HOME PHYSICIAN AND ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE The biggy of the late 1800's. Clearly shows the massive inroads in medical science and the treatment of disease.
ALCOHOL AND THE HUMAN BODY In fact alcohol was known to be a poison, and considered quite dangerous. Something modern medicine now agrees with. This was known circa 1907. A very impressive scientific book on the subject. |
DISEASES OF THE SKIN is a massive book on skin diseases from 1914. Don't be feint hearted though, it's loaded with photos that I found disturbing. |
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Absolute ALCOHOL. Almost pure alcohol, alcohol without water. Adolescence. The transition period from childhood to adult life. Albumin. The general name for the chief constituent of protoplasm. Albuminoid. Like or resembling albumin. Albuminuria. A diseased condition in which albumin passes out of the
body with the urine. Alienist. A doctor expert in treating insanity. Alimentary. Pertaining to aliment or food ; alimentary canal consists of
the mouth, gullet, stomach, and intestines. Amblyopia. Dimness of sight, a diminution of the natural acuteness of
vision. Anæmia. Disorder and poverty of the blood. Anæsthetics. Drugs and other agents which after administration produce
insensibility to pain. Antipyretic. A treatment for lowering temperature in cases of fever. Antirabic. Acting against or preventing the disease called rabies. Antiseptic. Opposed to and preventive of sepsis or putrefaction. Aphthous. Produced by aphthæ ; diseased patches of fungi on mucous
membrane. Arachnoid. A thin semi-transparent membrane surrounding the brain and
spinal cord so called because it appears to be as thin as a spider’s web. Arteriole. A small artery. Aseptic. Free from sepsis or putrefaction.
Astringent. A substance which causes the tissues of the body to contract. Atony. Feebleness, want of tone.
Autopsy. Opening of a corpse for the purpose of examination, i.e. a post mortem examination.
Bacilli, Bacteria. Microscopic germs which are the causes of fermentation and disease.
Calcification. The process whereby degenerated tissues of the body become hardened and brittle owing to the deposition of lime salts within them.
Carbohydrates. Foodstuffs, like starch and sugar, which are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
Cardiac Belonging to, or relating to, the heart, e.g. cardiac weakness.
279 |
Catarrh. Inflammation of a mucous membrane accompanied by increased
secretion of mucus, e.g. a cold in the head. Cerebritis. Inflammation of the cerebrum, or larger brain. Choreic. The involuntary jerky muscular contractions which characterise
St. Vitus’s dance. Chronic. Of long standing, habitual, e.g. chronic alcoholism. Chronograph. An instrument for measuring and recording intervals of
time. Cirrhosis. Fibrous degeneration of an organ.
Clinic, Clinical. Pertaining to the study of disease by the bedside. Clinician. One who studies disease by the bedside.
Coma. A state of profound insensibility.
Congestion. An engorgement and distension of the blood-vessels of a part, commonly associated with inflammation.
Consanguinity. Blood relationship by birth.
Convoluted. Having convolutions or folds.
Co-ordinate. To regulate and combine movements, e.g. “the brain’s power of co-ordinating,” bodily movements.
Corpuscles. Microscopic protoplasmic cells.
Corrugated. Wrinkled with alternate ridges and grooves.
Cortex. The outer layer of an organ, e.g. cerebral cortex.
Cultures. Masses of microscopic germs or micro-organisms grown artifici ally in suitable media.
Dehydration. The process of removing the water contained in a substance. Dementia. A progressive mental enfeeblement, resulting finally in complete
absence of mind. Diagnose. To correctly determine the exact nature of a disease. Diastase. A ferment found in grain when it begins to sprout, and which
turns the starch into sugar, Diastatic. Acting like diastase.
Diastolic. Signifies expansion—a term applied to the heart. Diathesis. The particular habit of body predisposing to certain diseases. Dietetic. Relating to diet : dietetics, the branch of medical science which
deals with the regulation of food. Dilatation. The enlargement of any organ by expansion, distension, etc. DURA MATER. The thick membrane which covers the brain.
Effete. Used up, waste.
Elimination. Separating out.
Embryo. The germ or beginning of anything in an undeveloped condition.
Engorgement. Overloading of the blood-vessels with blood.
Enzyme. A chemical substance which may be a ferment or the precursor of
a ferment. See Ferment. Epithelial. Belonging to the epithelium, i.e. the layers of delicate cells
forming the outer surface of the skin and mucous membrane. Ergograph. An instrument for experimentally estimating the work done
mechanically by certain muscles. Erosion. Eating away. Erythema. A skin eruption chiefly characterised by redness. |
Etiology. The scientific investigation of the causes of disease. Excoriation. The process of stripping or tearing off the outer skin. Excrete. To separate out and finally discharge from the body that which is finished with.
Ferment. Any substance which has the chemical property of splitting up complex organic bodies, in which case the evolution of carbonic acid gas causes “bubbling,” “frothing,” or “fermentation.”
Ganglia. Small collections of nerve corpuscles found in different parts of the trunk.
Germinate. To sprout, shoot, begin to develop.
Glucose. A form of sugar found in ripe grapes and honey, etc.
Gltcosuria. A diseased condition in which glucose (grape sugar) is dis charged with the urine.
Hæmorrhage. Bleeding.
Hallucination. A condition of mental delusion, in which the patient
appears to see, hear, or feel things which do not exist in reality. Histological. Pertaining to the study of the minute structures of the
tissues of the body. Hypertrophy. Increase of an organ or tissue. Hypodermic Under the skin.
Ideation. The mental process of forming ideas.
Idiosyncrasy. Individual susceptibility and peculiarity of constitution or
temperament. Illusion. A sensation without corresponding external object. Immunisation. The process of making immune, i.e. insusceptible to a
disease. Immunity. A condition of insusceptibility to the attacks of contagious
disease. ïngestion. The act of taking something into, or putting something into, a
receptacle, such as the stomach. Inhibition. The act of restraining, checking. Inhibitory. Restraining, checking. Innervate. To supply with nerves. Intolerance. The state of being peculiarly susceptible to the action of a
Lactation. The function of the breast in secreting and yielding milk.
Lesions. Any diseased changes in or injuries of the structure of an organ.
Lethal. Deadly, fatal.
Leucoytes. White blood corpuscles.
Litre. The unit of the metric system measure of capacity : a litre = 1¾ pints
(nearly). Lymph. A colourless natural fluid constantly derived from the blood, which
passes through the tissues and is again drawn back into the blood. Lymphatics. A network of delicate vessels which gather up and carry
back into the blood some of the blood plasma or “ lymph “ which bathes
the tissues. |
Mammals. Animals which suckle their young by means of a mamma or
breast. Medullation. The process whereby, in development, the nerve fibres
become covered with a sheath. Medusæ. Jelly-fish.
Meningitis. Inflammation of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Metabolism. “ The normal, healthy chemical changes going on in the body
as a whole. ” See Chap. XIII. Metamorphosis. Change of form, change of material from one kind to
another, e.g. fatty metamorphosis. Microbes. Microscopic organisms which often constitute the germs of
disease. Micro-organisms. Microscopic forms of life.
Mobility. The state of being mobile ; that is, capable of being moved. Morbid. Relating to disease, diseased. Muco-purulent. A mattery discharge from the surface of a mucous
membrane. Narcosis. Sleep or unconsciousness artificially induced by drugs. Narcotics. Drugs which cause sleep-like lethargy and insensibility. Neuro-muscular. To do with nerve and muscle combined. Neuropathic. A term signifying any derangement of the nervous system. Neurosis. An impaired condition of nervous function. Neurotic. Subject to nervous disorders. Nidus. Lat., a nest—employed to mean any tissue which forms a suitable
breeding-place for microbes. Nitrogenous. Containing nitrogen. Normal. According to rule, healthy, natural.
Obese. Fat, stout.
Obfuscation. Indistinctness, bewilderment, e.g. “mental obfuscation.“ Ova. Eggs—the starting-point of all animal and plant life. Ovulation. The formation and subsequent discharge of ova or eggs. Oxygenation. The process of absorbing and combining with oxygen.
Pathologist. One skilled in pathology.
Pathology. That part of medical science which investigates the processes
underlying disease. Pedometer. An instrument somewhat like a watch by which the number
of steps taken by a walker may be registered. Pepsin. The ferment in the gastric juice which helps to digest the proteids,
albumins, etc., of food. Peptic. Relating to digestion ; “peptic glands,” the principal glands of the
stomach that secrete gastric juice. Peripheral. That which belongs to the outside or parts distant from the
centre, as opposed to that which is central. Pharmacology. The knowledge of drugs and the preparation of medicines.
Pharmacologist, one skilled in the knowledge and use of drugs. Pharmacopœia. An authoritative list of drugs and of the official modes of
preparing them. Pharyngitis. Inflammation of the pharynx, the back of the mouth. |
Phylloxera. A minute insect pest, which destroys the roots and leaves of
the grape vine. Pia Mater. The innermost vascular delicate membrane which covers the
brain. Precipitation. The act of precipitating, or throwing down a solid from a
solution, thereby causing a sediment. Processes. Small projections growing out from a living cell. Prognosis. The foretelling of the course which a disease is likely to take. Proliferation. The continuous growth and multiplication of cells. Proteids. The scientific names given to the most important elements in
animal and vegetable organisms, being highly complex compounds of
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulphur, which occur in nearly
all the liquids and solids of the body. Protoplasm. The fundamental substance out of which all living cells are
built up. Pseudæsthesia. Imaginary sensations, e.g. such as are referred to the
amputated portion of a limb. Psychic Mental, pertaining to the mind. Psychologist. One who studies the conditions and variations of the human
Reflex Action. A responsive movement occurring (in consequence of some impression received by the brain or spinal cord) independently of the action of the will.
Sarcinæ. Fungi found in the stomach in certain diseased conditions of that
organ. Sedative. Soothing, tending to calm. Senile. Belonging to old age. Septic. Having the property of causing putrefaction and decomposition, and
so leading to disease and death. Sociology. The science which treats of the origin and development of
human society. Subjective. Pertaining to one’s own personal feelings or consciousness. Sympathetic Belonging to the sympathetic portion of the nervous system. Systolic Pertaining to the contraction of the muscle of the heart.
Therapeutics. That branch of medical science which treats of remedies,
and their action in the cure of disease. Thoracic Belonging to the thorax, or chest. Tolerance. The capacity to take unusual doses of a drug which, ordinarily,
would be hurtful or fatal. Tonic. Relating to tone ; the healthy and vigorous condition of an organ,
e.g. the tonic state of a muscle. Toxic Poisonous. Toxin. Poison. Tuberculosis. A microbic disease caused by the tubercle bacillus,
characterised by the formation of nodules or tubercles in the tissues
attacked. |
Utopian. Founded upon an unreal and imaginary optimism, e.g. utopian view of alcohol.
Vascularity. The condition of being richly supplied with blood-vessels
and blood. Viable. Born alive and capable of sustaining an independent existence. Volition. The power to will. |
( |
“ Beer-drinker’s liver,” 180 Beer-drinkers, work of, 98, 102 Beer, percentage of alcohol in, 24 ,, preparation of, 24 ,, presence of impurities in, 28 Belgium, accidents in, xxiii Bickerton, 229 Bile, functions of, 178
,, effect of alcohol on secretion of, 181 Binz, 173 Bitters, 165 Blood, the, 191
,, complement, 193
,, corpuscles, 191
,, effect of alcohol on complement of,
196 ,, effect of alcohol on red corpuscles,
195 ,, effect of alcohol on white corpuscles,
195 ,, plasma, 193, 196 Blood-vessels, alteration in walls of, 210 ,, dilatation of, 210
,, effect of alcohol on, 208
,, of brain, 52
,, of liver, 180
,, of lungs, 223
., of skin, 137
,, of stomach, 152
,, rupture of, 211
Boers, abstinence of army, 100 Brain (see also Cerebrum, Cerebellum) ,, activity of, affected by alcohol, 65 ,, cells, poisoned by alcohol, 123 ,, centres, affected by alcohol, 70 ,, ,, sensori-receptive, 53
,, ,, sensorimotor, 54
,, highest functions of, 72 ,, mechanism of, 88 ,, of the child, injured by alcohol, 237 ,, ,, unborn child susceptible to
alcohol, 251 Breasts, failure to functionate, 221 Brewing materials, adulteration of, 33
,, trade, wages of, 271 Bright’s disease, chronic, 187 Broadbent, Sir W., 200 Bronchitis, 223 Brouardel, Professor, 268, 275 Brunton, Sir T. Lauder, 137, 138 |
Abbott, 197 Accidents, surgical, 77
,, frequency on Saturday night, 77
,, to children, 78
,, Belgian statistics as to, 78
Adami, 247 Age, old, use of alcohol in, 14
,, premature, 131, 211, 219 Albuminuria, 187, 210 Alcohol, preparation of, 24 Alcoholic epilepsy, 120
,, insanity, chronic, 116
,, insomnia, 122
., mania, acute, 114
., neuritis, 123
., paralysis, 123
,, pharyngitis, 150
,, poisoning, acute, 67 Alcoholism, severe, 67
,, subacute, 66
Ale, composition of, 173 ,. nourishment in, 173 Allbutt, Professor Clifford, 242, 272 American railways, regulations as to ab stinence, 78 Amœba, 36 Animals, emotional nature altered, 95
,, hereditary effect of alcoholism, 261
,. muscular vigour of, impaired, 103
,, resisting power of, to disease, 227 Antiseptic surgery, 6 Aperients, use of, 158 Apoplexy, 211 Arctic explorers, 139 Aschaffenburg, experiment by, 74 Association fibres, 57 Association, cerebral, effect of alcohol in
lessening, 75 Asylums, lunatic, disuse of alcohol in, 9 Asylums Board, Metropolitan, disuse of
alcohol in, 7 Athletes, training of, 105
Barley, 27
Barlow, Sir Thomas, 14, 237
Barr, Sir J., 200, 233, also 9
Bauderon, Dr., 224
Beaumont, Dr., investigation by, 153
“ Beer-drinker’s heart,” 208 |
285 |
Bunge, Professor, 257
Caiger, Dr. Ford, 8 Cancer, 274 Carbonic acid, 216
,, ,, gas, evolved by yeast plant,
26 Cardiac failure, 206 Catarrh, chronic gastric, 155
,, of throat and lungs, 150 Cell, the, the tissue-unit, 35 Cells, specialisation of, 38 Cerebellum, structure and function of, 57
,, action of alcohol on, 106
Cerebral cortex, 55 Cerebritis, 116 Cerebrum, structure and function of, 50
,, action of alcohol on, 65
Chamberlain, Mr. Joseph, 268 Chemical changes in body, complexity of, 215
,, process of digestion, 159 Chemicals used in brewing, 28 Children, accidents to, 78
,, alcohol a cause of convulsions, in, 120, 239
,, alcohol a cause a delirium in, 239
,, alcohol a cause of epilepsy in, 253
,, alcohol a cause of idiocy in, 252
,, alcohol a cause of immorality in, 239
,, alcohol not an article of diet for, 236
., brains of, injured, 237
,, cries of, unheard, 89
,, growth of, 236
,, mental deterioration of, 251
,, metabolism in, 235
,, neglect of, 78, 89
,, nervous system of, and parental alcoholism, 251
,, of abstainers, healthier, 249
,, resistance to disease lessened in, 236
,, school work of, 237, 255
,, Society for Prevention of Cruelty to, 89
,, stomachs of, special sensitive ness of, 146 Chittenden, Professor, 162 Chloroform, 12
Chronic alcoholic dementia, 116 Circulation, 201 Citizenship, ideals of, lost, 90 Clark, Sir Andrew, 2, 98, 176 Climacteric period, 82 Clouston, Dr., 17, 48, 84, 264 Coffee, 83 Collier, Dr., 12
Complement (see Blood-complement) Compositors, experiment by, 72 Congestion of abdominal organs, 139
,, of blood-vessels of skin, 140
,, of liver, 180
,, of lungs, 223 |
Connective-tissue cells, 178 Consciousness affected by alcohol, 12 Constipation, use of aperients in, 158 Consumption, alcohol a cause of, 223, 274 ,, spread in public-houses, 27
Convulsions, 161, 239 Co-ordination, muscular, 104, 106 Corpuscles, red blood, structure of, 191 ,, red blood, action of alcohol on,
195 ,, white blood, structure and
function of, 192 ,, white blood, action of alcohol
on, 195 Cramps, 118 “Craving,” 16, 264 Cress, growth of, 41 Crile, Dr., 204
Crime, connection between alcohol and, 92 ,, English statistics, 92 ,, Swedish statistics, 92 ,, statistics from Massachusetts, 92 Crothers, Dr., 268 Cumulative action of alcohol, 13
Darwin, 244
Death from acute alcoholism, 67 ,, ,, alcoholic dementia, 117 ,, ,, dilatation of heart, 207 ,, ,, exposure after drinking, 137 ,, ,, fatty degeneration of body, 219 ,, premature, 207, 219 Death - rate of abstainers and non -
abstainers, 275 Death-rate from alcohol, statistical under statement concerning, 271 Deceptive influence of alcohol upon the
intellect, 80 Deceptive influence of alcohol upon the
emotions, 88 Deceptive influence of alcohol in fatigue,
82 “Degenerates,” 253 Degeneration of blood-vessels, 210 ,, of kidney, 187
,, of muscle-fibres, 205
,, of tissues, 218
“fatty,” of liver, 182 Delearde, Dr., 226 Delirium tremens, 115 Delusive sensations caused by alcohol, SO Dementia, chronic alcoholic, 116 Demme, Professor, 237, 238 Depressant, alcohol as a, 90, 115 Depression, alcoholic, 67, 118 Deterioration, Committee on Physical, 237 Deterioration of nerve cells, 125 ,, of nerve fibres, 123
,, mental, arrested by abstin.
ence, 117 Diabetes, 221 Diastase in barley, 27 Dietetic substances, 172 ,, alcohol, 163 |
287 |
Digestion, conditions necessary for good, 163 ., gastric, 151
,, of women, 158
,, test-tube experiments on, 160
Digestive system, 143 Diphtheria, 228, 237 Dipsomania, 111 Disease, resistance to, in animals, 227
,, ,, in man, 222
Diseases—i. Due to alcohol alone, 230
ii. Of which alcohol is frequently either a determining or con tributing cause, 231 Disinfectant action, 157 Distemper in dogs, 227 Distillation, 30 Disuse of alcohol in fever, 7 ., ,, in hospitals, 5
,, ,, in insanity, 9
,, ,, in London County
Asylums, 9 ., ,, in medicine, 7
,, ,, in surgery, 6
Dixon, Professor, 202 Dogs, effect of alcohol on, 103, 227, 261 Drink, money spent on, 270 Drinkers, prone to disease, 228
,, children of, 248 Drink-trade, influence of, 269 Dropsy, 237
Drugs that induce a craving for repetition, 16 ,, alcohol a narcotic, 4 ,, complexity of action of, 3 ., action modified by various con ditions, 14 Drunkard’s liver, 184 Drunkenness, comparable to insanity, 114
,, Irish statistics as to, 113
Dukes, Dr. Clement, 239 Dura mater, 52 Duration of life, 275 Dyspepsia, disguised, 159
Edinburgh Medical Journal, 176
Elderton, Memoir by, 245
Elimination of waste products, 281, etc.
,, of alcohol, 219
Embryonic life, 244 Emotions, effect of alcohol on the, 87
,, in men, 89
,, in women, 88
,, in animals, 95 Enzyme, 25 Epidermis, 135 Epilepsy, alcohol a cause of, 120
,, alcoholic parentage a cause of, 253 Ergograph, 102 Erysipelas, 231 Ether, 12, 139 Eugenics, 243 Excretion, delayed, 217
,, of the skin, 136 |
Exercise modifies action of alcohol, 15 Exhilarant effect of alcohol, a delusion, 13 Eyes, fatigue of, 118
,, inflammatory conditions of, 229, 231
I Faintness, remedies for, 203
Fatigue, 82
Fatty degeneration (see Heart, Liver, etc.)
Feeble-minded children, 253
Féré, Dr., 262
Fermentation, 24
Ferrier, 53 I Fever, disuse of alcohol in, 7 ,, enteric, 8
Fick, Professor, 13
Finland, Medical Society of, 100
Fletcher-Beach, Dr., 252
Food, alcohol not a, 169 ,, definition of a true, 171
Foodstuffs, action of alcohol on, 159
Fraser, Professor, 50
Fry, Sir Edward, 110
Fürer, Professor, 75
Galton, Dr. Francis, 243
Ganglion cells, eff’ect of alcohol on, 128
Gin, 24
Glia cells, 129
Glycosuria, 221
Gorell, Lord, 86
Gouge, Mr. H. D., 275
Gout, 221
Granular kidney, 186
Grenfell, General, 99 ! GroAvth of children, 236 I Guardians of the public health, 4
Habit, quickly formed, 18
,, effect of, 18 Haemorrhage, alcohol to be avoided in, 83 Haeseler, Count von, 99 Hallucinations, 111
Hare, Dr. C. J., use of alcohol and milk in hospitals, 4 j Hare, Dr. F., 122 Harley, Dr. George, 214 Health, national, and alcoholic beverages,
269 Hearing, centre for, 55 Heart, action of alcohol on, 201 ,, dilatation of, 203 ,, failure of, 207 ,, muscles of, 205 Heat, alcohol undesirable as a source of,
172 Hellenius, Professor, xxiii, 91, 102 Helmholtz, 75 Heredity, 242
,, and the “craving” for drink,
263 ,, a cause of susceptibility to alcohol, 264 Heude, 238
Hill, Dr. Leonard, 200 I Hodge, Professor, 34, 41, 95, 103, 227 |
Hoppe, 224
Hospitals, disuse of alcohol in, 5
,, London County Asylums, 9
,, Metropolitan Asylums, 7
,, Salisbury Infirmary, 5
,, seven large London hospitals, 5
,, Wands worth Union, 6
Hydrophobia, death from, 226
Hyslop, Dr. T. B., 86
Hysteria, 119
Idiocy, due to alcoholic parentage, 252
Idiosyncrasy, 15
Illusions, explanation of, 80
Immorality, alcohol a cause of, 239
Immunisation to disease, 194, 226
Industrial Diseases, 225
Infant mortality, 256
Inhibitory effect of alcohol on vitality of
plants and animals, 40 et seq. Inland Revenue analysis, 28 Insanity, 110 Insanity, alcoholic, 114, 253
,, disuse of alcohol in treatment of, 8 Insomnia, 122
Insurance statistics, 271, 275 Irritability (1) in man, 95 ,, (2) in dogs, 96
Irritant, alcohol a local, 145
James, Professor, 17
Jews, temperance of, 249
Johnson, Dr., 64
Jones, Dr. Robert, 64, 112, 242
Judgment, intellectual failure of, 75
Judicial statistics, 92
Kassowitz, Professor, 236 Kerr, Dr. Norman, 247 Kidney, effect of alcohol on, 186
,, granular, 186
,, structure and function of, 186 Kitchener, Lord, 100 Kocher, 214
Kraepelin, xxiii, 64, 69 et seq., 75, etc., 87 Kürz, 79
Lactation, deficient, 256
Laitinen, 196, 222, 262, 248
Lancet, 110, 173, 239
Lead poisoning, 225, 247
Legrain, Dr., 118, 142, 248
Leucocytes, effect of alcohol on, 195
Liebig, 173
Lister, Lord, 6
Liver, action of alcohol on cells of, 181
,, cirrhosis of, 183
,, congestion of, 180
., drunkard’s, 184
,, fatty, 183
,, structure of, 177 London County Asylums, 9 Lunacy, statistics of, 112 ,, increase of, 110 |
Lunacy in Ireland, 113 Lunatic asylums (see Asylums) Lungs, 223 Lunier, Dr., 242
McDougall, Professor, 79
MacNicholl, Dr., 255
Magnan, Dr., 96
Malt, substitutes for, 28
Malt liquors and gastric digestion, 161
Mania, acute alcoholic, 114
Martin and Stevens, biological studies,
202 Martin, Alexis St., 153 Massachusetts, Board of Health Report, 29
,, statistics as to crime, 92
Maternal influence on offspring, 249 Maudesley, Dr., 114 Medicine, disuse of alcohol as a, 7 Melancholia, 118 Memory, loss of, 71, 119 Mental fatigue increased by alcohol, 79 ,, power, failure of, 116 ,, deficiency in children, 251 Mernetsch, Staff-Surgeon, 107 Metabolism, 90, 215
,, in childhood, 235
Metchnikoff, Professor, 190, 192, 195 Metropolitan Asylums Board, 8 Military experts, 99, Milk, increased use of, 5 Miller, Dr. A. G., 77 Moltke, Von, 22
Moral sense, deterioration of, 117 Mortality, comparative, for various trades, 272 ,, infant, 256 Motor cortex, 56 Mott, Dr., 115, 120, 248 Mountain climbers, 101 Mouth, 147 Movements of stomach, delayed by alcohol,
155 Mucous membrane, function of, 145
,, ,, irritant action of alco
hol on, 146, 152 Mucus, increased secretion of, 164 Muira, 174 Muirhead, 223 Munro, T. K., M.D., 147 Muscles, effect of alcohol on (see Neuro-muscular System) ,, experiments with ergograph, 102 ,, fatty degeneration of heart, 205,
208 ,, “tonic” state of, 104
,, wear and tear of, 105 Muscular energy, effect of alcohol on, 97 et seq. ,, ,, experiments on dogs,
103 , pain, due to alcohol, 123
,, weakness, 104, 117
I Nansen, Dr., 139 |
289 |
Public-houses and the spread of consump tion, 274
Rabbits, immunity of, 227
Race, influence of parental alcoholism on, 241 j ,, ,, of habit on, 18
I Rae, Dr. John, 134
| Railway employees, abstinence demanded of, 78
Railway, Great Western, gauge altered of, 101
Ramon y Cajal, 61
Rankin, Dr., 234
Rauber, Professor, 44
Reaction-period, effect of alcohol on, 70 ,, ,, effect of tea and coffee on,
Reasoning, power of, 72
Reeling (see Cerebellum) j Registrar-General, 272 I Repetition of drugs, craving for, 16
Rheumatic pains so-called (see Neuritis)
Richardson, Sir B. W., 43, 45, 138
Ridge, Dr. J. J., 43, 44 Rifle-shooting, 107 Roberts, Lord, 100 Roberts, Sir W., 160 et seq. Romeyn, 173
Ross, Sir J., 134
Rudin, 78
Rum, preparation of, 31 |
Narcotic, alcohol a, 157 Narcotics, action of, 12, 81 National expenditure, 271
,, health, influence of the drinking of alcoholic beverages on, 269 Nerve cell or corpuscle, action of alcohol
on, 123 Nerve cell or corpuscle, structure of, 60 Nerve centres, action of alcohol on, 65 et seq. ,, development of, 56
,, position of, 55
Nerve fibres, 61
,, degeneration of, 130
Nerves (cardiac), paralysis of, 203 ,, of stomach, 153 ,, of taste, effect of alcohol on, 148 Nervous debility, 82
,, instability, 119, 263 Nervous system, 49
,, ., action of alcohol on, 65
,, ,, diseases of, 111
,, ,, size of blood-vessels con
trolled by, 136 Neuritis abstinence a cure for, 123
,, alcoholic, 123 Neuro-muscular system, 96 Newsholme, Dr., 267 Nutrition (see Metabolism)
Obesity, 219
Offspring, paternal influence on, 247 Osier, Professor, 214 Overton, 68
Ovulation, defective, 221 Oxidation of poisons in body, 217 ,, a source of heat, 217 delayed, 218
Paralysis, alcoholic, 123
,, of cerebral centres, 66 Paramnesia, 119
Parental emotions, deadening of, 89 Parkes, Dr., 98 Pasteur, 31 Patent spirit, 31
Paternal influence on offspring, 247 Pawlow, Professor, 150, 165 Pearson, Memoir by, 245 Peptic glands, 149 Percentage of alcohol in beers, wines,
spirits, 24 et seq. Pharmacology, place of alcohol in, 12 Pharyngitis, alcoholic, 150 Pia mater, 52 Plasma (see Blood) Pleasurable effects of alcohol, 94 Pneumonia, 207, 222 Poison, alcohol a, 12 Poisons, oxidation of, 217 ,, protoplasmic, 39 Port wine, 161 Potts, 245
Premature death, 207 Protoplasm, 37 |
Salisbury Infirmary, expenditure on alco hol, 5
Saliva, 150
San Francisco, closing of saloons in, 93
Saundby, Dr. Robert, 221
Scar tissue, 184
Schäfer, Professor, 138, 220
Schiller, 75
Scott, Dr. Alexander, 225
Self-control, effect of alcohol on, 87
Senile decay, premature, 131, 219
Sensori-motor areas, 54
Sensori-receptive centres, 53
Sérieux, Dr., 110
Shaw, T. Claye, 76
Shock, treatment of, 204
Shuttleworth, Dr., 252
Sickness, incidence of, in abstainers and non-abstainers, 272
Skin, action of alcohol on, 135 ,, blood-vessels of, 137 ,, health of, 140 ,, temperature of, 139
Smith, Dr. Percy, 119
Soldiers, energy and effectiveness of, 99
Spencer, Herbert, 2, 75
Spinal cord, function of, 58 ,, structure of, 58
Spirits, percentage of alcohol in, 24 ,, preparation of, 30
Starch, in barley, 27 |
290 |
Starling, Professor, 86 Sterility, due to alcohol, 221 Stimulant, wrong use of term, 82 Stomach, atony of, 156
,, chronic dilatation, 157
,, churning movement, 155
,, digestion by, 150-152
,, empty, effect of alcohol on, 152
,, irritant action of alcohol on, 17
,, action of alcohol on lining of,
146 ,, structure of, 150 Sugar, conversion of starch into, 26 ,, ferment action on, 27 ,, grape, 25 ,, in barley, 26 ,, present in beer, 23 ,, sources of, used in manufacture of
alcohol, 26 ,, milk, 258 Suicide, 90
Sullivan, W. C, M.D., 91, 93, 246, 250 Sunstroke, 121
Surgery, disuse of alcohol in, 6 Susceptibility to alcohol, 6 Sweet-wort, 28 Sympathetic system, 58 Syphilis, 224
Tanzi, 120
Taste, perception deadened by alcohol,
148 Tea and gastric digestion, 162 ,, no depressant effect on nervous system, 79, 83 Temperature of body, 136
,, effect of alcohol on, 136, 220
,, effect of chloroform on, 12
,, effect of ether on, 12
,, how regulated, 136
Templeman, Dr., 259 Thought, range of, affected by alcohol, 75
et seq. Tissue, starvation, 218
,, waste, prevention of, 173 Tissues, building up of, delayed by alcohol, 173 ,, chemical processes in, 215 ,, deficient oxidation of, 217 Toleration, apparent, of alcohol, 16 Tonic state of muscle, 104 Towns, dwellers in, and alcohol, 15 Toxines, retained in the system, 91 Tremor, 98, 118 Treves, Sir F., 101 Troops, use of alcohol by, 99 |
Tuberculosis, alcohol a cause of, in adults, 224 ,, alcohol a cause of, in children,
224 ,, International Congress on,
224 Typhoid, occasionally followed by alcoholic neuritis, 123
Ulceration of stomach, 153 Urea, 216
Virchow, 34
Vitality, lowered by alcohol, 14
Von Moltke, 22
Wandsworth Union, 6
Waste, economic, of barley in brewing, 30
Waste-products, non-elimination of, 218
,, oxidised in body, 216
Water, aerated, effect on digestion, 162
,, natural drink, 216 Water-fleas, experiments on, 44 Waterford Lunatic Asylum, 113 Weber, Sir Hermann, 200 Welch, Professor, 222 Wells, Sir Spencer, 170 Whisky, death from drinking, 67
,, preparation of, 30 Wine, 165
Wine, effect on digestion, 165 ,, narcotic effect of, 165 ,, not “ the milk of the aged,” 14 ,, percentage of alcohol in, 24 ,, preparation of fermented, 31 ,, ,, of unfermented, 32
Wine, medicated, 166 Woodhead, Professor Sims, 210 Women, effect of alcoholism on digestion of, 158 ,, growth of alcoholism amongst, 250 Work, effect of alcohol on school work of children, 251 ,, effect of alcohol on, of compositors,
72 ,, effect of alcohol on, of miners, 102 ,, effect of alcohol on, of soldiers, 98 Wounds, delayed healing of, 222
Yeast, description of, 25
,, inhibitory effect of alcohol on growth
of, 25, 40 ,, use of, in preparation of beer, 27
Ziemssen, Von, 13 |
Printed by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh. |
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