HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Fr., Strophulus prurigineux; Ger., Juckblattern.
Definition.—Prurigo is a rare chronic, inflammatory disease, beginning in early life, characterized by discrete, pin-head to small pea-sized, solid, firmly seated, slightly raised, pale-red papules, usually appearing primarily on the tibial surfaces, and accompanied by intense itching and more or less general thickening of the affected skin.
Symptoms.—There are two varieties usually described, prurigo mitis and prurigo ferox (also called prurigo agria), which, however, really represent respectively the mild and severe types of the disease. In many cases there is a preliminary stage of some months in which itchiness and the typical wheals and papules (urticaria papuJosa) of urticaria appear from time to time or more or less continuously; and for some time after the typical lesions of prurigo have appeared wheals may now and then be seen. The disease proper begins with the appear ance of pin-head-sized papules, which may be pale red in color, or even the same color as the skin. They appear almost invariably over the anterior aspects of the legs below the knees, and at first they can scarcely be seen, but can be felt by passing the hand over the surface. Itchiness of the parts usually first attracts attention. Later, from natural growth and from scratching, the lesions are noted to be somewhat larger and pale red or red in color, and some or many covered with minute blood- crusts. They may be in moderate quantity or exceedingly numerous and rather thickly set, but there is no tendency to grouping. At the same time or later lesions present themselves on the extensor surfaces of the forearms, and gradually or rapidly upon other parts. In mild cases the flexor surfaces are scarcely affected, and even in severe type the flexures of the joints, such as the poplitea, axilla, etc, and the palms remain free from papules. In severe cases the eruption may be more or less general, and the face also shows some involvement; the scalp is usually free, but the skin is dry and the hair lusterless. The disease is most marked on the extremities, and more especially on the lower half; and the upper extremities less severely than the lower. The buttocks and trunk also show decided involvement in severe cases. The skin becomes dry, on the worse parts thickened and hard and rough, and exhibits branny scali- ness; the hairs are rubbed off or broken; and the perspiration is prac tically suspended. The color is a pale red to a red. The superficial lymphatic glands, especially the inguinal, show enlargement, some times of a pronounced character. From the intense itching, excoria tions and long and deep scratch-marks, with resulting slight scars, are produced, and from the long-continued irritation pigmentation results. In extreme, neglected cases it is not uncommon to see impetiginous and ecthymatous lesions interspersed; distinct eczematous conditions are at times superadded. New crops of papules may appear from time to time, and the subjective symptoms at such periods become still more intense. In some instances (prurigo mitis) the disease is much less pronounced, and consists of scattered, deep-seated papules, chiefly over the extensor surfaces of the limbs, especially the lower; and in
these cases the mild aspect continues throughout. In fact, usually the type, as regards severity, is established from the start, although neglect, poor food, and bad hygiene lead to aggravation. As a rule, the disease is worse during the cold season.
Etiology.—The disease usually has its beginning in the first few years of life. It is by far most common in Austria and Hungary, among the poorer classes, and it is relatively more frequent in the Hebrew race and in males. Mild types are sometimes seen elsewhere. It is extremely rare in this country, and when observed is usually in immigrant subjects, as in the cases reported by Wigglesworth,1 Campbell,2 Zeisler,3 and Taylor.4 It is, in its milder types, less rare in England. Occasion ally chronic papular eczema cases closely resembling the mild varieties are observed; and doubtless many of the milder cases of prurigo are con sidered, and perhaps are, examples of what is generally recognized as urticaria papulosa. It is not contagious, and heredity does not seem to be a factor. It develops, as a rule, in those in poor general health. Neglect, lack of proper food, and bad hygiene are apparently influential. Climatic conditions may also be in a measure etiologic The essential cause, whether neurotic, toxemic, or parasitic, is not known; the neurotic view predominates.
Pathology.—The true nature of prurigo remains obscure. There is still much divergent opinion, on reviewing which J. C. White5 expressed the following conclusion: One cannot go further than accept the existence of a condition of early childhood, allied to pruritus and urticaria in its visible manifestations, and not to be positively distinguished from them in its first stages, often becoming in certain parts of the world a chronic affection due to some inexplicable national cutaneous traits or inherent customs of living, a condition which certainly lacks many of the essential elements of individuality.
The pathologic changes6 are such as are met with in chronic hyper- plasias, such as eczema, and anatomically the process scarcely admits of differentiation. The essential lesion—the papule—which, according to investigation by several pathologists, has its origin in the rete, is of a minute cystic character, and contains a clear fluid and some epithelia; its upper covering is the entire corneous layer, which is undisturbed, except secondarily. It is thought to have some connection with the sweat-gland duct. Apparently there are no changes in the peripheral nerves. By some observers7 the papule is thought to be largely a
1 Wigglesworth, Amer. Jour. Syph. and Derm., 1873, p. 1 (patient of American parentage).
2 Campbell, Arch. Derm., 1878, p. 119 (patient native born, but of German parent age).
3 Zeisler, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1889, p. 408 (12 cases—only 1 of American parentage, although several born in this country).
4 Taylor and Van Gieson, New York Med. Jour., 1891, vol. liii, p. 1; Dade, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1902, p. 569 (also a case in a child of foreign parentage).
5 J. C. White, “Prurigo,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1897, p. 2 (with many cited opinions and literature references).
6 Van Gieson, in Taylor and van Gieson‘s paper, loc. cit., gives a good résumé of the histology, with numerous illustrations and references; also Holder, Trans. Amer. Derm. Assoc. for 1901.
7 Holder, “Prurigo, and the Papule with the Urticarial Basis,'’ Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1911, p. 228, with brief review of the subject.
result of traumatism—from the scratching and rubbing of a pruritic skin.
Diagnosis.—A typical example of prurigo scarcely admits of error: the poor general health, its early beginning, long duration, the dry, harsh, hard, and thickened skin, especially over the extensor sur faces, the freedom of the flexures of the joints, the peculiar, scarcely ele vated papules, the intense itching, with the consequent excoriation, and the enlarged inguinal glands, are characteristic. The milder cases possess the same features, but much less marked, and closely resemble papular eczema. It is to be noted that in neglected cases eczematous symptoms are added; but treatment will soon remove these, and the character of the true disease be disclosed. A careless examination might lead to a confusion with a long-continued pediculosis or scabies.
Prognosis and Treatment—The severe cases are practically hopeless as to permanent relief, although much can be done in every case toward palliation. Under favorable circumstances and the insti tution of early treatment the milder cases admit of cure, but even in these latter recurrences are often observed. The imported cases in this country usually show, after a time, marked amelioration and even complete disappearance—resulting from the better food and more com fortable and hygienic mode of living.
Both constitutional and local measures are required in the manage ment of the disease. The systemic treatment aims to put the patient in a thoroughly healthy state, with attention to hygiene, and with usually such remedies as cod-liver oil and iron, manganese, and a generous dietary. Carbolic acid, pilocarpin (hypodermically administered), and thyroid extract have their advocates; arsenic seems without influence.
The external treatment, which is of essential importance, consists of frequent warm to hot plain or alkaline baths, tar-baths, baths of potassium sulphid, followed by an oily application. A B-naphthol ointment—in children, of 2 per cent, strength, and in adults, of 5 per cent.—rubbing it in every night, is highly extolled by Kaposi, and is the favorite method in Vienna; every second day a prolonged bath in warm water with naphthol-sulphur soap is taken. The frequent use of sapo viridis, or its tincture, with baths, is also valuable in older subjects, followed by emollient ointments. Strong salicylic acid oint ments, from 20 to 60 grains (1.3 to 3.) to the ounce, are also useful in some cases. In cases in which marked eczematous eruption has been added, mild applications are at first demanded.
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