HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Hidebound skin; Sclerema; Scleriasis; Sclerema adultorum; Derma- tosclerosis; Fr., Sclérodermie; Sclérème des adultes; Ger., Sklerodermie.
Definition.—A chronic disease, characterized by a circumscribed localized, or general and more or less diffuse, usually pigmented, rigid, stiffened, indurated, or hidebound condition of the skin.
The manifestation differs materially in extent and character, in some cases being more or less diffused, hard, hidebound, and with usually considerable pigmentation, and in others consisting of rather sharply circumscribed patches or bands of a somewhat lardaceous appearance, and often, especially the rounded areas, with a pinkish border. The former is the variety usually known as diffuse symmetric scleroderma; the latter, as circumscribed scleroderma or morphea. Duhring main tains that morphea is distinct from scleroderma, and it must be confessed that the extremes of these two types bear practically no clinical resem blance, one to the other, but other cases approach more closely and merge into each other, some cases presenting the typical conditions of both.
1 Some valuable recent literature: Lewin and Heller, Die Sklerodermie, Berlin, 1895 (a review of the entire subject, embracing 508 collected cases); Osier, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1898. pp. 49 and 127 (a report of 8 cases of diffuse scleroderma, with review comments on the disease, especially diagnosis and treatment with thyroid extract); Dercum, Jour, of Nervous and Mental Dis., July, 1896 (3 cases) and (on scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis—with reports of 2 cases), ibid., October, 1898; Méneau, Jour. mal. cutan., 1898, p. 145; Colcott Fox, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1892, p. 101, also contributes an interesting historic paper bearing upon early observations of English observers on the disease.
Symptoms.—The diffuse type may begin insidiously or rapidly. In the former event the first symptom noted is a slight stiffness of the part involved, which may at first be extremely limited. On examina tion, variable swelling or infiltration is usually noted, the surface is some what tense looking, and sometimes shining; at other times there is noted, along with the first symptoms, more or less yellowish-brown or brownish pigmentation, and which may, indeed, be the first manifestation ob served by the patient. As a rule, there are no subjective symptoms complained of in the early stages, except in some cases occasional neural gic or rheumatic pains. The division between the affected and the healthy skin is not well defined, one insensibly disappearing into the other.
Fig. 140.—Scleroderma—band or ribbon type, extending full length of the arm. Several “morphea” patches on back.
The process gradually extends, and, after the course of weeks or some months or several years, finally involves one or more regions or the greater part of the entire surface. It may be limited to the arms or the lower extremities, extending sometimes on to the trunk; or the face, neck, and immediately adjacent parts are the seat of the induration. When well established the integument is brawny or leathery, hard to the touch, stiff, rigid, and cannot be lifted up into folds. It is usually appar ently agglutinated with the subjacent tissues, and the entire part is more or less immobile.
In the rapidly spreading or acute type, the process is commonly ushered in by more or less edematous infiltration, with or without
preceding chills, fever, or other constitutional disturbance. The tissues and skin are tense and generally glossy, and in some instances may pit slightly upon pressure, although, as a rule, owing to the tenseness and beginning hardening, this is not readily produced. In these edematous or infiltrating cases the skin is often whitish or waxy, somewhat similar to the appearances observed in ordinary edema. The disease rapidly extends, and soon a greater part of the entire surface is invaded. The infiltration or edema disappears as the integument becomes hard and rigid, and practically the same picture is presented as in the insidious form: the skin is dry, sometimes harsh, sometimes smooth, hide bound, stiff, and hard and more or less pigmented, and not infre quently with some shriveled epidermic scaliness. In some instances, in places, especially the lower leg, there is slight wart-like papillary hypertrophy.
If the limbs are involved, they are stiff and immobile, and later become shrunken and withered, the underlying muscles also atrophying, and the whole region—skin, tissue, muscle, and bone—seems glued together and atrophic. In some cases (Thibiérge)1 the muscles are noted to be atrophic, even where there is no overlying sclerodermic areas. If the face is the part involved, the countenance is immobile, expressionless, the wrinkles and lines obliterated, and the mouth slightly or firmly rigid. In fact, the integument has a wooden or petrified look. Atrophic changes may take place here also, but not so commonly as with the extremities. When seriously involving the latter, joint symptoms of an arthritic or rheumatoid arthritic character are noted, and, in addi tion to the enormous shrinking and atrophy which sometimes ensue, even to the extent of reducing the arm of an adult to almost that of a child, the joints become ankylosed, the fingers bent and fixed, resulting in a veritable sclerodactylia, an associated condition to which Ball called attention, and well shown in cases more recently reported by Osier,2 Dercum.3 Elliot,4 Uhlenhuth,5 and others.6 Both the fingers and toes may be the seat of these changes, as in some of the cases just referred to and in one referred to by Kalischer.7 Sometimes such distortion is preceded by pain, occasionally cyanosis, and, in fact, many of the other symptoms of Raynaud‘s disease (Bouttier, Chauffard, and others).8 Ulcerations are apt to form over the knuckle prominences, and the whole condition be a painful and troublesome one. In such cases and in others often the first troublesome symptom noted is slight ulceration
1 Thibiérge, “Contribution a l‘étude des lésions musculaire dans la sclérodermie,” Revue de Méd., 1890, p. 291, calls special attention to the characters of the muscular atrophy observed and refers to other literature cases; Bloch, Berlin, klin. Wochenschr., 1899, P- 307, has added a case of bone and muscle atrophy to those already reported; also case reported by Adler, ibid.; and one by Nixon, Bristol Medico-Chirurg. Jour., Dec, 1903, and refers to case by Dreschfeld (Manchester Med. Chronicle, 1897, p. 263).
2 Osier, loc. cit. 3 Dercum, loc. cit.
4 Elliot, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1899, P- 575-
5 Uhlenhuth, Berlin klin. Wochenschr., 1899, p. 207.
6 Gordonier, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1889, vol. xcvii, p. 15, reports a case and re views others.
7 Kalischer, Wien. med. Rundschau, 1899, p. 65.
8 Bouttier, “De la Sclérodermie,” These de Paris, 1886; Chauffard, abs.-ref., Annales, 1897, p. 895; also noted by Osier, Dercum, and others.
of the finger-ends; Jacoby‘s1 case began in the form of open sores, the different finger-tips being successively attacked, and Eichhoff2 observed an instance somewhat similar, but in which the apparent exciting factor of the atrophic and destructive process was a favus of the nails. In some cases, especially those in which the subcutaneous tissues and muscles have atrophied, the hardened skin may tend to ulcer ate over sharp bony prominences.
The disease may, however, begin on any region, and the most fre quent one is that of the neck, although shoulders, back, chest, arms, and face are not uncommon sites. It may limit itself somewhat, or it may gradually or quickly involve almost the entire surface. As a rule, it is extensive. It may be somewhat irregular in its distribution, but it is usually symmetric—in a case described by Britton,3 the disease was not only diffused over most of the surface, but its symmetric character was perfect; and in one recently noted by Bruns,4 the disease involved both lower extremities, extending upward and stopping short level with the second sacral vertebra. Not only may the skin be involved more or less extensively, but the mucous membrane of the mouth as well, and this has also been observed even when the integumentary involvement was limited. Sometimes, too, the teeth loosen and fall out (Dercum). In some cases the scleroderma presents in wide strips or bands, and occa sionally associated with circumscribed areas of more or less typical morphea, and in exceptional instances, in addition to the sclerodermic changes, there are noted associated alopecia and leukoderma.5
As a rule, there are no distinctive or special constitutional symptoms in scleroderma; some of the less extensive cases and most of those of wide distribution are ushered in by chills, fever, and other evidences of general disturbance. There are not infrequently, however, concomit ant or developing rheumatic symptoms and occasionally those of rheu matoid arthritis. Pigmentation is sometimes marked, and sometimes suggestive of Addison‘s disease; in exceptional instances this latter has been reported to coexist. Local pain, occasionally cramp-like in char acter, heat or burning, and a sense of numbness, and, as already referred to, edema are sometimes precursory and early accompanying symptoms. The sweat secretion of the involved region is diminished, and usually entirely suppressed. Sensibility of the parts is rarely affected, but there is itching in some cases. Changes in the thyroid gland have also been observed in some instances (Singer, Jeanselme, Ditscheim, Grünfeld, Osier, Uhlenhuth, James, Samouilson, and others), but usually in asso ciation with coexistent Graves’ disease. In extreme types, especially when the face is involved, from stiffening and often contraction of the mouth, proper nourishment is interfered with, and the patient suffers from inanition. From hardening and contraction of the
1 Jacoby, Philada. Med. Jour., April 15, 1899.
2 Eichhofl, Archiv, 1890, vol. xxii, p. 857 (with cut).
3 Britton, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1891, p. 227.
4 Bruns, Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1899, p. 487.
5 Eddowes, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1899, p. 325, exhibited before Derm. Soc‘y of Great Britain and Ireland a case presenting general alopecia, leukoderma, scleroderma, and morphea patches.
integument of the chest breathing is also seriously interfered with in some cases.
The course of the disease is essentially chronic, sometimes exten sion being slow, at other times rapid. In some cases there is occa sional retrogression, which may even go on to complete recovery, but before such a fortunate conclusion there may occur one or more exacer bations, usually foreshadowed by chilliness or chills and other systemic disturbance.1 The edematous cases are more likely to lead to atrophic changes—Crocker believes this to be the result in all of them.
Circumscribed Scleroderma—Morphea (known formerly as Keloid of Addison).—The disease may present some variations. The typical examples, those which seem wholly different from scleroderma, begin, as a rule, by the appearance of light-pinkish or hyperemic, usually oval or rounded, small coin-sized patches. There may be slight elevation
Fig. 141.—Circumscribed scleroderma (morphea) in a man aged thirty; consisting of two symmetric areas shown, which were waxy or lardaceous in appearance, quite firm to the touch, and with a slight peripheral, pinkish border, although this was not at all marked and discernible only upon close inspection. Duration one year and of gradual appearance.
or an appearance of scarcely perceptible puffiness. The color, in the course of some days—a variable time—fades out, and the patch is ob served to be encircled with a faint rosy or pinkish zone, which, on close examination, is found to be made up of minute capillaries, while the area itself is whitish or ivory-like, or lardaceous, and seems inlaid in the skin. It is usually on a level with the surface, or it may be slightly depressed; it often has a polished look, and it is either somewhat soft to the touch, and when pinched up not materially different from the surrounding skin, or it is noted to be firm, hard, leathery, and even brawny. On close inspection very often the surface is observed to be coursed over by
1 An interesting paper and review in this connection: Kanoky and Sutton, “A Com parative Study of Acrodermatitis Chronica Atrophicans and Diffuse Scleroderma, with Associated Morphea Atrophica,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., Dec, 1909 (illustrated, bibliog raphy).
minute blood-vessels, sometimes forming a faint network. Later, instead of a smooth, shining surface, there may be slight, thin, shriveled epidermic coating. Beyond the faint pinkish, or sometimes lilac- colored, border, a slight yellowish or yellowish-brown, often mottled, irregularly diffused pigmentation is noticeable, which may extend some distance from the patch.
Fig. 142.—Circumscribed scleroderma (morphea) in a middle-aged working- woman; disease limited to the patch shown on the leg. Duration about one year. The pinkish or lilac border present in most cases is shown by the dark peripheral shading. The inclosed area is whitened and lardaceous in appearance. The two small ulcera- tions are accidental, due to traumatism.
In some instances the patches, instead of being pinkish or rosy, begin as whitish or bluish-white (Handford1) areas, later becoming yel lowish. In exceptional instances the erythematous stage usually noticed is prolonged. As a rare example of this latter was one under Cavafy‘s2 observation, in which the legs were for months the seat of
1 Handford, Illus. Med. News, June 22, 1889, p. 265, records, in a report of 2 cases, a case of this kind (with colored plate and histologic cut).
2 Cavafy, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1896, p. 275.
erythematous areas of obscure nature, but which finally began to harden, the erythema disappearing and giving place to lardaceous patches. In other instances, instead of the typical characteristic patches, there appear several or more small or large scar-like spots, sometimes slightly depressed; the skin is atrophic or thin, and often with neighbor ing telangiectases of reddish or bluish color. Pigmented areas, true sclerodermic areas, pit-like atrophic depressions, and atrophic lines are also present in some cases.1 Or, instead of lesions of these characters, the disease may present in irregularly rounded areas, or short or long bands, hard and brownish, sometimes with the peculiar pinkish capillary border or with abrupt termination in the skin beyond, which may or may not be pigmented. Occasionally a band extends almost the entire length of a limb, and may be elevated or countersunk. In these cases paroxysmal attacks of cramp-like pain are now and then noted.
The course of the typical lesions of morphea is variable—usually slow and chronic in character; they frequently enlarge slowly, and if close together, coalescence results, and large areas may be covered. Very often after reaching the diameter of a few inches they remain stationary for an indefinite time, either with a gradual tendency to enlargement or to retrogression and disappearance. In some cases decided atrophic changes ensue, and the final result is akin to that ob served in diffuse scleroderma: the skin is shriveled and thin, and some times hard and fibrous, the tissues beneath gradually atrophy, and the parts agglutinated together, finally forming irregular, smooth or fur rowed, sunken, contracted scars, sometimes of keloidal aspect or nature. In rare instances ulceration takes place, usually in parts of the involved area only.
Morphea patches may develop upon any region, but its most com mon sites are the upper trunk, face, neck, abdomen, and the arms and thighs; as a rule, but several areas are seen, but it may be widespread over several regions, as in extensive cases described by Morrow2 and Cavafy,3 in which there were numerous large areas from the hips down on both legs, and with more or less perfect symmetry. Ordinarily patches of the disease are irregularly distributed, sometimes presenting on but a single region; occasionally the distribution corresponds to that of the cutaneous nerves, and exceptionally the manifestation has been strictly limited to the fifth nerve, as in Anderson‘s4 case, in which the entire region of the distribution of the three divisions of the right fifth nerve was the seat of sclerodermic changes, including the mucous membrane of the mouth and the upper part of the pharynx. Barrs5 observed a case in which the disease, upon both arms and left leg, followed very accurately the nerve-fields.
In rare instances, closely analogous to the last, as in a case also
1 Duhring, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Nov., 1892, reports an interesting case of asso ciated morphea patches and atrophic lines and spots.
2 Morrow, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1896, p. 419 (with 3 illustrations) and discussion (White and Duhring), p. 446.
3 Cavafy, loc. cit.
4 W, Anderson, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1898, p. 46. 5Barrs, ibid., 1891, p. 152.
reported by this last observer (Barrs), as well as by others previously, the disease seems to limit itself, chiefly at least, to one side of the face (hemiatrophia facialis or unilateral atrophy of the face), but not infre quently with one or several characteristic patches elsewhere. With these cases, however, the atrophic “shrinking” influence of the disease is especially noticeable, not only the skin, but the subcutaneous tissue muscles, and even the bones becoming involved, and great deformity sometimes resulting.
Etiology.—Both types of scleroderma are infrequent—the dif fused type rare, the circumscribed variety—morphea—much less so. It is met with in both sexes, but with a considerable preponderance on the female side, and this, I believe, is even more pronounced in morphea. In Lewin and Heller‘s statistics, out of 435 cases, 292 were females. It is chiefly observed in those between the ages of fifteen and forty-five, but no age except early infancy is exempt, as it has been met with both in the very young (the youngest patient recorded being thirteen months old) and the very old. Various causes have been as signed, but there remains much to be learned before anything definite can be stated on this score. Rheumatism, chills, exposure to cold and wet, prolonged sun-exposure, thyroid disease, exhaustion from any cause, emotional and other nervous disturbances, filaria sanguinis (Bancroft), arterial disease, and many other factors are named as of etiologic in fluence. Some cases have apparently had their start in some local irritation or injury, another example of which is recently recorded by Leslie Roberts.1 In some instances, however, the patients at the time of the attack are apparently in good health, and when the involvement is not unusually extensive, the general condition may remain compara tively undisturbed; this is especially so in most cases of morphea. Zambaco2 is inclined to view the disease as an anomalous or modified form of leprosy.
The rheumatic origin of the disease has the frequent occurrence of rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritic symptoms to support it, such symptoms sometimes antedating the sclerodermic changes, and in other cases being concurrent. These facts are, however, in my judgment, more especially as to rheumatoid arthritis, merely an added evidence in favor of the neurotic cause of the disease, which, upon the whole, has the greatest support. That changes in the thyroid gland are noted in some cases has already been remarked upon, usually, however, in association with Graves’ disease, but also in some instances in which this latter did not exist, usually atrophic in character, as reported by several observers, more recently by Hektoen,3 Uhlenhuth,4 James,5 and others.6
1 Roberts, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1900, p. 118.
2 Zambaco, Trans. First Internat. Leprosy Congress.
3 Hektoen, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, June 26, 1897, vol. xxviii, p. 1240.
4 Uhlenhuth, Berlin klin. Wochenschr., 1899, p. 207.
5 James, Scottish Med. and Surg. Jour., May, 1899.
6 Samouilson, “De la Coéxistence de la sclérodermie et des altérations des corps thyroide,” These de Paris, July 21, 1898, considers the subject at length and reviews the literature, with the conclusion that the disease is sometimes due to an intoxication resulting from abnormal action of the thyroid gland; Leven, Dermatolog, Centralblatt,
In favor of its being a neurosis are the occasional nerve distribu tion, its frequent symmetric arrangement, the occasional preceding or concurrent finger symptoms, suggesting Raynaud‘s disease, the occasional local sensory symptoms, the sometimes noted coexistence of alopecia and leukoderma, the pigmentary changes, the muscle and bone atrophy, etc.
Pathology.—Knowing so little regarding the essential causes which provoke the disease, it is difficult to formulate a satisfactory explanation of the pathologic changes which take place in the cutaneous structures. As Osier succinctly states, as already in part intimated in etiology, the disease is variously regarded as a trophoneurosis dependent upon changes in the nervous system—a perversion of nutrition analogous to myxedema, and due to disturbance of the thyroid function; a sclerosis following widespread endarteritis; a primary slow hyperplasia of the collagenous intercellular substance of the corium—fibromatosis; or a primary affection of the lymph-channels, central or peripheral. Lewin and Heller, from their valuable studies, are led to view the disease as a neurosis—an angioneurosis, trophoneurosis, or angiotrophoneurosis. As Crocker states, most of the symptoms can be referred to obstruction,— arterial, lymph, and venous,—and that the variable character of changes observed in different cases depends upon which of the vascular sys tems is most involved. According to Unna, the first changes are in the connective tissue, especially its intercellular substance. It is probable that the primary pathogenic influence is to be found in the central nervous system, although many (Chiari, Spieler, Dinkier, and others) have failed to find such evidence; but, on the other hand, West- phal,1 Jacquet and de Saint-Germain,2 Schulz,3 and Steven4 have noted degenerative and sclerotic changes in the brain, spinal cord, or sympa thetic, but there was no uniformity, and the exact relationship cannot, therefore, be definitely stated. Brissaud5 believes it takes its origin in some disturbance of the sympathetic. In Schulz‘s case, in which there was considerable general pigmentation, one suprarenal body was found somewhat diseased.
The anatomic changes observed in the diffuse type (Neumann, Kaposi, Auspitz, Schwimmer, Fagge, and others) are essentially in the corium and subcutaneous tissues. Pigmentation, it is true, is found in the rete, and not infrequently in the corium also, especially in the papil-
Feb., 1904 (associated development of thyroid); Roques, “Le Traitement opothéra- pique de la sclerodermie,” Annales, July 1910, p. 383, reviewing the subject, found a larger proportion with defective thyroids; full review of literature; bibliography; Alderson, “The Skin as Influenced by the Thyroid Gland,” California State Jour, of Med., June, 1911, (gives a brief, but good review of recorded thyroid gland influences).
1 Westphal (2 cases—1 autopsy), Charité-Annalen, Berlin, 1876, vol. iii, p. 341.
2 Jacquet and de Saint-Germain, Annales, 1892, p. 508.
3 Schulz, “Sclerodermie, Morbus Addisonii und Muskelatrophie,,, Neurologisches Centralblatt, 1889, pp. 345, 386, and 412, with references.
4 Steven, Glasgow Med. Jour., Dec 1898; editorial review of same in Lancet, 1899, vol. i, p. 43; clinical account of case in Internat. Clinics, July, 1897, vol. ii, p. 195, with 4 illustrations (an interesting case leading to pronounced hemiatrophy of the face, body, and extremities, with deformity and fibrous ankylosis of the joints).
5 Brissaud, La Presse médicate, 1897, p. 285—full abstract in Brit. Jour. Derm., 1897, p. 367—reviews the various theories (with many references).
lary layer. Both in the true skin and subcutaneous connective tissue there is a marked increase of connective-tissue element, with thickening and condensation. The fat atrophies and gives place to connective tissue. The vessels are found surrounded by masses of small cells of unknown origin, and are thereby diminished in caliber; the latter is also due to thickening of the media and intima. The glandular structures are irregularly surrounded by these cell-masses, but are primarily other wise unchanged; in the later stages, however, they are atrophied. Ex cepting the presence of these cells there are no inflammatory signs. The papillae are usually normal in size, although in some cases in which a papillomatous tendency is noted hypertrophy is observed. The con nective tissue and elastic tissue of the corium are increased, densely packed, and the entire cutaneous structure is converted into a dense mass. The histologic changes in the circumscribed form, studied carefully by Crocker, vary relatively little from those of the diffused type in its early stage, both having the same anatomic basis, the cell exudation bringing about the first change—narrowing of the vessels, fibrillar tissue formation, and atrophic changes; the pinkish or violaceous zone is due to collateral hyperemia around an anemic area. Duhring found in a soft, pliable, whitish patch of some months’ duration a con densation of the connective tissue of the corium, with a shrinkage of the papillary layer.
Diagnosis.—In well-marked cases of diffused scleroderma the characters—rigidity, stiffness, hardness, and hidebound condition of the skin, with usually more or less pigmentation—are quite distinctive and scarcely admit of error. In the less marked and obscure examples possible confusion might occur with Raynaud‘s disease, the brawny induration sometimes observed in scorbutus, myxedema, and leprosy, but the features and mode of onset of these several affections are clearly different. The nervous phenomena, the usually preceding and long- continued and often periodic stasic and anemic conditions of the favorite limited regions in Raynaud‘s disease, are differential points of value, and together with the absence of any tendency to extensive hardening or thickening will usually serve to prevent a mistake in this direction. The localization of the brawny hardness of scurvy, the purpuric element, and other symptoms are distinct from those of scleroderma. The edematous stage observed in some cases presents a similarity to myx- edema, but the distribution and mode of onset of the latter, the absence of sclerotic and other features, are different. Leprosy can scarcely be confounded with diffuse scleroderma, the sensory disturbances usually present and often preceding the development of the cutaneous symptoms in the former, the absence of tendency to brawny hardening, the history of the case, and the exposure to the disease are points to be considered. The malady can scarcely be mistaken for xeroderma pigmentosum. Sclerema neonatorum, a somewhat allied disease, is an affection of earliest infancy, whereas scleroderma has never been noted before the second year of life.
The early white plaques of morphea—circumscribed scleroderma— in some cases resemble closely similar areas not infrequently seen in
leprosy, but the symptoms and characters of the latter already noted are of different nature. The morpheic white areas may also bear resem blance to vitiligo, but in the latter the sole essential symptom is loss of pigment—no thickening or other change in the skin. In women a mis take between carcinomatous skin invasion of the breast (cancer en cuirasse) and the circumscribed sclerodermic disease has been made, but careful investigation should prevent error.
Prognosis.—The outcome in a given case of either variety as regards cure is uncertain; the diffused type is often fatal, usually from some intercurrent affection superinduced by the patient‘s condition. In those in which the chest is practically incased in an unyielding armor, and the mouth narrowed and fixed, and the jaws firm, interfering with respiration and nutrition, the prospect is unfavorable. According to Méneau, the scleroderma, progressive in character, beginning at the extremities and spreading to other parts, is generally fatal. On the other hand, in many extensive cases and seemingly unfavorable, if decided atrophic changes have not occurred, recovery takes place.
The circumscribed form—morphea—is a relatively mild affection, often persisting, it is true, and in some cases, almost indefinitely, but is not necessarily dangerous, and very often, after some months or a year or two, either as the result of treatment and sometimes spontaneously, complete recovery ensues. Considerable deformity may, however, result in the rarer instances in which atrophy takes place.
Treatment.—The patient‘s general health must receive proper attention, and such tonics as quinin, strychnin, iron, arsenic, sodium salicylate, and cod-liver oil have an important influence in some cases. Of these, several—arsenic, sodium salicylate, and cod-liver oil—have in my experience been the most valuable, and probably possess more than a simple tonic and alterative value. My own observations, however, have concerned, for the most part, the circumscribed forms of the disease. In extensive cases, in addition to those remedies named, the adminis tration of pilocarpin, properly supported with stimulants and tonics, and its action on the sweat-glands promoted by warm clothing or bed- covering, is of some value when the sweat secretion is markedly in abeyance. Recently thyroid extract has been advocated, but the re ports are at variance. Osier has not been favorably impressed with its use, although still recommending its trial. The cases mentioned by Lewin and Heller, in which this treatment was adopted, were not ma terially influenced, and this was also the experience of Uhlenhuth, Dreschfeld,1 and some others. On the other hand, Marsh,2 Lustgarten,3 Gayet,4 Eddowes,5 Roques,6 and others have seen betterment take place. As yet, therefore, the exact value of this remedy remains to be deter mined—it should, however, be tried, in all diffused cases at least.
The local treatment most efficacious consists essentially in the use
1 Dreschfeld, Medical Chronicle, 1896-97, vol. vi, p. 263. 2 Marsh, Med. News, 1895, vol. lxvi, p. 427.
3 Lustgarten, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1895, p. 27 (brief reference only).
4 Gayet, Jour. mal. cutan., Jan., 1900.
5 Eddowes, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1899, p. 325.
6 Roques, loc. cit.
of friction with oils or ointments and massage. The applications should usually be of mild character, or in limited, obstinate, non-irritable areas, quite stimulating. As a mild ointment may be mentioned one contain ing salicylic acid 10 grains (0.65), cacao-butter 2 drams (8.), lanolin 2 drams (8.), petrolatum 4 drams (16.); or 1 or 2 per cent, salicylated oil can be used. In the hard, thickened, sclerodermic areas in the cir cumscribed form I have used with advantage an oil consisting of 1 or 2 parts of oil of turpentine with 6 parts oil of sweet almonds; and an oint ment of 2 parts oil of turpentine, 1 part beta-naphthol, 2 parts oil of sweet almonds, and 10 parts lanolin; and in the tough band areas on the extremities, sometimes associated with paroxysmal pain, an ointment containing 5 or 10 grains (0.35-0.65) of menthol and \ dram (2.) of chloro form to the ounce.
In the typical soft or moderately hard areas of morphea, especially in the earliest stages, the mild applications are to be used, the stronger sometimes tending to produce irritation. Electric treatment, consist ing of general and local galvanization, has been commended by some observers; with the former I have had no experience, but the latter, using a current of 2 to 10 milliampères, with friction movements of the two electrodes—labile application—has seemed to me of some advantage; likewise the use of the static battery roller electrodes made over the part, while covered with the clothing or some fabric. In the past few years favorable statements have been made of electrolysis in the treatment of circumscribed patches by Brocq,1 Darier and Gaston,2 and Allen.3 I have had no experience with this method. It is employed in the same manner as in the removal of superfluous hairs: current strength between ½ to 10 milliampères, according to sensitiveness of the patient and the integumentary conditions; the stronger current in the more infiltrated areas, if the patient bears it, and in such cases, too, the duration of the application somewhat longer than in the softer and less infiltrated patches. Brocq employs as supplementary to the electrolytic procedure the ap plication of mercurial plaster, which, I believe, should have a share in the credit for the good results claimed by him. X-ray treatment is some times especially valuable in the morphea type of the disease.
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