HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Synonyms.—Hydroa bulleux (Bazin); Hydroa herpetiforme (Tilbury Fox); Duhring‘s disease; Dermatitis multiformis (Piffard); Herpes gestationis; Pemphigus pruriginosus; Herpes circinatus bullosus (Wilson); Pemphigus circinatus (Rayer); Herpes phlyctænodes (Gilbert); Pemphigus prurigineux (Chausit, Hardy); Pemphigus composé (Devergie); Dermatite polymorphe, Dermatite herpetiforme (Brocq).
Definition.—Dermatitis herpetiformis is a rare inflammatory disease, with or without slight or grave systemic disturbance, char acterized by an eruption of an erythematous, papular, vesicular, pus tular, bullous, or mixed type, with a decided tendency toward group ing, accompanied usually by intense itching and burning sensations, with more or less consequent pigmentation, and pursuing a persistent, chronic course with exacerbations.
Symptoms.—The onset and the exacerbations may or may not be preceded for a few days by symptoms of general disturbance, such as malaise, loss of appetite, constipation, chilliness, flushings and heat
1 Most of Professor Duhring‘s papers, establishing a fixed place in classification for this disease, have been republished in Selected Monographs on Dermatology, issued by New Sydenham Society, London, 1893, pp. 179-297. A most excellent French exposi tion of the subject, with numerous literature references and brief recital of most pub lished cases, is that by Brocq, entitled “De la dermatite herpétiforme de Duhring,” An nales, 1888, pp. 1, 65, 133, 209, 305, 434, and 493. A graphic and succinct descrip tion of the disease read by Jamieson before the London Dermatological Society, and the discussion thereon, present the English views of the subject, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1898, pp. 73 and 118. As one of the earliest contributions must be mentioned the suggestive and elaborate paper by Tilbury Fox, “Clinical Study of Hydroa,” Arch. Derm., 1880, p. 16 (a posthumous paper, edited, with notes, by Colcott Fox).
Plate XII.
Dermatitis herpetiformis of the vesicular and papulovesicular variety in a male adult aged forty, of about five years’ duration ; shows the herpetic grouping of the lesions.
Plate XIII.
Dermatitis herpetiformis ; erythematovesicular and pustular varieties in combination Woman, middle age. Eruption more or less generalized (courtesy of Dr. Louis A. Duhring).
sensations, rise of temperature, and often the subjective symptom of itching. During the first several days of the cutaneous outbreak such symptoms may in greater or less degree continue; and in the more severe and extensive types of the disease, especially in the pustular and bullous varieties, the constitutional symptoms may be of a graver character and more or less persistent. Cases in which the general symptoms give rise to anxiety are, however, it must be said, infrequent, and in most instances are entirely wanting or extremely slight.
The eruption may be erythematous, papular, vesicular, bullous, pus tular, or mixed; it is never ulcerative. Very rarely purpuric lesions are intermingled or follow in the pigment stains from the vesicles and blebs, and the latter lesions are exceptionally slightly hemorrhagic (Brocq, Tenneson, Hallopeau, Leredde, Perrin). The vesicular variety is the most common. In some cases the same type with which the eruption begins may persist or be preponderant throughout the course of the malady; there is in many, however, a distinct tendency to change from one to another, in some cases completely, in others, partially. The onset of the outbreak may be sudden, or it may be preceded for several days or weeks by slight cutaneous irritation, such as itching, one or several insignificant erythematous patches, groups of vesicles, or urti- carial lesions; or the first lesions are all of one variety. When fully developed, the eruption may cover almost the entire surface; or it may be more or less limited in extent, involving a greater part or the entire trunk; or the trunk may be but slightly invaded, and the limbs, especially the legs, bear the brunt. C. Boeck1 has observed a special predilection for the regions of the elbow, shoulder, lower sacral, and poplitea, and thinks this so constant as to be almost diagnostic It is, however, in every way, both as regards violence and extent, variable— slight or severe, limited or extensive. Itching is usually a constant and a most troublesome feature; pigmentation sooner or later is noted in most cases. After several days or weeks of violent activity the disease tends to become, slowly or rapidly, less active, and a period of compara tive comfort and freedom of uncertain duration is passed. These remissions or intermissions are irregular and capricious; in some instances scarcely one violent outbreak is in full development, when another, equally active and extensive, follows, and this may continue in rapid succession for several months or longer before a period of comparative or complete quiescence intervenes.
The vesicles, pustules, and blebs, especially the vesicles and blebs, are somewhat peculiar as to shape; they are, or many of them at least, usually of a strikingly irregular outline, oblong, stellate, quadrate, semilunar, or rarely ring-shaped, distended, or flaccid, and when drying are apt to have a puckered appearance. They are herpetic, in that they show little disposition to spontaneous rupture; occur mostly in groups of two, three, or more, and not infrequently are seated upon erythematous or inflammatory skin. Occasionally some of the lesions, especially in the graver cases, contain a slight admixture of blood. They may dis appear by absorption, or, if ruptured or broken, leave abrasions which 1 Boeck, Monatshefte, 1907, vol. xlv, p. 277.
may secrete for a short time and dry up; or they may dry to crusts which fall off, the sites being marked by erythematous spots, which in turn fade or leave behind slight pigmentation. In size the vesicles are rarely smaller than a pin-head, and are usually the size of small peas. The blebs may be almost any dimension from a pea to a hen's egg, and may arise as a single lesion from sound or erythematous or erythematopapular skin, or may have their origin in the confluence of several closely con tiguous vesicles or small blebs. Scattered pustules may be large, but more commonly are all small in size, resembling in this respect vesicular lesions; they often begin as pustules, or may have their origin in vesicles. The mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, nose, and eyes is in some instances—more especially the bullous cases—involved, and in excep tional cases the mucous membrane of the trachea and the larger bronchial tubes also.
The erythematous type lesions are similar to those of a general ized erythema multiforme, and it could be very aptly designated a chronic form of that affection, except that at times it is noted to change completely into one of the other varieties; urticarial lesions are now and then interspersed. It is sometimes a beginning type; quite often it appears as a break of short or long duration between active vesicular or bullous outbreaks; and not infrequently it is the type permanently assumed after the violent character of the disease has disappeared.
In children (in whom the disease has been especially studied by Gottheil, Meynet and Péhut, Halle, Bowen, Knowles, Gardiner, and others)1 the element of multiformity is often wholly lacking, the erup tion being of a vesicular and bullous character without admixture of other types. The eruption in many of these cases is frequently pre dominant on certain regions, as about the nose, mouth, neck, axillary folds, genitalia, wrists, and hands; and occasionally it is limited to these parts. Subjective symptoms are often absent and only rarely trouble some; and pigmentation is seldom a feature.
Etiology.—The disease is rare, but not so rare as formerly thought. It is met with in both sexes and almost all ages. It is most frequent during the period of active adult life, although it is exceptionally seen in the very young (one aged three—Pringle; one aged four—Bowen). In some cases there is found nothing of import in the previous or present condition of the patient's health to explain the cutaneous phenomena; in fact, in some the general health seems undisturbed. Still, enough is
1 Gottheil, Arch. Pediat., June, 1901, reports 2 cases in children—in one aged nine, beginning when aged four; Meynet and Péhut, Annales, 1903, p. 893, in reporting a case in a child, give a résumé of previously reported cases in children, with references; Halle, Arch, de méd. d. enfant, 1904, vol. vii, p. 385, reviews the character, etc, of the disease in children, of which he has seen 5 cases; Bowen, “Dermatitis Herpetiformis in Chil dren,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1905, p. 381, records 15 cases, with review of some other cases, and allied conditions, with references; Knowles, “Dermatitis Herpetiformis in Childhood,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1907, p. 246 (report of a case, with 2 illustrations, and a complete summary and analytic review of 57 collated cases, with bibliography); Gardiner, “Dermatitis Herpetiformis in Children,” Brit. Jour. Derm., Aug., 1909, p. 237 (report of 4 cases, with 7 illustrations); Sutton, “Dermatitis Herpetiformis in Early Childhood,” Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., Nov., 1910, vol. cxl, p. 727 (case report— child three and one-half years, beginning when nine months old; numerous tiny scars; review and references of early cases).
Plate XIV.
Dermatitis herpetiformis ; vesicobullous variety. Irregular bullous lesions, resem bling those of erythema multiforme bullosum. Eruption general. Patient, a woman (courtesy of Dr. Louis A. Duhring).
known to indicate that the disease is essentially neurotic, for in other instances—in a large number, in fact—it manifests itself after severe mental strain, emotion, and nervous shock, as frequently recorded (Tilbury Fox, Duhring, Elliot, Devergie, Crocker, Vidal, Tenneson, Brocq, and others). Its connection with the nervous system is also shown by the cases in which pregnancy is the factor, the malady often disappearing in the interim, of which many examples are on record (Milton, Bulkley, Liveing, W. G. Smith, Duhring, White, Perrin, and others). The possible reflex origin in some instances is suggested in the case of a child reported (Roussel) in which phimosis was apparently the factor, a cure resulting after circumcision.1 Nephritic disease has been associated or recorded as an etiologic factor, as shown by glyco- suria (Winfield) and albummuria (Wickham, Abraham). According to Besnier, there is always scantiness of urine, with diminution of urea and uric acid. Engman2 found indicanuria an almost constant feature. Physical or nervous breakdown, exposure to cold, and septicemia have been apparently etiologic in some of my cases. Cases apparently septic in origin have also been reported by others (Sherwell, Kerr, and others). That some septic or otherwise toxic agent is sometimes responsible for dermatitis herpetiformis (or at least a similar or allied condition, showing often a combination of the symptomatology of erythema multiforme, herpes, and pemphigus, and resembling dermatitis herpetiformis) seems shown by the occasional examples following vaccination, as observed by Dyer, Pusey, Bowen, myself, and others.3 Autointoxication, usually gastrointestinal in origin, may be responsible for this as well as for other allied disorders.4 The condition of the thyroid gland should be noted— as its hypertrophy or atrophy may be the source of the toxic agent. Sequeira5 has recorded the case of bullous eruption in a child of three, suggestive of a beginning dermatitis herpetiformis; developing acute symptoms of appendicitis (apparently a chronic case of some duration); operation was performed, and with no return of the eruption since operation. In some instances general debility and debilitating influences may rightly be considered as responsible, in part at least, for a continu ance of the disease. On the other hand, striking amelioration has been noted6 by a physician in his own case during attacks of malarial fever and other intercurrent disorders.
1 Kirby-Smith, New York Med. Record, Aug. 17, 1912 (1 case—with illustration; promising result following circumcision).
2 Engman, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1906, p. 216, and 1907, p. 178, reports upon the con stant presence of indican in the urine, and these amounts seemed to have relationship with the eosinophilia; Loth and Grindon have also noted the presence of indican.
3 Dyer, New Orleans Med. and Surg. Jour., 1896-97, vol. xxiv, p. 211; Pusey, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1897, p. 158—the early history of this case was reported by Becker, Tri-State Med. Jour., May, 1893; Bowen, “Six Cases of Bullous Eruption Following Vaccination,” Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1901, p. 401 (in children between the ages of five and ten, and appearing within from one to four weeks after vaccination, and lasting for months and years); Stelwagon, “Vaccinal Eruptions,” Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc, Nov. 22, 1902; Bowen, Jour. Cutan. Dis., 1904, p. 265, refers to several other cases.
4 See interesting paper by Johnston, “The Evidence of the Existence of an Auto- toxic Factor in the Production of Bullous Diseases,” Brit. Med. Jour., Oct. 6, 1906.
5 Sequeira, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1911, p. 295.
6 “Dermatitis Herpetiformis: A Personal Experience of the Disease,” Brit. Jour. Derm., 1897, p. 97, and 1899, p. 282.
Pathology.1—Recent studies (Elliot, Leredde and Perrin, Unna, Gilchrist) indicate that the process, inflammatory in character, has its beginning in the upper corium—in the papillary layer, or in the deep epidermic layers; and the resulting vesicle, forming beneath the epi dermis, gradually or quickly enlarges and works upward, the epidermis being secondarily involved. In the corium are noted variable edema, dilatation of the vessels, and cell-masses of usually lymphocytes, occa sionally of plasma-cells. Eosinophiles are found both in the corium and epiderm, and are present usually in large numbers in the vesicles and blebs, and also in the blood (Leredde, Brown). In the dilated vessels are to be seen, in addition to the red blood-corpuscles, polynuclear leuko-
Fig. 88.—Dermatitis herpetiformis, vesicular variety (X about 35): V1 and V2,, show small vesicles; E, epidermis unchanged, lifted up by the exudation; S, S, sweat- gland and duct; G, sebaceous gland. The contents of vesicles consist of fibrin, coagu lated albumin, polynuclear leukocytes, and, at the bottom, eosinophiles. Glandular structures not involved. Upper half of corium shows acute inflammatory process, with much fibrin (courtesy of Dr. T. C. Gilchrist).
cytes; in the larger vessels, eosinophiles in scanty number. The lesions contain a fibrinous network, in the meshes of which are found polynu- clear leukocytes in large numbers, some mononuclear and epithelial cells, eosinophile cells, as already stated, and coagulated albumin. The pustules are probably due to an added superficial infection from without.
1 Pathologic anatomy: Elliot, New York Med. Jour., 1887, vol. i, p. 449; Leredde et Perrin, Annales, 1895, pp. 281 and 452; Gilchrist, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Reports, 1896, vol. i, p. 365.
Regarding eosinophilia: Leredde et Perrin. Annales, pp. 281, 369, and 452; Darier, ibid., 1896, p. 842; Leredde, ibid., p. 846, 1899, p. 355, and (also anatomy), Gazette des Hôpitaux, March 26, 1898; Funk, Monatshefte, 1893, vol. xvii, p. 266; Brown, Jour. Amer. Med. Assoc., Feb. 17, 1900; Bushnell and Williams, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1906, p. 177 (diminished phagocytic power of the eosinophile cells).
Plate XV.
Dermatitis herpetiformis (?) sometimes met with in children, and also observed devel oping after vaccination ; neck, axillary, genitocrural, popliteal, and elbow-flexure regions seem favored ; vesicobullous and herpes iris type ; patient aged eleven ; two years’ dura tion, with periods of comparative quiescence.
Leredde strongly believes that the excretion of eosinophile cells by the skin to be an essential part of the cutaneous phenomena, and together with the eosinophile cells in the blood are characteristic of this disease— a view shared, in part at least, by others (Hallopeau, Lafitte, Danlos). It is now known, however, that eosinophile cells are found in lesions of other bullous diseases.
Diagnosis.—At various periods in its course a case of dermatitis herpetiformis may resemble slightly or even strikingly erythema multi- forme and pemphigus; and not infrequently, indeed, the clinical picture may be for a time closely similar or even the same as one of these dis eases, and without knowledge of its former history and course a mistake could be readily made. Several factors need to be kept in mind in the diagnosis as being more or less distinguishing: Chronicity, with or with out remissions or short or long intermissions; multiformity, tendency toward grouping, disposition to change of type, itchiness, with sooner or later slight or marked pigmentation.
It is distinguished from erythema multiforme by the fact that this latter is an acute disease running a course of ten days to several weeks, and is unaccompanied by intense itching; moreover, its distribution is rarely as irregular or general as that of dermatitis herpetiformis. The vesicles and bullæ—herpes iris, erythema bullosum—which are occa sionally seen in erythema multiforme have their origin in preexisting erythematous lesions; while this also happens in dermatitis herpetiformis, some of the vesicles and bullæ will be found to arise from apparently healthy skin. In doubtful cases an observation of several days or, at the most, a few weeks, would lead to a correct conclusion.
Pemphigus differs from the bullous type of dermatitis herpetifor- mis in that the lesions of the former are usually larger and show no special tendency to occur in groups or to assume irregular, angular, or multiform shapes; the pemphigus blebs, moreover, appear, as a rule, from sound skin, and the disease lacks the small vesicles and vesicular groups and occasional small pustules and pustular groups usually found intermingled in the bullous eruption of dermatitis herpetiformis. In pemphigus itching is wanting or slight, whereas in dermatitis herpeti- formis it is one of the most troublesome symptoms. The reported cases of “pemphigus pruriginosus” are, doubtless, in many instances at least, examples of dermatitis herpetiformis. Pemphigus with itching as a symptom may be distinguished by the differential points already given, especially when considered in connection with the known capriciousness of type in dermatitis herpetiformis. The constitutional symptoms of pemphigus are often quite marked—much more so, as a rule, than ob served in dermatitis herpetiformis.
The characters of dermatitis herpetiformis are so different from urticaria and eczema that a mistake is scarcely possible. In urticaria the lesions are all wheals, there is no tendency to special grouping, and it is usually acute and evanescent; bullous lesions in urticaria are uncommon, and when present, spring from wheals and are associated with other characteristic wheals. In eczema the papules and vesicles are much smaller, and the eruption is rarely generally distributed. 24
Prognosis.—As to relief, much, as a rule, may be promised, but as to cure or permanent freedom from outbreaks the prognosis cannot be too cautiously guarded. It is not to be forgotten that dermatitis herpetiformis is a particularly persistent and chronic disease, capricious in its behavior and course, and rebellious to treatment. Permanent recovery is to be considered rather exceptional; there is, however, a tendency in most cases to become less active. Those showing a pre vailing tendency to the erythematous form, and the vesicular expres sion of the disease occurring in connection with pregnancy or the par turient state (herpes gestationis) are the more favorable varieties. The disease in children seems much less rebellious, and recovery is not so uncommon as in adults. The pustular and bullous types are sometimes of a serious character. A fatal ending is possible in the grave cases, especially in those associated with septicemia. It must be conceded, however, that dermatitis herpetiformis usually persists for years without compromising life, and that in many of the patients the general health, considering the violence of the eruptive phenomena, remains compara tively undisturbed.
Treatment.—Although the etiology of dermatitis herpetiformis is obscure, it is, in most cases at least, to be looked upon as of neurotic nature. The most successful treatment, therefore, is one that keeps in view the avoidance or correction of any factor detrimental or disturb ing to the nervous equilibrium, and which also aims to bring about a healthy and more vigorous nervous tone. The mode of living, the diet, the state of the digestion, and the condition of the various internal organs, more especially the liver and kidneys, should be investigated. The diet should be generous, but plain and nutritious; coffee and tea, except in very moderate quantity, should be avoided, likewise all indi gestible foods. Alcoholic stimulants are usually damaging. Occa sionally a purely milk diet, or with meat once daily, has a favorable influence. In fact, the gastrointestinal tract should receive particular attention, as the toxic material which may be responsible for the malady, may have its origin here. A saline purge often has a favorable influence in mitigating the severity of an attack; the bowels should always be kept free. Upon the whole, constitutional treatment is based upon general principles. Irrespective, however, of what may be indicated by suspected etiologic conditions, three remedies need special mention— arsenic, quinin, and strychnin in moderately full or large doses. Arsenic, according to my own observation and those of others (Jamieson, Roberts, Mackenzie),1 stands first in value; in small doses, it is often valuable as a tonic, but in some instances, especially of the vesicular and bullous types, pushed to the point of tolerance, it will be found of distinct service; after it fails to do further good, it can be stopped, and then later resumed. In other cases it seems to do harm. In persons of depressed general nutrition cod-liver oil is a remedy of value. Alkalies and diuretics are sometimes of service. Should there be a suspicion of hypothyroidism the proper remedy (thyroid gland preparations) should be tried—
1 Morris and Whitfield, Brit. Jour. Derm., 1912, p. 148 (case demonstration and discussion), give each a remarkable instance of control by arsenic.
favorable influence from its use in such instances have been recorded (Sutton and Kanoky). Phenacetin (Morris, Pringle) or acetanilid will occasionally favorably influence the itching. In severe cases narcotics are necessary to procure sleep, but are to be avoided if possible. General galvanization and static insulation are measures which may be of service. In persistent cases in children the possibility of circumcision having a favorable effect should be considered.
Regarding the external treatment, it will be found that, as a rule, lotions of an antipruritic character will give the most relief. Blebs, if present, should be opened and evacuated. In some cases weak alka line and bran and gelatin baths are comforting. Liquor carbonis deter- gens, 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls to a small teacupful of water, will often be serviceable for controlling the pruritus; if well borne, and if the weaker strengths afford no relief, this preparation may be used in stronger proportion, often up to the pure solution. Ichthyol, in an aqueous lotion, from 2 to 10 per cent, in strength, is also of value. Resorcin, from a 1 to a 5 per cent, solution; carbolic acid, from 1 to 3 drams (4.-12.) to the pint (500.) of water, with boric acid to saturation; liquor picis alkalinus, from 1 to 3 drams (4.-12.) to the pint (500.) of water, applied cautiously—are all of value in some cases and at different times in the same case. These may be often advantageously supplemented by bland dusting-powders or by the mild ointments, such as that of zinc oxid, cold cream, and the petroleum ointments, plain or carbolized or with from 1 to 10 grains (0.065-0.65) of menthol to the ounce (32.). At times the washes are not well borne; then the ointments already named and the other mild ointments used in eczema may be employed alone with greater benefit. An ointment of value is one made up of from 1 to 2 drams (4.-8.) of liquor carbonis detergens to the ounce (32.) of simple cerate. Sulphur ointment in the vesicular and vesicobullous and pustular varieties of the disease, rubbing it in vigorously so as to break down the lesions, is sometimes serviceable (Duhring, Mackenzie), but it is a strong application, and must be tried cautiously. Lassar commends tar baths and tar-and-sulphur ointment as of considerable curative value.
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