HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonym.—Lichen scrofulosorum.
Definition.—A chronic, mildly inflammatory disease, usually occurring in scrofulous subjects, characterized by millet-seed-sized, rounded or flattened, reddish or yellowish, more or less grouped, slightly desquamating papules.
In recent years many contributions having in view the grouping
1 Macleod, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1902, p. 220; Civatte (of Brocq's service) (“note pour servir a l‘etude des tuberculides papulo-squameuses; trois cas de tuberculides a forme de parapsoriasis.” Annales, 1906, p. 209), from his investigations and review, be lieves that parapsoriasis might be an atypical tuberculosis of the skin.
2 Engman, “Discussion,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1911, p. 559.
3 Méneau, “Du lichen scrofulosorum,” Jour. mal. cutan., 1899, p. 6, gives an admirable account and review of this subject, with bibliography. See also papers and discussion on the same, Trans. Internal. Derm. Congress, London, 1896, and those referred to in the course of the text.
together of several cutaneous diseases which are more or less peculiar to scrofulous individuals have been made by Hallopeau (toxi-tuber- culides), Darier, Hyde, Boeck (érythèmes tuberculeux), and Johns- ton1 (cutaneous paratuberculoses), and others, diseases of which the lesions, while not due directly to the presence of tubercle bacilli, are attributed to their toxins, the organisms having their seat in some other part of the body, either close to the skin or in the deeper organs. The various maladies thus included are lichen scrofulosus, lupus erythem- atosus, erythema induratum, acne varioliformis (acne necrotica), hidra- denitis suppurativa, and a few other affections. That these affections are commonly seen in the tuberculous or those of tuberculous history cannot be doubted, and that, moreover, some present suggestive his- tologic features. That the explanation advanced (tubercle toxins) is the correct one, requires, I believe, greater substantial evidence, however, before it can be accepted unreservedly. For this reason I have preferred, for the present, to consider these affections separately, and in their cus tomary places, and not under a general class heading. It is true that accumulating facts are almost conclusive as to the tuberculous relation ship of lichen scrofulosus, but with the other affections named, the evidence is as yet too scanty to warrant a definite decision.
Symptoms.—This malady is, as a rule, free from subjective symp toms and insidious in its development, so that it is generally not noted until well-defined patches have formed. The lesions are small, at first scarcely more than a pinpoint in size, but which later usually attain that of a pinhead. They almost always arise close together, in irregular bunches or groups, rounded or segmentel in configuration; at first bright or dull red, they later assume a livid or brownish tone, and often become fawn-colored or yellowish, which in some instances closely approaches the tint of the normal skin. Not infrequently new lesions arise in the interspaces of the older papules, and between the patches or groups, so that in some cases considerable surface is covered, and if the lesions are yellowish or near the skin hue, the eruption presents some resemblance to goose-flesh (cutis anserina). As a rule, however, the malady is usually represented by but a limited number of patches or areas. The lesions become capped by minute scales, and although they may be close together, never actually coalesce. The older, usually central, papules of the patch often undergo involution, flatten down, and thus results the crescentic or segmental outline often observed; minute yellow stains mark the site of lesions which have disappeared. The eruption is commonly limited to the trunk, especially the lower two-thirds, and more frequently toward the lateral aspects. Less frequently it may also be found upon the arms and legs, and in the latter situation occasionally slight hem- orrhagic extravasation may be noted in the lesions, giving them a livid aspect—lichen lividus. Exceptionally some of the papules are of a larger size, and may contain centrally a yellowish sebaceous plug, and
1 J. C. Johnston, “The Cutaneous Paratuberculoses,” Phila. Monthly Med. Jour., February, 1899, p. 78 (an extremely valuable exposition, with résumé and bibliography); Riecke, article ‘‘Lichen Scrophulosorum,” in Mrâcek‘s Handbuch der Hautkrankheiten. vol. iv, p. 521 (also gives a complete exposition with bibliography).
sometimes several or more are distinctly pustular and acne-like. In rare instances this latter feature is quite pronounced. In occasional cases, more especially in the older patients, there is noted an associated small nodular eczematoid eruption about the scrotum, sometimes a veri table eczema.
The course of the malady is exceedingly chronic, often lasting for years, new lesions and patches arising from time to time, and some gradually disappearing; in other instances the eruption, after a variable time, fading away, and later recurring. While the minute yellow stains usually left by the papules remain for a shorter or longer time, eventually there is not observable a trace of the previous eruption; very exception ally, however, minute atrophic scars, but rarely more than few in num ber, are observed. Evidences of scrofula are usually found associated with the eruption.
Etiology.—The disease is extremely rare in this country,1 less so in France, not uncommon in England,2 and most frequent throughout Germany, especially Austria. The malady is one of childhood and adolescence, rarely observed under two or three years, and seldom above twenty or twenty-five. Sex does not seem to exert much influence, although it is somewhat more common in males, markedly so in Germany. It is a disease of the scrofulous, and the positive evidence at hand, though scant compared to the negative, gives it a place, I believe, among the tuberculoses of the skin, although with one or two, but not abso lutely conclusive, exceptions (Jacobi, Wolff)3 bacilli have not been found in the lesions (Riehl, Darier, Lukasiewicz, Jadassohn, and others). Animal inoculations have failed (Leredde, Jadassohn, Hallopeau, Lafitte, and others) in almost all trials, although in a few instances they have been followed by tuberculosis (Pellizari, Jacobi). In 14 cases out of 16 in which Jadassohn injected tuberculin there was the characteristic reac tion. Schweninger and Buzzi saw, apparently as a result of tuberculin injections in a tuberculous subject, lichen scrofulosus develop; and recently Nobl4 records 5 cases, clinically typical, which were in reality examples of reaction of the skin after inunction of a tuberculin ointment.
1 Bronson, Archives of Derm., 1875, p. 137 (case demonstration); Shepherd, Canada Med. and Surg. Jour., 1880-81, vol. ix, p. 283 (a case); Gottheil, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1886, p. 133 (with cut and some literature references); Currier, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1892, p. 403 (case demonstration—doubtful); Hyde, ibid., 1897, p. 453 (a case); Gilchrist, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1899, p. 84 (negro child). Professor Duhring (Diseases of Skin, third edit., 1882) states that he has not met with a case in this country. My ex perience, including services at two institutions at which children form a large propor tion of the patients, is the same—not a single case has come under my observation.
2 In England cases have been observed by Tilbury Fox (Trans. London Clin. Soc'y, 1879, P. 190 (6 cases, with colored plate); Crocker, ibid., p. 195, and Diseases of Skin, second edit. (15 cases); and Brit. Jour. Derm., 1899, p. 38 (case demonstration); Pringle, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1894, p. 218 (case demonstration); Perry, ibid., 1895, p. 156 (case demonstration); Colcott Fox, ibid., p. 153 (case demonstration); Little, ibid., 1900, p. 167 (case demonstration); and others.
3 Jacobi, Verhandl. der deutsch. dermatolog. Gesellschaft, III. Congress, 1891, p. 69 (with histologic plate); Wolff, ibid., VI. Congress, 1899; Haushalter, Annales, 1898, p. 455, found bacilli in lesions of 2 cases described by him, but in these cases the lesions were quite large, discrete, disseminated, and also upon the face, and represent more closely cases of disseminated tuberculosis of the skin.
4 Nobl, “Zur Pathogenese des Lichen Scrophulosorum,” Dermatolog. Zeitschr., 1909, vol. xvi, p. 205 (with some references).
The almost invariable association of the malady with evidences of scrof ula, such as glandular enlargements, ulcers, caries of the bones, phthisis, and tuberculous family history (Hebra-Kaposi, T. Fox, Duhring, Crocker, Hyde, and almost all others), considered with the other facts just pre sented, indicate that it is to be considered a tuberculous eruption, the failure to find bacilli leading some observers (Hallopeau, Hyde, Brocq, Johnston, and others) to attribute it to the toxins of the organisms seated at near or remote parts.
Pathology.—The disease has its seat about the pilosebaceous folli cles. Anatomic investigations (Kaposi, Sack, Jacobi, Leredde, Unna, and others) show that the papule is made up of an infiltration of lym- phoid, epithelioid, and giant-cells, the inflammatory changes beginning first around the vessels, in and about the hair-follicles, sebaceous glands, and about the papillae surrounding the follicular opening. The cutis beneath the degenerated epidermis undergoes caseous degeneration. Gilchrist1 states that in his case (a negro) the microscopic sections pre sented two striking features: (I) Semiglobular-looking masses, situ ated in the horny layer, and especially around the hair-follicles; (2) marked pathologic changes in the upper portion of the corium beneath these masses, and also about the hair-follicles, especially the deepest portion; the latter was characterized by its tuberculous structure. There is, therefore, in the histologic picture a similarity to the struc ture of miliary tubercle, and a further support to the belief in the tuber culous character of the disease; Jacobi,2 Sack,3 Hallopeau and Darier,4 and Lesselier,5 from their findings, speak most strongly to this effect.
Diagnosis.—The disease is to be differentiated chiefly from the miliary papular syphilid, keratosis pilaris, and papular eczema. The first is an eruption of the active stage of syphilis, and, in addition to the eruption being widely distributed, other symptoms of this disease can always be found. The usual regions for keratosis pilaris are the limbs, most commonly the thighs, especially the outer surface; there is practically no tendency to form groups or patches. Papular eczema is rarely seen on the trunk alone,—a favorite region for lichen scrofulosus, —and it is decidedly itchy, and frequently some of the lesions are vesicu lar or papulovesicular. These various characters suffice ordinarily to distinguish these several eruptions from lichen scrofulosus. In this latter the patchy and sluggish features, together with the usual presence of scrofulous symptoms, will also serve to prevent error.
Prognosis and Treatment—The malady readily responds to treatment; if let alone, it persists an indefinite time. The classic treat ment of Hebra, which rapidly cures, consists of cod-liver oil internally and externally; small or moderate doses should be administered. Ameri can and English patients would seriously object to oleum morrhuæ as a local application, and experience teaches that mildly stimulating oily
1 Gilchrist, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1899, p. 84.
2 Jacobi, loc. cit.
3 Sack, Monatshefte, 1892, vol. xiv, p. 437.
4 Hallopeau-Darier, Annales, 1892, p. 45.
5 Lesselier, ibid., 1906, p. 897 (out of 17 cases, found in 14 the structure of the tubercle).
applications or ointments will act as effectually. Crocker found that inunctions of plain vaselin, or with 15 drops of the solution of subacetate of lead, or 5 grains (0.35) of thymol to the ounce (32.), were quite as efficient as cod-liver oil applications.
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