HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Verruca necrogenica, or anatomic tubercle, is the simplest and most common of this rare form of cutaneous tuberculosis. It is a localized, papillary or wart-like formation, occurring usually about the knuckles or other parts of the hand or forearm. Its most common site is over one of the metacarpophalangeal joints. It begins, as a rule, as a small, papule-like growth, increasing gradually, but very slowly, in area, and when well advanced, appears as a pea- or dime-sized or larger, somewhat
1 Colcott Fox, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1898, p. 253 (case demonstration).
2 Haushalter, Annales, 1898, p. 455.
3 Du Castel, ibid., 1898, p. 729.
4 Adamson, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1899, p. 20.
Among other pertinent interesting reports are: Bunch, “On Necrotic Tuberculides,” Brit. Jour. Derm., 1912,p. 357 (with illustration), described 2 unusual cases: first, a boy of twelve, in whom the disease began at the age of four as a simple red, slightly scaly patch at navel on which a number of small nodules of a superficial papular character appeared which gave place to shallow scars; there were also on the inner sides of thighs, and around about the axillæ areas of a pinkish superficial dermatitis, which in the course of several years became the seat of similar shallow scars, doubtless preceded by papula- tion. The second case, a woman of twenty-five, presented a number of pea- and slightly larger-sized pinkish indurated nodular swellings on the legs and arms; they gradually broke down and showed slight purulent discharge; some coalescent in places, granulating and healing, leaving considerable scarring; the disease began ten years previously; some time after the appearance of these tuberculous lesions the patient developed a well- marked lupus erythematosus.
Leopold and Rosenstern, “The Significance of Tuberculides in the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Infancy,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, Nov. 12, 1910, p. 1721, state that from their experience in the Children’s Asylum in Berlin the small papulosquamous and papulonecrotic tuberculides are not uncommon in cases of tuberculosis in infancy (in 40 per cent, in their series); the lesions may be scanty and insignificant and unless carefully searched for overlooked.
inflammatory, red, elevated, flattened, warty mass, with commonly a tendency to slight pus-formation between the papillary projections, and of which small drops can, as a rule, be made to ooze upon slight lateral pressure. The surface, which is usually irregular, may be somewhat hard or horny, or the growth may be covered with a crust. In fact, the beginning papular lesion often becomes pustular, and this dries up and forms a crusted covering, which, if removed by accident or design, rapidly forms anew; later it acquires a warty aspect from papillary hy pertrophy, and the same condition results as described above. The border especially is often superficially indurated, rarely deeply. There is also a disposition toward central healing and peripheral spread, although the patch rarely reaches more than an inch or so in area. The growth is more or less persistent, but in some cases, after a variable time, undergoes involution, leaving usually a slight smooth or corded scar. While the lesion is, generally speaking, relatively benign, it is occasion ally followed by extension along the lymph-channels, with involvement of the lymphatic glands and constitutional infection; according to Knick- enberg,1 Guizzetti,2 Hallopeau,3 and others, this occurs more readily in this form than in that known as tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (of Riehl and Paltauf). Its usual subjects are those who have to do with decom posing animal matter; hence it is chiefly encountered among medical students, physicians, dissection-room and hospital-ward attendants, and butchers. Besnier and Vidal originally noted its occurrence among those making autopsies in tuberculous subjects, and recognized its analogy to some types of lupus. The investigations of Riehl,4 Finger,5 and others demonstrated that verruca necrogenica is due to tubercle bacilli infection. Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (of Riehl and Paltauf), while for some years irregularly met with, was first brought into prominent notice by the classic paper by Riehl and Paltauf,6 whose studies were based upon 14 cases observed in Kaposi’s clinic, and which showed the analogy and probable identity of this with anatomic tubercle just described; also its resemblance to lupus verrucosus. It was by them thought to occur in adults who had to do with animals and animal products, but we know today that many cases are also contracted from other tuberculous individuals. White7 believes that this variety may fairly be accepted as the ordinary form of manifestation in the cutaneous tissues of the inoculation of the same with tuberculous matter, whether derived from the cadaver of man or other animal, or by contact with infective material from living subjects. While it usually begins in an insignificant manner, practically similarly to verruca necrogenica, it is much more extensive and may cover several inches or more of surface. One, several, or more
1 Knickenberg, “Ueber Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis,” Archiv, 1894, p. 405.
2 Guizzetti, “Ueber einen Fall von Tuberculum anatomicum. Histologisch-bak- teriologische Untersuchungen,” Monatshefte, 1899, vol. xxix, p. 253.
3 Hallopeau, “Sur les rapports de la tuberculose avec les maladies de la peau autres que le lupus vulgaris,” Jour. mal. cutan., 1896, p. 522.
4 Riehl and Paltauf, “Tuberculosa verrucosa cutis,” Archiv, 1886, p. 19.
5 Finger, “Ueber die sogenannte Leichenwarze,” Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1888, p. 85. 6 Loc. cit.
7J. C. White, “Clinical Aspects and Etiologic Relations of Cutaneous Tubercu losis,” Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., Nov. 12, 1891, p. 509.
small patches arise, and if the latter, generally near together, and sooner or later coalesce and form an irregularly shaped or serpiginous area. The degree of inflammatory action present varies considerably, the area or areas being surrounded by a band-like redness with some infiltration. The whole patch is, as a rule, somewhat elevated, infiltrated, and beset with wart-like papillary hypertrophy, or with dull or purplish-red tuber cles or nodules, isolated or grouped; or with closely aggregated or discrete, usually minute pustules, seated directly upon the sluggishly inflamed
Fig. 158.—Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis; in a negro.
purplish area, or at the summits of the tubercles or nodules. Not in frequently the interstices between the papillary or projecting vegetations contain some seropurulent or purulent fluid which can be pressed out. While the disease spreads peripherally, a slight tendency to thin scarring is generally to be noted in the earliest portions. In fact, in some cases, especially where there are several areas or one extensive plaque, all the described features can usually be seen. One of its characteristics is that it rarely shows any positive ulceration.
Its favorite region is the back of the hand—sometimes one, sometimes both. It often spreads on to the fingers and the interdigital folds, up the wrists, and less frequently on to the palms. On this last-named region it is, however, rare, and always appearing as an extension from
the dorsum, as in the 2 cases reported respectively by Cutler1 and Weber.2 Inasmuch as this type is frequently seen in association with pulmonary phthisis, 4 examples of which have been recently reported by Béclère,3 it is probable, as stated by this observer, following Vidal, that its presence in this region finds its explanation in the fact that phthisical patients, and especially men, in whom this manifestation is most frequently en countered, after coughing wipe off the mouth and mustache with the back of the hand. Of interest and suggestive in this connection is Schoull's4 experiment, who took some hair from the beard of a tuberculous patient, and, after soaking and agitating it in distilled water in a test- tube, injected some of the liquid into a guinea-pig, the animal shortly succumbing to tuberculosis. Fabry5 called attention to its occurrence in coal-miners, in whom the numerous and constant injuries and cuts about the backs of the hand incident to their work play an important
Fig. 159.—Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis. Patient aged twenty-four years; duration four years; sinuses of knee (courtesy of Dr. F. C. Knowles).
rôle, affording opportunities for inoculation, phthisis being not an un common, disease among such workmen.
Like anatomic tubercle, it is slow in its course, often stationary for periods, and in certain parts retrogressive; it often lasts for years, and occasionally disappears spontaneously. There is usually left a thin, atrophic-looking scar, sometimes with the sieve-like aspect noted in lupus erythematosus. It bears a striking resemblance to blastomycetic
1 Cutler, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1898, p. 535 (case demonstration)—on backs and palms of both hands.
2 Weber, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1899, p. 161 (case demonstration).
3 Béclère, Gaz. hebdom., 1898, No. 34; Annales, 1898, p. 794.
4 Schoull, Jour, des prat., 1899, p. 347.
5 Fabry, “Ueber das Vorkommen der Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (Riehl and Paltauf) bei Arbeitern in Kohlenbergwerken,” Archiv, 1900, vol. li, p. 69 (7 cases, most of which with associated pulmonary tuberculosis, or with the latter in the family; 2 cuts of cases); and Schulze (Fabry’s clinic), ibid., 1904, vol. lxx, p. 329 (a synopsis of 160 cases).
dermatitis (q. v.), with which doubtless it has sometimes been con founded.
Various other forms allied to this in general character have been described, but they are scarcely to be considered as separate manifesta tions, but rather as aberrant types, in which one or other clinical element predominates, and sometimes presenting features partaking of the nature of both this form and lupus vulgaris; moreover, it may occasionally be upon other situations. Thus, in Morrow’s1 case (tuberculosis papillo- matosa cutis) the eruption was seated upon the face, and consisted of rather bright-red, abundant, and extremely prominent papillomatous vegetations; in Mracek’s2 and Ravogli’s3 cases, the leg was the seat of the manifestation, which was quite extensive.
In some rare cases, described by Riehl4 as tuberculosis fungosa cutis, the growths are somewhat fungoidal or mushroom-like, and re-
Fig. 160.—Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis in patient with pulmonary tuberculosis. (Note the close resemblance to blastomycosis.)
semble similar formations observed in granuloma fungoides; the disease usually originates in osseous or periosteal lesions; fistulous ulcers are formed, growing nodular swellings, with fungoidal aspect, and later the ordinary appearances of tuberculous ulcers. Other lesions, occasionally seen in the average type, are tubercles or nodules, small pustules, papil lary elevations, and crusting. In other instances, as described (fibroma- tosis tuberculosa cutis) by the same author, along with papillomatous vegetations, ulcers, etc, there is marked sclerosis found on different
1 Morrow, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1888, pp. 361 and 401 (with colored plate); Shelmire, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1906, p. 20, reports a case of probably a mixed type, the verrucose element predominating; eruption on face and neck in a negress (2 good illustrations).
2 Mracek, Hand Atlas of Skin Diseases, second edit., plate 86.
3 Ravogli, “On Various Forms of Cutaneous Tuberculosis,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., April 16, 1898.
4 Riehl, Verhandl. der Deutschen dermatolog. Gesell., iv Congress, 1894, p. 354.
parts, not infrequently about the nose, mouth, and other mucous outlets. Wickham and Jessner have also described cases with frambesiform lesions, in that of the latter the eruption being disseminated. In fact, almost all types of nodular, vegetating, and ulcerative lesions are en countered as the result of tubercle bacilli infection, and Besnier, Lejars, Jeanselme, and others have noted rare instances (lymphangitis tubercu- losa cutanea)1 in which the lymphatics, usually of the extremities, were the seat primarily or secondarily of infection, and the eruptions of various characters, lupoid, nodular, and papillomatous, corresponding to the lymphatic distribution, and commonly with some elephantiasic enlarge ment. To lymphatic involvement is doubtless due also the hypertrophic character noted in other types.
Diagnosis.—The sluggish character of the growth, its dull red or purplish-red color, its localization, history, and slow course, and the papillomatous tendency displayed, the absence of distinct ulcerative action, and usually of brownish or reddish-yellow tubercles, will serve to distinguish it from both syphilis and other forms of tuberculosis. Its resemblance to blastomycetic dermatitis is striking, and, in fact, unless other symptoms of tuberculous nature are present, a conclusive differentiation is possible only by microscopic and bacteriologic means.
Treatment.—Of the various local measures to be mentioned in the section on treatment of the tuberculoses, the use of the antiseptic applications, such as the mercurial preparations, together with the use of strong salicylic acid plasters and pyrogallol salves, and, when neces sary, the curet, are the most valuable. The x-ray and Finsen treat ments have also been found serviceable.
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