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Diseases of the Vulva.Symptoms.-The parts are at first dry, red, hot, swollen and itching. After a few hours the surface becomes moist, and finally covered with a profuse secretion of pus; within a day or two small superficial ulcers often appear. If the inflammation extend into the vagina, the surface of the latter assumes the same condition. Not infrequently the orifice of the urethra becomes also inflamed; indeed, the inflammation may extend along the latter into the bladder. In these cases every evacuation of the urine is attended with a violent, scalding pain. In the milder cases, the general health is not specially affected ; in the severer ones there may be fever, thirst, headache, and general discomfort. Causes. - Want of cleanliness ; friction from clothing ; skin affections ; excessive intercourse ; (in children) scrofula. One point should be always borne in mind with reference to discharges of matter from the sexual organs of either sex, whatever be the cause. Extreme care is necessary to prevent the transfer of any particle of this discharge into the eye ; special towels must be devoted to the local affection, and the hands carefully washed after any contact with the discharge. A failure to observe these precautions has caused the loss of many an eye by inducing an intense inflammation. This same effect may be produced also upon other mucous membranes than that of the eye ; hence inter course may be followed by a disease of the husband. Several cases are on record in which this accident has given rise to un founded suspicions of the wife's chastity. If properly and promptly treated, the disease usually subsides within a few days ; but if neglected it proves obstinate, and often causes, moreover, soreness and abrasions of the skin on the thighs from contact with the discharge. Treatment. - Measures for treatment consist, first and al ways, in local applications. The first essential is cleanliness, which may be accomplished by frequent washing with warm water into which a little borax has been stirred. Another measure which is most useful in promoting cleanliness is rest in a recumbent pos ture, whereby the amount of the secretion is materially diminished. The part should be washed in this way, at least, every three hours. A better and more effectual measure is a hip-bath, containing borax, at the same intervals. After washing, the parts may be protected from the clothing by the applications of cloths dipped in the fol lowing lotion : Tincture of opium (laudanum), - One ounce. Sugar of lead, - - - -, One drachm. Water, - -' - - One pint. This may be applied on each occasion after the parts are bathed. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.