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Synonyms.—Albinism; Congenital leukoderma; Congenital leukopathia; Congeni tal leukasmus; Congenital achroma: Fr., Albinisme.
Definition.—A congenital absence, either partial or complete, of the pigment normally present in the skin, hair, and eyes.
Symptoms.—Partial albinismus, sometimes termed leukoderma, which, as a rule, involves the skin pigment alone or that of skin and hair, is identical in its features to vitiligo, except it is congenital, and lacks the increased pigmentation of the bordering skin observed in the latter affection. One, several, or many areas, and of various size, may be present, and they may be rounded or irregular in shape. The skin of the areas is milkywhite in color, sometimes with a pinkish tinge; the
hairs are generally likewise colorless. The patches are irregularly dis tributed, although, exceptionally, they show cutaneous nerve distribu tion, of which Lesser1 cites an example. In rare instances the albinismus is limited to one or two patches of hair, and in some of these latter cases the white lock or locks are noted to be situated about alike through several generations (see Canities). Partial albinismus, as to the integument, is most frequently seen in negroes (called “pied” or “piebald” negroes). As a rule, the patches remain the same throughout life, but in occasional instances the areas extend, and exceptionally, as in 2 cases—negroes— noted by Simon,2 a tendency to pigmentation is shown.
In complete albinismus the skin of the entire body is milky-white, with usually, however, a pinkish tinge, due to the integumental blood; the hair is very fine, soft, and white or whitish-yellow in color, although in an exceptional instance noted by Folker3 it was bright red. The irides are colorless, pinkish, or light blue, and the pupils, owing to ab sence of pigment in the choroid, are red or reddish-pink. This absence of pigment in the eyes gives rise to photophobia and nystagmus, noticed in these individuals, and which also leads them to keep the lids partly closed during the lightest part of the day, and to avoid brilliant light exposure. The subjects of this complete form are known as albinos (Ger., Kakerlaken), and they are noted, as a rule, to be of rather feeble constitution, and many exhibit imperfect mental development, although to this are many exceptions. There are no structural alterations in the skin, there being no departure from the normal other than complete absence of pigment; and its functions are performed in a perfectly natural manner. The condition is permanent, although Ascherson,
1 Lesser, Ziemssen‘s Handbook of Skin Diseases, p. 447 (with illustration).
2 Simon, “Ueber Albinismus partialis bei Farbigen und Europäern,” Deutsche Klinik, 1861, pp. 399 and 406. Almost all the numerous cases described in this paper are, however, examples of acquired leukoderma—vitiligo.
3 Folker, Lancet, 1879, voll. i. p. 795.
Phœbus, and Mayer, quoted by Seligsohn,1 have noted exceptional instances in which it partly disappeared; in Mayer‘s case the red color of the iris disappeared from year to year.
Beyond the influences of heredity no cause is known, and a history of this etiologic factor is not always obtainable. It is rarely direct, from one generation to another, the parents usually being free. It is seen in both blacks and whites. It is quite common for two or three of the chil dren to be similarly affected; in fact, a single case in the family is rather exceptional. In the celebrated Cape May (New Jersey) cases reported by Marcy2 the father and mother were full-fledged negroes, and so far as could be ascertained there had been no similar instance in the family. The first two children, males, were black, then came two females, both albinos, one after the other, then another black female child, and the last and sixth child, a male, another albino; they had all the attributes of albinism—cream-colored and silky, though woolly, hair, the pink eyes, and milky skin. In Folker‘s cases (Caucasians), in addition to the albino girl with red hair, two other children had the white hair and pink eyes of the pure albino; the others, five in number, showed no evidence of the condition; the father and mother were free from the deformity. In the family observed by Sym,3 in which the complexion was dark in the father, mother, and relatives, and without previous history of the condition, of seven children four—the first, third, fifth, and seventh—were albinos, the others resembling their parents in color. In three cases the irides were bluish. Lesser (loc. cit.) refers to a family of seven children, of whom six were albinotic, and Pickel4 an instance of a family of thirteen, of whom seven were albinos; and Mayer, where the second and fourth children were albinos, the first and third normal. It would seem, by Boyle's5 observations, that the condition in some cases may fail of being absolutely complete. He cites an example seen among the blacks of Borneo, whose skin was of a dirty-white color, interspersed with large, freckle-like spots; the “color of the hair could hardly be described,'‘ the eyes were pale blue, and he was unable to see well until the sun was low. The parents of the case had the natural complexion, but his brothers and sisters were albinos, and many of his ancestors were said to have had the same blemish. According to Burton, quoted by Beigel, in West Africa there is occasionally observed a condition which might be termed semi-albinismus, in which the skin, in color, is between the natural hue of blacks and whites, and he refers to a case (of which he subsequently saw a number), of a black, with a café-au-lait-colored skin, hair dull yellow, but short and woolly, and the eyes a “lively brown.“
1 Seligsohn, “Albinismus,” in Eulenburg's Real-Encyclopaedie, 1880, vol. i, p. 160; and also by Behrend, in vol. xiii, 1897, p. 476.
2 Marcy, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1839, p. 517—also a short preliminary report of the first children, in Amer. Med. Intelligencer, 1837-38, vol. i, p. 225.
3 Sym, “Albinism—A Curious Family History,” Trans. London Ophthalmolog. Soc'y, 1891, vol. xi, p. 218.
4 Pickel, Blumenbach's Med. Bibl., vol. iii, p. 167—quoted by Lesser, Ziemssen's Handbuch der Hautkrankheiten, vol. xiv, p. 181.
5 Boyle, “Adventures Among the Dyaks of Borneo,” London, 1865, p. 96—quoted by Beigel (albinismus and nigrismus), Virchow's Archiv, 1868, vol. xliii, p. 529; full translation of Beigel‘s paper in Amer. Jour. Syphilog. and Dermatol., 1870, p. 136.
In addition to the hereditary factor demonstrable in some instances other influences have been suggested, especially fright or shock during pregnancy. This does not, however, seem to be based upon a rational foundation or upon much clinical support, although the mother of Marcy's cases attributed the first child to the fright produced, while pregnant, by the falling down of an old white mare while driving; and in a case reported by Jefferiss,1 in an only child, with no family history of the malady, the mother ascribed it to the strong impression made, in the first months of pregnancy, upon her mind by seeing an albino. Aubé, quoted by Seligsohn, is inclined to ascribe the condition to the marriage of blood relations, and believes the facts of its occurrence in animals are suggestive of this. Its rather rare appearance, however, would seem to negative such an opinion.
As may readily be inferred, albinismus cannot be lessened or in fluenced by treatment—it is, in fact, without remedy.
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