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In the majority of cases which come under the physician's notice, the dropsy of the brain, and the corresponding enlarge ment of the skull, begin during infancy or early childhood. In fact, this process may continue for some time before attracting the attention of the parent. It will be noticed that the child's temper is changed for the worse ; that it becomes unusually peevish, dull, and drowsy ; the child begins to walk unusually late, or it may fail to walk at all. The mental faculties, too, are not developed as in other children. The child is not so bright, nor so apt to acquire the power of speech ; the utter ance is indistinct; in the worst cases the child is idiotic. The senses of sight and hearing are usually impaired; in some cases, the eyes roll around aimlessly, or may exhibit a squint. As the child becomes older, the symptions become more marked. What ever acquisitions the child may have made in the way of walking or speaking are lost, though cases occur in which the mental remain almost unimpared to the close of life. The digestive system becomes deranged, vomiting being a frequent occurrence, while the bowels are irregular. The head attains an enormous size, the bones being pressed far apart; the weight of the head is so great that the child is unable to stand, or even sit erect, and must therefore retain the recumbent posture. It is these cases of advanced dropsy of the brain which are exhibited now and then at cheap museums and similar entertainments, where the child may pass a few weeks near the close of its life, helpless and unconscious of its surroundings. Treatment*-There is no known means by which this affec tion can be cured, or even arrested. A few instances are, indeed, on record in which children have recovered from the early stages of the disease under treatment, but since the same treatment has been found ineffectual in numerous other cases, it is evident that the good result could be attributed not so much to the treatment as to the inherent vitality of the child. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.