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Synonyms.—Hives; Nettlerash; Fr., Urticaire; Ger., Nesselsucht; Nesselaus- schlag.
Definition.—Urticaria is an inflammatory affection characterized by evanescent whitish, pinkish, or reddish elevations or wheals, some what variable as to size and shape, and attended by itching, stinging, and pricking sensations.
Symptoms.—The eruption in urticaria usually comes out sud denly, occasionally being preceded by burning or itching of variable intensity. It is erythematous in character and consists of scanty or profuse pea- to bean-sized elevations, linear streaks, or small or large irregular patches, or an admixture of these forms. It may be limited in extent and distribution, or more or less general and abundant. While no part of the body is exempt from possible manifestations, covered parts, especially the lower trunk, buttocks, and upper outer chest, around about the axillary regions, are favorite localities. The outbreak may be preceded and accompanied by symptoms of gastric derangement, and exceptionally and in extensive and markedly acute cases by some febrile action. In many cases, however, the cutaneous eruption is unaccom panied by any other recognizable symptoms. The lesions are fugacious in character, disappearing and reappearing in the most capricious manner. They are somewhat firm, with an average size in the typical wheal of a flattened large pea. They may vary in tint in different cases, and in different lesions in the same case. They are pinkish or reddish, with usually a whitish central portion. At times they are almost entirely whitish, with a narrow, pinkish areola. The subjective symptoms are, as a rule, quite marked, consisting of stinging, intense burning or itching, or a combination of these symptoms. Rubbing or scratching the parts to obtain relief will ordinarily provoke a new outcropping in such regions. The lesions are distinctly evanescent, lasting from several minutes to a fractional part of a day, the average being about an hour or two. The intervening skin is perfectly normal in appearance, new lesions present ing rapidly from time to time. In exceptional cases the individual lesions may persist for several days or a week or longer—urticaria per- stans. In some instances, with or without a few or more wheals on other parts, the disease presents itself as an ill-defined pufrmess of the hands 1 Marquez, Gaz. hebdom., 1889, p. 91.
and fingers and feet, accompanied with intense subjective symptoms of burning and itching.
During an outbreak of urticaria, and in exceptional instances with out actual outbreak, and even in the interim of attacks, it is possible in some persons to bring out linear wheals by simply rubbing the finger or drawing a lead-pencil somewhat firmly over the surface. In this manner letters, symbols, and words may be produced at will and last for minutes or hours. This, or a phase of it, constitutes the so-called urticaria factitia, dermatographism, autographism.
Fig. 34.—Dermatographism. Tracing done with the blunt end of a lead pencil, making slight pressure, the “welts” reaching full and prominent development in several minutes (courtesy of Dr. C. N. Davis).
Barthélemy1 has thoroughly studied this peculiar condition, and finds that while it is commonly associated with urticarial attacks at short or long intervals, it not infrequently may exist independently, and the subject learn of its existence only accidentally. One such instance as the last named has come under my notice. The lines or figures brought out at will in these cases last a variable time—from twenty or thirty minutes up to twenty-four hours. The tendency in some in stances, according to Barthélemy, occasionally disappears temporarily.
The eruption in urticaria is not always confined to the external surface. The mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, larynx, and
1 Barthélemy, Etude sur le Dermographisme ou Dermoneurose Toxivasomotrice, Paris, 1893 (an admirable and complete monograph with a review bibliography of the literature and notes of many cases and 17 illustrations).
possibly the intestinal mucous surfaces, may exceptionally be the seat of wheals and edematous swellings, a number of instances of which have been recorded, more especially in recent years (Delbrel, Madison Taylor, Hinsdale, Merx, and others).1 Occurring about the throat and larynx, the symptoms are sometimes alarming.
Urticaria may be acute or chronic; in most instances the former, the outbreak coming on rapidly, with slight variations as to the intensity of the attack. The lesions may continue to appear and disappear in the most capricious manner, for several hours to two or three days, and then disappear entirely; or there may be one more or less extensive outcropping of wheals, reaching its acme in an hour or so, and then gradually fading away. The duration of an acute attack is from several hours to several days, the average being twenty-four to forty-eight hours. It may recur in some instances from time to time at intervals of weeks or months upon exposure to the necessary etiologic factor or factors. In exceptional cases of urticaria, but more particularly in the hemorrhagic form, pig mentation results which may last for some months or longer.
Chronic urticaria, fortunately, is not very common. In these cases the lesions are usually evanescent, as in the acute type, and very often somewhat scanty, but fresh efflorescences continue to appear from day to day and from week to week almost indefinitely, the patient‘s general health often suffering from the constant worry and discomfort produced by the itching and burning.2 Very exceptionally the lesions, or some of them, instead of being evanescent, are somewhat persistent, lasting days or weeks—urticaria perstans (Pick); some cases of which are doubtless examples of prurigo nodularis. Other instances of persistence of the lesions, some assuming annular and gyrate forms, have been described as urticaria perstans annulata et gyrata, but these cases seem to belong more properly to erythema multiforme (q. v.).
Instead of the characteristic lesions of the disease, the eruption may be atypical, thus arising the types known as giant urticaria, papular urticaria (urticaria papulosa), hemorrhagic urticaria (urticaria hæmor- rhagica, purpura urticans) bullous urticaria (urticaria bullosa).
The conditions variously described as giant urticaria, urticaria tuberosa, urticaria œdematosa, and acute circumscribed edema are closely allied or identical, varying usually as to degree, and presenting the cutaneous symptoms of tumor-like swellings of evanescent character.
1 Delbrel, “Contribution a l‘etude de l‘urticaire des voies respiratoires,” These de Bordeaux, 1896 (reviews 25 cases from literature and adds 2 of his own); Madison Tay lor (larynx and skin), Philadelphia Med. Jour., April 2, 1898; Hinsdale, Philadelphia Polyclinic, July 30, 1898; Freudenthal (recurrent and chronic of larynx and skin), New
York Med. Jour., Dec 31, 1898; Chittenden (buccal, pharyngeal, and nasal mucous membrane and skin, chronic in character, with recurrent hematemesis), Brit. Jour. Derm., 1898, p. 158; Goodale and Hughes (chronic and of tongue only, controlled by salol), Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., April, 1899; Merx (recurrent, tongue, throat, and skin; with bibliography), Munch, med. Wochenschr., 1899, p. 1174; F. A. Packard, Soc‘y Trans., Philadelphia Med. Jour., July 22, 1899, and Archives of Pediatrics, 1899, P- 729 (showing apparent connection between respiratory disturbances and urticarial eruptions).
2 Under the name “urtica solitaria” Vörner (Dermatolog. Zeitschr., Jan., 1913, p. 1) records several (4) cases where general recurrent urticarial attacks finally gave place to an occasional appearance of a single lesion, and usually when recurring this lesion always appeared in the same place.
They are frequently a part of a more or less general urticaria in which most of the symptoms are of the ordinary wheal type, presenting the edematous swellings here and there, more especially about the eye lids, mouth, and ears. Occasionally, however, acute circumscribed edema seems to be entirely or sufficiently independent of urticarial manifestations, and free from subjective symptoms, to be entitled to separate description (q. v.).
Urticaria papulosa, also known as lichen urticatus, consists essen tially of an urticaria in which the lesions are discrete and scattered and usually upon the limbs. They may appear as small, more or less typical wheals, which disappear, leaving behind persistent eczema-like papules, though somewhat larger than the papules in the latter disease. Or the lesions may, for the most part, appear as papules from the start, with here and there a scattered typical wheal. In addition to the serous exudation of the ordinary wheal, there seems to be in this type a mark edly inflammatory element. These papules usually itch intensely, and as a result the summits of many of them are scratched and covered with minute blood-crusts. They disappear but slowly, new papules coming out from time to time. This type may last from one to several months or longer, and tends to recur. It is almost entirely confined to young children and to those in a depraved state of health. It is rather rare in this country. 1 It is possible that this form, instead of being a true urti caria, may be an example of mild prurigo, a disease which is not uncom mon in Austria and other European countries.
Urticaria hæmorrhagica seu purpura urticans is characterized by efflorescences similar in size and shape to those of ordinary urticaria except that there is a variable amount of hemorrhage into the wheals. It is probable that in the majority of these cases the purpuric condition is the primary one, and the wheal formation secondary; in fact, in some cases the purpuric element may be of a somewhat grave character, with hemorrhages from the mucous membranes.
Urticaria bullosa, or bullous urticaria, is that form of urticaria in which the lesions become capped with a vesicle or bleb or in which the wheals are rapidly displaced by blebs. This anomaly is seen most frequently upon the extremities, although this lesion may in excep tional instances constitute the larger part of the eruption—so much so as to suggest pemphigus, dermatitis herpetiformis, or bullous ery thema multiforme. Apparently the inflammatory action has been sufficiently great to give rise to considerable fluid effusion, in this manner the wheals resulting in the formation of bullæ.
Etiology.—Urticaria may occur at all ages and in both sexes, and in all countries. It is much more frequent, however, between the ages of early childhood and middle adult age, and is possibly some what more common in the female sex. The papular type is more fre quent in England2 than elsewhere, and is almost exclusively seen in
1 Chipman, California State Jour, of Med., June, 1910, states that it is not uncom mon in San Francisco, and thinks the flea is frequently a factor there in its pro duction.
2 Colcott Fox, “On Urticaria in Infancy and Childhood,'’ Brit. Jour. Derm., 1890, pp. 133 and 176.
children. There are many causes, but there is some peculiar individual predisposition necessary, inasmuch as the same cause may not produce the eruption in different subjects. In some instances a hereditary in fluence or predisposition is observed, especially in the cases associated with giant lesions and edematous swellings. The etiologic factors may be considered under the heads of external and internal causes, or direct and indirect.
As exemplifying the external causes may be mentioned the bites or irritation produced by jelly-fish, mosquitos, fleas, stinging nettle, certain kinds of caterpillars, bedbugs, etc. Constant scratching or any persistent skin irritation, as in scabies and pediculosis, will at times also be provocative. While, as a rule, in urticaria produced by this class of etiologic factors the urticarial lesions appear only at the points or im mediate neighborhood of the irritation, yet this is not always the case, as in particularly susceptible individuals a general outbreak may result.
The internal or indirect causes are numerous, here again the indi vidual peculiarity having a potent contributory influence. Most of this class act through the stomach and intestinal tract. Among the more common factors in this class may be mentioned oysters, clams, crabs, lobsters, shrimps, mussels, fish, pork, more especially sausages and scrapple, veal, nuts, mushrooms, strawberries, and cucumbers. In addition to the articles of food named, others may be causative in special instances, owing to some striking idiosyncrasy, such, for instance, as oatmeal and butter. The irritation from intestinal worms may also be the cause in the urticarias of children. The malady is not infrequent in immigrants during their first several months’ stay in our country, doubt less due to the complete change of diet and mode of living. An attack may also result from the ingestion of certain medicinal substances, more especially copaiba, cubebs, chloral, turpentine, quinin, opium, the iodids, and many of the coal-tar products. The use of antitoxins has added another cause occasionally provocative.
Emotional or psychic causes, such as anger, fright, or sudden grief, will sometimes excite an outbreak, more especially if occurring during or directly after a meal, the process of digestion being apparently inter fered with, possibly permitting the development of toxins. Urticaria is at times observed in association with malaria, jaundice, albuminuria, and diabetes mellitus. The not infrequent occurrence of the disease in rheumatic and gouty individuals would point to these constitutional con ditions as likewise predisposing. Functional and organic diseases of the uterus may also be found to be the important underlying etiologic factors, especially in the recurrent and chronic cases. Surgical operations, more particularly upon the abdominal cavity, exceptionally appear to be of causative influence. In fact, whatever gives rise to profound nervous disturbance must be looked upon as of some import. My own impres sion has been that these various factors act principally by the disturbing influence they may have upon the act of digestion. Beyond question, toxins from without or within—autointoxication—must in this, as in some other diseases of the skin, especially erythema multiforme, be considered as the most common cause of the outbreak. The action of nervous
influence, direct or indirect, is shown by a case reported by Oliver,1 where the eruption was due to eye-strain, persisting or recurring when a change in lenses was necessary. Ravitch2 believes disturbances of the thyroid to be a factor of importance in chronic urticaria.
In the past several years biologic investigations have been thought to point out as probably first indicated by Wolff-Eisner that urticaria (and other toxic dermatoses) may be due to a hypersensitiveness to a foreign albuminoid substance—the albumin not being sufficiently split up by the intestinal juices, such products being absorbed into the cir culation, and provoking an outbreak. A hypersensitive or anaphylactic condition may be thus brought about which makes the individual acutely responsive to even the smallest quantity of such toxic substances. The faulty or imperfect preparation of this protein for safe absorption might be directly or indirectly due to any of the various etiologic factors named.
Fig 35-—Urticaria—section of a wheal: e, Epidermis, practically no alteration; c, corium, showing acute inflammatory changes, swollen and infiltrated with serous exuda tion, with the blood-vessels (v, v, v), especially those accompanying the sweat-ducts (s, s, s, s) dilated and surrounded by and containing numerous polynuclear leukocytes; lymphatic vessels (l, l) and spaces also enlarged, containing granular matter; numerous mast-cells (m, m) scattered through the corium (courtesy of Dr. T. C. Gilchrist).
Pathology.—The pathology of urticaria is closely similar to that of erythema multiforme. The disease is an angioneurosis, the lesions being, primarily at least, due to vasomotor disturbance, which may be of diverse origin, but doubtless most commonly toxinic; the angioneurotic view has, however, some distinguished opponents. Barthélemy believes dermatographism to be due to a toxic vasomotor dermatoneurosis. In urticarial lesions dilatation following spasm of the vessels results in effusion, and in consequence the overfilled vessels of the central por tion are emptied by pressure of the exudation, and the pink or reddish color gives place to central paleness, while the pressed back blood ac-
1 Oliver, Philadelphia Med. Jour., January 14, 1899.
2 Ravitch, “The Thyroid as a Factor in Urticaria Chronica,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1907, p. 512; also Leopold-Levi and de Rothschild, Compt. rend. Soc. de Biol., Nov., 1906.
centuates the bright red tint of the periphery. Philippson,1 from animal experiments, believes, with Heidenhain, that the secretion of lymph is not a passive process due to intravascular pressure, as contended by most dermatologists, but that a secretory action of the vascular endo- thelium is involved; and that the edema of urticaria is similarly pro duced by direct action of poisonous substances upon the vessels in the neighborhood. Török and Hari's2 experimental studies are also in accord with this view. Gilchrist's3 experimental observations led him to a somewhat similar conclusion: that a true wheal is an acute, inflam matory edematous swelling, due either to local inoculation of irritating substances, as insect bites, etc, or to drugs or to some toxin probably originating in the alimentary canal, the irritating agent producing death of cells, which is followed by acute inflammatory changes. Wright and Paramore4 believe that an attack of urticaria may be directly due to a diminution of the lime salts in the blood, with consequent associated de fective blood coagulability—is of the nature of a serous hemorrhage.
The pathologic anatomy of a wheal, studied by various observers (Vidal, Unna, Gilchrist, and others), shows it to be a more or less firm elevation of a circumscribed or somewhat diffused collection of semi- fluid material, more especially in the upper layers of the skin. While it has its usual seat in the derma proper, in intense cases the subcutaneous tissue may also be involved in the process. Gilchrist found the epi dermis unaltered, but the whole corium the seat of acute inflammatory changes; the blood-vessels, especially those accompanying the sweat- ducts, enlarged, containing and surrounded by a large number of poly- nuclear leukocytes; the lymphatic vessels and the juice-spaces were also much enlarged, containing only granular material; large numbers of polynuclear cells were found to pervade the whole region, even into the papillæ, but only a few had found their way into the epidermis. There were numerous mast-cells throughout the corium, and the latter was much swollen and infiltrated with serous exudation.
Diagnosis.—This rarely gives any difficulty. In fact, the disease is so common and well known that the diagnosis is usually made by the patient. The character of the lesions, their evanescent nature, the irregular and general distribution, usually abundant upon covered parts, and the accompanying intense itching, will afford sufficient basis for its recognition. These points will serve to differentiate it from erythema multiforme, to which it bears some resemblance. Urticaria bullosa might, upon first and careless inspection, lead to a confusion with pem phigus or dermatitis herpetiformis, but the usually preceding wheal upon which the bleb arises, and the presence here and there of the ordi nary type of the eruption, together with the history and course, will prevent error.
1 Philippson, Giorn. ital., 1899, Fasc. vi, p. 675, abstract in Brit. Jour. Derm., 1900, p. 217.
2 Török and Hari, “Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Pathogenese der Urti caria,” Archiv., 1903, vol. lxv, p. 21.
3 Gilchrist, “Some Experimental Observations on the Histopathology of Urticaria Factitia,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1908, p. 122.
4Paramore (experimental study), Brit. Jour. Derm., 1906, pp. 239 and 248.
Chronic urticaria has essentially the same features as the acute disease, except the eruption is usually less abundant. It is not to be forgotten that both pediculosis and scabies, as well as the irritation of other animal parasites, may occasionally be responsible for scattered wheals, but the other eruptive features of such maladies (q. v.) are usu ally sufficiently distinctive to prevent confusion.
Prognosis.—The acute disease is of short duration, disappearing spontaneously or as the result of treatment in several hours or a few days; it may recur upon exposure to the exciting cause. Patients with urticarial tendency should give special attention to the dietary, and avoid those articles which may cause indigestion or which expe rience has taught them may, owing to some idiosyncrasy, provoke the disease. The prognosis of chronic urticaria is to be guarded, and will depend upon the ability to discover and remove or modify the etiologic factor. Recurrences are not uncommon.
Treatment.—Acute urticaria, the most common expression of the disease, is usually due to stomach or digestive disturbance of acute character. If the case is urgent and seen early, an emetic, to rid the stomach quickly of the offending material, may be given; this is, however, rarely required. The usual plan is to give a purge. For this purpose there is nothing better than the antacid magnesia, although any of the various salines will usually act satisfactorily. In addition to the purga tive, an antacid should be administered at several hours’ interval, such as sodium salicylate or sodium bicarbonate or benzoate; of the salicylate, 5 to io grains (0.35-0.65) three or four times daily, and of the others, 10 to 20 grains (0.65-1.35) at a dose; in children the doses should be smaller. The diet for the time should be plain. In the vast majority of the acute cases this simple plan of treatment will prove sufficient to end the attack. If the attack should be somewhat persistent, the alkali should be continued, and, in addition, small doses of salol and a few grains of charcoal added to each dose. The calcined magnesia, too, should be administered about every other night until the disease has yielded.
It is, however, the chronic cases of urticaria which often tax our therapeutic resources. Such cases require the most rigorous and care ful examination, in order to discover, if possible, the underlying etiologic factor or factors. The possibility of diabetes, albuminuria, disease of the liver, and utero-ovarian disease being the influential cause should be eliminated. The urine should be carefully and repeatedly examined, for this sometimes gives the clue to the acting factor. Particular atten tion should be given to the digestive apparatus, for probably this, as in the acute cases, is the most common source of the disease. The patient‘s habits as regards the use of alcohol and the use of drugs should also be inquired into, as having a possible bearing.
There are many cases, it is true, of chronic urticaria in which the etiology remains obscure, even after the most careful investigation, and such cases must be treated empirically. Experience has taught that the remedies most frequently successfully used in such cases are quinin, sodium salicylate, atropin (Schwimmer and many others),
pilocarpin (Pick), ergot, potassium bromid, salol, strophanthus (Riffat), ichthyol, strychnin, calcium chlorid (Wright), along with saline laxa tives. Arsenic may also be tried in resistant cases, although, except indirectly, in small doses as a tonic, it is usually disappointing. The most efficient of these in a given number of cases are atropin and sodium salicylate.
Frequent and repeated doses of saline laxatives sometimes cure when all the ordinary remedies have failed to make a permanent im pression. For this purpose calcined magnesia, taken every second or third night, or Carlsbad salts, magnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate, Hunyadi Janos water, or Friedrichshall water, taken every morning or every second morning, can be prescribed. The dose should be suffi cient to produce free and prompt action, but not sufficiently large to bring about a condition of diarrhea. The following also has given me satis faction:
R. Sodii sulphat. granulat., 3ij (64.);
Sodii chlorid,, 3iiss (10.);
Sodii bicarbonat., 3vss (22.).
This should be kept in a closely stoppered, wide-mouthed bottle, and one to two teaspoonfuls taken dissolved in a half to a tumblerful of hot water twenty or thirty minutes before breakfast; or in some cases it seems to act better when taken in smaller doses—a half to one teaspoonful—before each meal. In obstinate cases spinal galvaniza tion, static insulation, and the static current with the roller electrode applied along the spine should be tried. Ravitch, in the belief that the thyroid gland is a factor, has prescribed in atrophy and functional inac tivity desiccated thyroid gland in chronic cases with alleged favorable results; while in enlarged glands and hypersecretion such remedies as thyroidectin, strophanthus, bromids, atropin, and x-ray.
It is understood that in all these cases the diet is to be carefully regu lated, and all indigestible foods interdicted, and especially those articles which experience has taught are not infrequently causative factors. Coffee and tea in excess should also be avoided; in fact, these drinks should be, in rebellious cases, forbidden absolutely. Resorting for a time to an exclusively milk diet will sometimes prove curative, or at least remove the disease for a time. In persistent cases of the disease which have proved rebellious to all plans, especially those dependent upon neurasthenic conditions, change of scene and climate will some times give temporary, and not infrequently permanent, freedom.
If the eruption is extensive the itching is likely to be so trouble some a feature that the patient loses much sleep, and in such instances, occasionally, recourse must be had to potassium bromid, chloral, sul- phonal, acetanilid, phenacetin, and the like. In a few instances two or three daily doses of acetanilid or phenacetin in moderate quantity have, as already intimated, afforded more or less permanent relief. Opiates are usually to be avoided, inasmuch as they often increase the subjective symptoms.
In most cases of urticaria it is found necessary to resort to local applications to give some relief to the intense itching and burning which
usually characterize the malady. The most efficient are those remedies which are known to have an antipruritic action. Carbolic acid in lotion form is one of the most valuable antipruritics in our possession. It may be prescribed as in the following:
R. Acid, carbolici, 3ss-3j (2.-4.);
Glycerini, 3ss (2.);
Alcoholis, 3j (32.);
Aquæ, q. s. ad 3viij (256.).
Liquor carbonis detergens is another valuable preparation, and may be used in the strength of 1 to 2 or 3 ounces (32. to 96.) to the pint (500.) of water. A lotion of thymol, such as the following, will like wise be found of value:
R. Thymolis, gr. viiss-xv (0.5-1.);
Glycerini, 3ij (8.);
Alcoholis, 3ij (64.);
Liquor potassæ, 3j (4.);
Aquæ, q. s. ad 3viij (256.).
Alkaline baths are also of great benefit in some cases. These may be made with borax, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, 1 to 4 ounces (32. to 128.) to the bath of about 30 gallons; ammonium muriate, 1 to 2 ounces (32. to 64.) to the bath, is also useful. The patient should remain in the bath from several minutes to ten or fifteen minutes, and the temperature should be sufficiently warm that chilliness does not occur.
In mild cases, and even in some of the more severe cases, the use of a dusting-powder on the affected surfaces will be sufficiently soothing, and has the advantage of cleanliness and ease of application. For this pur pose any of the ordinary dusting-powders, such as zinc oxid, rice flour, talc, and boric acid, can be used.
Ointments are rarely of service in the ordinary type of this disease, but in the types described as the vesicular and bullous varieties they may be demanded for their soothing and protective influence. For this purpose the plain zinc oxid ointment, with 5 or 10 grains (0.35 or 0.65) of resorcin or carbolic acid to the ounce (32.), will prove satis factory. A boric acid ointment—1 dram (4.) of boric acid to the ounce (32.) of cold cream—may also be of use. If there is a good deal of irritation, the calamin-zinc-oxid lotion may likewise be employed in these cases.
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