HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
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DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Chicken-pox; Water-pox; Variolæ spuriæ; Fr., Variolette; Ger., Spitzblattern.
Definition.—A contagious febrile systemic affection of benign type, occurring chiefly in children, and characterized by an eruption of discrete, scattered, superficially seated, thin-walled, usually small pea-sized vesicles.
It seems strange that even at this late date there should still exist physicians who look upon smallpox and chicken-pox as identical. This was the teaching of the Vienna school under Hebra, and this view was maintained by Kaposi, but it need scarcely be said that those holding this opinion today are extremely few and isolated, and that even a suggestion of such an association to American and English minds is received with complete incredulity, and opposed by all extended clinical observation and experience and the facts evolved by the effect of vaccination.
Symptoms.—The eruption may be the first evidence recognizable by the patient, appearing without appreciable systemic disturbance. On the other hand, there may be for several hours or one or two days premonitory symptoms of slight malaise, chilliness, and mild febrile action, which in average cases are scarcely sufficiently well marked to elicit more than passing attention. Exceptionally however, in extremely susceptible children and in cases in which the eruption is extensive, the prodromal disturbance may be relatively severe. The eruption makes its appearance slowly, as a rule, and never all at once, presenting usually first upon the trunk and head, more especially the scalp. If seen in their earliest formation, or if the development of the later lesions is watched, the first stage is, as a rule, noted to be a small hyperemic spot, in the center of which a minute, elevated, vesicopapule or vesicle appears, pinpoint to pin-head in size, rapidly growing to small pea-sized, the pinkish or reddish peripheral portion of the macule or spot usually measurably or completely subsiding during the vesicular evolution. New lesions continue in an ill-defined, crop-like manner or irregularly, several or more at a time for twenty-four to forty-eight hours, and some times slightly longer.
The eruption, when sufficiently developed,—usually in from several hours to a day after it begins,—is noted to consist of scattered vesicles of scanty or abundant or variable number, and in various stages of forma tion; usually some clearly defined, rounded, translucent, small or large pea-sized vesicles, with practically no areola, some with a small areolæ band; others with minute beginning vesicular lesions presenting at the central point of small pinkish or reddish spots or macules. In short, various stages of the lesional formation can usually be seen, although in some instances many are fairly well-rounded and mature pea-sized
vesicles, many of which stand out from the skin without surrounding band of redness; others are somewhat irregularly shaped. In some of the vesicles the walls are somewhat flaccid, always thin, often ruptured accidently. In larger lesions, and especially if of slow formation, while the enlargement from a pin-head-sized vesicle into that of a pea-sized is taking place by peripheral extension, the central part has already begun to dry, and is, compared to the fresher peripheral portion, de pressed. Umbilication, therefore, while not a common feature as thus described, is not infrequent in several or more marked or maturing lesions.
As a rule, the individual lesions reach full development in several hours to one or two days, by which time desiccation has already set in, drying to thin, film-like crusts. The contents, at first clear, soon become milky, and later may be slightly puriform. This latter probably results usually from accidental irritation or inoculation; it is chiefly in such lesions, particularly when scratched and made more inflammatory and sometimes impetiginous, that slight scarring results. This is uncom mon, however, and when occurring is usually in some lesions on the face. Subjective symptoms are rarely complained of, but occasionally there is itching, and in extensive cases, some tenderness. The eruption is commonly scanty, and chiefly seated upon the trunk, more numerous usually upon the back; the scalp also generally shows some vesicles, but the face and extremities relatively few. Sometimes they are also ob served on the adjoining mucous surfaces, more especially in the mouth and throat; the covering is soon broken or rubbed off, and superficial abrasions result. Exceptionally the eruption may be quite extensive, but with no tendency to confluence, grouping, or bunching; in such instances the constitutional disturbance, generally slight, usually con tinues until the height of the malady is reached. The process is, as a rule, ended, and the crusts fallen off in from seven to twelve days after the inception of the disease.
Exceptionally the vesicles are somewhat large, exceeding the size of small or medium-sized peas; or such pemphigoid development is noticed to follow the ordinary sized lesions, developing from the latter or arising independently. In such rare instances, as doubtless in the 4 cases reported by Pye-Smith,1 it seems probable that the bleb eruption is not necessarily a part of the varicella, but is due to some accidental and subsequent infection. The seriousness of this development or com plication would also support this belief. To accidental infection is also to be attributed that condition known as varicella gangrænosa (q. v.), in which gangrenous development, in rare instances, follows upon vari- cellous and other eruptive lesions.
Etiology and Pathology.—The malady is contagious, and, ac cording to Hutchinson and LeGendre, it is inoculable, although Smith2 failed to produce it in his experimental attempts. One attack is usually protective—it is rarely observed twice in the same individual. Nor does an attack protect against smallpox, as would be the fact were the
1Pye-Smith, “Four Cases of Bullous Varicella,” Brit. Jour. Derm., 1897, p. 148. 2 J. Lewis Smith, Diseases of Children, 189ó edition, p. 326.
two diseases at all related.1 It has been alleged that it occurs most frequently immediately before, during, and after smallpox epidemics, but this will not bear the test of investigation. The period of incubation doubtless varies somewhat from ten to seventeen or eighteen days— Smith's observations indicate between fifteen and seventeen days. Young children are its usual subjects. In an analysis by Baader (quoted by Smith, loc. cit.) of 584 cases, 382 occurred between the ages of one and five, 191 between six and ten, 7 between eleven and fifteen, 2 between sixteen and twenty, and 2 between twenty-one and forty. I have ob served an instance of its occurrence in a man past sixty. The most common age is about three.
The pathologic changes are superficial, rarely extending below the middle layers of the rete, in this respect differing from variola, in which the process is most pronounced in the lowest layers and the papillary body. The vesicle cavity is, in the earliest stages at least, divided by septa, as in the latter disease, but, according to Unna,2 in varicella the septa join on the covering wall, whereas in the smallpox lesion at the center of the base. The cavity proper occupies only the upper part of the much widened prickle layer. Fibrinoid degeneration of the epithe lium takes place, and to which process Unna gives the name of “reticulat ing colliquation,” in view of the most frequently recognizable stage of the fibrinous reticulum.
Diagnosis.—The diagnostic points in varicella are the absence or lightness of the systemic disturbance, the distribution of the eruption, usually most pronounced on trunk, and often on scalp, the superficial nature of the lesion, its thin, easily ruptured wall, and the irregular, crop-like appearance of the eruption. The disease with which it is most likely to be confounded is smallpox, more especially in the earlier stage. Morrow3 states that in an analysis of 38 cases of error reported to the New York Health Board at a certain period for smallpox, 17 were cases of chicken-pox. It is true that urticaria bullosa, impetigo contagiosa, and a few other diseases have occasionally been confounded with varicella, but such mistakes are usually the result of hasty and imperfect exam ination, and readily avoidable, as the features of these several affections (q. v.) are sufficiently distinctive.
The disease differs from variola in many particulars, although the differences are much less recognizable when it concerns mild cases of smallpox or varioloid and severe cases of chicken-pox. The most im portant differential points in my judgment are the distribution, the manner of appearance, the character of the lesion and its thin covering or wall, and the nature of the constitutional symptoms. In chicken-
1 See a suggestive and, for the patient, extremely unfortunate, exemplification of this fact reported by Dyer “On the Differential Diagnosis of Varicella and Variola,” New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., Jan., 1896. The patient, according to Dyer‘s opinion, presented varicella, but was placed in the smallpox hospital by the municipal authorities, who considered the case variola; the patient made the usual course of aver age varicella and was discharged; a few days subsequently he presented smallpox of confluent form, was again taken to the hospital where he had contracted the disease, and died.
2 Unna, Histopathology, p. 635.
3 Morrow, “On the Diagnosis of Smallpox,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1886, p. 72.
pox the trunk presents the most lesions, and the face, hands, and ex tremities are comparatively, or in some cases wholly, free; whereas in variola the hands and face and extremities are generally most markedly involved. In chicken-pox the eruption rarely, if ever, comes out at once, but there are irregular or crop-like outbreaks for two or three days, although the largest number appear with the first outbreak; the lesions are, therefore, to be found in all stages of evolution. They begin as hyperemic spots from the center of which a vesicle develops, or they begin as vesicles; the beginning spot or lesion is never hard or shotty. In smallpox, on the contrary, the lesions usually appear at one time or within several hours or a day, and their evolution and course are, there fore, uniform, although naturally some lesions may be larger than others; they are distinctly hard and shotty in the beginning. The lesions of varicella are discrete and usually scattered, with no tendency to close grouping, bunching, or confluence. In variola closely set grouping or crowding together and confluence are quite common. The lesion of varicella is relatively rapid, often beginning to crust over in a few days, whereas that of variola is slow and much longer in its course. The character of the lesions in the two diseases is often strikingly different. The varicella vesicle is extremely superficial, thin-walled, translucent, often of irregular or irregularly rounded shape, and easily broken, acci dentally or intentionally; whereas that of variola is deep-seated, often markedly globular; the covering is thick and tough, with little if any tendency to break, even if roughly handled, and with a yellowish cast, but not translucent, owing to the thickness of the walls. Umbilication is not an essential feature of varicella, and is generally seen only in few lesions, and these the larger and usually the relatively slow-developing vesicles, and it frequently results from a beginning desiccation of the central or earliest formed part; the lesions rarely become pustular; as a rule, only slightly cloudy or milky, and are not distinctly multilocular. In variola a sinking-in of the central part is a common feature of all cases and all lesions, and is observed long before the actual desiccating stage has been reached, being, in fact, a part of the advanced vesicular stage, the lesions becoming globular as they develop into pustules, and again slightly umbilicated as desiccation takes place; the lesions all become purulent, and are, except in the very latest stage, clearly multilocular. Scarring is the rule in variola, and rare in varicella, and then usually due to accidental irritation. The constitutional disturbance in varicella is slight or wanting, except in the extensive cases, and the eruption is often the first evidence of the malady. Even in severe cases it usually subsides rapidly after the eruption has appeared or reached full develop ment, and does not reappear; in variola, on the other hand, there are almost always distinct prodromal symptoms for several days—headache, backache, general rheumatic pains, some gastric uneasiness, and febrile action, especially developing with the eruption, upon the full appearance of which it partially subsides, to become marked again when the pustular stage approaches.
Prognosis and Treatment.—The disease is benign and runs a quick, favorable course, recovery ensuing in one to two weeks. Rare
instances of fatal ending are, in all probability, purely accidental, and due to some complication wholly independent of the varicella exanthem. Treatment is purely hygienic and expectant. As a matter of precaution, the patient should be kept housed, and if the eruption is at all extensive, in bed. A mild antiseptic dusting-powder, such as boric acid, can be used to lessen the chances of accidental infection. For the same reason scratching should be cautioned against, and if there is sufficient irritation or itching present to lead to this, a saturated solution of boric acid with \ dram (2.) of carbolic acid to the pint (500.) can be used.
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