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Barbadoes Leg - Elephantiasis.The disease occurs over the entire world, but is most frequently found in tropical regions. Among these localities is the Island of Barbadoes - from which the affection derives one of its names-Brazil, Japan and the East Indies. In Europe elephantiasis occurs most frequently in France and in Ireland. The disease rarely occurs before puberty, and most frequently begins before the age of 30 years. When the disease occurs upon the leg this member becomes enormously swollen, smooth and shiny ; but there is not usually any evidence of inflammation or pain. After a time the skin becomes rough and covered wTith small pimples ; the extreme size of the limb renders the patient unable to walk. In the course of the disease there finally occur extensive ulcerations of the skin which resist treatment most obstinately. Treatment.-The disease may last for years without serious impairment of the patient's health ; but in many cases the tissues of the leg become mortified, and are often attacked by erysipelas which may end the patient's life. In the beginning of the illness the patient may be much improved by rest in a recumbent position, and by wrapping the limb in cloths wrung out in hot water. Yet the most reliable and most rapid means for reducing the swelling is the bandage of india rubber termed " Martin's bandage. " When this is worn the patient can continue his occupation without interfering with the cure of the affection. In cases where the disease affects the face or other parts that cannot be subjected to the pressure of a rubber bandage, advantage may be derived from the use of the following lotion : Iodine, ----- One drachm. Glycerine, ----- Three ounces. Mix, and apply to the thickened skin. Advantage may also be derived from the use of the ointment of the iodide of potassium. But first, if you want to come back to this web site again, just add it to your bookmarks or favorites now! Then you'll find it easy! Also, please consider sharing our helpful website with your online friends.