HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Actinomycosis of the skin; Lumpy jaw; Fr., Actinomycose; Ger., Aktinomykose.
Definition.—Actinomycosis of the skin is an affection due to the ray fungus, characterized by a sluggish, red, nodular, or lumpy in filtration, usually with a tendency to break down and form sinuses, and most commonly involving the cervicofacial region.
Fig. 305.—Actinomycosis (courtesy of Dr. W. T. Corlett).
The condition known as lumpy jaw and osteosarcoma of the jaw in cattle had long been known, but it was Israel who first recognized the pathogenic rôle of the special fungus, named by Harz the ray fungus. About the same time the existence of a similar looking affection in man was described by Israel, and which was subsequently shown by the im portant contribution by Ponfick to be not only similar to that in animals, but of identical nature. Since then the malady and its fungus have received considerable attention from various observers, among whom are Illich, Majocchi, Bertha, Gasperini, Krause, Müller, Poncet and Bérard,
Murphy, and many others.1 While the fungus may gain access to the internal organs and give rise to grave disease, the dermatologist is chiefly interested in the manifestations observed when the integumentary tissues are invaded. The invasion of the latter may be primary, but, as a rule, it is secondary to a deeper-seated involvement.
Symptoms.—The usual situation of actinomycosis of the skin is about the jaw, neck, and face. The organism finds entrance through the mouth, most frequently to the jaw through a decayed tooth. The first evidence is a hard, subcutaneous swelling or infiltration, which may attain moderate or quite conspicuous dimensions, the overlying skin soon becoming of a sluggish or dark-red color. Sooner or later softening is detected, the skin giving way at one or several points, from which there oozes a discharge of a seropurulent, purulent, or sanguino- lent and purulent character. Contained in the discharge, recognizable in most instances, are minute, friable, yellowish or yellowish-gray bodies, representing conglomerate collections of the fungus. Instead of begin ning or continuing as a well-defined single swelling or tumor, the in volved and infiltrated area is distinctly nodular, often finally becoming, when at all advanced, quite extensive. It is then noted to consist of a variously and irregularly infiltrated and swollen area, dark red or bluish red, beset with several or more distinct nodulations or anthracoid for mations, with here and there openings leading down or through the in volved mass, with slight, moderate, or profuse discharge.2 In some cases the surface exhibits ulcerofungoidal and papillomatous characters. Occurring on other parts of the body the same conditions are presented, occasionally involving considerable surface.3 Sometimes it remains limited to a more or less circumscribed area,4 several finger cases having been recorded.
The course of the malady may be slow and insidious, or somewhat rapid, usually the former, some months generally elapsing before the involvement is extensive. As a rule, there are no subjective symptoms, but when suppuration takes place the parts may become quite painful. The lymphatic glands are not implicated except secondarily as a result of the suppurative inflammation. The general health in those instances
1 Poncet and Bérard’s monograph, Traité clinique de V actinomycose humaine, Paris, 1898, gives an admirable and exhaustive presentation and review of the subject, with complete bibliography.
2 Wallhauser, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1904, p. 77 (with illustration), reports an extensive case of this kind beginning as a small pimple on point of chin, and gradually involving the whole regions of the upper part of the neck and the jaws.
3 Pringle, London Med.-Chir. Soc’y Trans., 1895, vol. lxxviii, p. 21 (with colored case illustration), reports an extensive case in a boy of eleven, implicating part of the chest, the back, and hip, and developing secondarily to involvement of the pleura.
4 Sicard, La presse médicale. Aug. 15, 1903, reports a case in which it was confined to the finger, and the earliest symptoms (following an accidental cut in a field-worker) were of a vesicular character; Massaglio, ibid., Aug. 31, also a finger case; Thevenot, ibid., 1903, vol. 1xxvii, p. 659, reports a case of a nodular type of paronychia of the finger caused by the actinomyces; Wright, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., July, 1904, p. 74, a tonsil case.
Some later general papers: Sawyer, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, March 11, 1901; Ewing, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hospital, Nov., 1902; von Baracz, Annals of Surgery, March, 1903—abs. in Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, March 21, 1905: Howard, Jour. Med. Research, 1903, vol. ix, p. 301; Dor (researches on fungus), La presse mêdicale, Sept. 16, 1903; Stokes, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Nov., 1904, p. 861; Knox, Lancet, Oct. 29, 1904.
where the invasion is from a superficial part ordinarily remains unin fluenced unless systemic pyemic infection occurs or the fungus elements find their way to the deeper organs or structures.
Etiology and Pathology.—The disease is due to the ray fungus. It is somewhat rare, and apparently oftener observed in Germany and France than elsewhere. The first cases described in our own country are those by Murphy (1885), Schirmer, Ochsner, and Bodamer (1889),1 It is contagious by inoculation, and commonly contracted from cattle and horses, and therefore seen most frequently in those who have to do with these animals. It is probable, too, that, in some instances, as in that noted by Baracz2 from kissing, it may be communicated from one individual to another. As the fungus is also believed to flourish on straw, corn, and other grain, the habit among farmers, dairymen, and others of chewing upon such substances3 is very likely responsible for the common method of inoculation through the mouth, taking place, as a rule, through a decayed tooth. According to Lord,4 actinomycetes can be demonstrated in the contents of carious teeth and the crypts of the tonsils in persons without actinomycosis, indicating that the buccal cavity may be a possible source of the disease. The fungus has also been found in bovine vaccine virus (Howard).5 Successful inoculation ordinarily presupposes an abrasion or break of continuity, and this has usually been noted in those instances, relatively few, in which the integument was primarily involved.6 In most of these latter cases the area involve ment was small.
1 Bodamer’s paper, Med. News, March 2, 1889, gives abstract of the others, with references.
2 Baracz, Wiener med. Presse, 1889, p. 6 (man to wife).
3 Ljunggren, Nordiskt med. Arkiv, 1895, No. 27, P. 1—brief abs. in Annales, 1896, p. 763, refers to 27 cases (13 personal) occurring in those in the habit of chewing grain or straw; Zeisler’s case. Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1906, p. 510, was attributed to the chewing of grass; Varney’s case, ibid., 1909, p. 235 (systemic, neck, cheek, and leg; ray fungus found in the sputum), had been in the habit of chewing wheat kernels whenever he could obtain them.
4 Lord, “A Contribution to the Etiology of Actinomycosis: Experimental Produc tion of Actinomycosis in Guinea-pigs Inoculated with the Contents of Carious Teeth,” Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., July 21, 1910; and “The Etiology of Actinomycosis; The Presence of Actinomycetes in the Contents of Carious Teeth and the Tonsillar Crypts of Patients Without Actinomycosis,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, Oct. 8, 1910, p. 1261.
5 Kendall (Australasian Med. Gaz., Feb. 1, 1913, p. 108; review editorial), at a re cent Congress in Melbourne, stated that during the last few years over 600 cases of actinomycosis of the udder had been met with in the dairy herds of Victoria and that actinomycosis of other parts was also common.
6Kopfstein, Wiener klin. Rundschau, 1901, p. 21, reports the case of a woman, a farm laborer, who developed the disease in the hand, presumably inoculated while bind ing corn, through a cut accidentally made a few days previously. He refers also to Müller’s case, in which infection was apparently due to the entry of a splinter of wood into the palm of the hand; and another instance (Von Partsch) where it followed a sur gical operation, inoculation occurring apparently by means of the surgeon’s instruments. Merian, “Ein Fall von primarer Hautaktinomykose,” Dermatolog. Wochenschr., 1912, vol. 1vi., p. 45, reports a case, nineteen-year-old girl, of primary skin infection occurring in the left nasolabial fold at its lower part; the lesion being pea-sized, with a reddish- blue zone; the growth was soft, and with slight yellowish-red pus oozing from its apex; began, according to the patient, three weeks previously as a red itching spot about the size of a hemp-seed. Several important papers on the disease are mentioned, with references. This case, according to the author, makes about 25 cases of primary skin infection to be found in literature; brief review with references.
The fungus, called the actinomyces, consists of a central network mass of interwoven threads, from which threads, or mycelia, radiate like projecting rays, and terminate in bulbous expansions; these latter are thought to represent the fructifying bodies. One to several may pro ject beyond the others. In tissue-section examination sometimes small, oval, apparently homogeneous bodies are seen lying near the ray fungus,
and suggestive of spore forms of the organism (Rosenberger),1 While pre viously the fungus was thought to be long to the molds, Bostroem’s (1885) investigations seemed to show it to be a variety of cladothrix, of the class schizo- mycetes, although on this point there is still uncertainty and difference of opinion.2 Of the various staining methods for its demonstration, that of Gram seems to be most generally satisfactory. The fungus is usually readily demonstrable, both in the discharge (the yellowish grains) and in sections of involved tissue. In some instances, however, especially in the earlier stages, it is not always found (Legrain, Mackenzie, Knox, Galloway, and others),3 and exceptionally only in the sections from the outlying invading borders.4
Histologically, the nodular and infiltrated mass is made up of granu lation tissue having a resemblance to that of round-celled sarcoma; in some instances epithelioid giant-cells and mast-cells are to be seen. Diagnosis.—The disease is to be distinguished from syphilis,
Fig. 306.—Actinomyces, show ing the ray arrangement and the club-shaped ends of the mycelial threads (after Ponfick).
1 Rosenberger, Jour. Applied Microscopy, Nov., 1900, vol. iii, p. 1051.
2 In an interesting paper on the biology of the micro-organisms, J. H. Wright, publi cation of the Mass. Gen’l. Hosp., 1905, vol. i, No. 1, thinks from his studies and re view that the widely disseminated branching micro-organisms thought by Bostroem and others to be the specific infectious agent of actinomycosis are really quite different, having spore-like reproductive elements, and should be grouped together as a separate genus with the name Nocardia and that infection by them should be called nocardiosis, and not actinomycosis; that the term “actinomycosis” should be used only for those inflammatory processes the lesions of which contain the characteristic granules or “drusen,” composed of dense aggregates of branched filamentous micro-organisms and of their transformation or degeneration products—these products including the charac teristic refringent club-shaped bodies radially disposed at the periphery of the granule, and which may or may not be present. Apropos of this may be mentioned a recent paper by Kieseritzky and Gerhardt, Archiv. klin.Chirurg., 1905, pp. 835, et seq., which shows that some cases clinically resembling the disease, and even containing radiating filaments are rather negatived by more careful, especially laboratory, investigation; Pernet also shows (Brit. Jour. Derm., 1905, p. 265), in some cases clinically present ing the picture of actinomycosis, the microscopic examination discloses the character istic appearances of streptothrix.
3 Legrain, Annales, 1891, p. 772; Mackenzie, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1894, p. 370; Knox, Glasgow Med. Jour., 1896, vol. xlv, p. 382; Galloway, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1895, p. 116.
4 In a case of a physician, involving the arm, operated upon several times at the Jefferson Medical College Hospital, repeated examinations of the discharge and tissue from the main portion failed to disclose the fungus, but it was finally found in sections from the extreme outer edge of the spreading border.
sarcoma, carcinomata, tuberculous affections, mycetoma, and phleg- monous inflammation. The presence of the peculiar yellowish bodies or granules in the discharge would be of conclusive import. The common location about the angle of the lower jaw and neck and cheek, and espe cially occurring in those who have to do with animals and grain products, should always lead to the suspicion of actinomycosis, which can be verified or disproved by observation and by examinations for the fungus; in doubtful instances repeated examinations should be made for the latter in the discharge, and also in the deeper bordering tissue, before its absence can be accepted as proved.
Prognosis.—Actinomycosis of the skin and superficial parts is usually a remediable disease, although always fraught with the possi bility of deeper involvement and grave consequences. Schlange,1 from a study of. a number of patients, takes a rather favorable view of these cases, stating, from his analytic study, that, excepting when involving the internal organs, it has a pronounced tendency to spontaneous recov ery. It does, however, in some instances continue almost indefinitely without exhibiting such disposition. The advent of pyemic symptoms is always of serious, and usually fatal, import. Involvement of the upper jaw is more serious than that of the lower jaw or other surface situations, as there is more danger of deep invasion.2 Involvement of the orbit is also of serious portent. It is a matter of observation that some cases are inherently mild and others more or less malignant, doubtless due to the virulence of the fungus and the varying resisting power of different individuals, and on the influence of accidental secondary in fective processes.
Treatment.—The management of this malady consists in the administration of potassium iodid in moderate or large dosage, con jointly with, in obstinate or spreading cases, curetting or excision of the diseased mass. This remedy varies in its effect in different instances, but it has proved beneficial or curative (Carless, Pringle, Morris, Rydy- gier, Jurinka, Nocard, Netter, Dubreuilh, Audry, Ljunggren, Claisse, Bérard, and many others) in many cases, and should always be given a good trial before operative measures are instituted. According to Bérard and others, its most rapid and brilliant results are in those instances in which the malady is recent and uncomplicated, but when there is associated secondary infection by streptococci, staphylococci, or the bacterium coli commune the remedy is less satisfactory. Rydygier3 successfully treated 2 cases by local injections of a 1 per cent, solution of potassium iodid and sodium iodid, injecting at first one Pravaz syringeful, later half as much again; one of these cases had been previously treated without result by surgical means and the internal administration of the drug. Bevan4 and Zeisler report favorably of copper sulphate, ¼-grain (0.017) doses four times daily.
1 Schlange, “Zur Prognose der Aktinomykose,” Verhandl. f. Deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chirurg., 1892, part ii, p. 24.
2 See paper by Bourquin and de Quervain, “Sur les complications cérébrales de l’actinomycosis,” Rev. méd, de la suisse rom., 1897, vol. xvii, p. 145 (with references).
3 Rydygier, Wien. klin. Wochenschr., 1895, p. 649; also Sawyer, loc. cit.
4 Bevan, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, Nov. 11, 1905.
The local treatment of the lesions is essentially that of similar nodular ulcerative and suppurative formations—the maintenance of cleanliness and the applications of mild antiseptics, a frequently changed wet dress ing of LugoPs solution being one of the best, and probably of some direct inhibitory influence upon the growth or effects of the fungus. I have found the x-ray valuable.
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