HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Pityriasis pilaris; Lichen pilaris; Fr., Keratose pilaire; Xérodermie pilaire (Besnier).
Definition.—Keratosis pilaris is a hypertrophic affection char acterized by the formation of pin-head-sized or slightly larger conic epidermic elevations seated about the apertures of the hair-follicles, and most commonly presenting on the outer anterolateral and pos- terolateral aspects of the thighs and arms.
Symptoms.—In this disease conic, sometimes slightly acuminate or flattened, papules, the size of a pin-head, and of a whitish, grayish, or dark-gray color, and consisting of epithelial cells and sebaceous mat ter, are situated at the outlets of the hair-follicles, from which they pro ject. Not infrequently the lesions are somewhat larger, and quite elevated; exceptionally the color is blackish. They are discrete, nu merous, do not form patches or distinct aggregations, but, although closely set, are more or less evenly distributed over the affected regions. They are usually located on the extensor and outer surfaces of the thighs and arms, and sometimes also on the trunk, and in rare instances show a more or less general distribution. On close inspection the papules are seen to be pierced by a hair, which is either lanugo-like in character or broken off at the apex of the papule, when it is seen as a dark point in the center of the lesion, or is coiled within the papule. They are somewhat hard, harsh, and dry, and the apex slightly scaly, and to the hand passed over the part feel like the surface of a nutmeg-grater. If the accumulation falls out or is rubbed or picked out, a small depression marks the site
1 See prelimininary chapter on Treatment for references to trichloracetic acid.
temporarily, occupying the opening of the hair-follicle. Sometimes the enveloping basal follicular outlet is somewhat reddened and elevated, and the papule then noted to be of a slightly inflammatory character.
The intervening skin between the papules is generally dry and harsh to the touch, sometimes with a trifling furfuraceous scaliness. On the neighboring regions it may, and usually does, present a per fectly healthy appearance, although not infrequently the skin over most of the surface is also found harsh and dry, and suggestive of a mild ichthyosis, which malady, in fact, occasionally may be associated. In rare instances in a few of the lesions there may be an accidental pus tular capping. There are, indeed, considerable variations in extent and development. In its milder forms it is not uncommon, and often it is so slight as almost to escape notice. In the latter instances it bears rough resemblance to goose-flesh. Quite often it is limited to the thighs alone. In other cases the lesions are very pronounced and may be distributed over a considerable part of the surface. It is rare, however, to find the eruption on the flexor aspects. Its development is insidious and slow, and occurs during the cool or cold season; warm weather gives rise to free action of the sweat- and sebaceous glands, the skin is kept soft, supple, and moist, and the dryness and epidermic papules cannot readily be produced. Subjective symptoms are usually absent, although occasionally moderate or even considerable itching is complained of.
Etiology and Pathology.—The affection is more common during early adult life, although it may be met with at any age, except ing possibly earliest infancy. It is most frequently observed, moreover, during the winter months, and usually in those who have naturally rather dry skin and who are unaccustomed to frequent bathing. In some individuals, however, there is a greater tendency to development exhibited, and sometimes in spite of moderately frequent washing, so that there is probably another etiologic element—doubtless a hereditary predisposition to a dry skin. It has been considered by some observers to occur much more frequently in those of a cachectic or scrofulous tendency, but apparently it is just as common in those of vigorous and robust nature. Those who naturally have somewhat active perspira tory secretion are rarely affected. Its greatest development is observed in ichthyosis, of which disease it is a pathologic part.
Anatomically the malady essentially consists of a hyperkeratinization of the upper part of the pilosebaceous follicular outlet, and the papular elevation results from the formation of this superabundant or accumu lated epidermic horny mass, which projects beyond the orifice. To this, in some instances, slight basal congestion is added secondarily, and probably purely as the result of the irritation produced by this collection or possibly for some unknown pathologic reason; and in occasional cases, instead of such trifling basal congestion, there is distinct, though usually extremely slight, inflammatory infiltration. In extreme instances of these latter types there is some suggestion of the same pathologic process as in pityriasis rubra pilaris, and it is not impossible that some of the cases of keratosis pilaris occasionally referred to as of peculiar distribu tion and of excessive horny development, and otherwise anomalous,
are on the borderline between these two maladies. It is probably in such instances only that the superficial perifollicular cell-infiltration is found (Crocker, Unna, Giovannini, and others). The congestive and inflammatory elements, when present, give the lesions a somewhat different aspect, and doubtless, chiefly based upon these factors, Brocq1 divides the cases into several forms—keratosis pilaris alba, keratosis pilaris rubra, and two intermediate divisions. In the extreme cases of the latter—the inflammatory type—slight atrophy or scarring may exceptionally result. Mibelli, Unna, and a few others do not consider the lesion of this malady and the apparently similar one of ichthyosis as pathologically identical. According to Giovannini,2 Mibelli,3 and Lemoine,4 there are also, at least in some cases, atrophic changes in the sebaceous glands, which may, in fact, entirely disappear; the first named, moreover, found atrophy of the hair-papilla.
Diagnosis.—The character of the eruption, its persistently dis crete lesions, with no attempt at grouping or to the formation of coal- escent solid patches, and its common localization will serve to prevent error. It is to be distinguished chiefly from goose-flesh (cutis anserina), the miliary-papular syphiloderm, and lichen scrofulosus. In goose-flesh the elevations, due to sudden chilling or excitement, are evanescent, not rough, harsh, and scaly, and subside rapidly as suddenly as they came upon the surface being warmed, being rarely present more than a few minutes. The dull ham, brownish-red colored papules in the miliary- papular syphilid have a more general distribution, are distinctly in filtrated, and therefore firmer to the touch, and tend to aggregation and groups; the slight scaliness is a late phase. There will be found also other symptoms of syphilis. In lichen scrofulosus—a rare disease— the eruption is usually limited, and occurs in distinct, more or less rounded groups or patches, and most commonly upon the trunk, especially the abdomen, the extensor aspects of the extremities rarely being involved; the lesions are firmer and less scaly. In pityriasis rubra pilaris the scaly condition of the scalp and the horny thickening of the palms, as well as the plaque and confluent tendency and distribution, are totally different from the eruption of keratosis pilaris. It can scarcely be confused with eczema or lichen planus, both itchy inflammatory diseases of different character, behavior, and distribution.
Treatment.—The common clinical type yields readily, the con dition often being removed in the course of a few weeks, and wholly as the result of external treatment. In some rare instances, more espe cially, however, the inflammatory type, the end is not so soon reached. In such cases, particularly in ill-nourished individuals, cod-liver oil, arsenic, and iron are sometimes to be advised. Rarely, however, are more than external measures required, and these consist ordinarily of
1 Brocq, “Notes pour servir a l‘histoire de la kératose pilaire,” Annales, 1890, pp. 25, 97, and 222 (a complete exposition and review of the subject with many references).
2 Giovannini, “Contributione allo studio istologico della cheratosi pilare,” Lo Speri- mentale, 1895, p. 661—abstract in Brit. Jour. Derm., 1896, p. 151.
3 Mibelli, “Zur Aetologie und die Varietätaten der Keratosen,” Monatshefte, 1897, vol. xxiv, pp. 345 and 415 (with numerous references).
4 Lemoine, “De l‘ichthyose ansérine des scrofuleux,” Annales, 1882, p. 275.
frequent local or general baths, plain warm baths, with the use of an ordinary toilet soap or sapo viridis. In other cases the baths should be alkaline, using for this purpose from 1 to 6 ounces (32.-192.) of sodium carbonate, sodium borate, or sodium bicarbonate to about 30 gallons (120. 1.) of water; in others, in addition to the baths, supplementary applications of a mild salicylated ointment, from 10 to 30 grains (0.65-2.) to the ounce (32.) of petrolatum or lard and lanolin, will be found nec essary. In fact, the management is practically the same as employed in the milder cases of ichthyosis. In some individuals, however, fre quent bathing must be subsequently followed to prevent its recurrence.
Lichen Spinulosus.— Crocker describes1 (under the name lichen pilaris seu spinulosus) another somewhat similar malady in some of its aspects, but which is slightly inflammatory, often patchy, and occurs on almost any region. I draw largely from his description. It may develop acutely or subacutely in crops, and consists of papules about the size of a pin-head, red, conic, and containing in its center a horny spine projecting about 1/16 of an inch; this epidermic plug can be picked out, leaving a depression in the papule. After some duration the papule loses its redness and becomes the color of the normal skin. The papules are densely crowded into patches, often large and irregular in outline, symmetrically distributed, sometimes in a few, sometimes in many, regions. The favorite sites are the back of the neck, the but tocks, over the trochanters, the abdomen, the back of the thighs, the popliteal spaces, and the extensor surfaces of the arms. The hands, feet, face, and upper part of the chest are, according to Crocker‘s observations, not attacked. There is a tendency, in cases in which the eruption is not dense, to form roundish groups, with some scattered papules between. The eruption comes out in crops, sometimes a patch appearing over night, gradually increasing in extent for a week; after this the lesions grow paler, but beyond this the eruption usually persists without change more or less indefinitely. The cause is unknown. It occurs chiefly in children, and in Crocker‘s experience more frequently in boys. In a few instances it was associated with lichen planus and with lichen scrofu- losus. It bears resemblance to keratosis pilaris and to pityriasis rubra pilaris. Alkaline baths with friction, and in the inflammatory stage
1 Crocker, Diseases of the Skin, third edit., p. 452; Adamson, “Lichen Pilaris, seu Spinulosus,” Brit. Jour. Derm., Feb. and March, 1905 (with case illustration and histo- logic cuts), has recently given a full account and review of the disease and the literature. As examples of lichen spinulosus to be found in French literature, he quotes the follow ing: (1) possibly the acné cornée of Hardy; (2) certainly the acné cornée of Guibout and of Leloir and Vidal; (3) the case of acné cornee en aires of Hallopeau, possibly his 3 cases of acné cornée in adults; (4) Barbe‘s cases of kératose folliculaire (type de Brooke); (5) Audry‘s cases of kératose pilaire engainante: and in Italy (6) Giovannini‘s case of acne cornea. Histologically the lesions show that the pathologic process is essen tially a hyperkeratosis of the follicle; perifollicular inflammation is absent or, at any rate, very little marked. Lewandowsky, Archiv, 1905, vol. lxxiii, p. 343 (with histologic cuts), who describes a German case, believes it an inflammation of the follicle with a secondary parakeratosis; Bowen, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1906, p. 416 (report of a case; youth aged nineteen). I have seen 2 cases in the past two years; before that date the condition had never been under my observation; Beck, “Ueber keratosis spinulosa” (Lichen spinulosus, Crocker), Dermatolog. Wochenschr., Nov. 30, 1912, lv, p. 1459, clinical and histolog., with review and bibliography.
supplemented by a mild grease or oil; or, if sluggish, with weak tincture of green soap, containing a dram (4.) of oil of cade to the ounce (32.), prove successful. The constitutional treatment is according to indica tions: cod-liver oil, iron, and other tonic measures are most frequently called for.
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