HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Palmar and Plantar Syp-hiloderm.—The palms (palmar
syphiloderm) and soles (plantar syphiloderm), especially the former, are not uncommon seats of the dry syphilodermata—macular, macu- lopapular, papular, papulotubercular, and tubercular. These parts usually share in the more or less generalized eruptions of the active or secondary stage of syphilis, but they are not infrequently alone the sites of the relapsing secondary eruption, and often show the papulo- squamous form at later periods of the disease. It is usually the latter which furnishes the cases of the so-called palmar and plantar syphiloderm. The thickness of the epiderm on these parts gives rise to considerable modification; the lesions are but slightly elevated above the surrounding
level, are often rather ill defined peripherally, and when first appearing are much more suggestive of macules than papules. There is some elevation, however, and also distinct infiltration. They are rounded or somewhat irregularly shaped, and in their early stage brownish yellow or brownish red in color; later, owing to the collection of slight scaliness or from being covered with dry, shriveled, broken epidermis, they are dirty gray or grayish white, but when deprived of this covering, the underlying surface or lesion has the usual brownish-red or ham color. Not infrequently there is a slight central grayish or brownish-gray, callus-like thickening, surrounded by a partly visible band of brownish- red underlying papular infiltration, the color being disclosed by the partial
Fig. 182.—Flat maculopapular and papular syphiloderm. with scaling tendency; generalized, the lesions on other parts being maculopapular, papular, and papulo- squamous.
or more or less complete removal of the thin scale; beyond this an en circling rim of partially detached epidermis, with its loose, elevated, usually ragged edge directed inwardly. There is often a disposition toward coalescence of contiguous lesions, and this results in the formation of irregular, segmental, crescentic, and serpiginous patches or tracts. This tendency, particularly the serpiginous and circinate, is observed with the late papulotubercular manifestation, and such patches often creep, with a slightly elevated spreading border, on to the fingers or up the wrist, and not infrequently toward and sometimes over to the dorsal surfaces of the hand and fingers. The general appearances of the papulotubercular and tubercular forms differ but little from that of the ordinary papulosquamous just described, the sole difference being that
the lesions are usually somewhat deeper and showing, as a rule, more infiltration, and occasionally the tubercular exhibiting a slight disposi tion here and there, at the spreading edge, to superficial ulceration. The difference is so slight that, after the eruption is once established, it is scarcely, if at all, recognizable; the spreading elevated infiltrated edge with ulcerative tendency always, of course, indicates the papulo- tubercular or tubercular syphilid.
In some cases there is a tendency to fissuring and the fissures may be superficial or deep. The scaliness is, as a rule, scanty, more of the nature of fragmentary, ragged, partially detached epidermis, and is reproduced slowly. Occasionally, however, it may be more abundant, and sometimes collects to slight thickness; it is noted to be quite hard and horny. Now and then these hard, horny collections are small and
Fig. 183.—A papulosquamous syphiloderm, of the palm only; late eruption.
rather sharply circumscribed, extend somewhat deeply, and which can, with some force, be dug out; sometimes they show sieve-like perforations; the French writers called attention to this condition, which they de scribed under the name of syphilide cornée. Exceptionally palmar and plantar lesions remain more or less persistently as maculopapules or papules, showing some epidermic thickening, with but little tendency to scale-formation.
The eruption is sometimes observed on both palms and soles more or less symmetrically; it may be scanty or abundant. More commonly it is limited to the palms, and not infrequently to one hand. It may also be confined to one or both soles. It is usually slow in its advent, spreads gradually, but, as a rule, does not become extensive, sometimes remain ing more or less stationary for an indefinite time. The central portion
of the palm, the ball of the thumb, and the volar surfaces of the fingers are favorite situations on the hand. It is not itchy, but if fissuring is
Fig. 184.—A palmar spreading papulo- and tuberculosquamous syphiloderm of the late period, showing the well-defined border, leaving pigmentation and slight atrophy; no eruption elsewhere.
present, is, for this reason, often painful; the process is sluggish, more of the nature of an infiltration than inflammation, although it commonly,
Fig. 185.—A palmar papulosquamous syphiloderm of the late period; no eruption
especially in spreading areas, presents on the parts traversed a reddish, sluggishly or subacutely inflammatory aspect, sometimes with an ap-
pearance of thinning, and commonly scantily covered with adherent and detached fragments of epithelial scales.
Fig. 186.—A palmar tuberculosquamous syphiloderm of the late period, showing seg- mental configuration; no eruption elsewhere.
The palmar and plantar syphiloderm occurring late in the disease is a persistent obstinate manifestation, and often extremely rebellious
Fig. 187.—A palmar papulotubercular spreading syphiloderm of the late period, with ulcerative tendency, and showing the sharply defined border; no eruption elsewhere.
to treatment. As a part of a generalized eruption of the early or active stage it disappears usually along with the eruption on other regions,
Papulotubercular squamous syphiloderm ; undergoing involution (courtesy of Dr. M. B.
although it may remain much longer on these parts, finally yielding to remedies. As a recurrence of the early generalized type, and limited to these regions, it is somewhat obstinate, but much less so than when appearing several years or more after the contraction of the disease. The papulotubercular or tubercular form, more especially that with ulcerative tendency, is generally much more readily cured.
The diagnosis of the palmar syphiloderm is often a matter of great difficulty. It bears resemblance to eczema, dermatitis seborrhoica, and possibly to psoriasis. As a part of an early generalized syphiloderm a conclusion is naturally easily reached, but special reference is here made to the eruption as found limited to this region. Psoriasis can, I believe, be readily excluded by the fact that it is never limited to these parts alone, but if found here, lesions will surely be found about the elbows, scalp, and probably elsewhere. It is true, a few instances of psoriasis confined to the palms have been reported, but such have been so extremely rare, and inasmuch as the clinical appearances of psoriasis of these parts, when seen exceptionally in connection with a generalized psoriasis, are so much like some cases of eczema, especially dermatitis seborrhoica, and even like palmar syphilis, that the alleged cases of limitation to these regions could much more reasonably be placed to the credit of either of the latter two maladies.
In fact, in the diagnosis only eczema and dermatitis seborrhoica need be considered. Eczema can usually be differentiated by the more in flammatory aspect, the common and often predominant involvement of the fingers and finger-ends, and generally its appearance also on the backs of the hands, as well as the presence of variable heat and itching; often, too, there is present in one or two places the eczematous discharge, or a history of such; there is no tendency to crescentic, serpiginous, or circinate forms, as often observed in syphilis; and not infrequently it occurs in those who have to do with irritating substances, as dyers, plasterers, pasters, polishers, etc Sometimes, too, in such eczema cases the eruption in its characteristic aspects is seen on forearms, and possibly elsewhere. It is with the differentiation from dermatitis sebor- rhoica, which, however, is luckily somewhat rare in this situation, that the most difficulty is likely to be encountered, as itching and burning are often absent in this malady, and it may show a slight tendency to crescentic configuration. A careful consideration of both diseases is occasionally necessary, sometimes supplemented by observa tion and treatment, before a positive conclusion can be reached. Derma titis seborrhoica is, however, much less likely to form segmental, crescentic, and serpiginous shapes than syphilis, and with such as a pre dominant feature the latter diagnosis would be the more probable unless there were good reasons for the contrary. Dermatitis seborrhoica, fortunately, is commonly associated with the same disease on one or more of its more usual situations, as the scalp, eyebrows, nasolabial folds, bearded region, interscapular and sternal regions; when on the hands, it is usually long after it has already existed elsewhere. Moreover, in dermatitis seborrhoica there is not the usually distinctly recognizable
infiltration of the syphilid. In many instances in these cases of palmar and plantar syphilid often a history of syphilis is obtainable, or evidences, such as scars, of former syphilitic manifestation can be found. Occurring during the active or secondary period of the disease, of course, other associated symptoms are commonly present, but when occurring a few years or longer after the contraction of the malady, such positive cor- roboration is generally wanting. In urgent cases the Wassermann test might be a help.
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