HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Medicinal eruptions; Drug eruptions; Fr., Eruptions médicamen- teuses; Ger., Arznei-exantheme.
Definition.—Dermatitis medicamentosa is a term used to desig nate all those congestive, inflammatory, and other conditions of the skin due to the ingestion or absorption of drugs. ‘
It might well be considered also to include those cases of dermatitis due to their external application, but the disturbance called forth by this latter use of them is due to their direct irritant properties, and should therefore, I believe, be classed under the head of dermatitis venenata.
Symptoms.—The symptomatology of drug eruptions is essentially the symptomatology of the various erythematous, exudative, and in flammatory diseases. Thus all the various skin-lesions are encountered in different cases, such as erythema, papules, vesicles, pustules, tubercles, blebs, purpura, and even gangrene. The carbuncular or anthracoid eruption and papillomatous nodules or plaques produced by iodin and bromin compounds are, however, somewhat peculiar, and will be referred to later when discussing each drug. In most instances there is more or less uniformity in the type of lesion in the same individual from a par ticular drug, but not infrequently an eruption of a mixed type may result, such as, for example, the various symptoms of erythema multiforme.
Medicinal eruptions are apt to make their appearance somewhat suddenly, after one or two doses, or with some drugs only after con tinued use. They are usually highly colored. Upon withdrawal of the drug they, with but few exceptions, as rapidly disappear. Sometimes, however, the eruptive phenomena may continue for some time after the drug has been stopped, as has occasionally been observed with bromids, and less frequently with the iodids, especially in children. And in exceptional instances it has been noted that the first appearance of the rash has not presented until the drug had been withdrawn. Excep tionally, too, the eruption produced may go through the various stages of the idiopathic malady which it simulates. In generalized eruptions,
1 General literature: Behrend, “Zur allg. Diagnostik der Arzneiausschläge,” Berlin, klin. Wochenschr., 1879, P- 714; Van Harlingen, “Medicinal Eruptions,'’ Arch. Derm., 1880, p. 337; Morrow‘s Drug Eruptions, 1887, and the same publication with addi tional notes and references by Colcott Fox, in Selected Monograph on Dermatology, Sydenham Soc‘y publication, 1893; Brooke “On Behrend‘s Division of Drug Rashes Into Specific and Dynamic Groups,” Brit. Jour. Derm., 1890, p. 313; Colcott Fox, “Contribution to the Study of Drug Eruptions” (especially bearing upon the question of placing eruptions due to external action of certain drugs in the same category with the universal eruptions following internal use), ibid., p. 327; Stowers, “Drug Eruptions —Their Nature and Varieties,” ibid., 1898, p. 289 (with discussions thereon by Payne, Galloway, Crocker, and others, adding personal observations); Caspary, “Zur Lehre von der Arznei-exanthemen,” Archiv, 1894, vol. xxvi, p. 11; Jadassohn, “Zur Kennt- niss den medicamentösen Dermatosen,” Verhandl. der Deutschen dermatolog. Gesell- schaft, V. Congress, 1895; Hudson, “Some Cases of Drug Eruptions,” Atlanta Med. and Surg. Jour., April, 1898; Ryall, “Dermatitis Medicamentosa,” Med. Record, Dec 24, 1894. These several papers, especially those of Van Harlingen, Morrow, and Colcott Fox, are replete with references and refer to cases to date. Pernet, “Drug Eruptions,” Brit. Med. Jour., May 16, 1903; G. G. Campbell, “Drug Eruptions,” Vermont Med. Monthly, Oct., 1907.
especially of the erythematous, morbilliform, and scarlatiniform types, there may be a variable degree of constitutional disturbance.
Etiology.—In the large majority of cases the eruption called forth is due to some peculiar idiosyncrasy of the individual to that particular drug, and while the same drug produces most frequently, as a general rule, the same type of eruption in other susceptible individuals, this is by no means always the case. On the other hand, certain few drugs, such, for example, as the iodids and bromids, give rise so often to pus tular or acne-like lesions that such effect may really be considered its normal or physiologic action. Many of the more severe types of medic inal eruption are due to the fact that the medicine is continued after the milder manifestation has shown itself or has been administered in large dosage; on the other hand, occasionally profound cutaneous dis turbance results from an exceedingly small quantity.
Women and children seem to present drug idiosyncrasy most fre quently, and those of light complexion more commonly than brunettes. Probably, too, those of a weakened state of health and a neurotic temperament are more susceptible than others. Defective kidney elimi nation is certainly a factor of importance. While this peculiar idiosyn crasy to a drug usually persists, it may in some persons entirely disap pear; and in others small initial doses with a very gradual increase will sometimes prevent the manifestation.
As illustrating an extreme of drug idiosyncrasy, I have had under my observation1 a man who, upon taking an ordinary dose of quinin, was attacked with an erythematous scarlatinoid eruption, of itchy char acter, with some exudation, and which took several weeks to run through its course, ending with desquamation. Several years subsequently he went into a drug store and took a “calisaya soda-water tonic,” with the same eruption as a result. A few years later his family physician gave him some pills, each containing, among other ingredients, 1/16 grain dose of quinin, of which he took only three, with the development and course of the cutaneous outbreak as before.
Pathology.—How are drug eruptions produced? This is an in teresting question, and as yet not conclusively settled. Three principal theories of their action have been advanced: (I) That of skin elimination, the drug acting as an irritant as it passes through the cutaneous tissues or glands; (2) increased skin elimination due to defective condition of the ordinary eliminative organs, more particularly the kidneys; (3) the neurotic theory. The first seems plausible, but it is lacking in proof; in fact, while it may seemingly be true with a few drugs, the weight of investigations made proves it, upon the whole, untenable. In its support it is claimed (Adamkiewitz, Guttmann, Giovannini) that the drug— investigations with the iodin and bromin preparations—was found in the sebaceous glands. This, however, as Jarisch remarks, proves nothing unless found in greater relative quantity than in other tissues. These findings, however, have been negatived by investigations in the same direction (Pellizzari, Ducrez, Veiel), and also by the histologic examina-
1 Stelwagon, “ An Extraordinary Case of Quinin Susceptibility,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1902, p. 13.
tions (Thin, De Amicis, Colcott Fox, Harris, and others), which show the first changes to be in the papillary layer, and not necessarily, except secondarily, in or about the glands. The view (Behrend) that the pres ence of the drug generates some toxin or irritant material in the blood to which the eruptive phenomena are due has gained no support, but Engman and Mook's1 investigation, while not directly in support of this, yet are somewhat confirmatory of such a hypothesis. These investi gations show that in ioderma and bromoderma the drug circulates in the body tissues and which under certain conditions acts as a toxin caus ing at points of past or present local disturbance (such as comedones, acne lesions, seborrheic lesions, scars, traumata, scratches, etc.) all the symptoms of an inflammation, this inflammation not differing essentially from that produced by other toxic agents; the process consisting primarily of inflammatory changes about the vessels. As to the second view, it is known, it is true, that the worst forms of the iodid eruption—carbuncular (anthracoid), bullous, nodular lesions—are seen commonly in those with heart and kidney disease; but beyond this scanty knowledge as to the possible causative influence of defective renal elimination, there is no clinical evidence in its favor. The neurotic theory (Morrow), while somewhat difficult of explanation, still has had considerable support; the action being either purely reflex, analogous to urticaria ab ingestis, or due to the influence of the drug upon the vasomotor centers or on the peripheral nerves.
Diagnosis.—The diagnosis of medicinal eruptions is sometimes difficult, but the suddenness of an outbreak should always excite sus picion and inquiry be made. Particularly is this so with eruptions of the nature of an exanthem. I have little doubt that many of the so-called second attacks of the various exanthemata have been instances of drug rashes. Medicinal eruptions seem often more violent in character than the eruptions they simulate. As a rule, except in some of the cases of generalized erythematous rashes, the constitutional symptoms are rarely marked in dermatitis medicamentosa, and are not infrequently wanting. The withdrawal of any suspected drug and one or two days’ observation will generally clear up the matter.
Treatment.—A medicinal eruption is usually to be treated ex ternally in the same way as the eruption which it may simulate. The carbuncular or anthracoid lesions do not need, as a rule, any operative interference; soothing applications are generally sufficient. With drawal of the drug is the first step, and frequently, in the milder cases at least, nothing else is required. In others alkaline diuretics and free drinking of water should be prescribed. In graver cases supporting treatment is required.
With certain drugs, as, for instance, the iodid and bromids, the coadministration of Fowler's solution (Crocker and others), potassium
1 Engman and Mook, “ A Contribution to the Histopathology and the Theory of Drug Eruption,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1906, p. 502, with histologic cuts (study based upon iodin and bromin eruptions); Pasini, Annales, 1906, p. 1, has contributed an interesting original paper on the pathogeny of bromid eruptions; found by a special test bromin in the lesions, but in combination with the albumin of the tissues, from which ordinary tests could not separate it.
bitartrate, and the maintenance of intestinal antisepsis (Féré, Eche- verria, Gowers, Duhring) have seemed at times to have an inhibitory action, more especially with the pustular eruptions produced by these drugs. In fact it is probable the administration of a diuretic along with the drug would, in some instances at least, exercise a preventive influence. Briquet and Lyon's1 observations show that the sodium iodid gives rise less frequently than the potassium salt to cutaneous manifestations, and my own experience is in accord with this.
The subject of dermatitis medicamentosa is of sufficient importance to warrant a summary of the eruptive types provoked by different drugs and a brief consideration of the possible eruptions which each individual drug may produce.
The following is the summary of the forms of eruption which may follow ingestion or absorption. Many of these drugs are capable of giving rise to several types in different individuals or even in the same individual; many are only rarely causative; others, such, for example, as the bromids, iodids, quinin, copaiba, coal-tar derivatives, and others, are somewhat frequently etiologic. To a certain extent the dividing- line between some of the types here given is purely arbitrary and some what ill-defined; for example, erythematopapular and polymorphous are closely similar, but in the latter are placed those more particularly simulative of erythema multiforme. Doubtless many more drugs will eventually be included in this list.
Bullous.—Aconite, anacardium, antipyrin, boric acid, chloral, bro- min, copaiba, quinin compounds, copaiba and cubebs, copaiba, iodin compounds, iodoform, mercury, opium (?), phosphoric acid, and sali- cylates.
Carbuncular (Anthracoid).—Arsenic, chloral, iodin and bromin com pounds, and opium.
Cyanotic.—Acetanilid, potassium chlorate.
Edematous.—Aspirin, usually about head; salipyrin and santonin.
Eczematous.—Boric acid, belladonna, carbolic acid, opium and mor phine, sodium borate.
Erysipelatous.—Arsenic, belladonna, conium, digitalis, ipecac, quinin, and stramonium.
Erythematous.—Acetanilid, antipyrin, arsenic, alcohol, antitoxin, aspirin, belladonna, benzoic acid, boric acid, bromin compounds, cap sicum, carbolic acid, chinolin, chloral, chloralamid, cantharides, chloro form, castor oil, conium, copaiba, copaiba and cubebs, cubebs, dulca mara, exalgin, iodin compounds, iodoform, guaiacum, gurjun oil, hydro cyanic acid, hyoscyamus, lead acetate, mercury, opium, pilocarpin, piper methysticum, phenacetin, phosphoric acid, potassium chlorate, quinin, salicylates, sodium benzoate, santonin, sodium borate, stra monium, sulphonal, tannic acid, tar, oil of turpentine, tuberculin, vera- trum viride, and veronal.
1 Lyon, “L'Iodisme,” Gazette des Hôpitaux, July 8, 1899—a full abstract in Jour, mal. cutan., 1899, p. 556.
Erythematopapular.—Acetanilid, antipyrin, benzoic acid, copaiba, digitalis, gurjun oil, iodin compounds, iodoform, phenacetin, silver nitrate, and potassium chlorate.
Epitheliomatous.—Arsenic (secondarily to keratoses).
Furuncular.—Antipyrin, arsenic, bromin compounds, calx sulphu- rata, chloral, condurango, ergot, mercury, and opiates.
Gangrenous. — Arsenic, belladonna, ergot, iodin compounds, quinin, salicy- lates.
Herpetic.—Arsenic, bel ladonna, iodin compounds, mercury, and salicylates.
Morbilliform. — Antipy- rin, antitoxin, belladonna, copaiba and cubebs, boric acid, opium, sodium borate, sulphonal, tar, turpentine, tuberculin, and veronal.
Nodular. — Iodin and bromin compounds.
Papillomatous. — Iodin and bromin compounds.
Papular.—Arsenic, boric acid, bromin compounds, cantharides, chloral, conium, copaiba and cubebs, cubebs, digitalis, iodin compounds, jaborandi, oil of turpentine, mercury, terebene, and opium.
Papulovesicular. — Cap sicum.
Pigmentary. — Arsenic, silver nitrate, and antipyrin.
Pruritus (Without Eruption).—Opium, chloral, copaiba, strychnin.
Purpuric (Including Petechial).—Antipyrin, antitoxin, arsenic, ben- zoic acid, calx sulphurata, chloral, chloroform, copaiba, copaiba and cubebs, ergot, hyoscyamus, iodoform, iodin compounds, lead acetate, mercury, phosphoric acid, potassium chlorate, oil of sandalwood, quinin, salicylates, stramonium, and sulphonal.
Polymorphous (Resembling Erythema Multiforme).—Antipyrin, antitoxin, sodium benzoate, copaiba and cubebs, iodin compounds, iodoform, boric acid, chloral, exalgin, coal-tar derivatives, opium, potas sium chlorate.
Psoriasiform.—Sodium borate and tuberculin.
Pustular.—Aconite, antipyrin, arsenic, bromin compounds, calx sulphurata, condurango, antimony, hyoscyamus, iodin compounds,
Fig. 113.—Dermatitis medicamentosa of pus- tulobullous type, following ingestion of potassium iodid. Principally upon the face, with some pus tular lesions on the neck and shoulders. Sub sided upon withdrawal of the drug, and brought out again by experimental readministration.
ergot, mercury, nitric acid, cod-liver oil, opium, tanacetum, oil of tur pentine, salicylates, and veratrum viride.
Papulopustular.—Bromin and iodin compounds.
Scarlatiniform.—Antipyrin, antitoxin, belladonna, chloral, copaiba and cubebs, copaiba, digitalis, hyoscyamus, mercury, nux vomica, opiates, oil of turpentine, pilocarpin, rhubarb, quinin, strychnin, sul- phonal, salicylates, stramonium, tuberculin, viburnum prunifolium, and veronal.
Ulcerative.—Arsenic (secondarily to keratoses), brornin compounds, chloral, iodin compounds, and mercury.
Urticarial.—Alcohol, antimony, anacardium, antipyrin, antitoxin, arsenic, bromin compounds, benzoic acid, chloral, copaiba, copaiba and cubebs, digitalis, dulcamara, hydrocyanic acid, guarana, hyoscya- mus, iodin compounds, opium, mercury, pilocarpin, phenacetin, pimpin- ella, quinin, salicylates, salol, santoninum, oil of turpentine, sodium ben- zoate, tannin, tar, and valerian.
Vesicopustular.—Antimony, antipyrin.
Vesicular.—Aconite, anacardium, antimony, antipyrin, arsenic, bromin compounds, cannabis indica, calx sulphurata, chloral, copaiba and cubebs, copaiba, cod-liver oil, ergot, iodin compounds, iodoform, nux vomica, oil of turpentine, opium, quinin, salicylates, and sodium santonate; veronal, and other drug erythematous and erythematopapular erruptions sometimes present some associated vesiculation, especially on the extremities.
Hair Loss.—Boric acid and thallium acetate.
A study of the literature of the various drug eruptions, together with personal observation of many cases, gives the following data, briefly stated:
Aconite.—Not common; usually vesicular, exceptionally bullous, and pustular.
Acetanilid.—Occasional; erythematous, and erythematopapular; not infrequently cyanosis, especially of lips, face, and extremities.
Alcohol.—Rare; erythematous, and urticarial, of generalized dis tribution.
Anacardium.—Rare; urticarial, vesicular, and bullous.
Antimony—Tartar Emetic.—Uncommon; urticarial, and vesicopus- tular.
Antipyrin.1—Not uncommon; usually morbilliform, occasionally erythematopapular, polymorphous, scarlatiniform, and urticarial; there may be considerable sweating, variable pruritus, and desquamation may follow; trunk, flexures, and occasionally face are the most common sites;
1 Apolant, “Die Antipyrinexantheme,” Archiv, 1898, vol. xlvi, p. 345 (a thorough exposition of the subject, with brief résumé of the most important type-cases, and with a bibliography of 265 references to date); Fournier (3 cases “Verge noire”), Annales, 1899, p. 371; Wechselmann, Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1898, No. 21, p. 335, and Archiv, 1899, vol. 1, p. 23; Deas (bullous), Brit. Jour. Derm., 1899, p. 194; Barthélemy et Rellay (bullous), Annales, 1899, p. 478; Mibelli, Giorn. ital., 1897, fasc 5 and 6, pp. 575 and 697—abstract in Annales, 1898, p. 590; Bruck, Berlin, klin. Wochenschr., Oct. 17, 1910, No. 42, records aphthae developing on lips and tongue after a dose of antipyrin.
mouth, hands, and feet may also share in the eruption; exceptionally vesicopustular, bullous, furuncular, and purpuric. The erythemato- papular may leave behind redness and pigmentation for several weeks. Exceptional blackness of the skin of the penis ('‘Verge noire” of the French) has developed, usually taking a long time to disappear.
In some instances a tolerance is soon established, and the eruption may fade while patient still continues to take the drug.
Antitoxin.1—Rather frequent; simple erythema, scarlatiniform, mor- billiform, urticarial, and polymorphous. The morbilliform and the scarlatiniform may or may not be followed by desquamation. There may be prodromic symptoms, or the outbreak may be sudden, with considerable temperature elevation, and pain and swelling about the joints. The rash may appear shortly after the injection is admin istered, or not until several or more days later. The subjective symp tom of itching is variable in the different cases. The eruption lasts usually from several days to a week or more. Exceptionally petechiæ are observed.
Arsenic.2—Somewhat rare; almost every form of cutaneous eruption has resulted from the internal use of this drug—erythematous, papular, vesicular, urticarial, pustular, petechial, erysipelatous, herpetic, furun- cular, carbuncular pigmentary, keratotic, ulcerative, and gangrenous.
1 Dubreuilh, Annales, 1895, p. 891; Hartung, Jahrbuch für Kinder heilkunde, Bd. xliii, 1897, p. 72—full abstract in Archiv, 1900, vol. lii, p. 411 (in 375 cases, in 20 was local irritation, and in 68 general eruption); Schulze, “Die Serumexantheme bei Diph- therie,” Inaug. Dis., Berlin, 1898—brief abstract in Archiv, 1900, vol. lii, 19, 315 (out of 704 cases, 144 showed eruption; of these, 29 per cent, urticarial, 31.9 per cent, scarla- tinoid, ii.i per cent, morbilliform, 20 per cent, indeterminate, and remainder not noted); Berg, Med. Record, June 18, 1898, p. 865; Bauer (abstract with discussion), Monatshefte, 1899, p. 450; Rawlings, St. Bartholomew's Hosp.Jour., Dec, 1898, p. 40; Washbourn, Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Aug. 19, 1899; Malherbe, Jour. Mal. Cutan., 1904, p. 499 (“verge noire”).
2Menéau, “Les dermatoses arsenicales,” Annales, 1897, p. 345 (full paper and bibliography of 124 references); Brouardel, “Etude sur l'Arsenicisme,” These de Paris, Feb. 17, 1897 (an exhaustive paper); Moreira, “Arsenical Affections of the Skin,” Brit. Jour. Derm., 1895, p. 378 (8 cases—various types); Rasch, “Contribution a l‘etude des dermatoses d‘origine arsenicale” (2 cases, 1 zoster and 1 bullous, and partial review of the general literature of arsenic eruptions), Annales, 1893, p. 150.
Zoster eruption: Gerhardt, Charitê-Annalen, Berlin, 1894; Nielsen, Monatshefte, 1890, vol xi, p. 302 (10 cases, with literature references to others); Bettmann, Archiv, 1900, vol. li, p. 203 (1 case and bibliography); see also under Herpes Zoster for additional references.
Keratosis (palms and soles): Pringle, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1891, p. 390; S. Mac kenzie (also general cutaneous pigmentation), ibid., 1896, p. 137; Colcott Fox, ibid., 1893, p. 51; Hardaway, ibid., p. 304; Payne, ibid., 1895, p. 249; Hamburger (also cutaneous pigmentation), Bull. Johns ‘Hopkins Hosp., April, 1900, p. 87; Boeck, Monalshefle, 1893, vol. xvii, p. 184; Mibelli, Lo Sperimentale, 1898, Heft iv; Lang, Annales, 1898, p. 480; Ullmann, ibid., p. 481; Arning, Verhandlungen der Deutsch. Dermatol. Gesellschaft, V. Congress, 1894, p. 581; and Dubreuilh‘s “Kératose arsenicale et Cancer arsenical,” report and review (Annales, Feb., 1910, p. 65) of both arsenical keratosis and arsenical cancer (with references).
Keratosis with epitheliomatous development: Hutchinson, J. C. White, Hebra, Jr., Hartzell, Schamberg, and others—see Hartzell's paper, “Epithelioma as a Sequel of Psoriasis, and the Probability of Its Arsenical Origin,” Amer. Jour. Sci., Sept., 1899; and Debreuilh (loc. cit.), and Wile (case report, with review and résumé, and bibliog raphy) collected 19 cases, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1912, p. 192.
Pigmentation: Pringle, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1895, p. 52; Schlesinger, Wien. klin. Wochenschr., 1895, p. 779; Smetana, Wien. med. Wochenschr., 1897, p. 903; Audry, Annales, 1896, p. 1415; Müller, Archiv, 1893, vol. xxv, p. 165.
The genital region, especially the scrotum, is the usual site of the ulcera- tive, edematous, and gangrenous manifestation. Herpes zoster has been observed in a number of instances to follow its administration (see Herpes Zoster). The long-continued use of the drug, as in psoriasis and chorea, is sometimes followed by extensive pigmentation, especially about the trunk. As a rule, it eventually disappears sooner or later after the drug has been discontinued. Thickening of the horny part of the skin of the palms and soles, and over the elbows and knuckles, especially of the hands and feet, is occasionally noted in long-continued administration. The horny formations may undergo epitheliomatous degeneration (re ferred to under Psoriasis and Epithelioma), and in a few instances death has finally resulted; in fact, it is believed by several observers that the arsenic is directly responsible for the epitheliomatous development—and is now sometimes spoken of as “arsenical cancer.”
Fig. 114.—Keratosis (palms and soles) from the long-continued administration of arsenic. (Another illustration showing the development of epithelioma, apparently upon an arsenical keratosis, will be found under Epithelioma.)
Aspirin.—Somewhat exceptional; erythematous, plain or multiform; edematous condition of face and scalp with rarely edema of the mouth and throat also.
Belladonna—Atropin.1—Not infrequent, especially in children; scar latinous type most usual; patchy erythematous areas or flushings occa sional. The eruptions are, as a rule, upon suspending the drug, of short duration. Exceptionally erythema and gangrene of scrotum have been observed. Itching is sometimes troublesome.
Benzoic Acid and Sodium Benzoate.—Uncommon; from benzoic acid, erythematous, erythematopapular, and urticarial, the last most usual. After sodium benzoate, erythematous, polymorphous, and urticarial, with or without furfuraceous desquamation.
1 Knowles, “ Generalized Eruptions of an Unusual Type, Caused by the Absorption from a Belladonna Plaster and from the Ocular Instillation of Atropin,” Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., July, 1911.
Boric Acid and Sodium Borate.1—Rare; from boric acid, erythema- tous, papular, and bullous. An inflammatory scaly eruption, eczema- tous in character, quite marked on scalp, face, and neck, with more or less complete loss of hair, has resulted in a few instances after long- continued dosage; condition subsided after discontinuance and hair grew in again. From sodium borate, rare, erythematous, morbilliform, ec-
Fig. 115.—Dermatitis medicamentosa in a young child, from the ingestion of potassium bromid; the lesions of a pustulopapillomatous character, and of somewhat general distribution, but most numerous and marked on the face and lower extremities (courtesy of Dr. G. T. Jackson).
zematous, and psoriasiform eruptions, the last after prolonged adminis tration.
Bromin Compounds.2—Quite common. An acne-like papulopustu- lar and pustular, about the regions of the face and shoulders and back most frequently; although the lesions are usually discrete, several or
1 Wild (boric acid and sodium borate), Lancet, 7, 1899, p. 23, with review of litera ture; Fordyce (boric acid), Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1895, p. 499; Gowers (sodium borate), Lancet, Oct. 24, 1884; Evans (boric acid), Brit. Med. Jour., Jan. 28, 1899.
2 Crustaceous and papillomatous eruptions: Jackson (2 cases (1 child)), Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1895, p. 462; Elliot (2 cases—infants), Trans. Amer. Derm. Assoc.for 1895; Panicbi, Giorn. ital., 1897, fasc 5, p. 559—abstract in Annales, 1898, p. 395; Malherbe (vegetative and ulcerative). La Presse médicale, May 24, 1899, p. 243; Hallopeau et Trastour (suppurating plaques), Annales, 1900, p. 883; Feulard, “Bromisme Cutanée,” ibid., 1891, p. 531; Pini (Bromoderma nodosum fungoides), Archiv, 1900, vol. lii, p. 164, with 4 plates—3 histologic and some literature references; Colcott Fox, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1892, p. 287; see also paper by Van Harlingen, loc. cit.; Hall (confluent pustular, child, with illustration), Quarterly Med. Jour., Nov., 1902, p. 138; Myers, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1904, p. 231 (with illustration); Hallopeau and Vielliard (gangrenous), Annales, 1904, p. 442; Parkes Weber (granuloma-like or mycotic type; case demonstration), Brit. Jour. Derm., 1905, p. 63; Pasini, “Sur la pathogenie des eruptions bromiques” (with review and bibliography), Annales, 1906, p. 1 (papulopustular, discrete, and confluent); Knowles, “Unusual Cases of Bromid Eruption in Childhood,” New York Med. Jour., March 20, 1909 (4 cases; brief review and full bibliography); Jordan, “Ueber Bromoderma,” Dermatolog. Wochenschr., April 13, 1912, liv, p. 453, classifies and describes various types of bromid-eruptions; records 2 severe cases, one tuberose- and one acne-like and nodular, with some nodular groups; Halle and Dorlenscourt, Bull. d. la Soc. de Pediat. de Paris, Feb., 1912, No. 2, p. 37, report an instance of a giant papulotubercular bromid eruption.
more may tend to group and become in places confluent, forming a slug gish, conglomerate patch studded with pustular points, and bearing slight resemblance to a superficial carbuncle. The eruption may be in some instances more or less generally distributed. Occasionally erythematous, vesicular, papular, urticarial, furuncular, and carbuncular eruptions are observed to follow its administration. Exceptionally an eruption somewhat similar to erythema nodosom is encountered. Bullous de velopment is rarely observed.
A rather rare manifestation, occurring especially in children and adolescents, consists of one or several or more red or purplish-red ele vated, papillomatous, or condylomaform areas, sometimes crusted, and
Fig. 116.—Bromid eruption resembling blastomycosis and tuberculosis verrucosa produced by ammonium bromid; disappeared slowly after its discontinuance; patient an epileptic (Stelwagon-Gaskill Jefferson Hospital case).
sometimes presenting numerous points of pustulation; there may also be, in parts of such lesions, superficial ulceration, but rarely of marked character. Such formations are usually of sluggish appearance, and while they may be numerous and of general distribution, there may be but one or two plaques present, occupying an area of several square inches. In the latter the lower part of the leg is the most common site; in the extensive form, legs, arms, and region of face are favorite situations.
Bromin eruptions (bromoderma) may ensue after a few and small doses, but more commonly after the drug has been given for a few weeks or longer and after large doses. Bromin eruptions have been
seen in infants suckled by a mother taking the drug, and when even herself free from any manifestation.
Contrary to observation concerning most drugs, the eruptive dis position from bromids may persist, especially in children, for several weeks after the drug has been discontinued. The plaque or condylo- maform type is usually slow in disappearing.
Calx Sulphurata.—Not common; usually furuncular and pustular, rarely vesicular, and exceptionally petechial.
Cannabis Indica.—Exceptional; vesicular, more or less general, with accompanying pruritus.
Cantharides.—Rare; erythematous and papular.
Capsicum.—Rare; erythematous and papulovesicular.
Chinolin.—Not infrequent; erythematous; observed in 6 out of 20 fever patients to whom this drug was given.
Chloral.—Not uncommon; scarlatinous most frequent and usually accompanied with febrile action, congestion of buccal and conjunctival mucous membranes, and followed by desquamation. Occasionally urticarial, papular, and vesicular, and exceptionally bullous, furuncular, carbuncular, petechial, and ulcerative; and in children, ulcers of the tongue and cornea.
Chloralamid.—Exceptional; punctate erythematous, with vesicles, and with redness of nasal and oral membranes, coryza, febrile action, and subsequent desquamation.
Chloroform.—Not infrequent; erythematous, punctate, or blotchy; exceptionally purpuric
Cod-liver Oil.—Rare; vesicular and acneiform.
Condurango.—Rare; acneiform and furuncular.
Conium.—Uncommon; erythematous, papular, and erysipelatous.
Copaiba and Cubebs.—Not infrequent; usually erythematous, scarlatinous, morbilliform, or polymorphous; rarely vesicular, papular, bullous, urticarial, and petechial. There may be considerable pruritus.
Copaiba.—Not infrequent; most of the rashes observed from the conjoint administration of copaiba and cubebs are due to this drug; scarlatiniform, urticarial, erythematous; rarely, vesicular, petechial, and bullous.
Cubebs.—Rather unusual; erythematous and small papular.
Digitalis.—Exceptional; scarlatiniform, papular, erythematopapular, urticarial, and erysipelatous (of face).
Dulcamara.—Rare; erythematous, urticarial, and erythematosqua- mous.
Ergot.—Rare, and usually only after prolonged administration. Vesicular, petechial, pustular, furuncular, and gangrenous; this last on the extremities and usually circumscribed.
Guarana.—Rare; urticarial.
Guaiacum.—Exceptional; miliary erythematous.
Gurjun Oil.—Rare; erythematous and erythematopapular.
Hyoscyamus.—Occasional; most commonly erythematous and urti- carial, with edema, exceptionally scarlatiniform, pustular, and purpuric.
Iodin and its Compounds (Usually the Iodid Salts).1—Common; usually the papulopustular and pustular—iodid acne, so called. This is generally seen on face, shoulders, and back, although it may be more or less scattered; appears after one or more weeks’ administration, and exceptionally after a few doses. Occasionally, in places, two or more lesions may become confluent, as in the bromid eruption, and give rise to a papillomatous, condylomaform, carbuncular, crustaceous, or rupial area; they are somewhat persistent, disappearing but slowly upon dis continuance of the drug.
Exceptionally the iodids,may provoke a multiform or polymorphous eruption closely simulating erythema multiforme and sometimes ery-
Fig. 117.—Dermatitis medicamentosa of a bullous type, from the ingestion of potassium iodid, in a woman aged fifty. Face, neck, forearms, and hands involved, and the seat of considerable edematous swelling and variously sized blebs. In some parts blebs became confluent, broke, and uncovered a superficially excoriated surface, as shown in cut. Recovery without any scarring or other trace. Patient had a weak heart.
thema nodosum. Urticarial eruptions are also observed; likewise vesicular, bullous, and purpuric, although these latter only rarely.
1 Recent literature of the more severe forms of iodid eruption: Hyde, Arch. Derm., 1879, p. 333 (bullous types; with bibliography to date and analytic table), and Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1886, p. 253 (with references); Morrow, ibid., pp. 97 and 136; Norman Walker (vegetating, condylomatous type), Lancet, May 12, 1892, with literature refer ences to other cases; Fordyce (nodular 1, rupia-like 2), Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1895, p. 496; Cannet et Barasch (pustulonodular, fungoidal—death). Arch. Gén. de Médicine, Oct., 1896, p. 424; Malherbe (ulcerative), La Presse médicale, May 24, 1899, p. 243; Neu mann (nodular-ulcerative, skin and mucous membrane of stomach—fatal case, uremic patient), Archiv, 1899, vol. xlviii, p. 324, with colored plates of face and stomach lesions; Milian (purpuric), La Presse médicale, Sept. 20, 1899, p. 193; Audry (dissemi nated gangrene), Annales, 1897, p. 1095; O. Rosenthal (tuberous and fungoidal, illus trations), Archiv, 1901, vol. lvii, p. 3; Hallopeau and Lebret (purpuric, bullous, and sclerous), Annales, 1903, pp. 826 and 925; Gottheil, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, 1909, vol. liii, p. 1465 (fatal hemorrhagic bullous case, with illustrations; with brief notes and references of the hemorrhagic bullous cases reported by Morrow, Hallopeau and Lebret, and Russell); F. C. Knowles, “Purpura Caused by the Ingestion of the Iodids,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, July 9, 1910, p. 100, report of 2 petechial cases with review and references of recorded cases; Howard Fox, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1911, p. 93, generalized bullous case (case demonstration).
The bullous may be accompanied with considerable erysipelatous red ness and swelling, and with more or less profound constitutional dis turbance; such lesions may be numerous, sometimes confluent, and are most commonly seen on the face, hands, and arms. Ulcerations beneath the lesions are sometimes observed. The bullous and more severe types of iodin eruptions are usually seen in those with kidney and heart dis ease. The bullous and purpuric iodin eruptions are exceptionally of grave import, and in extreme cases a fatal issue, while not to be expected, occasionally results.
As in bromid eruptions, the eruptive tendency may persist for some time after the drug is discontinued, more especially in children, and rarely it does not appear until after the cessation of the drug. Iodid eruption has been sometimes seen in nursing infants to whose mothers the drug was being administered. Investigations (Briquet, Lyon) tend to show that the sodium salt is least apt to give rise to eruption. This agrees with my experience.
Iodoform.1—Uncommon; in addition to the dermatitis and eczema- toid eruptions produced directly by the local action of this drug, referred to under the head of Dermatitis venenata, cutaneous manifestations exceptionally follow its absorption, and may be erythematous, erythema- topapular, and polymorphous, vesicular, bullous, and petechial. Serious constitutional symptoms can also result; delirium, nephritis, and death have been observed.
Ipecacuanha.—Exceptional; circumscribed erysipelatous patches of more or less general distribution.
Jaborandi and Pilocarpin.—Rare; erythematous, miliary, papular, and urticarial. Active diaphoresis.
Mercury.2—Not common; erythematous, scarlatiniform, papular, pustular, herpetic, bullous, purpuric, furuncular, and ulcerative. Almost all, more especially the severe forms, usually resulting from overdosing, and are scarcely observed at the present day.
Castor Oil.—Rare; erythematous, with pruritus.
Opium—Morphin.—Not uncommon; erythematous, of scarlatini- form, morbilliform, and polymorphous types, usually with intense itch ing; desquamation may follow; less frequently urticarial, and excep tionally vesicular, bullous, pustular, furuncular, and carbuncular.
Piper Methysticum.—Kava-kava, the fermented juice of this plant, gives rise to erythematosquamous, exfoliative dermatitis.
Phenacetin.—Not common; erythematous, erythematopapular, and urticarial.
Phosphoric Acid—Phosphorus.—Rare; bullous and purpuric.
Pimpinella.—Exceptional; urticarial.
Lead—Carbonate and Acetate.—Rare; erythematous and purpuric.
1 Colcott Fox, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1890, p. 327; Taylor, N. Y. Med. Jour., Oct. 1, 1887; Cutler, Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1886, vol. cxv, p. 73; Etienne et Pilon, “Revue méd. de L‘Est,” June 1, 1895, p. 339, abstract in Annales, 1896, p. 417.
2 Gottheil, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1911, p. 114, records a case (case demonstration) in which intramuscular injections of mercury salicylate was followed on several occasions by an extensive eruption of a mixed type of papulovesicular eczema and erythema multiforme; patient had nephritic symptoms.
Potassium Chlorate.1—Exceptional; erythematopapular, polymor phous, cyanotic.
Quinin,2 Cinchona.—Occasional; erythematous, scarlatiniform, with or without desquamation, most commonly; less frequently urticarial, purpuric, vesicular, bullous, erysipelatous, and gangrenous (especially of scrotum). In the scarlatiniform and sometimes in other types of general distribution there may be considerable constitutional disturbance, with marked febrile action, etc. In the desquamating cases this may be branny, lamellar, or come off in sheets or from the hands as a partial or complete casting. Idiosyncrasy, and not dosage, is the all-important factor. Itching is frequently present, sometimes to an annoying degree.
In doubtful cases of sudden scarlatiniform and similar eruptions quinin should always be eliminated as a possible etiologic factor.
Rhubarb.—Exceptional; scarlatiniform desquamative erythema.
Salicylic Acid—Salicylates.—Not common; usually erythematous, scarlatiniform, and urticarial, with or without desquamation; rarely vesicular, bullous, purpuric, and even gangrenous.
Salol has exceptionally also been responsible for urticarial eruptions.
Salipyrin has been credited with producing edema and loss of tissue.
Santonin and Sodium Santonate.—Exceptional; from santonin, generalized urticarial with desquamation and edema; from sodium santonate, vesicular.
Silver Nitrate.—Slate-colored and grayish-black pigmentation or discoloration after prolonged use; exceptionally erythematopapular eruption.
Stramonium.—Not common; usually erythematous and scarlatini- form; rarely erysipelatous and purpuric.
Strychnin—Nux Vomica.—Rare; scarlatiniform, and miliaria, with pruritus.
Sulphonal.—Occasional; most commonly erythematous and scar- latiniform, with desquamation and accompanying pruritus; rarely mor- billiform and purpuric.
Tanacetum.—Exceptional; varioliform.
Tannin.—Rare; erythematous and urticarial.
Tar.—Rare; erythematous, morbilliform, and urticarial.
Thallium Acetate.3—More or less complete alopecia.
1 Stelwagon, “An Erythematous Eruption from Chlorate of Potassium,” New York Med. Record, July 21, 1883.
2 Morrow, New York Med. Jour., March, 1880 (an analysis of 60 cases—in 38, erythematous, of scalatiniform or morbilliform type; in 12, urticarial, usually with edema or puffiness of the face; in others papular, vesicular, or petechial); Haralamb (erythema bullosum), Annales, Dec, 1895, p. 1048; Johnston (bullous; with literature references to several other cases), Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1896, p. 1266; Allen (acquired idiosyncrasy), Med. Record, 1895, vol. xlvii, p. 97; Heard (generalized erythematous, with desquamation—from 1/8grain dose), “Trans. Acad. Med. of Pittsburg,” Philada. Med. Jour., Oct. 28, 1899; Simpson, ibid, (similar generalized case, with general des- quamation, including the nails); Chomatianos (erythematovesicular and erythemato- bullous, hands and penis), La Grece médicale, 1899, N0.‘4—abstract in Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Aug., 1899, p. 231; D. W. Montgomery (purpuric—acquired idiosyncrasy), Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1897, vol. cxxxvii, p. 646.
3 Jeanselme, Annales, 1898, p. 999; Huchard, Bull, de Acad. de Méd., March 17, 1898; Vassaux, These de Paris, July 12, 1898—abstract in Annales, 1898, p. 813 (was valuable in sweating of phthisis, but in 34 cases hair loss occurred in 8).
Tuberculin.—Not common; erythematous, scarlatiniform, and mor- billiform, with or without subsequent desquamation; exceptionally, psoriasiform.
Turpentine, Terebene.—Occasional; erythematous, scarlatiniform, and morbilliform; exceptionally vesicular and papular, urticarial, and pustular. Terebene, papular, with pruritus.
Valerian.—Exceptional; urticarial.
Veratrum Viride.—Rare; erythematous and pustular.
Veronal.1—Rather uncommon; erythematous, morbilliform, or scar- latiniform, eczematoid, with sometimes vesiculation on the extremities, and rarely large bullæ on the mucosa.
Viburnum Prunifolium.—Exceptional; scarlatiniform, with subse quent desquamation.
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