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Dandruff.Dandruff is not only annoying, but is also important, because if allowed to continue without treatment, it almost always results in a thinning, if not complete loss of the hair. This baldness is not, properly speaking, a result of the dandruff; but both result from the affection of the sebaceous glands. For the secretion of the oil is a natural and necessary provision for the hair, without which it is ultimately destroyed. Treatment*- For the removal of dandruff it is necessary not only to keep the scales brushed out of the hair, but also to correct, if possible, the unhealthy action of the sebaceous glands. The hair may be gently brushed with a soft brush, and then washed with a little soap and water. After this, the yolks of two eggs may be applied to and thoroughly rubbed into the scalp. The repetition of this process daily is often of itself sufficient to remove the difficulty. If the scales still form, there may be substituted for the eggs the following prescription: Tannic acid, . - - One drachm. Simple ointment, - One ounce. Mix and rub thoroughly into the scalp. Another valuable remedy is the following: Hydrate of chloral, - Two drachms. Water, ----- Four ounces. If there be much oily matter in the hair, the following prescription may be used: Aromatic spirits cf ammonia, - - Four drachms. Glycerine, ----- Half an ounce. Rosemary water, - Four ounces. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.