HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Erythema scarlatiniforme (Hardy); Roseola scarlatiniforme (Bazin); Desquamative exfoliative erythema; Erythema scarlatinoides; Erythema scarlatinoides recidivans; Fr., Erythème scarlatinoïde; Erythème scarlatiniforme desquamatif.
Definition.—Erythema scarlatinoides is a term employed to des ignate those cases of more or less diffused erythema followed by partial or complete desquamation.1
Symptoms.—There are various grades of this condition, from those in which but a part of the body is involved, to those in which the rash is almost continuous over the entire surface; with insignificant or no constitutional disturbance, to that of severe degree with high temperature (Besnier, Brocq, Atkinson, and others). Moreover, the rash is occasionally of a morbilliform character; by far the majority, however, present a scarlatinous appearance. This latter may in some instances be punctiform at first, but, as a rule, the redness soon becomes uniform. The color may vary between a bright pink or red to a sluggish or livid red. Upon the whole, its color and general appearance are similar to those of scarlet fever. The rash may be of acute onset, with more or less constitutional disturbance, or it may be somewhat subacute, with slight or no systemic symptoms. As a rule, it is ushered in with the ordinary symptoms of mild febrile disease, with a concomitant de velopment of the skin redness; or this latter may not appear for several hours to a day or so later.
The constitutional symptoms, when present, frequently abate upon the appearance of the erythema. In extreme cases, however, the sys temic disturbance may persist for several days or longer; in fact, this depends upon the cause responsible for the eruption. In most instances the rash begins to subside in from twenty four hours to three or four days, with desquamation, which may be branny or may take place in large thin sheets. Exceptionally, desquamation is scarcely perceptible. In extreme cases the tongue and throat may share in the eruption, and exceptionally the nails be shed, and even the hair be lost. These cases, judged by the reports of French writers (Vidal, Besnier, Brocq), are more common in France than with us or in other countries.
Recurrences are not uncommon in many cases (recurrent exfoliative erythema; erythema scarlatinoides recidivans), but the later attacks may be less severe (Elliot, Hartzell, and others). The course of the eruption is usually run in from one to three or four weeks. As a rule, there are no subjective symptoms.
1 Some important literature: Brocq, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1885, p. 225, full account and bibliography to date; I. E. Atkinson, ibid., 1886, p. 295; Ohmann-Dumesnil, ibid., 1890, p. 293, with bibliography; Besnier, Annales, 1890, p. 1, and Brocq, p. 265; Payne, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1894, p. 129 (unusual persistent types); Ohmann-Dumesnil (in typhoid fever), Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1890, p. 293 (with some references), and St. Louis Med. and Surg. Jour., July, 1893; Elliot, New York Med. Jour., Jan. 11, 1890; Blanc, International Clinics, Oct., 1891, and Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1893, p. 11; Sligh (Case of Annual Skin-shedding), Internat. Med. Mag., June, 1893 (with illustrations); Hartzell, University Med. Mag., Aug., 1895; Luithlen, Dermatolog. Zeitschr., vol. ix, Heft 1, 1902, p. 39, “Dermatitis Exfoliativa und Erythema Scarlatiforme” (review and references); Kramsztyk, ibid., 1902, H. 3, and Jahrbuch für Kinderheilk., vol. lv, 1902, No. 3 (3 cases); Gardiner, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1908, p. 245.
The various cases of shedding of the skin (skin-shedding, deciduous skin) are apparently related to this malady. The erythematous ele ment is, however, seldom so pronounced. In these cases there is often a tendency to periodicity, the most remarkable in this respect being that reported by Sligh (loc. cit.), in a man, aged thirty-seven, who had shed his skin annually since birth, the beginning evidences of recur rence always showing on the same date. Indeed, in these cases there is a suggestive resemblance to “molting’‘ observed in some animals, and to the periodic shedding of the cuticle in serpents. A case recently came to my own notice, through Dr. Harmon, of Phillipsburg, Pa., of a boy of fifteen who had been “shedding his skin” twice yearly—July and December—for the past five years; there was but slight redness, and no
Fig. 26.—Erythema scarlatinoides in a frail young woman of thirty years, and of generalized distribution, the trunk showing branny exfoliation, the extremities that of a thin, flake-like or lamellar character. There was no infiltration, the earliest stage being a faint or moderately defined scarlatiniform erythema. An attack annually for several years, lasting about four or five weeks. No general symptoms except mild and evan escent prodromal febrile action and slight malaise.
subjective symptoms except a preliminary feeling of dryness of the skin; the process required about two weeks to run its course.
Etiology and Pathology.—There are doubtless many causes for this form of erythema, which also demands, perhaps, a peculiar individual idiosyncrasy. The various toxemias, general or intestinal, are probably most frequently responsible. Septic infection seems at times causative. The condition is also seen in association with albu- minuria, rheumatism, gonorrhea, etc, and may likewise result from the eating of certain foods, especially “shellfish” and spoiled meats, or from the ingestion of certain drugs. External irritation may also be the starting-point of the erythema—as, for instance, after operation and from the use of mercury and iodoform. The rash produced by this latter is, however, usually more inflammatory and belongs more properly
under dermatitis exfoliativa (q. v.). Other causes mentioned are sewer- gas poisoning (Crocker), digestive derangements (McCall-Anderson) following injuries and operations (Atkinson), obscure changes of tissue or secretion about wounds (Hoffa), malaria (Cheadle), prolapsed and enlarged ovary (Elliot), autointoxication with ptomains (Lépine and Molière). The manner in which the eruptive phenomena are produced is unknown; this may be from disturbance of the nerve-centers, direct irritation on the peripheral blood-vessels or nerves, or of reflex origin. Brocq considers the disease a mild form of dermatitis exfoliativa.
Diagnosis.—At times there is considerable difficulty the first day or two in reaching a positive opinion. It resembles closely scarlet fever, but the intensity of the constitutional symptoms of this latter, the peculiar strawberry tongue, and the swollen fauces are wanting. Moreover, the erythema is rarely so general in its distribution as the rash of scarlatina. Occasionally, also, it presents some resemblance to measles, but the peculiar associated symptoms of measles would be absent, and, moreover, the eruption of erythema rarely begins on the face, and not infrequently spares this region. From rötheln it may be distinguished by the absence of the glandular enlargement and the lack of a history of contagion. This latter can also be utilized in differen tiating from scarlet fever and measles. It must be admitted, however, that in the beginning of a tolerably well-marked case of erythema scarlat- inoides the diagnosis cannot always be made with certainty, and the case should be in such instances isolated; one or two days’ observation will usually clear up any doubt.
Prognosis.—This is always favorable; in ten days to three or four weeks the patient is usually entirely over the attack. It may, however, recur; and, in exceptional cases, recurrences may follow some what rapidly one after another, partaking more of the nature of derma titis exfoliativa (q. v.). In one case (Tilbury Fox) there had been 100 attacks.
Treatment.—The systemic treatment depends upon the cause which may have provoked the erythema; when this is ascertainable, the appropriate remedies should be advised. In many cases, however, the treatment must necessarily be based upon general principles. A saline laxative, occasionally repeated, along with moderate doses of sodium salicylate, quinin, salol, charcoal, and other intestinal anti septics, is to be prescribed. In debilitated subjects strychnin is of value, and later other of the well-known tonics. To guard against recurrences, patients should be carefully advised as to diet, avoiding all questionable foods. The possibility of certain drugs being at times responsible is to be borne in mind.
External treatment is rarely called for. If necessary, dusting- powders may be used; in fact, the same applications as advised in ery thema hyperæmicum.
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