HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Blastomycetic dermatitis; Saccharomycosis hominis; Dermatitis blastomycotica; Oidiomycosis of the skin; Fr., Blastomycose cutanée; Ger., Hefenmy- kose; Hautblastomykose.
It is especially to the studies primarily of Gilchrist, and later of Hyde, Hektoen, Bevan, F. H. Montgomery, and Ricketts, that the ex istence of this cutaneous malady has been made known.1 It begins, as
1 Gilchrist, Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, 1896, vol. i, p. 269; Hyde, Hektoen, and Bevan, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1899, p. 261; F. H. Montgomery and Ricketts, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1901, p. 26; Hyde and Ricketts, ibid., p. 44 (with analytic table and references); Stelwagon, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Feb., 1901; and Ricketts, Jour. Med. Research, Dec, 1901. This last by Ricketts, which is largely based upon the work and case reports by Hyde and F. H. Montgomery, with their photographs and photomicro graphs, gives a presentation of the literature and a résumé of the published cases of Hessler, Wells-Senn, Brayton, Anthony-Herzog, Dyer, and others to date; F. H. Mont gomery, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1902, p. 195 (2 cases).
Later literature: F. H. Montgomery, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., June 7, 1902 (cases of Hyde and Montgomery; finely illustrated); Busch, Bibliotheca Medica, 1902, vol. ii, part 10 (illustrations and bibliog.); “Second Annual Report of the Cancer Committee to the Surgical Dept. of the Harvard Med. School,” Jour. Med. Research, 1902, vol. vii, No. 3; Gilchrist, Brit. Med. Jour., 1902, vol. ii, p. 1321 (negro; with illustrations, review, and bibliography); Sheldon, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1902, vol. ii, p. 1356; Walker and F. H. Montgomery, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, April 5, 1902 (death from systemic infection); Dyer, American Medicine, Oct. 25, 1902; Sequeira, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1903, p. 121; Pusey, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1903, p. 223 (2 case demonstrations, with illustration); McCarrison, Indian Med. Gaz., April, 1903; Löwenbach and Op- penheim, Archiv, 1904, vol. lxix, p. 121 (3 plates); F. H. Montgomery, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1903, p. 19 (followed by systemic tuberculosis and death); Ormsby and Miller, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1903, p. 121 (illustrations; cutaneous and systemic case; death; autopsy); Evans, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, June 27, 1903 (infection was introduced through a punctured wound inflicted while performing an autopsy on a patient that had died of systemic blastomycosis); Shepherd, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1902, p. 158; H. R. Varney, Detroit Med. Jour., 1903-4, vol. iii, p. 73; Fischkin, Chicago Med. Recorder, 1903, p. 408; Wright, Northwest. Lancet, 1904, p. 149; Dubreuilh, Jour, de méd. de Bordeaux, 1904, p. 529, and Annales, 1904, p. 865 (first French case); Unna, Munch, med. Wochenschr., 1904, p. 1367; Clary, Medicine, 1904, p. 818; Koehler and Hall, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1904, p. 581 (in a negro); Eisendrath and Ormsby, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1905, vol. xlv, p. 1045 (case with systemic involvement, illustrated; with a review of the previously reported cases of generalized infection); Christensen and Hektoen, ibid., 1906, vol. xlvii, p. 247 (2 cases, generalized); Bowen, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1906, p. 30 (case demonstration); and Bowen and Wolbach, Jour. Med. Research, 1906, p. 167 (first Boston case); Sakurane, Archiv, 1906, vol. lxxviii, p. 211 (probable case—first Japan case; with case illustrations); Bevan, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, Nov. 11, 1905 (copper sulphate treatment); Primrose, Edinburgh Med. Jour., Sept., 1906, p. 215 (Toronto case; lived there since aged fen, except two years spent in Chicago, 1897-1900; disease developed early, 1901); Kessler, “Blastomycosis in an Infant,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1907, vol. xlix, p. 550 (with good illustrations. Child five months old; face and scalp); Herrick, “Generalized Blastomycosis: Report of a Case with Recovery,” Jour Amer. Med. Assoc, 1907, vol. xlix, p. 328; L. Hektoen, “Sys temic Blastomycosis and Coccidioidal Granuloma,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1907, vol. xlix, p. 1071 (review and references; believes these two allied but distinct); A. W. Brayton, “Blastomycosis and Its Congeners: Report of Eight Cases Observed by the Writer in Indiana,” Trans. Indiana State Med. Assoc, 1907-8; F. H. Montgomery, “Systemic Blastomycosis; Autopsy and Successful Animal Inoculations,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1907, p. 393 (with case, culture, and histologic illustrations); Shields, “Two Cases, One Becoming Systemic with Fatal Termination,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1909, p. 156 (illustrations of 1 case); Ormsby, “Cases of Bromid Eruption Mistaken for Blastomycosis,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1909, p. 445; Hutchins, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1908, p. 523 (2 cases, 1 a negro; in 1 case, left lower lid and contiguous tissue; negro case illus trated, disease involving eyelids, face, and back of left hand); Fontaine, Haase, and Mitchell, “Systemic Blastomycosis: Report of a Case,” Archives Int. Med., Aug., 1909 (with excellent photomicrographs of sections of liver and lung showing organisms); Washburn, “Systemic Blastomycosis,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, April 15, 1911 (ex ternal lesions mostly of abscess character; death; necropsy showed lung involvement);
Blastomycosis dermatitis. The black-and-white text-cut (Fig. 307) shows the same case at a later period, partly healed on the back of the hand, but extending further on the fingers and with a new centre on the wrist.
a rule, as a small, pea-sized papule or papulopustule, which slowly, in the course of days or several weeks, has enlarged to the diameter of a dime, flat tening down centrally and showing crusting. Upon removal of the crust the surface is noted to be irregular and somewhat papillomatous, with occasionally, at this stage, and almost always later, a variable amount of seropurulent fluid between the papillary projections. The border of the patch is elevated, reddish, usually of a deep red tinge, and well defined by moderate infiltration. Either by increase peripherally, as well as sometimes with the arising of new foci just outside the border, the area covered may in several months or a year or so be considerable in extent. The enlargement may occur in all directions or preponderantly on one side, or it may be somewhat linear in extension. When at all developed the malady consists of an elevated, irregular, papillomatous
Fig. 307.—Blastomycosis; man aged forty-nine; duration four years; healing tendency
in central portions.
area, of a deep-red or florid color, and with a moderate or tolerably free seropurulent secretion. In places, especially the oldest parts, partial or complete healing may take place, the surface skinning over and ex hibiting a thin, atrophic, or scar-like appearance. There is but little tendency to actual ulcerative action. Exceptionally, as in one of my cases, foci of disease present some distance off, as, for example, up the arm when the back of the hand is the site, and may assume the same features or present as a small, flattened, sluggish, carbuncle-like for mation, breaking at several points and discharging; in some respects resembling sporotrichosis. In many cases in its gross features it is
Posey, Carpenter, and Allen J. Smith, “Peculiar Blastomycetoid Organisms Met in Two Cases of Parasitic Conjunctivitis,” Univ. Pa. Med. Bull., Nov., 1908; Shepherd and Rhea, “A Fatal Case of Blastomycosis,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., Nov., 1911, p. 588 (case illustration and histologic cuts; blastomycosis of skin, bones, peritoneum, lymph-nodes, pleura and lungs, kidneys, left adrenal, prostate, and esophagus).
almost a clinical counterpart of tuberculosis verrucosa. In other cases the clinical aspects are closely analogous to those of lupus vul- garis. The general health, except in the comparatively uncommon cases of systemic infection,1 does not seem to suffer; in the latter instances the general symptoms are such as are usually seen in tu berculous and septic conditions, terminating sooner or later in most such cases in a fatal outcome. On the other hand the disease may be purely a local affair, and be even limited to a very small area—in one instance reported to the nail region,2 in another to the tongue,3 and in the case herein pictured to one ear.
Etiology and Pathology.—The malady is rare, and in about 75 per cent, of the cases is seen in men, and for the most part in those over forty. The family history has shown no special tendency or vul nerability. The investigations have disclosed the presence of the yeast fungus as the causative agent. In a few instances the disease started at the point of a slight abrasion or traumatism. The back of the hand,
Fig. 308.—Blastomycosis, showing hypertrophied epidermis (e), numerous miliary abscesses (a), which contain parasitic organisms (p). In the corium (c) are miliary abscesses (b), pseudotubercles (n), with giant-cells (g) and parasites (p) (courtesy of Dr. T. C. Gilchrist).
face, and lower part of the leg are the favorite localities. A blastomy- cetic infection on other skin diseases is a possibility.
The histopathologic characters are in a measure similar to those found in tuberculosis verrucosa cutis. These findings, as shown by the investigations of Gilchrist, Hyde, Hektoen, F. H. Montgomery, Ricketts, and others, are succinctly expressed by Ricketts: “Naked- eye inspection of a cross-section shows, from without inward: (1) A papillary zone, composed of a superficial layer of isolated villiform proc-
1 F. H. Montgomery and Ormsby, “Systemic Blastomycosis: Its Etiologic, Patho logic, and Clinical Features, as Established by a Critical Survey and Summary of Twenty-two Cases—Seven Previously Unpublished; the Relation of Blastomycosis to Coccidioidal Granuloma,” Archives Int. Med., Aug., 1908.
2 Selenew, “Onychia Blastomycotica, Ikonographia Dermatologica Fasc 3, plate 23,”—abs. in Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1910, p. 540 (mother and four children with nail condi tions resembling trichophyton infection, due to blastomyces).
3 Capelli, Giom. ital., Sept. 23, 1912, p. 467—abs. in Jour. Cutan. Dis., Jan., 1913, p. 51 (case of a woman presenting tumor consisting of six nodules on the back of the tongue, which upon investigation and culture was proved to contain blastomyces; guinea-pig experimental inoculation were confirmatory; the paper is illustrated).
esses, and a deeper layer of similar processes which are united side by side. (2) A homogeneous, vascularized, grayish-red, cellular zone, in which are formed minute abscesses. (3) An unaltered layer of subcuta neous fat, as the limit of deep extension. . . . Stained sections exhibit the following histologic features: (1) A vast amount of ‘carcino- matoid’ epithelial hyperplasia. (2) Minute intra-epithelial abscesses. (3) A granulomatous condition in the corium, characterized by masses of plasma cells, minute abscesses, and tuberculoid nodules and giant-cells. (4) The presence of a spheric, capsulated, budding organ ism, particularly in the epidermal and sub- epidermal abscesses, but also distributed unevenly and in small numbers in epi thelial masses and granulation tissue.” The organism, or fungus—the blasto- myces—is sometimes but scantily found. It consists of a rounded, doubly con toured, vacuolated body, averaging in size 10 to 12 µ. They are often seen in pairs, and also as budding forms, but in the tissues never exhibit threads, as observed in cultures. Proliferation in the former is by gemmation; it seems probable, also, that endogenous spores may form (Ricketts); Hyde and F. H. Montgomery state that under certain conditions blastomyces multiply by sporula- tion.1 The pathogenic rôle of the blastomyces has been shown by the animal experimental inoculations recorded (Gilchrist and Stokes, Hyde and Hektoen, F. H. Montgomery and Ricketts).
Fig. 309.—Blastomycosis—in volving ear only.
1 It had been generally believed and conceded that the so-called protozoic disease of Posadas, Wernicke, Rixford and Gilchrist, D. W. Montgomery, and others, Busse’s and Curtis’ saccharomycosis hominis, and Gilchrist’s, Hyde and F. H. Montgomery’s blas- tomycetic dermatitis, are practically expressions of the same disease proces; and that the organisms isolated from the various cases differ in minor respects, but are so closely related morphologically and biologically as to justify their inclusion in a common genus. This still stands as the view of an increasing majority of observers; but dermatitis cocci- dioides (D. W. Montgomery) as an independent malady has still some earnest advo cates. In later papers, D. W. Montgomery and his associates (see “Dermatitis Coccidi- oides,” by D. W. Montgomery, Ryftsogel, and H. Morrow, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1903, p. 5, with illustrations showing the organism; and “Dermatitis Coccidioides; Reasons for Considering It an Independent Disease,” by D. W. Montgomery and H. Morrow, ibid., 1904, p. 368) contend strongly against the view that the blastomycosis and the coccidial cases are identical. Their principal differences stated are “that in dermatitis coccidioi- des there is a great diversity in the clinical picture; the skin lesions, which resemble the rottentomato-like lesions of the tuberous iodid of potassium eruption, may be scattered widely over the skin, or occur as subcutaneous abscesses; the cutaneous lesions are fre quently secondary to internal infection; it tends strongly to become generalized and end fatally; the organism has a double cycle of growth without any feature in common, one in the tissues, and one in culture media; the organism increases by endogenous spore- formation, and budding has not been seen; in fresh specimens the double-contoured sphere may often be seen to be surrounded by a halo of short filaments like the cilia of ciliated epithelium; the organism is larger than blastomyces; the administration of po tassium iodid has no control over the disease.” In discussing the last paper and the
Diagnosis.—The disease is to be distinguished from tubercu losis verrucosa cutis, vegetating syphiloderm, lupus vulgaris, and sporotrichosis. Its resemblance to the first is striking, but ordinarily the border of the tuberculous eruption has a deeper, usually more viola ceous, color, and is less apt to be extensive. Its usual method of begin ning, course, and behavior are different from those of syphilis. The latter is, moreover, more distinctly purulent, the discharge having a greenish tinge and often an offensive odor. Lupus vulgaris is relatively slow in its course, with often distinct ulcerative tendency, and frequently
Fig. 310.—Blastomyces—fungus of blastomycosis. Nos. 2-13 represent various budding forms found in the sections. Nos. 8 and 9 show the organisms with some form of fibrous coating (courtesy of Dr. T. C. Gilchrist).
rather tough, firm scarring. The indolent abscess formation of sporotri- chosis is more or less characteristic, and serves usually to differentiate.
conclusions, Gilchrist, Hyde, and F. H. Montgomery reiterated their already-known changed views, accepting the identity of these various coccidial cases with those of blastomycosis, citing cases of the latter which seemed to show phases similar to those described by D. W. Montgomery. In the material from a case (Wright-Bolles case) more recently examined by Wohlbach (“The Life Cycle of the Organism of Dermatitis Coccidioides,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1905, p. 18) the organism found was identical with that observed by D. W. Montgomery, Ryfkogel, and Morrow, and the writer also believes it a distinct type; D. W. Montgomery, ibid., 1905, p. 115 (The Mould of Dermatitis Coccidioides); Ophüls, Coccidioidal Granuloma (3 cases; with review of similar cases), Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1905, vol. xlv, p. 1291, and P. K. Brown, Coccidioidal Granu- loma, ibid., March 2, 1907 (2 cases; with review), also agreed with these observers. See also later paper, discussing this point from the negative side, by F. H. Montgomery and Ormsby, Archiv Int. Med., Aug., 1908.
It is to be stated, however, that a positive conclusion in the differentia tion with tuberculosis verrucosa, and to a less extent with lupus vulgaris and with sporotrichosis, is possible only by microscopic examination, cultures, or experimental animal inoculations.
The rare cases of the confluent papulopustular, papillomatous eruption due to the ingestion of bromids and iodids present at times a rough resemblance to blastomycosis. (See illustration under Dermatitis medicamentosa.)
Prognosis and Treatment.—The ordinary verrucous type, which remains distinctly cutaneous, is not dangerous to life, but it is obstinate and sometimes destructive and distorting. The possibility of systemic infection must be borne in mind, however, as the number of such cases recorded is gradually increasing; they are always of serious import.
Treatment, consisting of medication, x-ray, and excision or curet- ing, is, as a rule, successful in the cutaneous cases. The iodids in ternally in full dosage, with the maintenance of cleanliness and the local use of weak iodin solutions or other antiseptic lotions, conjointly with x-ray exposures (Bevan, Hyde and Montgomery, Ricketts, Shep herd, and others), is the plan that most frequently brings about marked improvement and sometimes cure. The iodids act slowly, however, and must be continued for some months, the malady, in this respect, differing materially from the vegetating syphiloderm, which usually re sponds rapidly to the iodid treatment. Bevan has seen favorable influence from ¼grain (.016) doses of copper sulphate, and the applica tions of a 1 per cent, solution of the same drug. A persistent area or remnant can be thoroughly cureted or excised. In systemic cases the iodids should be pushed to extreme dosage, along with tonics and sup porting measures.
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