HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Lymphangioma cavernosum (Besnier); Lupus lymphaticus (Hutch- inson); Lymphangiectodes; Lymphangioma simplex; Lymphangioma superficiale simplex (Unna); Lymphangioma capillare varicosum (Török); Fr., Angiome cystique (de Smet and Bock); Lymphangiome circonscrit vesiculeux (Brocq and Bernard).
Definition.—A limited, regional, or patch eruption connected with the lymphatics, characterized by pin-head to small pea-sized,
1 Thibiérge, Ikonographia Dermatologica, 1907, p. 69.
2 Gottheil. Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1909, p. 277.
usually somewhat deep-seated, often red-dotted, closely crowded thick- walled vesicles.
This rare disease, for which the name lymphangioma circumscrip- tum, given by Morris, seems the most appropriate one, was first de scribed by Tilbury Fox, and later by Hutchinson, Köbner, Noyes and Török, Morris, J. C. White, Leslie Roberts, Francis, Elliot, Hartzell, Gilchrist, and others.1
Symptoms.—The type of this rare malady is represented by one or several contiguous or closely adjacent patches, composed of vari ously sized, thick-walled, frog-spawn-like, grayish, pinkish, or reddish vesicles, somewhat thickly set or even slightly crowded or bunched. If a single patch,—probably the most frequently observed,—it is usually made up of two or three aggregations, with here and there a few discrete vesicles between. The patch varies in size and shape, generally 1 to 3 or 4 inches in its largest diameter, andt rather irregularly rounded or ovalish. The lesions, more especially the smaller and more recent ones, present a glimmering, translucent, distinctly vesicular, grayish or pearly aspect; in some cases some of the older lesions very often show epithelial thickening and roughening, and the translucency is lost, and when such a condition is predominant, a slightly warty appearance is given to the individual elevations and to the patch as a whole. Quite commonly, on the covering wall of the vesicle, minute telangiectases in the form of dots or strić are to be seen. This feature, if conspicuously
1 Literature: Tilbury and Colcott Fox, London Pathol. Soc‘y Trans., 1879, voll. xxx, p. 470 (with histology); Hutchinson, ibid., 1880, vol. xxxi, p. 342 (2 cases with colored plates and histologic report by Sangster), and Arch. Surgery, 1889-90, vol. i, plates xv and xvi (of above 2 cases and an additional one); Köbner, Virchow‘s Archiv, 1883, vol. xciii, p. 343 (hand and arm, somewhat cavernous development; with 3 case illustrations), also full translation in Annales, 1884, p. 293; Malcolm Morris, Inter national Atlas, 1889, plate i (colored illustration of his own case and Hutchinson‘s 3); Noyes and Török, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1890, p. 359, and 1891, p. 8 (résumé and critical review of cases (4 of which do not, however, come under this disease) to date; with histologic examination, cuts, references); Török, Monatshefte, 1892, vol. xiv, p. 169 (relation to angiokeratoma—critical analysis of cases and principal references)—abs. analysis in Brit. Jour. Derm., 1892, p. 397; Schmidt, Archiv, 1890, vol. xxii, p. 529 (2 cases, 1 of upper lip and oral mucous membrane; 2 histologic cuts; review and refer ences)—abs. analysis in Brit. Jour. Derm., 1892, p. 133; Jamieson, Edinburgh Med. Jour., 1890, vol. xxxvi, p. 269 (case demonstration, with notes); Elliot, New York Med. Record, 1891, vol. xxxix, p. 561; Besnier-Doyon, French translation of Kaposi, vol. ii, p. 380; de Smet and Bock, Jour, de med. de chirurg. et de pharmacol. Bruxelles, 1891, vol. xcii., p. 495; Hartzell, Medical News, 1892, Jan. 16 (with a résumé of 8 previously reported cases and references); Epstein, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1892, p. 213 (2 illustrations; a somewhat anomalous case, seated about the genitalia, lower abdomen, and left buttock, beginning when aged twenty-four, and tending to disappear); Francis, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1893, pp. 33 and 65 (7 cases—1 or 2 not clearly defined, with résumé and analysis of all previously reported cases); another case, ibid., p. 364; J. C. White, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1894, p. 474; Leslie Roberts, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1896, p. 309 (5 cases of lymphangioma—various types); Gilchrist, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1896, p. 138 (with histologic cut); Colcott Fox, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1896 (case demonstration); Malcolm Morris, ibid., 1898, p. 52 (case demonstration); Walsh, ibid., p. 338 (case demonstration—involving eye and eyelids); Freudweiler, Archiv, 1897, vol. xli, p. 323 (colored case illustration, histologic cuts, review, and references); Brocq and Bernard, Annales, 1898, p. 305, “Sur le lymphangiome circonscrit de la peau et des muqueuses” (an elaborate and exhaustive review of the whole subject, with résumé and references and histologic cuts); Pawlof, Monatshefte, 1899, vol. xxix, p. 53 (with 2 histologic cuts, and with review of histologic findings and references); Waelsch, Archiv, 1900, vol. li, p. 97 (with 2 colored plates and histologic review): Pollitzer, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1906, p. 493 (2 cases, histologic with illustrations).
developed, lends to the lesions a pinkish or pinkish-red, opalescent aspect, and in some instances (Hutchinson) so marked as more or less completely to mask their usual color. In some, from rupture of these minute capil lary vessels and admixture of the excaped blood,—usually minute in quantity,—a deep-red, purplish, or blackish look is given the vesicles. In a well-marked patch of long duration it is usual to find, therefore, clear shining vesicles, vesicles capped with red dots or strić, purplish or blackish lesions, and wart-like elevations. The lesions are firm and, as a rule, thick walled and not easily ruptured, although presenting a vesic ular appearance, which can readily be corroborated by pricking, the dis charge being slight, but sometimes leakage being continued for some minutes or an hour or two. In occasional cases, as in White‘s patient, there is, in places, crusting of very firm consistence, of a yellow or reddish color, formed apparently by the coagulation of the contents of the vesicles, and is quite tough and somewhat persistent.
In several instances (Besnier and Doyon, Hutchinson, J. C. White, and others) the part and immediate vicinity have exhibited a recurring erysipelatous inflammation, in all probability accidental, or possibly of the same character as observed in other maladies with lymphatic in volvement. As a rule, there is but little if any distinct elevation of the skin area in which the lesions are seated; in some cases, however, there is an underlying nćvoid, tumor-like elevation, and in others an under lying basis of lymphatic dilatation, and, on the extremities, a varicose condition of the veins; these cases are somewhat questionable and anom alous, although the surface lesions and characters are identical. The eruption may be on almost any part, but the shoulders, neck, and scapu lar region are favorite localities. According to Schmidt and Brocq and Bernard, the lips and mouth may also be the seat of the malady. The eruption is persistent, although some of the vesicles disappear, others taking their place; and there may be some variation, but, as a rule, the area is gradually extended. Occasionally, as in 1 (Hartzell's case) of the 2 cases under my observation for some time, there was a gradual shifting of the area, progressing at one side and receding at the other, and, according to Hartzell, several years later the entire patch had moved from the scapular region to the summit of the shoulder, the former site showing some slight atrophy of the skin, faint pigmentation, and here and there a few small, isolated papules. There are no subjective symp toms except those due to accidental circumstances.
Etiology.—With few exceptions the malady has begun in infancy or early childhood, and it is quite probable that in most of them it was congenital. It is observed in both sexes. In some cases it has been as sociated with nćvi (Besnier and Doyon, Fox, Pye-Smith, and others).1 In several instances lesions and lesional groups, apparently representing this same malady, though possibly due to mechanical obstruction of the lymphatics, have developed at the border of a scar following surgical operation. Development—recurrences—at the border of previously cauterized patches of the disease has also been noted.
1 Pye-Smith, Diseases of the Skin, p. 359 (appearing upon a large congenital port- wine-stain).
Pathology.—The histologic conditions have been investigated by most of the observers already named (see literature). The process has its seat more especially in the papillary and subpapillary layers of the corium, and is now generally agreed to be of lymphatic origin. It consists of lymphatic dilatation as well as new growth of these vessels, resulting in somewhat flask- or funnel-shaped cavities. De Smet and Bock take issue with this generally accepted conclusion and consider these cavities or cysts to have their origin in the capillaries of the papillary layer. Török believes that both the lymphatics and blood-vessels are concerned in the process; mainly, however, the former. It would seem, from a clinical standpoint, as well as from histologic findings by several observers, that this has considerable basis, capillary dilatation and new blood-vessel formation being quite pronounced in some instances,- al though practically absent in others. In fact, Besnier and de Smet and Bock question the propriety of classing all the reported cases together, believing that some are pseudo-lymphangiomata; not lymph vascular growths at all, but true hemangiomata, in which the blood-cysts have become filled with serum and converted into clear vesicles (Jacquet). Gilchrist examined several differently sized lesions and found them all to consist not only of dilated, but also hypertrophied, lymphatics of the papillary (principally) and middle layers of the corium. Sangster‘s investigations led him to believe that the deeper cavities are dilated lymphatic channels, while those more superficially seated are to be as cribed to distention and rupture of the lymph-spaces in the papillary layer. The cavities are often divided into several subdivisions by septa formed of the unaltered corium, and a well-marked layer of cells can be traced, forming an endothelial lining to the cavities (Bowen). Bowen also found some infiltration of round-cells around the cysts and cavities in the earli est stage of the lesions, but none in other parts of the cutis, and Gilchrist also noted collections of mononuclear cells in the corium. The epidermis commonly shows but little change, in some places being slightly thinned, in others thickened. The vesicular covering usually consists of the entire epidermic layer, and sometimes a well-defined thin layer of connective tissue; hence their firm and not readily ruptured character. The pig ment in the deep cells of the rete is frequently observed to be increased. The contents of the cysts consists of very finely granular matter, lymph coagula, a scanty, though variable number of leukocytes, and occasion ally a slight admixture of blood.
Diagnosis.—The character of the area, beginning usually in early life and consisting of aggregated and crowded yellowish or grayish, somewhat translucent, deep-seated, tough vesicles, some often with a rough, thickened covering, and others with red dots or strić, and occa sionally one, several, or more with purplish or blackish contents, are sufficiently striking as to prevent confusion with any other malady.
Prognosis and Treatment.—There is but little, if any, tendency to spontaneous disappearance, but, on the contrary, there is a disposition to extend, although individual vesicles often disappear. Treatment consists in thorough removal by cauterization, curet, or other means. There is, however, a tendency to reappear at the edge of the scar, and
recurrence is almost a certainty if the removal has not been radically complete. In a few instances electrolysis has been employed with a favorable influence; each vesicle should be treated, and the whole area gradually gone over.
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