HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Acne keloid or acné cheloidienne (Bazin); Sycosis frambœsiformis (Hebra); Dermatitis papillomatosa capillitii; Folliculitis nuchæ sclerotisans (Ehrmann).
Definition.—A frambesiform disease of the nucha, and usually extending upward toward the occiput, presenting mixed sycosiform, nodular, and keloidal aspects.
Symptoms.—The disease begins at the lower occipital region, or just at the border of the hair, with the appearance of a number of isolated cutaneous tubercles or sycosiform or acne-like lesions, pin-head to small pea in size, but which grow larger, and, with the accession of new lesions, soon become closely grouped or bunched. They are then frequently pea- to small cherry-sized, red, pale red, or whitish in color, and some times contain pus; or pus may form beneath the mass here and there, and tend to undermine; the nodule, upon incision, emits a creaking sound. In some instances the surface becomes raw, and then may later present a papillomatous granulation tissue growth, the whole being occasionally covered with crusts, and secreting a gummy or seropurulent fluid, and emitting an offensive odor.
There is more or less scar-tissue with hair loss, and here and there are seen small projecting tufts of hair; some of the hairs are atrophied and crooked. In some or many of the lesions, or at many points in the dis ease mass, keloidal changes are noted; and in the milder cases the erup-
1 Literature: Kaposi, Pathologie und Therapie der Hautkrankheiten, Wien, 1880, and subsequent editions; Morrant Baker, Trans. London Path. Soc‘y, 1882, vol. xxxiii, p. 367 (with colored plate); Williams, ibid., 1884, vol. xxxv, p. 397 (with histologic plate); Hyde (2 cases), Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1883, pp. 33 and 78; Marcacci, Giorn. ital., 1887, p. 295; Eve, Illus. Med. News,. London, June 8, 1889 (with colored plate) ;Du- breuilh (histology), Annales de la Policlinique de Bordeaux, 1889, p. 107; Heitzmann, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1889, p. 450; Crocker, Diseases of Skin, second edit., p. 624; Leloir et Vidal, Traitê Descriptif; Melle, Giorn. ital., 1891, p. 181; Mibelli, ibid., 1893, p. 469; Ullmann, Archiv, 1893, vol. xxv, p. 727; Ehrmann, ibid., 1895, vol. xxxii, p. 323; Porges (with 4 colored histologic cuts and bibliography as to histology), ibid., 1899, vol. lii, p. 323; Stelwagon (brief report of case with photo.), Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1893, p. 230; Secchi, Monatshefte, 1896, vol. xxiii, Nov. 15; Ledermann (histology), Ver- handlungen der Duetsche,n Gesellschaft, V. Cong., 1896, p. 443; Van Harlingen, Trans. College of Physicians, Phila., 1897, p. 208; Dyer, Amer. Jour. Derm, and Gen.- Urin. Dis., July, 1899; Tryb, “Ueber Nachenkeloid or Dermatitis nuchæ sclerotisans,” Dermatolog. Wochenschr., Dec 7, 1912, lv, p. 1491 (5 cases, review and col‘d histolog. cuts; believes it to be a folliculitis followed with an associated perifolliculitis and keloi- dal tissue formation); Vörner, Archiv, 1912, cxi, No. 3, reports a case with histology (reviews the literature of the subject; he regards the process as a local injury leading to “hemorrhagic abscess” in the cutis; that there is no genuine keloid or fibroma but rather a simple cicatricial hypertrophy of an inflammatory nature; he found in many of the giant-cells in the tissue acid-fast rods resembling tubercle bacilli, but in smears, however, he was only able to demonstrate cocci).
tion presents a decidedly keloidal and tubercular, acne-like appearance. It is this keloidal tendency which distinguishes it from an ordinary syœ- siform inflammation. The disease develops slowly, and in some cases, after several months or years, halts, and remains apparently stationary. Rarely retrogressive changes are observed in some parts. On the other hand, the malady may progress and reach considerable dimensions, both in area, extending up to the vertex, and forming somewhat massive pro jections. The cases coming under my observation were moderately developed, constituting the average case met with.
Etiology and Pathology.—The cause of the disease is not known. It is infrequent. It may occur in either sex, but is much more common in males, and is most frequently seen during early adult and middle age.
There is some difference of opinion among investigators as to whether the process begins about the follicles (Leloir and Vidal, Dubreuilh,
Unna, Ehrmann) or as an inflammatory proc ess in the cutis (Kaposi, Ledermann). Clinically its origin seems certainly connected with the fol licles, and it appears as if due to some infection. Besnier and Doyon con sider it a papillomatous growth developing from acne lesions, etc, and traumatism. The forma tions in the earlier stages are of the nature of highly vascular papillary growths, with structure somewhat similar to granulation tissue; later they undergo sclerosis, with atrophy of the hair-follicles. Round- cell infiltration is noted in the corium; hyper trophy of the epidermis and enlargement of the papillæ and blood-vessels are also observed. Hyalin corpuscles are seen (Mantegazza, Secchi), which the latter observer considers to be blastomyces. Ehrmann found staphylococci. Vörner found in the tissues acid-fast rods resembling tubercle bacilli. In my cases the sclerotic or keloidal element was quite a marked feature; all were men—the majority being negroes; 2 of the negroes were brothers.
Diagnosis.—Its features are so peculiar that it can scarcely be confounded with any other disease. In its beginning sycosis and acne nodules are suggested.
Fig. 150.—Dermatitis papillaris capillitii; man aged thirty-nine, of five years’ duration; some slight under mining, keloidal aspect predominant.
Prognosis and Treatment.—No tendency to spontaneous cure is noted, but in some instances, as already remarked, the process halts after a variable time; it may, however, be progressive. The general health is not influenced by it. It is extremely rebellious to treatment, commonly resisting all measures; moderate improvement is, however, not unusual.
The treatment used is similar to that employed in sycosis. The hairs are to be extracted, the parts frequently cleansed, and any pustules or pus-accumulation evacuated. A sulphur and ichthyol ointment is the most valuable: 1 to 2 drams (4.-8.) of the latter to an ounce (32.) of sulphur ointment full strength or weakened, according to inflammatory conditions. The object is not irritation, but mild antiseptic stimulation. Resorcin and boric acid lotions are also at times of some service. Of the operative methods commended as of some benefit may be mentioned electrolysis (Ehrmann), linear scarification (Hallopeau and Leredde), and excision (Ledermann). Van Harlingen states that he has cured several cases in the incipient stage by thorough destruction by the electro- cautery; in one case in which complete excision had been made by a surgeon there was a return of the growth. Judging from its favorable influence in sycosis, the x-ray treatment should be of value in this dis ease.
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