dermanyssus avium et gallinæ, 1187 Dermatalgia, 940 Dermatite exfoliatrice, 199
herpetiforme, 364
polymorphe, 364 Dermatitis, acute general, 199
ambustionis, 435 bullosa, 435 erythematosa, 435 escharotica, 435
artefacta, 448
blastomycetic, 1162
blastomycotica, 1162
brown-tail moth, 1181
calorica, 435
chronica atrophicans, 623
coccidioides, 1165
congelationis, 436
contusiformis, 161
epidemica, 204
Dermatitis exfoliativa, 199
epidemica, 204
infantum, 206
neonatorum, 206
treatment, 203 factitia, 448
from exposure to cold, 436 gangrænosa, 427, 429
infantum, 427 general exfoliative, 199 grain, 1183 grain-mite, 945, 1183 herpetiformis, 364
diagnosis, 369
etiology, 366
in children, 366
pathology, 368
prognosis, 370
symptoms, 364
treatment, 370 hiemalis, 281
infectiosa eczematoides, 271 infectious eczematoid, 271 iodoform, 441 Kaposi, 889
malignant papillary, 866 medicamentosa, 451 multiformis, 364 occupation, 281, 442 papillaris capillitii, 643 papillomatosa capillitii, 643 pitch, 438 plant, 438 primrose, 439 primula, 439 pyogenic, 399 pyogenica, 399 repens, 393
treatment, 395 Röntgen-ray, 444
treatment, 448 seborrheic, 276 seborrhoica, 276, 331
diagnosis, 340
etiology, 336
pathology, 337
prognosis, 341
symptoms, 332
treatment, 341 straw, 1183
symmetrica dysmenorrhoica, 433 tar, 438 trade, 442 traumatica, 437 uncinarial, 1201 urticarioides parasitica, 1183 vegetans, 387 venenata, 438
treatment, 443 x-ray, 444
treatment, 448 Dermatobia noxialis, 1199 Dermatographism, 58, 180 Dermatolysie, 604 Dermatolysis, 604 Dermatomycosis favosa, 1093 furfuracea, 1147
Dermatomycosis trichophytina, 1104 Dermatomyom, 702 Dermatomyoma, 702 Dermatosclerosis, 578 Dermatoses, occupation, 442
occupational, 281
psoriasiformes, 224
vegetating, 388 Dermatosis, mucor, 1192 Dermatosyphilis, 770 Dermic sporotrichoses, 1167 Dermoid cysts, multiple, 1031 Dermolysis, 678
Desquamation aberrant en aires de la langue, 1209
épithéliale de la langue, 1209 Desquamative exfoliative erythema, 150 Dhobie itch, 374, 1113, 1114 Diabetes, saccharine, etiologic influence,
Diabetic gangrene, 431
Diagnosis, general, 87
Diathesis, 77
Diet in skin diseases, 107
Diffuse idiopathic atrophy of skin, 622
lipoma, 700 Digestive disturbance, etiologic influence,
80 Dilatations, acquired vascular, 688 Diphtheria of skin, 429 Discoloration, 58 Dissection wounds, 415 Disseminated gangrene, 429
ringworm, 1116 Distichiasis, 966 Distoma hepaticum, 1201 Distribution as diagnostic factor, 88, 89 Diuretics, 109 Dochmiasis, 1201 Dochmius duodenalis, 1202 Double comedo, 1032 Downy hair, 38 Dracontiasis, 1195 Dracunculus, 1195
medinensis, 1195 Dragonneau, 1195 Dressings, fixed, 121 Drug eruptions, 451 Drugs, etiologic influence, 81 Dry eczema, 265
tetter, 265 Duhring’s disease, 364 Duration as diagnostic factor, 88, 93 Durillon, 526 Dusting-powders, 117 Dysidrose, 360 Dysidrosis, 360
Ear, external, fungous disease of, 1154 Ears, eczema of, 319 Echinococcus cutis, 1201
larva, 1201 Ecthyma, 405
gangrænosum, 427
infantile gangréneux, 427 gangrenous, 427
Ecthyma, syphilitic, 799
syphiliticum, 799
térébrant, 427
treatment, 406
vacciniform, of infants, 399 Ecthymaform syphilid, 799
syphiloderm, 799 Ectothrix, 1105 Eczem, 261 Eczema, 261
acute, 264
ani, 327
articulorum, 325
aurium, 319
bakers’, 281
barbæ, 320
capitis, 315
chronic, 264
constitutional causes, 277 treatment, 298
crackled, 274
craquelé, 274, 330
crurale, 328
crurum, 328
crustosum, 271, 272
diabeticorum, 279
diagnosis, 287
differential, 288-296
dry, 265
epidemic, 204
epitheliomatosa, 866
erythematosum, 265
essential characters, 265
etiology, 276
external causes, 280 treatment, 303
faciei, 317
fissum, 274
fissured, 274
follicular, 268, 271
folliculorum, 268, 271
furrowed, 274
generalized, 330
genitalium, 327
gouty, 278, 1112
grocers’, 281
humidum, 265
ichorosum, 271
impetiginosum, 271
infantile, 314 treatment, 302
intertrigo, 267, 325
iodoform, 283, 441
labiorum, 320
madidans, 272
mammæ seu mammarum, 326
manuum, 321
marginatum, 1113
mercuriale, 283
moist, 265
mucosum, 267
narium, 319
neurotic, 279
nummulare, 263
nurses’, 281, 440
occupational, 281
œdematosum, 269
Eczema of adjoining mucous surfaces, 330
of anal region, 327
of bearded region, 320
of breasts, 326
of ears, 319
of face, 317
of feet, 324
of flexures, 325
of genital region, 327
of hands, 321
of legs, 328
of lips, 320
of nails, 324
of nares, 319
of nostrils, 319
of scalp, 315
of toes, 324
of umbilicus, 326
palmarum, 321
palpebrarum, 317
papular, 267
papulosum, 267
parasitic, 275
parasiticum, 275
pathology, 283
pedum, 324
plantarum, 324
prognosis, 296
psoriasiforme, 273
psoriatic, 239, 242, 273
pustular, 271
pustulosum, 271
regional, 314
rhagadiforme, 274
rimosum, 274
rubrum, 272
sclerosum, 274
scrofulous, 263
seborrhoicum, 331
siccum, 265
solare, 282
squamosum, 273
squamous, 273
surgeons’, 281, 440
surgical, 281
sycosiforme, 271
symptoms, 261
trade, 281
treatment, 298
tuberculous, 263
tyloticum, 275
umbilici, 326
unguium, 324
universal, 330
universale, 267, 330
varicose, 272
varicosum, 265, 272, 328
verrucosum, 275
vesiculosum, 269
washerwomen’s, 281
weeping, 265 Eczéma, 261
en aires de la langue, 1209
marginée desquamitif de la langue, 1209 Eczematoid dermatitis, infectious, 271
epitheliomatosis of nipple, 866 Eczème, 261
Edema, acute circumscribed, 181, 191 noninflammatory, 191
angioneurotic, 191
cretinoid, 601
febrile purpuric, 494
of newborn, 591 Ehrlich-Hata preparation in syphilis, 838 Einrisse, 67 Ekzem, 261 Elastic skin, 606 Elastic-skin men, 606 Electric needle operation, 127 Electricity, 114, 127 Electrolysis, 127 Eleidin, 21 Elephant leg, 592
man, 696 Elephantiasis, 592
Arabum, 592
cruris, 594
diagnosis, 600
etiology, 597
genitalium, 594
Græcorum, 914
indica, 592
nævoid, 596
nostras, 599
pathology, 598
prognosis, 600
streptogenes, 599
symptoms, 593
telangiectatic, 596
telangiectodes, 596, 682 treatment, 600 Elephantiasis, 592 Elephantoid fever, 593 End-bulbs, 29 Endemic ulcer, 847, 854 Endodermophytons, 1146 Endo-ectothrix, 1105, 1107 Endothrix, 1105 English sickness, 1091 Enteritis leprosa, 927 Entozoön folliculorum, 1197 Ephélide lentiforme solaire, 502 Ephelides, 502 Ephidrosis, 1068
cruenta, 1080
discolor, 1077 Epidemic dermatitis, 204
eczema, 204
roseola, 474
skin disease, 204 Epidermal exfoliations, 68 Epidermic form of sporotrichosis, 1170 Epidermis, 19
exfoliating, 68
living stratum of, 21
of hair-follicle, 42 Epidermolysis bullosa, 389 hereditaria, 389 treatment, 393 Epidermophytie inguinale, 1113 Epidermophyton cruris, 1108
inguinale, 1108
Perneti, 1108
purpureum, 1108
Epidermophyton rubrum, 1108 Epithelial cancer, 870
fibers, 22
layer, 19 Epithelialkrebs, 870 Epithelioma, 870
adenoides cysticum, 652
arsenical, 879
contagiosum, 645
deep-seated variety, 873
diagnosis, 882
discoid form, 871
etiology, 878
flat variety, 871
molluscum, 645
morphea-like, 872
multiple benign cystic, 652, 877
nodular variety, 873
of lip, 876
papillary variety, 875
papillomatosus variety, 875
pathology, 880
prognosis, 883
superficial variety, 871
symptoms, 870
treatment, 884
x-ray, 445 Epitheliomatose pigmentaire, 889 Epithéliomatose sébacée, 876 Epitheliomatosis, eczematoid, of nipple,
866 Epithéliome, 870
de Paget, 866 Epitrichial layer, 20 Eponychium, 44, 45 Equinia, 416 Erbgrind, 1093 Erectores pilorum, 30 Erntemilbe, 1195 Erosions, 66
Eruption chronique circinée de la main, 170
circinate, of tongue, 1209
creeping, 1199
erythematopapular, 57
erythematous, 816
lichenoid, chronic itching, of axillary and pubic regions, 222
macular, 816
maculopapular, 57, 816
papulopustular, 60
papulosquamous, 60
papulovesicular, 60
pustulovesicular, 63
ringed, of extremities, 170 on fingers, 170
summer, recurrent, 358
vesicobullous, 63
vesicopapular, 60
vesicopustular, 63 Eruptions, drug, 451
feigned, 448
médicamenteuses, 451
medicinal, 451
vaccinal, 486 Eruptive fevers, 465 Erysipelas, 421
Erysipelas ambulans, 422
chronic, 422
faciei perstans, 758
migrans, 422
treatment, 425
white, 422 Erysipèle, 421 Erysipeloid, 426 Erythema, 143
ab igne, 144
annulare, 154
bullosum, 155
vegetans, 379, 380
caloricum, 144, 435
congestivum, 143
desquamative exfoliative, 150
elevatum diutinum, 168
endemicum, 173
epidemicum, 178
exsudativum multiforme, 153
fugax, 145
gangrænosum, 427, 430
gyratum, 154
hyperæmicum, 143
induratum, 165 scrofulosorum, 165 treatment, 168
infectiosum, 146
intertrigo, 147
iris, 154
keratodes of palms and soles, 530
læve, 145
marginatum, 154
migrans, 426, 1209
multiforme, 153 perstans, 154, 155 treatment, 160
nodosum, 161 syphiliticum, 163 treatment, 164
nuchæ, 145
papulatum, 154
paratrimma, 145
pernio, 144
perstans, 144, 154
recurrent exfoliative, 150
scarlatiniforme, 150
scarlatinoides, 150 recidivans, 150
serpens, 426
simplex, 143
solare, 144
traumaticum, 145, 437
tuberculatum, 154
urticans, 145
venenatum, 145
vesiculosum, 155 Erythematopapular eruption, 57 Erythematopapules, 57 Erythematosclerosis circinée du dos des
mains, 170 Erythematous eruption, 816
spots, 57
syphilid, 776
syphiloderm, 776 Erythème exsudatif multiforme, 153
induré des scrofuleux, 165
Erythéme noueux, 161
chronique des membres inférieurs, 165
polymorphe, 153
scarlatiniforme desquamatif, 150
scarlatinoide, 150 Erythèmes tuberculenx, 228 Erythrasma, 1151 Erythroderma, congenital ichthyosiform,
563 Erythrodermia desquamativa, 206 Erythrodermias, chronic resistant macu- lar, 224
maculopapular scaly, 224 Erythrodermie exfoliante, 199 pityriasique en plaques disseminées, 225 Érythrodermie congénitale ichthyosi-
forme, 563 Erythromelalgia, 941 Erythromelia, 942 Etiology, general, 75 Euproctis crysorrhœa, 1181 Exanthem, lichenoid, 224
psoriasiform, 224 Exanthemata, 465 Exanthematic tuberculosis, 711 Exanthematous syphilid, 776
syphiloderm, 776 Excessive sweating, 1068 Excoriationen, 66 Excoriationes, 66 Excoriations, 66 Exfoliating epidermis, 68 Exfoliatio areata linguae, 1209 Exfoliations, epidermal, 68 External influences, etiologic significance,
82 Extractors, comedo, 127 Extremities, ringed eruption of, 170
Face, eczema, 317
unilateral atrophy of, 585 False cicatrices, 619
keloid, 637
neuroma of Virchow, 704 Family diseases, etiologic influence, 76 Farcin, 416 Farcy, 416
buds, 417 Fat-globules, 25 Fatty neck, 701
tumor, 700 Favus, 1093
circinatus, 1095
des Nagels, 961
des ongles, 961
diagnosis, 1101
etiology, 1097
herpeticus, 1095
of general surface, 1095
of nails, 961
of non-hairy parts, 1095
of scalp, 1094
pathology, 1098
pilaris, 1094
prognosis, 1102
scutulum, 1094
Favus, symptoms, 1093
treatment, 1103 Febbre scarlatina, 465 Febrile purpuric edema, 494 Febris bullosa, 373 Feet, eczema of, 324
sore, of coolies, 1201
sweating of, 1069 Feigned eruptions, 448 Feigwarze, 550 Fetus, harlequin, 564 Feu sacré, 421 Feuergürtel, 348 Feuermal, 680, 682 Fever blisters, 343, 373 Fibers, epithelial, 22
Herxheimer’s spiral, 22 Fibrom, 693 Fibroma, 693
fungoides, 904
hard, 697
lipomatodes, 668
molluscum, 693
pendulum, 693, 694
simplex, 696, 697
soft, 697
treatment, 700 Fibromatosis tuberculosa cutis, 714 Fibrome, 693 Fibromyoma, 703 Fibrosarcoma, 900 Fig-wart, 550 Filarie de Médine, 1195 Filaria hominis nocturna, 598
medinensis, 1195 Fingers, ringed eruption on, 170 Finnen, 1036 Finsen hollow compressing lens, 131
lamp, 132 Finsen-Reyn lamp, 133 Fischschuppenausschlag, 561 Fish-skin disease, 561 Fissural angiomata, 684 Fissured eczema, 274 Fissuren, 67 Fissures, 67 Fixed dressings, 121 Flat condyloma, 792
papular syphiloderm, 782
wart, 548 Flea, 1186
sand, 1195 Flecke, 57 Fleckenmal, 515 Fleecy hair, 38 Flesh, goose, 30, 31 Flesh-worms, 1032 Flexures, eczema of, 325 Flies, 1187 Flores unguium, 959 Flüchtige, gutartige Plaques der Zungen-
schleimhaut, 1209 Fluke, liver, 1201 Flush-patch, 688 Fluted tongue, 1209
Follicle, hair, 37, 40. See also Hair- follicle.
Folliclis, 1054
Follicular eczema, 268, 271
muscles, 30
xeroderma, 566 Folliculite épilante, 1010 Folliculites cicatricielles nécrosiques, 1054
et périfolliculites décalvantes agminées,
Folliculitis, agminate, 1112
barbæ, 1014
decalvans, 1010 treatment, 1013
exulcerans serpiginosa nasi, 1055
necrosing, 1054
nuchæ sclerotisans, 643 Follikelcyste, 1030 Food, etiologic influence, 81 Foot, fungus, of India, 1160
Madura, 1160
perforating ulcer of, 629
tubercular disease of, 1160 Football impetigo, 401 Fordyce’s disease, 1215
of lips and oral mucous membrane, 1215 Formication, 56 Fowl-mite, 1187 Fragilitas crinium, 973 Frambesia, 850
treatment, 856 Frambœsia tropica, 850 Fraying of hair, 975 Freckles, 502
cold, 503
congenital, 503 French measles, 474 Fressende Flechte, 719 Frost itch, 944 Frostbites, 436 Function, heat-regulating, of skin, 50
protective, of skin, 47
respiratory, of skin, 49
secretory, of skin, 51
sensory, of skin, 48 Fungoid neoplasm, inflammatory, 904 Fungous disease of external ear, 1154 Fungus, chignon, 980
foot of India, 1160 Furfuraceous scales, 69 Furoncle, 408 Furrowed eczema, 274
nails, 958
tongue, 1209 Furuncle, 408 Furunculosis, 409 Furunculus, 408
treatment, 410 Furunkel, 408
Gad-fly, 1198 Gale, 1188 Galvanocautery, 126
needle, knife, and spiral points, 748 Gangosa, 857
treatment, 858 Gangræna cutis hysterica, 430
Gangrene, diabetic, 431
disseminated, 429
hysteric, 429
juvenile, 430
multiple cachectic, 427
of skin, multiple disseminated, in in fants, 427 in adults, 429 spontaneous, 427, 429
symmetric, 432 Gangrenous ecthyma, infantile, 427
varicella, 427
zoster, 429 Gassa button, 845 Gastrointestinal antiseptics, 108 Gastrophilus epilepsalis, 1199 Gefässmal, 680 Gelappte zunge, 1209 Gemeiner Floh, 1186 General exfoliative dermatitis, 199 Genital nerve-corpuscles of Krause, 29
region, eczema, 327 Genitals, serpiginous ulceration of, 863 Genitocrural region, ringworm of, treat ment, 1135 Geographic tongue, 1210 Germ layer, 21 German measles, 474 Germicides, 111 Geschwülste, 61 Geschwüre, 70 Giant urticaria, 181, 191 Giant-cells, xanthoma, 672 Gift spots, 959 of nails, 43 Glabrous skin, ringworm of, 1109 Glanders, 416 Glandulæ glomiformes, 33
sebaceæ, 35
sebiferæ, 35
sudoriferæ, 33 Glassy layer of hair-follicle, 42 Gleoscleroma, 705 Globes, 880 Globi, lepra, 932 Globules, fat, 25
Glossite exfoliatrice marginée, 1209 Glossitis areata exfoliativa, 1209
chronic superficial, 1203 Glossy skin, 616 Gnat, 1187 Gneis, 1021 Goose-flesh, 30, 31 Gouty eczema, 278, 1112 Grain dermatitis, 1183
itch, 945, 1183 Grain-mite dermatitis, 945, 1183 Grains, 544 Granular layer, 19, 21 Granuloma annulare, 170 treatment, 172
fungoides, 904 diagnosis, 910 etiology, 908 pathology, 908 prognosis, 910 symptoms, 905
Granuloma fungoides, treatment, 910
inguinale tropicum, 863
necrotic, 1054
pediculatum, 692
pediculum, 692
pyogenicum, 692
sarcomatodes, 904
telangiectodes, 692
trichophyticum, 1113, 1118
ulcerating, of pudenda, 863
venereal, 863 Granulome pediculé, 692 Granulosis rubra nasi, 1087 Gray hair, 983 Graying of hair, sudden, 39 Grayness of hair, 983 Green soap, 117 Grocers’ eczema, 281
itch, 281 Groin ulceration, 863 Grooved tongue, 1209 Ground itch, 1201 Grubs, 1032 Grutum, 1028 Grützbeutel, 1030 Guinea-worm, 1195
disease, 1195 Gum, red, 1088 Gumma, 809, 817
scrofulous, 718
tuberculous, 718 Gummatous syphiloderm, 809 Gune, 1144 Gürtelausschlag, 348
Gutartiges Epitnelioma, mit kolloider de generation, 652 Gutta rosacea, 1060
rosea, 1060
Haarbalgmtlbe, 1197 Haarschwund, 987 Haarzunge, 1212
Habitation, etiologic influence, 76 Hæmorrhœa petechialis, 492 Hair, 37
atrophy of, 973
beaded, 978
bed, 40
color changes, 985
color of, 39
development of, first sign, 39
diseases of, 964
downy, 38
fleecy, 38
fraying of, 975
gray, 983
grayness of, 983
hypertrophy of, 964
knotting of, 975
moniliform, 978
nodose, 978
pigment, atrophy of, 983
pseudoknotting of, 975
ringed, 984
root-sheath of, 42
sudden graying of, 39
Hair, superfluous, 964
whiteness of, 983 Hair-bulb, 38, 43 Hair-follicle, 37, 40
dermic or external coat, 40
diseases of, 964
epidermic or inner coat, 42
epidermis of, 42
glands, 35
glossy layer, 42
hyaline membrane of, 40
prickle-cell layer of, 42
root-sheath of, 42
vitreous membrane of, 42 Hairiness, 964 Hair-papilla, 43 Hair-root, 38
Hair-sacs, 37, 40. See also Hair-follicle. Hair-shaft, 38 Hairy mole, 515
people, 965
tongue, 1212 Hands, eczema of, 321
sweating of, 1069 Hard fibroma, 697 Harlequin fetus, 564 Harnschweiss, 1081 Harrison’s method of treating ringworm
of scalp, 1140 Harvest bug, 1195 Hautabschürfungen, 66 Hautblastomykose, 1162 Hauthorn, 558 Hautkrebs, 870 Hautrose, 421 Hautschrunden, 67 Head-lice, 1175 Head-lousiness, 1175 Heat, etiologic influence, 83
prickly, 1088 Heat-rash, 1088
Heat-regulating function of skin, 50 Hectine in syphilis, 839 Hedgehog skin, 565 Hefenmykose, 1162 Hématidrose, 1080 Hematidrosis, 1080 Hemiatrophia facialis, 585 Hemidrosis, 1080 Hémorragies cutanées, 492 Hemorrhages, 492 Hemorrhagic sarcoma, 897
urticaria, 181
variola, 483 Henoch’s purpura, 494 Hereditary syphilis, cutaneous manifesta tions, 813 treatment, 844 Heredity, etiologic influence, 76 Herpes, 343
circinatus, 1115 bullosus, 364
desquamans, 1144
facialis, 344
gestationis, 364
iris, 155
labialis, 344
Herpes phlyctænodes, 364 præputialis, 345 progenitalis, 345 simplex, 343
treatment, 347 tonsurans, 1104, 1109, 1115 barbæ, 1119 capillitii, 1115 circumscriptus, 1109 maculosus, 194, 197, 1111 zoster, 348 diagnosis, 356 etiology, 352 gangrænosus, 350 hæmorrhagicus, 349 pathology, 353 prognosis, 356 symptoms, 348 treatment, 357 Herpés circiné, 1109 parasitaire, 1109 parasitaire, 1109 tonsurant, 1115 vulgaire, 343 Herpetic fever, 345 Herpetiform syphilid, 795 Herxheimer’s spiral fibers, 22 Heteropus ventricosus, 1183 Hidebound skin, 578 Hidradenitis suppurativa, 1054 Hidrocystoma, 1084 High-frequency current 134 Hirsuties, 964
History as diagnostic factor, 88 Hives, 179 Hoariness, 983 Hodgkin’s disease, 913 Holzbock, 1187 Homines pilosi, 965 Honeycomb ringworm, 1093 Hookworm disease, 1201 Horn, cutaneous, 558 Hornauswuchs, 558 Hornplättchen, 68 Horny excrescence, 558 layer, 19, 20 tumor, 558 Hühnerauge, 524 Hungarian itch, 1190 Hutchinson’s teeth, 814, 815 Hyaline layer, 21
membrane of hair-follicle, 42 Hyaloma, 678
der Haut, 678 Hyalome, 678 Hybrid measles, 474 Hydradénomes éruptifs, 652 Hydroa æstivale, 358 bulleux, 364 herpetiforme, 364 puerorum, 359 vacciniforme, 358 Hydrocystoma, 1084
treatment, 1086 Hygiene, personal, etiologic influence, 82 Hyperemias, 143 Hyperemic treatment, 134
Hyperesthesia, 939 Hyperidrose, 1068 Hyperidrosis, 1068
manuum, 1069
oleosa, 1022
pedum, 1069
treatment, 1072 Hyperkeratose figurée centrifuge atro-
phiante, 571 Hyperkeratosis eccentrica, 571
figurata centrifuga atrophicans, 571
linguae, 1212 Hypertrichiasis, 964 Hypertrichosis, 964
acquired, 965
congenital, 964
partialis, 964
transitory, 966
treatment, 967
universalis, 964 Hypertrophia pilorum, 964 Hypertrophic scar, 73, 634, 638 Hypertrophie épithéliale filiforme, 1212 Hypertrophies, 502 Hypertrophy of hair, 964
of nail, 952 Hyphogenous alopecia, 1004
sycosis, 1119 Hypoderm, 24 Hyponomoderma, 1199 Hyponychium, 44 Hysteric gangrene, 429
stigmata, 1080
Ichthyose, 561
Ichthyosiform erythroderma, congenital,
563 Ichthyosis, 561 acquired, 567 congenita, 561, 564 cornea, 566 diagnosis, 569 etiology, 566 follicularis, 541, 566 hystrix, 565 intra-uterine, 564 linear,. 566
linearis neuropathica, 516 linguæ, 566, 1203 mixed variety, 566 nacrée, 562 nigricans, 562 nitida, 562 palmar, chronic, 566 palmaris et plantaris, 528 pathology, 567 plantar, chronic, 566 prognosis, 569 sauroderma, 563 scutellata, 563 sebacea, 564, 565, 1021, 1022
cornea, 541 serpentina, 562 simplex, 561 symptoms, 561 treatment, 570
Ichthyosis vera, 561
Ichtyose, 561
Idiopathic atrophy, diffuse, of skin, 622
chloasma, 505
keloid, 637
premature alopecia, 990 Idrosis, 1068 Ignis sacer, 348 Immunity to ringworm, 1132 Impetigiform syphilid, 798
syphiloderm, 798 Impetigo, 395
bath-house, 401
circinata, 396, 397, 399
contagiosa, 395, 396, 397 bullosa, 399 treatment, 404 varieties, 397
figurata, 397, 399
football, 401
herpetiformis, 406
parasitica, 397
ring-like type, 399, 400
rodens, 1054
simplex, 395, 397, 399
sparsa, 395, 397
staphylogenes, 396, 397, 399
streptogenes, 396, 397
syphilitica, 798
vulgaris, 396, 397, 401 Impetigos, the, 395 India, fungus foot of, 1160
ringworm, 1144 India-rubber men, 606 Infantile eczema, 314 treatment, 302
gangrenous ecthyma, 427
syphilis, 813 Infectious eczematoid dermatitis, 271 Infective angioma, 690 Inflammations, 153 Inflammatory fungoid neoplasm, 904 Ingrowing nail, 955 Insects, stings of, 1187 Jnsensible perspiration, 51 Instruments, 134
Internal secretions, etiologic influence, 80 Intertrigo, 147
Intoxication, auto, etiologic influence, 80 Intra-uterine ichthyosis, 564 Iodid acne, 1041 Iodin acne, 1041 Iodoform dermatitis, 441
eczema, 283, 241 Irritants, chemical, etiologic influence, 83
mechanical, etiologic influence, 83 Italian itch, 1190 Itch, 1188
army, 1190
bakers’, 281
barbers’, 1119
barley, 1183
barn, 1124
copra, 1192
dhobie, 374, 1113, 1114
frost, 944
grain, 945, 1183
Itch, grocers’, 281
ground, 1201
Hungarian, 1190
Italian, 1190
laundrymen’s, 1114
lumbermen’s, 944, 1184, 1190
Malabar, 1144
mattress, 1183
Norwegian, 1189
Polish, 1190
prairie, 944, 1183, 1190
straw, 945, 1183
straw-packers’, 1183
swamp, 944, 1184, 1190
water, 1201
winter, 944 Itching, 56 Ivy-poisoning, 442 Ixodes, 1187
Jacob‘s ulcer, 872 Jaw, lumpy, 1155 Jigger, 1195 Juckblattern, 208 Juvenile gangrene, 430
Kahlheit, 987 Kakerlaken, 608 Kandahar sore, 845 Kelis, 636 Keloid, 73, 636
acne, 643
Alibert’s, 636
cicatricial, 637
false, 637
idiopathic, 637
of Addison, 582
primary, 637
scar, 637
secondary, 637
spontaneous, 637
spurious, 637
treatment, 641 Kéloide, 636 Kelos, 636
Kerato-angioma, 575 Keratodermia blenorrhagica, 532
eccentrica, 571
symmetric, 528 Kératodermie blenorrhagique, 532 plantaire et palmaire, 528 Keratohyalin, 21 Keratolysis neonatorum, 206 Keratoma, 526, 528
diffusum, 564
palmare et plantare hæreditarium, 528 Keratose pilaire, 537 Keratosis, arsenical, 457, 458
blenorrhagica, 532 treatment, 534
blenorrhoica, 532
follicularis, 541 contagiosa, 545 treatment, 545
palmaris et plantaris, 528 treatment, 531
Keratosis pigmentosa, 548 pilaris, 537 alba, 539 rubra, 539 treatment, 539 senilis, 534 treatment, 536 Kerion, 1117 ringworm, 1117 tinea, 1117 Kienböck-Adamson method of x-ray treatment of ringworm of scalp, 1142,
1143 Kleienflechte, 1147 Kleinzirzinäre psoriasis, 238 Knollen, 61 Knötchen, 59 Knoten, 60 Knotting of hair, 975 Kohlenbeule, 412 Koplik’s spots, 471 Krätze, 1188 Kraurosis vulvæ, 625 Krause’s corpuscles, 27, 29
genital nerve-corpuscles, 29 Kromayer lamp, 133 Krusten, 69
Kummerfeld’s lotion, 1051, 1066 Kupferfinne, 1060 Kupferrose, 1060 Kyste sébacé, 1030
La le’pre, 914
perlèche, 1217
rose, 421
Verruga, 859 Lactation, etiologic influence, 79 Lafa Tokelau, 1144 Lamellae, 69 Lamp, Finsen, 132
Finsen-Reyn, 133
Kromayer, 133
quartz, 133 Land scurvy, 495 Landkartenzunge, 1209 Langerhans, cells of, 22 Langer’s lines of cleavage, 17 Langua plissée, 1209 Langue montagneuse, 1209
noire, 1212 pileuse, 1212
scrotale, 1209 Lanolin, 119 Lanugo, 38 Larva, echinococcus, 1201
migrans, 1199 Lassar’s paste, 120 Laundrymen’s itch, 1114 Läusesucht, 1173 Laxatives, vegetable, 108 Layer, dead, 20
epithelial, 19
epitrichial, 20
germ, 21
glossy, of hair-follicle, 42
granular, 19, 21
Layer, horny, 19, 20
hyaline, 21
Malpighian, 19, 21
mucous, 19, 21
papillary, 23
prickle, 22
prickle-cell, of hair-follicle, 42
reticular, 24
shining, 19, 20
thorny, 22
translucent, 20 Le peta, 1144 Leberflecken, 504 Leg, Barbadoes, 592
eczema of, 328
elephant, 592
weeping, 272 Leichdorn, 526 Leiomyoma, 702, 703 L’endurcissement athrepsique, 589 Lenticular carcinoma, 864
papular syphilid, 782 syphiloderm, 782 Lentigo, 502
maligna, 889 Lentilles, 502 Leontiasis, 914 Leper claw, 924 Lepidophyton, 1146 Lepothrix, 982 Lepra, 236, 914
alphos, 236
anæsthetica, 922
anesthetic, 922
Arabum, 914
cells, 931, 932
course, 925
diagnosis, 933
enteritis, 927
etiology, 927
globi, 932
macular, 918
maculosa, 918
mixed type, 925
mutilans, 924
nervorum, 922
nodular, 919
pathology, 930
phthisis, 927
prognosis, 934
stage of incubation, 916 of invasion, 917
symptoms, 915
treatment, 935
tubercular, 919
tuberculated, 919
tuberculosa, 919 Leprolin, 937 Leprosy, 914 Lombardian, 173 Leptus, 1195
L’érythème pellagreux, 173 Lesions, configuration, distribution, and other features, 73
consecutive, 66
elementary, 57
primary, 57
Lesions, secondary, 66 Leucoplasie, 1203 Leukæmia cutis, 900 Leukasmus, acquired, 610
congenital, 608 Leukemia cutis, 911 Leukocytozoön syphilis, 821 Leukoderma, 608, 610 congenital, 608 syphilitic, 778 Leukokeratosis buccalis, 1203 Leukoma, 1203 Leukonychia, 959 Leukopathia, 610 acquired, 610 congenital, 608 unguium, 959 Leukoplakia, 1203 buccalis, 1203 treatment, 1208 Leukoplasia, 1203 Leukotrichia annularis, 984 Lice, crab, 1179
head, 1175 Lichen, 60 agrius, 268 annularis, 170 annulatus, 335 circumscriptus, 268, 335 gyratus, 335 lividus, 228 nitidus, 223 obtusus, 214
corneous, 210 pilaris, 537
seu spinulosus, 540 planus, 213 annular, 213 atrophicus, 215 hypertrophicus, 214 in children, 217 keloidiformis, 215 morphœicus, 215 of mucous membrane, 216 treatment, 221 verrucosus, 214 psoriasis, 213, 231 ruber, 231
acuminatus, 218, 231 moniliformis, 215 planus, 213, 218 simplex, 267 scrofulosorum, 227 scrofulosus, 227
treatment, 230 spinulosus, 540 tropicus, 1082 urticatus, 182 variegatus, 224 Lichenification, 60, 223 Lichenoid, 60
eruption, chronic itching, of axillary and
pubic regions, 222 exanthem, 224 Lichénoide lingual, 1209 Ligniéres’ test in tuberculosis cutis, 741 Lineæ albicantes, 619
Lineæ gravidarum, 619 Linear atrophy, 619
ichthyosis, 566
nævus, 516
scarifications, 126 Lines of cleavage, Langer’s, 17
Voight’s, 520 Lingua geographica, 1210
nigra, 1212
plicata, 1209 Liniment, calamin, 118
calamin-zinc-oxid, 118 Linimentum exsiccans, 311 Linsenflecken, 502 Linsenmal, 515 Liodermia essentialis cum melanosi et
telangiectasia, 889 Lip and oral mucous membrane, Fordyce’s disease of, 1215
eczema of, 320
epithelioma of, 876
parasitic disease of, 1217 Lipoma, 700
circumscribed, 700
diffuse, 700 Liquid air, 124 Liquor carbonis detergens, 306
picis alkalinus, 314 Liver-fluke, 1201 Liver-spots, 504, 1147 Living stratum of epidermis, 21 Local asphyxia, 432 Lombardian leprosy, 173 Loose skin, 604, 605 Lotio alba, 1050 Lotion, calamin-and-zinc-oxid, 118
Kummerfeld’s, 1051, 1066 Lotions, 117 Louse, chicken, 1187 Lousiness, 1173
body, 1177
head, 1175 Lues, 769
venera, 769 Luetin, 825
reaction in syphilis, 825 Lumberman’s itch, 944, 1184, 1190 Lumpy jaw, 1155 Lunula of nail, 44 Lupoid acne, 1054
miliary, 902 benign, 902
sycosis, 1010, 1015 Lupus, 719
annularis, 726
disseminatus, 726
elephantiasicus, 722
elevatus, 722
érythémateux, 753
erythematodes, 753
érythématoide, 759
erythematosus, 753 acute, 757 course, 759 diagnosis, 763 discoides, 753 disseminatus, 757
INDEX 1235
Lupus erythematosus, etiology, 760 of mucous membrane, 758 pathology, 761 prognosis, 764 symptoms, 753 treatment, 764 external, 766 exedens, 720 exfoliativus, 721 exulcerans, 720 hypertrophicus, 721, 723 keloides, 722 lymphaticus, 663 maculosus, 719 nævus, 690 nodosus, 722 œdematosus, 722 of mucous membranes, 724 papillomatosus, 722, 724 pernio, 756 planus, 722 sclerosus, 722 sebaceus, 753 serpiginosus, 722 tuberculeux, 719 tumidus, 722 verrucosus, 722, 724 vorax, 719 vulgaire, 719 vulgaris, 719
Calmette’s test in, 740 course, 729 diagnosis, 738 etiology, 730 Ligniéres’ test in, 741 Moro’s test in, 741 pathology, 732 prognosis, 741
sclerosus erythematoides, 725 symptoms, 719 treatment, 742 von Pirquet’s test in, 741 Wolf-Eisner test in, 740 Lupus-psoriasis, 728 Lustseuche, 769 Lymph tumors, 596 Lymphadénie cutanée, 904 Lymphadenitis, syphilitic, 815 Lymphadenoma cutis, 913 Lymphangiectasis, 575, 661 Lymphangiectodes, 663 Lymphangioma, 661 capillare varicosum, 663 cavernosum, 663 cavernous, 663 circumscriptum, 663
treatment, 666 cystic, 663 simple, 662 simplex, 663 superficiale simplex, 663 tuberosum cutis multiplex, 662 multiplex, 654 Lymphangiome circonscrit vesiculeux, 663 Lymphangiomyoma, 703 Lymphangitis tuberculosa cutanea, 715 Lymphatics, 26
Lymphodermia perniciosa, 894, 904 Lymphosarcoma, 900 Lymph-scrotum, 596
Macrocheilia, 662 Macroglossia, 662, 1209 Maculae, 57
atrophicæ, 619
cæruleæ, 1180 Macular eruption, 816
erythrodermias, chronic resistant, 224
leprosy, 918
syphilid, 776
syphiloderm, 776 Macules, 57 Maculopapular eruption, 57, 816
scaly erythrodermias, resistant, 224 Maculopapules, 57 Madura foot, 1160 Madurafuss, 1160 Mal de los pintos, 1153
de misère, 173
del pinto, 1153 sole, 173
des pieds et des mains, 178
perforant du pied, 629
rosso, 173 Malabar itch, 1144 Maladie de Carrion, 859
de Morvan, 631
de Paget, 866
de Paris, 178
pédiculaire, 1173 Malaria, etiologic influence, 80 Malignant papillary dermatitis, 866
pustule, 418
scarlatina, 468
syphilis, 772 Malis pediculi, 1173 Malleus, 416 Malpighian layer, 19, 21 Malum perforans pedis, 629 Mammillaris maligna, 866 Mange, Texas, 944, 1184 Marsden’s paste, 887 Masern, 471 Matrix of nail, 44 Mattress itch, 1183 Mazamorro, 1201 Measles, 471
catarrhal symptoms, 472
complications, 473
diagnosis, 473
eruption, 471
fever, 472
French, 474
German, 474
hybrid, 474
symptoms, 471 Mechanical irritants, etiologic influence,
83 measures, 126 Medicated soaps, 117 Medicinal eruptions, 451 Medinawurm, 1195 Megalosporon, 1105
Megalosporon ectothrix, 1105
endothrix, 1105 Meibomian glands, 36 Meissner’s corpuscles, 27, 28 Melanidrosis, 1077 Melanocarcinoma, 896 Melanoderma, 505 Melanoma, 895, 896 Melanosis lenticularis progressiva, 889 Melanotic carcinoma, 865
sarcoma, 895
whitlow, 897 Melasma, 505 Mentagra, parasitic, 1119
parasitica, 1119 Meralgia paræsthetica, 939 Mercurial eczema, 283 Merkel’s touch-cells, 27, 29 Microcautery, 126 Microsporon, 1105, 1106
Audouini, 1003, 1105, 1106
canis, 1106
decalvans, 1003
dispar, 197
felineum, 1106
lanosum, 1106
tardum, 1106 Microsporosis, 1104, 1106
capitis, 1115 Microvaricella, 1185 Miliare, 1088
crystalline, 1082 Miliaria, 1088
alba, 1089
crystallina, 1082
papulosa, 1088
rubra, 1088
treatment, 1090
vesiculosa, 1088 Miliary acuminated pustular syphilo- derm, 795
fever, 1091
lupoid, 902 benign, 902
sweat rash, 1091
tuberculosis of skin, 709 Milium, 1028
colloid, 678 Milk crust, 269
Milky exudation of scrotum, 596 Milzbrand, 418 Milzbrandcarbunkel, 418 Mineral waters, natural, 114 Mite, bird, 1187
fowl, 1187
mower’s, 1195 Mitesser, 1032 Moist eczema, 265
papule, 792
tetter, 265
wart, 550 Mole, 515
hairy, 515
pigmentary, 515
warty, 548 Mollusciform nævus, 605 Molluscum bodies, 545, 648, 649, 650
Molluscum cell, 650
cholésterique, 668
contagiosum, 645 treatment, 651
corpuscles, 649, 650
epitheliale, 645
fibrosum, 693
non-contagiosum, 693
pendulum, 693
sebaceum, 645
simplex, 693
vrai, 693 Monilethrix, 978 Moniliform hair, 978 Morbilli, 471 Morbus elephas, 592
maculosus Werlhoffi, 495
pedicularis, 1173
pediculosis, 1173
pedis entophyticus, 1160 Moro’s test in tuberculosis cutis, 741 Morphea, 582
Morphea-like epithelioma, 872 Morphœa guttata, 622 Morvan’s disease, 631 Morvansche Krankheit, 631 Morve, 416 Mosquito, 1187 Moth, brown tail, 1181 dermatitis from, 1181
patches, 504 Mother wart, 547
yaw, 852 Mother’s mark, 515, 680 Motor nerves, 30 Mower’s mite, 1195 Mucor dermatosis, 1192 Mucous layer, 19, 21
membrane, lichen planus of, 216 lupus erythematosus of, 758 lupus of, 724 tinea of, 1111
orifices, sebaceous glands of, 36
papule, 792
patch, 792, 793
surfaces, adjoining, eczema of, 330 Mulberry nævus, 683 Multiple benign cystic epithelioma, 652,
877 treatment, 656
sarcoid, 902
tumor-like new growths, 667 cachectic gangrene, 427 comedo, 1032, 1034 dermoid cysts, 1031 disseminated gangrene of skin in infants,
427 gangrene of skin in adults, 429 Granulationsgeschwülste, 904 pigmented sarcoma, 897 Muscles, 30
arrectores or erectores pilorum, 30
follicular, 30
non-striated, 30
smooth, 30
striated, 30
tumor, 702
Mycetoma, 1160 Mycétome, 1160 Mycomyringitis, 1154 Mycosis d’emblée, 907
fongoide, 904
fungoides, 904
microsporina, 1147 Myelosyringosis, 631 Myiasis dermatosa, 1198 mucosa, 1198 œstrosa, 1198 Myom, 702 Myoma, 702
dartoic, 703
multiple, 703
simple, 703
single, 703
telangiectodes, 703 Myome cutané, 702 Myringomycosis, 1154
aspergillina, 1154 Myxadenitis labialis, 1214 Myxedema, 601
treatment, 604 Myxœdem, 601 Myxœdème, 601
Nævi epitheliaux kystiques, 652
vasculaires et papillaires, 656 Nævoid elephantiasis, 596 Nævo-xanthoma-endotheliomata, 670 Nævus anæmicus, 681
araneus, 682, 688
bathing drawers, 515
bathing-trunk, 515
cells, 518
flammeus, 682
lichenoide, 516
linear, 516
lipomatodes, 515, 702
lupus, 690
mollusciform, 605
molluscoide, 693
mulberry, 683
nervosus, 516
pigmentaire, 515
pigmentosus, 515 treatment, 520 pilosus, 515
pulsating, 683
sanguineus, 680
simplex, 682
spider, 682, 688
spilus, 515
tuberosus, 683
unius lateralis, 516
vasculaire, 680
vascularis, 680
vasculosus, 680 treatment, 685
venous, 683
verrucosus, 515 Nail-bed, 44 Nail-body, 43 Nail-fold, 44 Nail-groove, 44
Nail-root, 43 Nail-skin, 44 Nail-wall, 44 Nails, 43
atrophy of, 957
claw, 953
development, 45
diseases of, 952
eczema, 324
favus of, 961
furrowed, 958
gift spots of, 43, 959
hypertrophy of, 952
ingrowing, 955
lunula, 44
matrix, 44
ringworm of, 961
shedding of, 959
spoon, 958
supernumerary, 952
syphilis of, 775
white, 959
spots of, 43, 959 Narbe, 634 Narben, 72 Nares, eczema of, 319 Nässende-flechte, 261 Nastin, 937
B., 937 Natal sore, 845 Necator americanus, 1202 Neck, fatty, 701 Necrosing folliculitis, 1054 Necrotic granuloma, 1054
tuberculides, 712 Neo-endothrix, 1105, 1107 Neoplasie nodulaire et circinée, 170 Nerve tumor, 704
Nerve-corpuscles, genital, of Krause, 29 Nervenschmerz der Haut, 940 Nervenschwamm, 704 Nerves, 27
motor, 30
trophic, of skin, 49
vasomotor, 30
of skin, 48
Nervous papillae, 24
system, etiologic influence, 79 Nesselausschlag, 179 Nesselsucht, 179 Nettlerash, 179 Neuralgia of skin, 940 Neurodermatitis, chronic circumscribed,
223 Neurofibromatosis, 696 Neuroma, 704
false, of Virchow, 704 Neuron, 704 Neuroses, 939 Neurotic eczema, 279 Névrodermite chronique circonscrite, 223 Névrome, 704 New growths, 634
multiple benign tumor-like, 667 Newborn, edema of, 591
sclerema of, 589 Nigritie de la langue, 1212
1238 INDEX
Nipple, eczematoid epitheliomatosis of, 866
Paget’s disease, 866 Nocardiosis, 1158 Nodal fever, 163 Nodose hair, 978 Nodosité des poils, 978 Nodular carcinoma, 865
leprosy, 919
syphilid, 803
syphiloderm, 803 Nodules, 60 Noduli cutanei, 697
Noguchi’s cutaneous luetin reaction in syphilis, 825
modification of Wassermann test for syphilis, 825 Noiré and Sabouraud method of x-ray
treatment of ringworm of scalp, 1141 Noli me tangere, 870, 872 Norwegian itch, 1189 Nostrils, eczema of, 319 Notched teeth in syphilis, 814, 815 Nurses’ eczema, 281, 440
Occupation dermatoses, 442
etiologic influence, 83 Occupational dermatoses, 281
eczema, 281 Œdema angioneuroticum, 191 treatment, 194
circumscriptum, 191
cutis circumscriptum acutum, 191
neonatorum, 591 Œdème aigue, 191 Oeil de perdrix, 524 Œstrus, 1198 Ohio scratches, 944, 1184 Oidiomycosis of skin, 1162 Oil-glands, 35 Oils, 121
Ointment, stearoglycerid, 994, 1027 Ointments, 119 Old age of skin, 534, 617 Onychatrophia, 957 Onychauxis, 952 Onychia, 954
of syphilis, 775 Onychogryphosis, 953 Onychomycose favique, 961
trichophytique, 961 Onychomycosis, 953, 961
favosa, 961
tonsurans, 961
trichophytina, 961 Oöspora canina, 1101 Opaline patches, 793 Operative measures, 126 Opsonins, 113
Organic disease, etiologic influence, 77 Oriental boil, 845
sore, 845
treatment, 849 Orientbeule, 845 Oroya fever, 859 Osmidrosis, 1075
Otitis externa parasitica, 1154 Otomycosis, 1154 Oxyuriasis cutanes, 1199
Pachydermatocele, 604 Pachydermia, 592 Pacinian corpuscles, 27 Paget’s disease, 866 of nipple, 866 treatment, 870
Krankheit, 866 Palmar ichthyosis, chronic, 566
syphiloderm, 786 Panaris analgésique, 631 Panighao, 1201 Panne hépatique, 504 Panniculus adiposus, 25 Papilla, hair, 43 Papillae, 23
compound, 23
fungiformes, 29
nervous, 24
vascular, 24 Papillary dermatitis, malignant, 866
layer, 23
varices, 689 Papilloma, 546
lineare, 516
neuropathicum unilaterale, 516, 517
of sole, 547 Papillomatous syphilid, 806
syphiloderm, 806 Papulæ, 59 Papular eczema, 267
syphilid, lenticular, 782
syphiloderm, flat, 782 large flat, 783 lenticular, 782 small flat, 783
urticaria, 181, 182 Papules, 59
moist, 792
mucous, 792
squamous, 60
vegetating, 792 Papulopustular eruption, 60 Papulopustules, 60, 65 Papulosquamous eruption, 60
syphilid, 786
syphiloderm, 786 Papulotubercular syphiloderm, 803, 805 Papulovesicles, 60 Papulovesicular eruption, 60 Paquelin cautery, 126 Parakeratosis ostreacea, 239
psoriaform, 197
variegata, 224 Paralysis, analgesic, with whitlow, 631 Parangi, 850 Parasporiasis, 224, 226
guttata, 226
lichenoides, 226 Parasitäre Bartfinne, 1119 Parasites, animal, diseases due to, 1173
etiologic influence, 83
vegetable, diseases due to, 1093
Parasitic affections, 1093
disease of lips, 1217
eczema, 275
mentagra, 1119
sycosis, 1119 Parasiticides, 122 Parasitische Bartfinne, 1119 Paratuberculoses, 708
cutaneous, 228 Parchment skin, 890 Paronychia, 954
of syphilis, 775
simple, 955 Pars papillaris, 23
reticularis, 24 Paste, Lassar’s, 120, 308
Marsden’s, 887
salicylated, 308
salicylic acid, 308 Paste-pencils, 122 Pastes, 120 Patches, moth, 504
ringworm-like, of tongue, 1209
smokers’, 1203, 1204 Pathologic scars, 634 Pathology, general, 85 Pearls, 880
Pearly tubercles, 1028 Peau lisse, 616
Pediculoides ventricosus, 1183 Pediculosis, 1173
capillitii, 1175
capitis, 1175
corporis, 1177
pubis, 1179
vestimenti seu vestimentorum, 1177 Pediculus, 1173
capitis, 1173
corporis, 1173
pubis, 1173 Peitschenwurm, 1195 Pelade, 995
Peliosis rheumatica, 494 Pellagra, 173
treatment, 177 Pellagre, 173 Pemphigus, 371
acutus, 372 neonatorum, 374
chronicus, 377
circinatus, 364
composé, 364
conjunctivæ, 377
contagiosus, 374, 375
diagnosis, 384
epidemicus, 374, 375
etiology, 380
febrilis, 373
foliáceus, 378
gangrænosus, 427
hæmorrhagicus, 377
hystericus, 373, 381
neonatorum, 374 contagiosus, 375
pathology, 382
prognosis, 385
prurigineux, 364
Pemphigus pruriginosus, 364, 369, 377
symptoms, 372
syphiliticus, 802
treatment, 385
vegetans, 379, 382
virginum, 373
vulgaris, 377 Pendjeh sore, 845 Perforating ulcer of foot, 629 Perforirendes Fussgeschwür, 629 Perifolliculitis suppurative conglomerata,
1112 Perionychium, 44 Persistent vernix caseosa, 565 Perspiration. See Sweat. Peruvian warts, 859 Petechial variola, 483 Petite-vérole, 480
Pfannenstiel’s treatment of lupus of mu cous membranes, 733 Phlebitis nodularis necrotisans, 165 Phlegmona diffusa, 414 Phlegmonous cellulitis, 414 Phosphorescent sweat, 1082 Phosphoridrosis, 1082 Phthiriasis, 1173
capitis, 1175
corporis, 1177
seu pediculosis palpebrarum, 1179 Phthisis leprosa, 927 Phtiriase, 1173
de la tête, 1175
du corps, 1177 Phymata, 61 Physiology of skin, 17, 47 Pian, 850
fongoide, 905 Piebald negroes, 608
skin, acquired, 610 Pied de Madura, 1160
negroes, 608 Piedra, 980 Pigment, 31
hair, atrophy of, 983 Pigmentary mole, 515
syphilid, 613
syphiioderm, 778 Pigmented carcinoma, 865
sarcoma, multiple, 897 Pigmentflecken, 504 Pigmentmal, 515 Pigmentnævus, 515 Pili annulati, 984 Pimples, 59 Pinta disease, 1153 Pitch dermatitis, 438 Pityriasis capitis, 331, 332
circiné et marginé, 197
linguae, 1209
maculata et circinata, 194
pilaris, 231, 537, 566
rosé, 194
rosea, 194
treatment, 198
rubra, 199, 200 pilaire, 231 pilaris, 231
Pityriasis rubra pilaris, treatment, 235
steatodes, 331
versicolor, 1147
versicolore, 1147 Plant dermatitis, 438 Plantar ichthyosis, chronic, 566
syphiloderm, 786 Plaques blanches de la bouche, 1203 des fumeurs, 1203
jaünâtres des paupières, 668
muqueuses, 792
opalines, 1203
ortiées, 58
transitory benign, of tongue, 1209 Plasma cells, 735 Plaster muslins, 120 Plaster-mulls, 120 Plasters, rubber, 121 Plica, 1175
neuropathica, 971
polonica, 971, 1175 Pocken, 480 Podelcoma, 1160 Poils accidentels, 964 Pointed condyloma, 550
wart, 550 Poisoning, ivy, 442
rhus-, 442 Poliosis, 983
circumscripta hereditaria, 983 Poliothrix, 983 Polish itch, 1190
Pollitzer’s hidradenitis suppurativa, 1054 Polyidrosis, 1068 Polypapilloma tropicum, 850 Polytrichia, 964 Pomphi, 58 Pompholyx, 360
treatment, 363 Porcupine men, 565 Pore, sweat, 33 Porokératose, 571 Porokeratosis, 571
treatment, 574 Porrigo contagiosa, 397
decalvans, 995, 1105
favosa, 1093
furfurans, 1115
lavalis, 1093
lupinosa, 1093
scutulata, 1093 Porrigophyta, 1093 Portwine mark, 682
stain, 682 Postmortem pustule, 416 Potash soaps, 116 Pou de bois, 1187 Powders, dusting, 117 Powder-stains, 514 Pox, 769
water, 1021 Prairie itch, 944, 1183, 1190 Predisposition, 76
Pregnancy, etiologic significance, 79 Premature alopecia, 989 idiopathic, 990 symptomatic, 991
Prickle layer, 22
Prickle-cell layer of hair-follicle, 42
Prickle-cells, 22
Prickly heat, 1088
Primary keloid, 637
Primrose dermatitis, 439
Primula dermatitis, 439
Progressive idiopathic atrophy, 622
Protective function of skin, 47
Prurigo, 208
agria, 208
ferox, 208
mitis, 208
nodularis, 210 treatment, 212
summer, 359
treatment, 210 Pruritus, 56, 942
ani, 943
bath, 945
diagnosis, 947
etiology, 945
generalized, 943
hiemalis, 944
local, 943
pathology, 946
prognosis, 947
scroti, 943
senilis, 943, 945
symptoms, 942
treatment, 947
universalis, 943
vulvæ, 943 Pseudobotryomycose, 692 Pseudobotryomycosis, 692 Pseudochromidrosis, 1077, 1080 Pseudoknotting of hair, 975 Pseudoleukemia cutis, 911, 913 Psoriaform parakeratosis, 197 Psoriasiform exanthem, 224 Psoriasis, 236
annulata, 238
circinata, 238
course, 242
diagnosis, 246
diffusa, 238
discoidea, 238
etiology, 243
guttata, 238
gyrata, 238
inveterata, 238
kleinzirzinäre, 238
lichen, 213, 231
lupus, 728
microgyrata, 238
nummularis, 238
of tongue, 1203
ostreacea, 239, 534
pathology, 245
prognosis, 249
punctata, 238
rupioides, 239
seborrheic, 239, 242
symptoms, 236
syphilitic, 786
syphilitica, 786
treatment, 250
Psoriasis universalis, 239
verrucosa, 239 Psoriatic eczema, 239, 242, 273 Psorospermose folliculaire végétante, 541 Psorospermosis, 541
cutaneous, 866
cutis, 866 Pubic region, chronic itching lichenoid
eruption, 222 Puce commune, 1186
de sable, 1195 Pudenda, ulcerating granuloma, 863 Pulex irritans, 1186
penetrans, 1195 Pulsating nævus, 683 Punaise des lits, 1186 Punch, cutaneous, 126, 513 Punctate scarifications, 126 Purpura, 492
arthritic, 494
diagnosis, 498
etiology, 495
fulminans, 495
hæmorrhagica, 495
Henoch’s, 494
pathology, 497
prognosis, 499
rheumatica, 494
scorbutica, 500
senilis, 494
simplex, 493
symptoms, 492
treatment, 499
urticans, 181, 493
Purpuric edema, 494
febrile, 494
variola, 483 Puru, 845 Pusteln, 63 Pustula maligna, 418
treatment, 420 Pustulæ, 63 Pustular eczema, 271
scrofuloderm, 718 large flat, 718 small, 711, 1055
syphiloderm, 795, 817 large acuminated, 796
flat, 799 miliary acuminated, 795 small acuminated, 795 flat, 798 Pustule, malignant, 418
maligne, 420
postmortem, 416 Pustules, 65 Pustulocrustaceous syphilid, 799
syphiloderm, 799 Pustulo-ulcerative syphilid, 800
syphiloderm, 800 Pustulovesicular eruption, 63 Pyodermatitis, 399
vegetans, 387 Pyodermia, 399 Pyodermite végétante, 387 Pyodermitis, 399 Pyogenic dermatitis, 399
Quartz lamp, 133 Quincke’s disease, 191 Quinquaud’s disease, 1011 Quirica, 1153
Races, etiologic influence, 77 Radiotherapy, 127 Radium, 130 Rash, heat, 1088
miliary sweat, 1091
tooth, 278
vaccination, 486
wandering, 1209 Raynaud’s disease, 432 Raynaud’sche Krankheit, 432 Recklinghausen’s disease, 696 Recurrent exfoliative erythema, 150
summer eruption, 358 Red chromidrosis, 1077, 1080
gum, 1088 Regional eczema, 314 Rents, 67
Resistant macular and maculopapular erythrodermias, 224
maculopapular scaly erythrodermias, 224 Respiratory function of skin, 49 Rete, 19, 21
Malpighii, 19, 21
mucosum, 21 Reticular layer, 24 Reticulating colliquation, 478 Rhagaden, 67 Rhagades, 67 Rheumatism of skin, 940 Rhinoceros skin, 565 Rhinochoprion, 1195 Rhinopharyngitis mutilans, 857 Rhinophyma, 1062 Rhinoscleroma, 705 Rhinosclérome, 705 Rhus-poisoning, 442 Ribbed tongue, 1209 Rimæ, 67
Ringed eruption of extremities, 170 on fingers, 170
hair, 984 Ringelhaare, 984 Ringworm, 1104
bald, 1117
black-dot, 1117
Bowditch Island, 1144
Burmese, 1144
Chinese, 1144
crusted, 1093
disseminated, 1116
etiology, 1124
hair, 984
honeycomb, 1093
immunity to, 1132
India, 1144
kerion, 1117
of beard, 1119
of bearded region, 1119 diagnosis, 1122
Ringworm of bearded region, symptoms,
treatment, 1143
of body, 1109
of general surface, 1109 diagnosis, 1115 symptoms, 1109 treatment, 1135
of genitocrural region, treatment, 1135
of glabrous skin, 1109
of nails, 961
of non-hairy surface, 1109
of scalp, 1115 diagnosis, 1118 symptoms, 1115 treatment, 1136
pathology, 1129
prognosis, 1133
scaly, 1144
sycosis, 1015
Tokelau, 1144
treatment, 1134
vaccine in, 1132
yaws, 853 Ringworm-like patches of tongue, 1209 Risipola Lombarda, 173 Ritter’s disease, 206 Rodent ulcer, 872 Röntgen-ray burn, 444
dermatitis, 444 treatment, 448
treatment, 127 Root-sheath of hair, 42
of hair-follicle, 42 Rosacea, 688, 1060
seborrhoica, 1063 Rose, 421 Roseola, 146
epidemic, 474
scarlatiniforme, 150
syphilitica, 776
variolosa, 480 Roséola épidémique, 474 Rosolia, 471 Rötheln, 474 Rothlauf, 421 Rotz, 416
Rotzkrankheit, 416 Rougeole, 471 Rouget, 1195 Rubber plasters, 121 Rubella, 474
Rubeola, 471. See also Measles. Rupia, 800, 802
escharotica, 427
Sabouraud and Noiré method of x-ray
treatment of ringworm of scalp, 1141 Saccharine diabetes, etiologic influence, 78 Saccharomycosis hominis, 1162 Salicylated paste, 308 Salicylic acid paste, 308 Salines, 108 Salt rheum, 261, 265 Salvarsan in syphilis, 838 Salve-mulls, 120
Salve-muslins, 120 Salve-pencils, 122 Salzfluss, 261 Sand-flea, 1195 Sandfloh, 1195 Sandy sweat, 1081 Sapo mollis, 117
viridis, 117 Sarcoid, 902
multiple benign, 902
tumor, 170, 902 Sarcoma cutis, 893 treatment, 901
generalized non-pigmented, 894
hemorrhagic, 897
localized non-pigmented, 893
melanotic, 895
multiple pigmented, 897
of skin, 893
primary single non-pigmented, 893 Sarcomatose cutanée, 893 Sarcomatosis cutis, 893
generalis, 904 Sarcome angioplastique réticulé, 690
cutané, 893 Sarcopsylla penetrans, 1199 Sarcoptes hominis, 1190
scabiei, 1190 Satyriasis, 914 Sauriasis, 561, 563 Savill’s disease, 204 Scabies, 1188
animal, 1190
treatment, 1193 Scabs, 69 Scales, 68
crusty, 69
furfuraceous, 69 Scalp, eczema of, 315
favus of, 1094
micro-organisms, 1025
ringworm of, 1115 treatment, 1136 Scaly crusts, 69
erythrodermias, resistant maculopapu- lar, 224
ringworm, 1144 Scar, 72, 634
atrophic, 634
hypertrophic, 73, 634, 638
keloid, 637
pathologic, 634
traumatic, 634 Scarf-skin, 19 Scarifications, linear, 126
punctate, 126 Scarifier, multiple, 748 Scarlatina, 465
anginosa, 467
complications, 469
diagnosis, 470
malignant type, 468
sine eruptione, 467
symptoms, 465 Scarlatine, 465 Scarlet fever, 465 Scar-tissue, 634
Scharlachfieber, 465
Scherende Flechte, 1104, 1109, 1115
Schleimhautpapeln, 792
Schmeerfluss, 1021
Schönlein’s disease, 494
Schuppen, 68
Schuppenflechte, 236
Schwarze Haarzunge, 1212
Schweissflechte, 1088
Schweissfrieselausschlag, 1082
Sclerema, 578
adultorum, 578
neonatorum, 589
of newborn, 589 Sclérème des adultes, 578
des nouveau-nés, 589 Scleriasis, 578 Sclerodactylia, 580 Scleroderma, 578
circumscribed, 582
diagnosis, 587
etiology, 585
neonatorum, 589
pathology, 586
prognosis, 588
symptoms, 579
treatment, 588 Sclérodermie, 578 Scleronychia, 953 Scorbuto alpino, 173 Scorbutus, 500 Scratches, Ohio, 944, 1184. Scratching, prolonged, etiologic influence,
83 Scratch-marks, 66 Scrofulide érythémateuse, 753
tuberculeuse, 719 Scrofuloderm, large flat pustular, 718
small pustular, 711, 1055 Scrofuloderma, 717 Scrofulogumma, 718 Scrofulous eczema, 263
gumma, 718 Scrotal tongue, 1209 Scrotum, lymph, 596
milky exudation of, 596
pruritus of, 943 Scurvy, 500
land, 495 , sea, 500 Sea scurvy, 500 Sea-water injections, 114 Seasons, etiologic influence, 76 Sebaceous cyst, 1030
glands, 35 adenoma of, 656 development of, first sign, 37 diseases of, 1021
matter, 53
secretion, 53
tumor, 1030 Seborrhea, 331, 1021
treatment, 1025 Séborrhée, 1021 Seborrheic dermatitis, 276
psoriasis, 239, 242
wart, 548
Seborrhcea capitis, 331, 1022
congestiva, 753
corporis, 331, 335
figurée, 335
nigricans, 1077
oleosa, 331, 1021, 1022
papulosa seu lichenoides, 335
sicca, 331, 1021, 1022
simplex, 1022 Sebum, 53
Secondary keloid, 637 Secretion, sebaceous, 53
sweat, 51 Secretions, internal, etiologic influence, 80 Secretory function of skin, 51 Segmental tubercular syphiloderm, 804 Semi-albinismus, 609 Senile alopecia, 989
atrophy, 617 Sensible perspiration, 51 Sensory function of skin, 48 Serpiginous tubercular syphiloderm, 804
ulceration of genitals, 863 Sex, etiologic influence, 77 Shedding of nails, 959
of skin, 151 Shingles, 348 Shining layer, 19, 20 Silver nitrate, discoloration of skin from
prolonged use, 511 Skin, alligator, 562
cancer, 870
deciduous, 151
elastic, 606
diphtheria of, 429
glossy, 616
hedgehog, 565
hidebound, 578
loose, 604, 605
old age of, 534, 617
piebald, acquired, 610
rhinoceros, 565
wrinkled, 605 Skin-shedding, 151 Sklerodermie, 578 Sleeping sickness, 1202 Smallpox, 480. See also Variola. Smegma, 37
Smokers’ patches, 1203, 1204 Smooth muscles, 30 Snow, carbon-dioxid, 124 Soaps, 116
green, 117
medicated, 117
potash, 116
soda, 116
superfatty, 116 Soda soaps, 116 Soft fibroma, 697 Sommersprossen, 502 Sore feet of coolies, 1201 Sores, aphthous, 794
water, 1201 Sparganum proliferum, 1199 Spargosis, 592 Spedalskhed, 914 Sphaceloderma, 427
Spider cancer, 688
nævus, 682, 688 Spiders, 1187 Spindelhaare, 978 Spiradenoma, 659 Spiral fibers, Herxheimer’s, 22 Spirochæta pallida, 817, 820 Spiroma, 659 Spitzblattern, 476 Spitzencondylom, 550 Spitzenwarze, 550 Splenic fever, 418 Spontaneous gangrene of skin, 427, 429
keloid, 637 Spoon-nail, 958 Sporadic cretinism, 603 Sporotrichium, 1171
Beurmanni, 1171
indicum, 1171
Schencki, 1171 Sporotrichoses, dermic, 1167
subcutaneous, 1167
tuberculoides, 1167 Sporotrichosis, 1167
epidermic form, 1170
syphiloid type, 1170
treatment, 1172
tuberculoid type, 1170 Spots, 57
erythematous, 57
gift, 959 of nails, 43
Koplik’s, 471
liver, 504, 1147
moth, 504
white, 959 of nails, 43 Spotted sickness, 1153 Spurious keloid, 637 Squamæ, 68 Squames, 68 Squamous eczema, 273
papule, 60
syphilid, 786
syphiloderm, 786, 805 St. Anthony’s fire, 421 Stains, 58
blue, 514
claret, 682
portwine, 682
powder, 514 Stearoglycerid ointment, 994, 1027 Stearrhea, 1021 Stearrhœa nigricans, 1077 Steatoma, 1030 Stéatome, 1030 Steatorrhea, 1021 Steatorrhœa simplex, 1022 Steatozoon folliculorum, 1197 Stigmata, bleeding, 1080
hysteric, 1080 Stings of insects, 1187 Stinking sweat, 1075 Stinkschweiss, 1075 Stratum adiposum, 25
corneum, 19, 20
granulosum, 19, 20
Stratum, living, of epidermis, 21
lucidum, 19, 20 Straw dermatitis, 1183
itch, 945, 1183 Strawberry tongue, 467 Strawberry-mark, 683 Straw-packers’ itch, 1183 Striae atrophicæ, 619
et maculae atrophicæ, 619
patellares, 620 Striated muscles, 30 Stries atrophiques, 619 Strophulus, 1028, 1088
albidus, 1028, 1029
prurigineux, 208 Subcutaneous sporotrichoses, 1167
tissue, 24 Sudamen, 1082 Sudatoria, 1068 Sudor anglicus, 1091
sanguineosa, 1080
urinosus, 1081 Sudoriparous glands, 33 Suette blanche, 1092
miliare, 1091 Sulcated tongue, 1209 Summer eruption, recurrent, 358
prurigo, 359 Superfatty soaps, 116 Superfluous hair, 964 Supernumerary nails, 952 Suppurating corn, 524 Surgeon’s eczema, 281, 440 Surgical eczema, 281 Swamp itch, 944, 1184, 1190 Sweat, bloody, 1080
cold, 30, 52
colored, 1077
composition, 52
insensible, 51
phosphorescent, 1082
rash, miliary, 1091
sandy, 1081
secretion, 51
sensible, 51
stinking, 1075
urinous, 1081 Sweat-glands, 33
adenoma of, 652, 659
development of, first recognizable signs,
diseases of, 1068 Sweating, excessive, 1068
of feet, 1069
of hands, 1069
sickness, 1091 Sweat-pore, 33 Sycosis, 1014
bacillogenes, 1016
coccogenica, 1014, 1016
contagiosa, 1119
frambœsiformis, 643
hyphogenous, 1119
hyphomycotica, 1119
lupoid, 1010, 1015
lupoide, 1015
non-parasitaire, 1014
Sycosis, lion-parasitic, 1014 parasitaire, 1119 parasitaria, 1119 parasitic, 1119 parasitica, 1119 ringworm, 1015 staphylogenes, 1016 trichophytique, 1119 vulgaris, 1014
treatment, 1018 Symmetric gangrene, 432
keratodermia, 528 Symptomatic chloasma, 506 fragilitas crinium, 974 premature alopecia, 991 Symptoms, constitutional, 55 general, 55 objective, 55, 56 subjective, 55 Syphilid, 770 acuminated papular, 780 annular, 777 circinate, 777 ecthymaform, 799 erythematous, 776 exanthematous, 776 follicular, 780 herpetiform, 795 impetigiform, 798 lenticular papular, 782 macular, 776 miliary papular, 780 nodular, 803. papillomatous, 806 papular, 780 papulosquamous, 786 pigmentary, 613 pustulocrustaceous, 799 pustulo-ulcerative, 800 squamous, 786 tuberculogummatous, 811 varicelliform, 794, 795 vegetating, 80ó Syphilide cornée, 788 Syphilis, 769 acquired, cutaneous manifestations, 770 benign, 772 congenital, 813 cutanea, 770
bullosa, 802
gummatosa, 809
maculosa, 776
papillomatosa, 806
squamosa, 786
tuberculosa, 803
vegetans, 792, 806
vesiculosa, 794 cutaneous reaction test for, 825 diagnosis, 824
Ehrlich-Hata preparation in, 838 etiology, 818 general observations and diagnostic
characters, 772 hectine in, 839 hereditaria tarda, 814 hereditary, cutaneous manifestations,
Syphilis, hereditary, treatment, 844 Hutchinson’s teeth in, 814, 815 in innocent, 818, 819 infantile, 813 initial lesion, 769 insontium, 819 Leukocytozoön, 821 luetin test for, 825 malignant, 772 Noguchi’s test for, 825 notched teeth in, 814, 815 of nails, 775 of skin, 770 pathology, 821 præcox, 809 prognosis, 826 salvarsan in, 838 Spirochæta pallida of, 817, 820 treatment, 827
constitutional, 828
duration, 840 based on serum test, 841
external, 842
mixed, 836 treponema pallidum of, 820 Wassermann test for, 824
Noguchi’s modification, 825 Syphilitic adenopathy, 770, 815 alopecia, 775 cachexia, 771 dactylitis, 814, 815 ecthyma, 799 fever, 771 leukoderma, 778 lichen, 780 lymphadenitis, 815 onychia, 775 paronychia, 775 psoriasis, 786 Syphiloderm, acneiform, 796 annular, 777, 784 bullous, 802, 815 circinate, 777, 784
tubercular, 804 ecthymaform, 799 erythematous, 776 exanthematous, 776 flat papular, 782 gummatous, 809 impetigiform, 798 large acuminated pustular, 796
flat papular, 783
pustular, 799 lenticular papular, 782 macular, 776
miliary acuminated pustular, 795 nodular, 803
non-ulcerating tubercular, 805 palmar, 786 papillomatous, 806 papular, 780 papulosquamous, 786 papulotubercular, 805 pigmentary, 778 plantar, 786 pustular, 795, 817 pustulocrustaceous, 799
Syphiloderm, pustulo-ulcerative, 800
segmental tubercular, 804
serpiginous tubercular, 804
small acuminated pustular, 795 flat papular, 783 pustular, 798
squamous, 786, 805
tubercular, 803, 817
tuberculogummatous, 806, 811
tuberculopustular, 805
tuberculosquamous, 805
ulcerating serpiginous tubercular, 805
ulcerating tubercular, 805
varicelliform, 794
varioliform, 797
vegetating, 792, 806
vesicular, 794, 817 Syphiloderma, 770
bullosum, 802
erythematosum, 776
frambœsioides, 792
gummatosum, 809
maculosum, 776
pigmentosum, 778
tuberculosum, 803
vesiculosum, 794 Syphiloid type of sporotrichosis, 1170 Syphiloma, 809 Syringadenoma, 660 Syringocystadénome, 652 Syringocystoma, 652 Syringoma, 652 Syringomyelia, 631
Taboo, 914 Tache de feu, 682
hépatique, 504
pigmentaire, 515 Taches, 57
bleuâtres, 1180
de rousseur, 502
ombrées, 1180 Tactile corpuscles, 27, 28
sensibility, 48 Tar acne, 438, 1041
dermatitis, 438 Tattooing, 512 Tattoo-marks, 512 Teeth, Hutchinson’s, 814, 815
notched, in syphilis, 814, 815 Teigne du pauvre, 1093
faveuse, 1093
rural, 1093
tondante 1115
tonsurante, 1115 Télangiéctasie, 688 Telangiectasis, 688 Telangiectatic elephantiasis, 596
warts, 576 Telangiektatische granulome, 692 Test, Calmette’s, in tuberculosis cutis, 740
cutaneous reaction, for syphilis, 825
Ligniéres’, in tuberculosis cutis, 741
luetin, for syphilis, 825
Moro’s, in tuberculosis cutis, 741
Noguchi’s, for syphilis, 825
Test, von Pirquet’s, in tuberculosis cutis, 741 Wassermann’s, for syphilis, 824 Noguchi’s modification, 825 Wolf-Eisner, in tuberculosis cutis, 740 Tetter, 261 dry, 265 moist, 265 Texas mange, 944, 1184 Thermal sense, 48 Thorny layer, 22 Thrombo-angiitis obliterans, 430 Tick, wood, 1187 Tina, 1153 Tinea axillaris, 1113 barbæ, 1119 circinata, 1109 axillaris, 1113 cruris, 1113 tropica, 1114 cruris, 1113, 1114 decalvans, 995, 1003 favosa, 1093 capitis, 1094 epidermidis, 1095 unguium, 961 ficosa, 1093 imbricata, 1144 kerion, 1117 lupinosa, 1093 maligna, 1093 nodosa, 981
of mucous membrane, 1111 sycosis, 1119 tondens, 1115 tonsurans, 1115
bald, 1117 trichophytina, 1104 barbæ, 1119 capitis, 1115 corporis, 1109 cruris, 1113 unguium, 961 vera, 1093 versicolor, 1147 alba, 1148 flava, 1148 nigra, 1148 treatment, 1150 Tique, 1187 Tissue, adipose, 25 subcutaneous, 24 Toes, eczema of, 324 Tokelau ringworm, 1144 Tonga, 850 Tongue, black, 1212
circinate eruption of, 1209
cleft, 1209
fluted, 1209
furrowed, 1209
geographic, 1210
grooved, 1209
hairy, 1212
psoriasis of, 1203
ribbed, 1209
ringworm-like patches of, 1209
scrotal, 1209
Tongue, strawberry, 467
sulcated, 1209
transitory benign plaques of, 1209
wrinkled, 1209 Tonics, general, 108 Tooth rash, 278 Touch, sense of, 48 Touch-cells, Merkel’s, 27, 29 Touch-corpuscles, 28 Toxic tuberculides, 708
tuberculoses, 708 Toxi-tuberculides, 228 Trade eczemas, 281 Transitory benign plaques of tongue, 1209
hypertrichosis, 966 Translucent layer, 20 Traumatic dermatitis, 437
scars, 634 Treatment, constitutional, 106
general remarks on, 105
local, 115 Trephine, cutaneous, 126, 513 Treponema pallidum, 820 Trichauxis, 964 Trichiasis, 966 Trichoclasia, 974 Tricho-epithelioma papillosum multiplex,
652 Trichomycose nodulaire, 980 Trichomycosis flava, 982
nigra, 982
palmellina, 982
rubra, 982 Trichomykosis favosa, 1093 Trichonodosis, 1775 Trichonosis discolor, 983
furfuracea, 1115
versicolor, 984 Trichophytia capitis, 1115
unguium, 961 Trichophytic alopecia, 1004 Trichophytie, 1104
circinée, 1109, 1115
de la barbe, 1119
der unbehaarten Hautstellen, 1109
des parties glabres, 1109
du cuir chevelu, 1115
sèche, à forme d’ichtyose pilaire, 1120
sycosique, 1119
unguéale, 961 Trichophytin, 1133 Trichophyton, 1105, 1107
acuminatum, 1107
Castellani, 1108
cerebriforme, 1107
crateriforme, 1107
cruris, 1108
ectothrix, 1105
endothrix, 1105
ochraceum, 1107
rosaceum, 1107
rubrum, 1108
violaceum, 1107 Trichophytosis, 1104, 1107
barbæ, 1119
capitis, 1115
corporis, 1109
Trichorrhexis nodosa, 974 Trichosporosis nodosa, 980 Tricoptilose, 974 Trophic nerves of skin, 49 Tropical chlorosis, 1201
ulcers, 734, 812, 847, 854, 862 Trunk, acne of, treatment, 1053 Trypanosomiasis, 1202 Tubercles, 60 anatomic, 712 pearly, 1028 Tubercula, 60
Tubercular disease of foot, 1160 leprosy, 919 syphiloderm, 803, 817 circinate, 804 non-ulcerating, 805 segmental, 804 serpiginous, 804 ulcerating, 805 serpiginous, 805 Tuberculated leprosy, 919 Tubercules, 60 Tuberculides, 709, 1054 angiomateuses, 575 gommeuses, 718 necrotic, 712 toxi-, 228 toxic, 708 Tuberculin, 112
tests, 740 Tuberculogummatous syphilid, 811
syphiloderm, 806, 811 Tuberculoid type of sporotrichosis, 1170 Tuberculopustular syphiloderm, 805 Tuberculose ulcereuse, 709 Tuberculoses, toxic, 708 Tuberculosis cutis, 708 diagnosis, 738 Calmette’s test in, 740 etiology, 730 Ligniéres, test in, 741 Moro’s test in, 741 orificialis, 709 pathology, 732 prognosis, 741 treatment, 742 constitutional, 742 local, 744 operative, 748 vera, 709
von Pirquet’s test in, 741 Wolf-Eisner test in, 740 disseminata, 710 exanthematic, 711 fungosa cutis, 714 of skin, 708
miliary, 709 papillomatosa cutis, 716 tests, 740 ulcerosa, 709 verrucosa, 712 cutis, 713 Tuberculosquamous syphiloderm, 805 Tuberculous eczema, 263
gumma, 718 Tuberculum sebaceum, 1028
1248 INDEX
Tuberose carcinoma, 865 Tuberosis cutis pruriginosa, 210 Tumeurs, 61 Tumor, 61
fatty, 700
horny, 558
lymph, 596
muscle, 702
nerve, 704
sarcoid, 170, 902
sebaceous, 1030
small, 60 Tumores, 61 Tumor-like new growths, multiple benign,
667 Tyloma, 526 Tylosis, 526
gompheux, 524
linguæ, 1203
palmæ et plantæ, 528 Tysonian glands, 36
Ulcer, 70
cancroid, 872
crateriform, 875
endemic, 847, 854
Jacob’s, 872
perforating, of foot, 629
rodent, 872
tropical, 734, 812, 847, 854, 862 Ulcera, 70 Ulcerating granuloma of pudenda, 863
serpiginous tubercular syphiloderm, 805
tubercular syphiloderm, 805 Ulceration, groin, 863
serpiginous, of genitals, 863 Ulcerations, 70 Ulcére cancreux, 872 Ulcères, 70 Ulcus exedens, 872
grave, 1160
rodens, 872
varicosum, 272 Ulerythema acneiforme, 1055
centrifugum, 753
sycosiforme, 1010, 1015 Umbilicus, eczema of, 326 Uncinaria americana, 1202
duodenalis, 1201 Uncinarial dermatitis, 1201 Uncinariasis, 1201 Underwood’s disease, 589 Unguentum acidi borici, 120
aquæ rosæ, 119
simplex, 119 Unguis, 43 Uridrose, 1081 Uridrosis, 1081 Urinidrosis, 1081 Urinous sweat, 1081 Urticæ, 58 Urticaire, 179 Urticaria, 179
acute, 181
bullosa, 181, 182
chronic, 181
Urticaria factitia, 180 giant, 181, 191
hæmorrhagica seu purpura urticans, 182 hemorrhagic, 181 œdematosa, 181, 191 papulosa, 181, 182 perstans, 155, 181
annulata et gyrata, 154, 181
pigmentosa, 188 pigmentosa, 188
treatment, 190 treatment, 186 tuberosa, 181 vesicopapular, 1183 Utero-ovarian system, diseases of, etiologic influence, 78
Vaccinal eruptions, 486 Vaccination, 486
rashes, 486 Vaccine in ringworm, 1132 Vaccines, 112 Vaccinia, 486
Vacciniform ecthyma of infants, 399 Vagabond’s disease, 1177 Vajuolo, 480 Varicella, 476
gangrænosa, 427
treatment, 479 Varicelliform syphilid, 794, 795
syphiloderm, 794 Varices, papillary, 689 Varicose eczema, 272
veins, 689 Varicosities, 689 Variola, 480
complications, 484
confluent, 483
diagnosis, 484
hæmorrhagica pustulosa, 484
hemorrhagic, 483
petechial, 483
purpuric, 483
purpurica, 484
sequels, 484
symptoms, 480 Variolæ spuriæ, 476 Variolette, 476 Varioliform syphiloderm, 797 Varioloid, 482
Variot’s treatment of tattoo-marks, 513 Varix lymphaticus, 596 Vascular dilatations, acquired, 688
papillae, 24 Vasomotor constringents, 113
nerves, 30 of skin, 48 Vater’s corpuscles, 27 Vegetable laxatives, 108
parasites, diseases due to, 1093 Vegetating dermatoses, 388
syphilid, 806
syphiloderm, 792, 806 Végétation dermique, 550 Vegetations vasculaires, 656 Veins, varicose, 689
INDEX 1249
Venereal granuloma, 863
wart, 550 Venerische papillome, 550
warze, 550 Venous nævus, 683 Ver de Guinée, 1195 Verge noire, 457 Vergetures, 619 Verhärtung, 526 Vernix caseosa, 1022
persistent, 565 Vérole, 769 Verruca, 546
acuminata, 550
digitata, 549
filiformis, 550
necrogenica, 712
plana, 548 juvenilis, 549
plantaris, 547
seborrhoica, 548
senilis, 548
treatment, 555
vulgaris, 546 Verrue, 54ó
mére, 547 Verrues filles, 547
télangiectasiques, 575 Verruga peruana, 859 Vesicles, 62
Vesicobullous eruption, 63 Vesicopapular eruption, 60
urticaria, 1183 Vesicopapules, 60 Vesicopustular eruption, 63 Vesicopustules, 63, 65 Vesiculæ, 62
Vesicular syphiloderm, 794, 817 Vesicules, 62
Virchow’s false neuroma, 704 Vitiligo, 610
acquisita syphilitica, 778
syphilitica, 613
treatment, 614 Vitiligoidea, 668
Vitreous membrane of hair-follicle, 42 Vleminckx’s solution, 1066 Vogelmilbe, 1187 Voight’s lines, 520 von Pirquet’s test in tuberculosis cutis, 741 Vulva, kraurosis of, 625
pruritus of, 943
Wagner’s corpuscles, 27, 28 Wandering cells, 32
rash, 1209 Wart, 546
fig, 550 flat, 548 moist, 550 mother, 547 Peruvian, 859 plantar, 547 pointed, 550 seborrheic, 548 telangiectatic, 576
Wart, treatment, 555
venereal, 550 Wart-containing callosity, 547 Warty mole, 548 Warze, 546
Washerwomen’s eczema, 281 Wasps, 1187
Wassermann’s test for syphilis, 824 Noguchi’s modification, 825 Water, 115 Water-itch, 1201 Water-pox, 476, 1201 Waters, natural mineral, 114 Water-sores, 1201 Weeping eczema, 265
leg, 272 Wen, 1030 Wheals, 58 White erysipelas, 422
nails, 959
spots, 959
of nails, 43, 959 Whiteness of hair, 983 White-spot disease, 215, 621 Whitlow, 954
melanotic, 897 Winter itch, 944 Wolf-Eisner test in tuberculosis cutis,
740 Wood tick, 1187 Worm, guinea, 1195 Worms, flesh, 1032 Wounds, dissection, 415 Wrinkled skin, 605
tongue, 1209 Wundrose, 421
Xanthelasma, 668 Xanthelasmoidea, 188 Xanthoma, 668
cells, 672, 677
diabeticorum, 674 treatment, 678
giant-cells, 672
multiplex, 669
palpebrarum, 668
planum, 668
treatment, 673
tuberculatum seu tuberosum, 669 Xanthome, 668 Xeroderma, 561
follicular, 566
ichthyoides, 561
pigmentosum, 889 Xérodermie pilaire, 537 Xerosis, 561, 1028 X-ray burn, 444
dermatitis, 444 treatment, 448
epithelioma, 445
treatment, 127
Yaws, 850 mother, 852 ringworm, 853
Zecke, 1187 Zona, 348 Zoster, 348
abdominalis, 351
abortive, 349
brachialis. 351
capillitii, 351
cervicobrachialis, 351
colli, 351
Zoster erythematosus recidivus, 355 faciei, 351 femoralis, 351 frontalis, 351 gangrenous, 429 nuchæ, 351 ophthalmicus, 351 pectoralis, 351 vegetans, 355
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