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Chronic Inflammation of the Liver.Symptoms.-One of the chief symptoms is pain over the re gion of the liver, that is, over the lower ribs on the right side and between the two sets of ribs in front. This pain is apt to be in creased by active exercise of any sort, even by running up stairs. It is also aggravated by excesses in eating and drinking. Another prominent symptom is a short dry cough, which is so characteristic that it has received the name of" the liver cough. " In many cases there is a distinct yellowish tinge of the skin and of the whites of the eyes. The stools are usually of an unnatural light color, like clay. The urine, on the other hand, is very dark, and usually de posits a heavy sediment. Treatment. - The remedies which are used to act directly upon the liver when in a state of chronic inflammation have not been highly successful. The best results in the treatment of this affection have been obtained by strict attention to all those details which can improve the general health, including a judiciously se lected diet, and the selection of an employment which will busy the individual largely in the open air. These measures are espe cially valuable for those who have been engaged in sedentary pur suits, and it is among such that the disease is especially frequent. Among the remedies used are the following : Nitro muriatic acid, - A drachm and a half. Water, - Four ounces. Mix. Take a teaspoonful in water before meals. Bicarbonate of sodium, - Four drachms. Calomel, - Twenty-four grains. Make twelve powders. Take one morning and night. Or podo- phylline may be given in doses of one-fourth of a grain morning and night. One form of chronic inflammation of the liver is especially frequent and especially important. In this form the liver becomes much harder than is natural, and gradually shrinks to but a fraction of its former size. This affection is known as Gin Liver-(Cirrhosis of the Liver.) But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.