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Bleeding from the Mouth.We can usually discover from the appearance of the blood as well as from the manner of its ejection, whether it proceeds from the stomach or from the lungs. It is, of course, an important point to decide, both as to the treatment required and as to the significance for the patient. When blood escapes from the stomach, it is distinguished by the following features : First.-It is almost invariably of a darker color than that which we designate "red" blood, and also darker than blood which escapes from the lungs. It often resembles coffee-grounds in appearance. This remark may not apply if the blood escapes suddenly and in large quantity into the stomach, for in this case it may have the usual bright red hue. Second.-The blood issues from the stomach chiefly during the act of vomiting, while it is ejected from the lungs mostly by coughing. A feeling of sickness at the stomach is frequently present when the blood proceeds from this organ. Third.-The blood which comes from the stomach is often mixed with particles of food. Bleeding from the lungs is apt to occur suddenly and without any warning in the shape of nausea or vomiting. It frequently happens that the patient is suddenly seized with a violent fit of coughing, during or after which a gush of bright red blood escapes from the mouth and nose. We can, therefore, recognize the source of the blood when it proceeds from the lungs : first, by its bright red color ; second, by its appearance during the act of coughing ; and third, by the absence of premonitory symptoms. Whenever blood escapes into the throat, whether it have proceeded from the lungs or the nose, some of it will be swallowed. In this case the patient frequently vomits, and hence blood may be ejected which has the characteristic dark color and appearance of coffee-grounds ; yet in these cases there need be no affection of the stomach whatsoever. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.