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EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS. Jour. Cutan. Dis.= Journal of Cutaneous and Venereal Diseases, 1883-87, Journal of Arch. Derm. = Archives of Dermatology, 1875-82, New York. Brit. Jour. Derm. = British Journal of Dermatology, London. Annales = Annales de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie, Paris. Jour. mal. cutan. = Journal des maladies cutanèes et syphilitiques, Paris. Revue pratique = Revue pratique des maladies cutanèes, syphilitiques et vènêriennes, Paris. Annales mal. vên. = Annales des maladies vènèriennes, Paris. Monatshefte = Monatshefte für praktische Dermatologie, Hamburg. Dermatolog. Wochenschr. = Dermatologische Wochenschrift, Hamburg (formerly Monats- Archiv— Archiv für Dermatologie und Syphilis, 1869-73; Vierteljahresschrift für Dermatolog. Zeitschr. = Dermatologische Zeitschrift, Berlin. Dermatolog. Centralbl. = Dermatologisches Centralblatt, Leipzig. Giorn. ital. = Giorne italiano delle malattie veneree e delle malattie della pelle, Milan. Unna, Histopathology — Histopathology of the Diseases of the Skin, by P. G. Unna. Besnier and Doyon’s French translation of Kaposi’s treatise (Die Pathologie und Therapie Leloir and Vidal, Traitè descriptif refers to their work, Traitè descriptif des maladies Kaposi, Diseases of the Skin, refers to the English translation of Kaposi’s treatise by International Atlas refers to the International Atlas of Rare Diseases of the Skin. Bangs and Hardaway’s American Textbook = An American Textbook of GenitoUri Morrow’s System = A System of GenitoUrinary Diseases, Syphilology, and Dermatology, Twentieth Century Practice = Twentieth Century Practice of Medicine, edited by Thomas But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.