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Diseases of the Ovaries.The more frequent occurrence is a chronic inflammation of the organs. This, too, is commonly associated with or results from inflammation of other tissues, especially of the womb ; yet it does seem to occur as a primary affection, causing a certain group of symptoms without involving the other sexual organs. It seems certain that many of the puzzling causes of so-called womb disease- cases in which the symptoms are entirely too severe to be explained by the slight derangement of the womb - are really instances of ovarian and not uterine disease. Among the symptoms of a chronic inflammation of the ovaries are pain and tenderness over these organs (on either side of the womb in the groin) ; sometimes derangement of menstruation, but more frequently interference with locomotion, so that such patients are often unable to walk across the room ; hysteria is a not infrequent complication. In these instances, the tendency to hysteria is especially manifested during and previous to the menstrual epoch, at which time, too, the pain and weight in the pelvis are greatly aggravated. All sources of sexual excitement increase the difficulty, so that intercourse is sometimes impossible. If both ovaries are diseased the woman is usually sterile. Treatment.- The best hope of restoration to health lies in the avoidance of everything which can induce a flow of blood to the ovaries ; hence all sexual excitement should be avoided and the patient should rest before and during the monthly flow. Frequent and copious vaginal injections of warm water and the use of hot hip-baths will also tend to subdue the inflammation. A constantly used, though not very efficient remedy, consists in applying fly-blisters or the tincture of iodine to the abdomen over the location of the ovaries. Instances have been known in which this condition has entirely disappeared after conception had occurred - presumably because during pregnancy the ovaries escape the usual monthly congestion with blood. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.